The BROKEN One and her SON
Ashanti was calm as she nudged her little pup, she was sick of being cooped up in the den, she needed to stretch her legs but Bane was not ready to leave yet. She would wait until her little pup was ready, it would start when he opened his eyes. She had been around her mother enough to know that, and she herself had experienced it in her first few weeks of life. A fear was in her, fear that she would not be able to raise Bane in the good and that he would turn dark despite if she were to try her hardest. The child would live, but would his heart fall into darkness or would it be saved by the light and innocence surrounding every pup?
And listen to my words as they come out wrong
Her fur hadn’t been groomed since the birth of her son; she honestly had a lack for her appearance now that she had more important matters to attend to. Hollow had brought her food every day, and she was forever grateful for him, and Koda, Nina and Azariah. All of them had been so kind to her, Azariah the first to welcome her home when she returned. Nina to allow her to stay despite Nina having her own to pups to think of. Koda for being there when she herself had given birth to the little pup. She knew Hollow had saved her the most though. Hollow had brought her back to the pack, he had comforted her on the borders, where she realize she could not condemn the pup for his father’s actions. Lastly, he had been there, always protecting her because he understood. He understood what it was like to be mistreated, or at least she was pretty sure.
Don’t run away, run away this time