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It's not like i've lived before — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Re: There is a full moon. (Oct. 1, 2015)

Please someone join, helping to ward off a cougar is always fun! A couple back and forth between who ever joins first before the cougar gets brought in please?!

She was beginning to feel lonely. Traveling beneath the cloak of darkness had allowed her to travel most of Riddle Heights without detection but it also left her feeling a sense of resentment toward so many who had the blessing of others to keep them company. She missed Lachesis the most, and on chilly nights along the mountain ridge she fantasized about the warmth of his body, and those inviting eyes that never seemed to judge her, even at her weakest moments. She envisioned the moment when they could reconnect with one another again, but the dark woman wasn't foolish enough to believe that her return wouldn't garner harsh feelings; surely had imagined her deserting him. And then she thought of her leaders Maksim, and Kisla and then of their pups before eventually she would close her mind off from the unfortunate strain of events that had fell into her lap knowing that one day it would work itself out.

For the time being, the dark woman needed shelter, food and most importantly, directions to where the Cut Rock River wolves had relocated.

On this night the young beauty had perched herself on a ledge overlooking the dark and barren ground below, and a height of at least 50 ft. separated her from those determined enough to travel up the base of Riddle Heights where sparse trees lead to the top of the seemingly never ending mountain. A strong gust of cool wind rocked her thinning frame but she remained sitting, as if anticipating a long awaited guest that was never to come--a fire burned within her eyes that eventually she would find her way back home. Looking up into the heavens the dark girl noted the moon, its vibrant hued transfixed her gaze as she lifted her head to do what any desperate, or foolish, wolf would do, she howled for anyone to accompany her on this glorious and peaceful night.

No sooner did her call release from her mouth did a young mother cougar, a notoriously nocturnal creature despite her young cubs, stop in its tracks to pinpoint just where the call had come. It had been days since the mother had lucked up on any prey, especially this far up on the mountain ledge and she imagined the ease of successfully hunting down the lone wolf and ridding the territory of one less wolf, and competition for food. 
(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2015, 11:13 PM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer


With purpose did Kyna set off, telling no one were she was off to, or when she planned on returning. Truthfully, she saw little reason to – thus far, she’d always managed to find her home, even when she’d slipped and fallen from the path she was so certain to follow. Even without a mother to scold her for being out too late, or crossing borders at all, the princess returned to the den she was supposed to, settling in quietly and without a word. If Phineas was tucked in, she curled herself right up next to his warmth, careful not to disturb the alpha’s sleep. Were the older male not yet in the family den, she would ball herself up and fall asleep, waiting for his arrival.

So there was little concern about her return to Silent Moon Plateau as the youth set off, intent on seeking out clues of where her mother might have gone. Investigations up to this point had turned up little to go on, but what else would the honeyspun child do but continue to seek? Keen as Aponi might have been about leaving her daughter to seek out some other truth, Kyna was having a much harder time letting go of the mother who’d raised her the first several, crucial months of her life. That she might have gone the same way as Aesire was absolutely something she refused to believe. If there was something, anything nearby that might lead her back to her mum, the girl was certain to find it, even if she must look every day.

And so she spent her time, nose to the ground and well unaware of how dark it had gotten as she worked among the rocks outside her home. Perhaps the full moon had done some to shed some light, leaving her slightly confused about the amount of time she’d spent. She might not have noticed at all, if not for the unfamiliar voice drifting through Riddle Heights. Head jerking up, the child caught sight of the inky sky and twinkling stars. Her ears swept back as she gulped, eyes ringed white as she glanced about wildly. Have I fallen so far, and the hour is so late? she thought wildly, not recognizing the stones or foliage about. Was it that she’d wandered too far, or that things looked so different when bathed in the pale light of the moon?

“H-hello?” she called out to the voice, tail sweeping underneath her belly as she glanced about. Should she seek out the wolf? Perhaps they knew the way back to the plateau, she hoped, and with that in mind, moved forward, picking carefully though the dark so that she did not trip. “H-Hello?” she called a second time, the form of a wolf coming in to view. The animal up ahead was dark, a bit like Greer, but his voice was not so light, so airy. (He also did not strike her as the type to call up to the moon without reason, so she kept a few lengths distance between herself and the stranger.) “Are you…from here?”

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bastet Akhenaten
@Kyna  Your table is amazing! I love it! :D And thanks for joining!

Her call echoed in the heavens and no sooner did it leave did she lift her head a second time to call to anyone nearby; becoming a loner had made her desperate for company and she would welcome anyone on this particular night. A cool wind whipped past her dark coat and she tucked her thin legs in closer to her stomach, her bushy tail coiled around her toes as she sat similar to a cashmere cat in wait of its owner to return back home, silence that quickly followed her second howl had caused her ears to perk to attention, turning every so often at the slightest of sounds.

 It took a moment but eventually her guest arrived and vibrant mix-matched eyes landed on Kyna the instant she was upon her. She hadn't expected the company of a pup this far up the mountain and stared the young girl down in silence as if half expecting her to disappear. Kyna was brave, that was evident in the fact that she had ventured so far up the mountain alone but she could sense that the night made her nervous in the way she called into the darkness, questioning the very wolf who had beckoned her. "Are you from around here sweetie?" she questioned Kyna in response, ignoring the girls own question.

It hadn't occurred to her until now, as Kyna's scent filled her sensitive nose, that a pack obviously occupied this mountain and it blew her mind that she had never ran into the pack, especially with as much time that she'd spent on this lonely dark ridge. Her legs unraveled themselves easily to stand at her full height and without missing a beat the dark woman circled the ginger girl once, studying her physique and the unique glisten of her youthful pelt before she paused in front of the beauty, silence taking over the area once more. Bastet was a woman of few words unless provoked and though this young girl had sparked her interest, she wasn't yet ready to spill, and had opted instead for elusiveness in case this wolf decided to call to her pack; she couldn't afford being chased off. 

The instant that the young princess of Silent Moon Plateau appeared did the cougar mother, having lingered on the upper side of the ridge where she could easily lean over and see the two mingling wolves. The smaller of the two seemed much more appealing to her now, but there was the problem of the obvious adult in the area and the cougar mother was no stranger to how fierce mothers could be over their cubs; she was a prime example. She decided to wait a moment, linger in case the cub wandered off, and at this safe distance there was no way the two of them could detect her, or could they?
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer



Kyna had not expected her question to be answered with another query and blinked owlishly at the adult wolf for a moment.  Was she supposed to tell?  She’d yet to discover a reason not to, and after swallowing down the lump in her throat, the young blond gave a small bob of her head.  “Yes.  Down there.  Silent Moon Plateau,” she murmured, glancing over her shoulder in the general direction of her father’s pack.  It would take some effort to get home in the dark, the princess realized glumly, but her father’s wolves had done a fine job laying down scent at the borders, making a barrier from any lone wolf who thought to casually cross into an owned territory.  They would have to make the mistake willingly – a punishable offense.  Thankfully, such a pungent scent would be able to led the girl home, if she really worked at it…

…but curiosity currently took the girl’s mind away from returning to her father’s den, and she glanced back at the ebony wolf.  The only other shadow she’d met so dark was @Greer … and @Niles, come to think of it.  She liked both of those boys more than most (and had little idea they were full brothers), and decided to give the stranger a chance.  After all, the adult had spoken kindly, so Kyna sidled a little closer, coming within a wolf’s length of the older female.  She did not sit, could not sit as she was circled, heart drumming in her chest, but nothing ill came of the adult’s investigation, and a soft breath whistled through her nose.

Unaware of the cougar in the distance, the girl allowed her desire to know to continue to lead her onward, and she cleared her throat softly as she hoped to catch the other wolf’s attention.  “I’m Kyna,” she introduced herself, tail wagging once in a hopeful display of am amicable conversation.  She’d already given the location of her home, and did not repeat her alliances – if Bastet didn’t catch the name, she would undoubtedly be able to smell the musk of the Moon wolves heavy on the girl’s guard hairs.  After all, she slept next to @Phineas every night, and smelled more like the alpha than most members of the pack.  

Small talk often failed the child, and after another moment of silence, she shuffled her feet awkwardly.  Should she ask?  Other wolves she’d come across had known her mother – perhaps this stranger had seen something in her wanderings.  The woman didn’t smell like here, so…what could it hurt?  She’d never find her dam if she didn’t keep looking.  Glancing up from her paws bashfully, Kyna murmured again, ears flexing back and forth in a clear display of her discomfort.  “Have…you seen a silver lady?  Aponi?  I’m looking for her,” the child explained, her tail giving a soft twitch. “She left.  I miss her.”

I need to know to know that she’s okay, Kyna could not admit out loud.  I need to know she didn’t end up like Aesire.

Thank you!  Grey (@Rook) made it!  And happy to -- looks like this thread could get exciting.  :3
(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2015, 03:18 PM by Kyna.)