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The time that's past — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Bastet Akhenaten

There was so many different elements to Bastet, so many different layers that even she was learning about but there was one thing for sure she had never been weak. She valued challenges, though they were infrequent, and she had no harsh feelings for Birtie except for her determination to shoot so soon to the top without first building a reputation. No wolf would be blind enough to run behind someone who hadn't earned the respect of others and given Birtie's sour attitude she was certain that she had treated very many of the other pack members as she had Bastet--with little regard. She nodded when he assured her that he didn't know much about the pale woman, and she believed it without question but it didn't quite alleviate the feelings she felt for her, in fact they seemed to have intensified. She clenched her jaws together, not wanting to speak out of turn or seem rude but she was a little taken back that he would think that a wolf as bold and opinionated as Bastet would run away because of a rank challenge. "The only way that she would make me leave is if she chased me out. If Birtie wants to fight I will fight her, she will not gain this rank easily." she answered without missing a beat. She definitely had no qualms with fighting the woman again if she wanted to, "I do not think she is bad...I think that she is very hot headed and stubborn. Qualities that can be bad for any leader, especially a young one." her shoulder shrugged, knowing that many wolves around Birtie's age acted similar until something helped to level them out, whether it be the stress of becoming leader or the failure of losing it all, eventually something brings them down to a level. "I will give her a shot." she offered him, knowing that Kajika would respect that she would at least give her the opportunity to open up a little but she would make no promises--as she hadn't with Tulip. On the topic of her advising she felt her smile return, ears perking at the opportunity to be a greater asset to the pack, she was certain that she had a lot of advice to give that is if they were willing to listen. "I do, and that's why I value both of your opinions." she answered, head nodding along as he spoke. Everything he mentioned had merit, he was quite a wolf with words. "Would this be your first litter if you do decide to breed?" she questioned, having guessed that the male participated in many of them a time or two. 

she's the unpredictable sort
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

While he liked the peace of a well settled pack he also understood that rank challenges were necessary sometimes. It was healthy for the pack and the possibility of them pushed the members to be better. For that reason he had not discouraged Birtie when she said she wanted to challenge again. He also would not discourage Bastet from doing the sake if she thought it necessary. Fallen Tree Cove had gone through a transition in the summer with him and Moonshadow becoming Alpha’s and now that they would be keeping their positions permanently it was time to start building the pack up so that it could be at it's best at all times. “Then I don't have to worry about you leaving, I doubt she will chase you off. I'm glad to know that you won't give up your position easily. Fight for what's yours, you've earned it,” he said as he nudged her cheek. He wanted the two women to push themselves to he the best that they could be. Again he found himself nodding at the dark woman's words though he didn't know if he agreed with them. “They can be qualities that are bad for a leader but she has to make it there first. Moonshadow is a very capable wolf and she won't give the position up easily.” The two of them had worked too hard to earn the alpha position to just give it up. “Thank you," he said when she told him that she would give her a shot. He hoped that some time would help the to women to come to an understanding and maybe start to trust each other as packmates. Speaking of giving wolves a chance he still wanted to speak to her about Tulip. That was put on hold once more as she spoke of valuing both his and Moonshadow's opinions, “Then I think that you becoming advisor should go smoothly. As long as we can all talk things out and all value each other's opinions and listen to each other.” He had no doubt that things would go well and he rather looked forward to working with the dark woman in her capacity as an advisor. Puppies were in her mind it seems which was understandable, he might have been avoiding it just a little. He have a nod on response to her question, “It would be my very first.” He left it at that wondering what she thought of his confession.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Advisor demonstration 1/3

Bastet Akhenaten

Her head shook to the side in response to Kajika's words, and purely out of habit she relaxed her ears atop her head, a yawn forced itself from her jaws. She wasn't necessarily bored but her time had been split between exploring the land and maintaining the borders coupled with a hard time staying asleep so it was fair to say that the woman was tired. She steadied herself though, maintaining a rigid form when finally she spoke, assuring him that even if she lost a fight with the younger woman this mountain would remain her home."I don't off scare easily, at least not anymore." she admitted and what he said next made the most sense of all; she still had Moonshadow to get through. She eased into his touch, welcoming the warmth that radiated from him and continued on with another thought, "I'm sure whatever happens and how it happens, we'll be fine. I don't think she's out to cause harm, at least not intentionally. She might be a great asset in time..." everyone needed time, especially with Bastet. She was definitely not the easiest to impress, there was a method to her reasoning and though not everyone would understand it, in her mind it made perfect sense. She nodded her head, her only response when he mentioned her advising and she was certain that they could all function together well as a team as long as they respected each other and took the time to understand the others viewpoints. "Then you will make a wonderful father," she admitted, they usually did with the first litter since nerves and the desire to be the best at every task would propel him to want to be involved in every minute of his pups lives. "do you think Moonshadow and Tagg will wish to try again after losing their son?" she wondered what he thought on the matter, knowing that losing the child had been devastating for both of them.

she's the unpredictable sort
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 04:46 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

At Bastet's words Kajika felt a measure of relief to know that no matter what happened between her and Birtie she would remain. Like all of his pack members he valued her especially since she'd proven herself to him. The pledge that she'd made him when she joined still held true and he hoped that there would he nothing that could shake it. Though he knew from experience that the mountain had it's challenges that could shake even the strongest resolve. “That's a good thing life in the cove isn't always the easiest thing to endure. No matter what happens you will always he valued here.”

With breeding season drawing closer with each passing day and it now being his opportunity to start a family of his own he knew he had a decision to make. It wasn't easy to choose the mother of his children especially when he didn't have a mate. “Thank you Bastet, I'm glad at least one of us is confident in that knowledge.” Now that there was a good possibility that he would become a father this year he just wanted to jump in the icy lake. At her question about Moonshadow and Tagg he looked at Bastet thoughtfully. “I am not sure but I think it's a possibility. Moonshadow seems to love being a mother.” The question was would Tagg return in time?

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Bastet Akhenaten

She smiled, happy for his encouraging words and thankful that despite all the happenings in the pack, he still had her back. It felt good to be valued, and she learned fairly quick that Kajika cared tremendously for his pack members, often seeking them out for their opinions and checking on them if the time seemed right; he was a rare gem. She cupped her ears when he mentioned the cove being a challenging place and she felt he had taken the words right from her mouth, she wasn't much for mountains and though it felt safe and secure she wondered how long it could contain them. "Have you ever considered moving the pack?" she wondered, ears flicking backward when she found his gaze. It might do them some good, or perhaps it would prove to be too much for some. She felt a genuine smile cross her lips when he thanked her and she bumped her head into him affectionately, she was certain that he would prove to be a very good father when the time came. "I can't wait to see what they will look like, or what they will grow to be." like him she was excited and she knew that eventually, when the time was right, he'd be ready to tackle parenthood. He answered her question on Moonshadow and she nodded her head silently, searching his face a moment before her eyes moved toward the horizon in thought. She remembered how distraught Tagg had been and she could only imagine how strong it took for Moonshadow to keep her composure knowing her little boy was out there somewhere lost, it could break down the strongest of wolves. "I hope losing their son doesn't make them lose hope. There is always so much happiness in birthing more lives, I just hope they can get over their hurdles." and finally she grew quiet, not wanting to say anything further in case she said the wrong thing.

she's the unpredictable sort
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

He and Bastet had their rough times but he was glad that he could still come to her and talk with her. He did enjoy their talks even if they had their own opinions, he was glad that she wasn't afraid to afraid to voice her opinion just because he was an alpha. As he spoke of the cove and the challenges that they had faced in the time he'd been there he also thought of how they had come through it all. He felt that it made them stronger as a pack and while he didn't want them to face anymore hardship he knew that they couldn't live in peace always. He turned his Amber eyes on her when she asked about moving the pack. “I have, Moonshadow would never agree especially with Chan still missing. Besides, despite it all I love living on the mountain and without the challenges we won't get to see what we are really capable of.” He thought of the day he'd found Des and while he still wanted revenge for her death the fire didn't burn so hot any more. What he realized though was that he was capable of killing if that was what it came to. He smiled at her and licked her crown as she bumped her head against him. “Me either! It's so hard to imagine with so many possibilities but I hope they grow into good wolves who will do good in the world.” He knew well enough how quickly someone could change but he also understood that it was a choice to be good. He'd made that choice. As for Moonshadow he was hopeful for her but he wasn't sure if she did want to have children. Kajika brushed his muzzle against hers as she spoke of Moonshadow and Tagg. “They are both strong wolves who've been through a lot and I know losing their son has been hard on them both. I think with us, the pack, we can happen them to overcome their hurdles.” That was what Fallen Tree Cove did, help each other through the hard times as a family should.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Advisor demonstration 2/3

She supposed she hadn't been the first to mention moving the pack, but then again a mountain wasn't the most ideal for a pack--at least for Bastet. She enjoyed the flatness, the ability to keep her balance without worry for falling to injury or death with the wrong step, or training her lungs to adjust to the altitude. She knew that it would be a shot in the dark having the pack move but it didn't hurt to at least get his opinion on the matter and his response was just-- there were still so many loose ends to tie up before they removed themselves from the mountain. She nodded her head, "Those sound like solid reasons, but I think at this point the pack has proved it's worth. We could use a little break, at least until next winter." she said, chuckling slightly. Winter on a mountain was a challenge all of its own and since they had survived, she was sure that by now they deserved a break.

He mentioned puppies, to which she smiled. She had always liked them, as long as they weren't hers and solely her responsibility. She had never considered herself the mothering type and thought it best to leave it to those who craved creating life--Bastet had her own experience and had never cared for the activity. "Just don't overthink it. Giving them the tools is the first step, they'll have to decide how and what they do with it." she said, knowing that Kajika would do well in teaching his children what he knew. They went on to discuss Moonshadow and Tagg further and the woman couldn't help nodding her head, it would take more than the two of them alone to overcome the loss of their child and though Bastet was not typically the one show emotion or give it for that matter, she hoped that they knew she actually did care. " I wish we could do more. Hopefully the little guy shows up sooner than later for both of their sake." she said, hoping he came back before he was no longer considered a "little" guy.

(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 04:44 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

There were plenty of reasons to move the pack but there were also plenty to leave things as they were. Chan was the biggest reason and as long as he was still missing Kajika wouldn't even broach the subject with Moonshadow. He wanted to see Chan back too and moving the pack would only lessen those chances. She agreed with his reasons which brought on a smile but he chuckled as she spoke of the pack proving their worth. “Are you suggesting a summer home?” He asked half joking. There were a few places in . the lore he wouldn't mind spending the summer. “You are right though. The pack has proven themselves, Moonshadow and I are grateful that you all have stuck with us.” He was happy with the pack now and hoped that it would only get better with the passing of time.

When it came to pups she had some good advice for him. She was right though, all he could do was give them the tools and hope they made the right choices. It was what he as a teacher did, “I promise to not overthink it but surrounded by good wolves I can't imagine they would use them in a bad way. It's good advice Bastet.” They were words get would keep in mind and remind himself often. Having his own children was a lot different than teaching the children of others. When the topic turned to Moonshadow and Tagg a frown crossed his features. “I do as well,” on both accounts. Kajika often felt he should be out looking for Chan too but he had to remain to look after the pack and Moonshadow. “Even if he only comes to let them know he's okay.” Though he hoped Chan would stay.

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Played by Hero who has 204 posts.
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Bastet Akhenaten
Advisor demonstration 3/3

Shall we fade out with your next post and we can have another thread?

She chuckled, ears pulling themselves backward when he asked if she thought they would be better off on a summer home, and without producing a word she shook her head even if the thought was tempting. She knew it was much to ask for them to move, and it didn't hurt that at least Kajika had considered it as well, but she couldn't imagine moving somewhere uncomfortably hot either because surely she would complain. If there was some place with a happy medium she would gladly suggest a move but unfortunately she was still learning the Lore all over again and unaccustomed to the many hidden gems. "I told you that I am loyal," she said with a smile when he mentioned his and Moonshadow appreciation for her. He mentioned pups once more and she couldn't help but smile harder, happy that he was excited for his future. She couldn't help but wonder what was in store for the lead male now that he had so many females to choose from, the possibilities were supposedly endless. "I'm glad I can help put some perspective on things. It's not easy being a first time parents but as a pack we'll pull through." she said, inching closer. He spoke his peace on the lead female and for a moment she wondered if Chan would ever come back. "That would be nice. I at least hope he's alive and well, I know that would crush them knowing he was harmed or worse..." she trailed off, not wanting to think of it any further. {b}{b}"I don't even want to think about that. I'm sure he's fine."[/b] she said, closing her eyes. They were all fine, and would always be.[/b]
(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 04:49 AM by Bastet.)
Avatars by Becca! Thank you!

Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

She was amused by his comment of a summer home for the pack. He smile graced his maw as she chuckled, he did enjoy her company and was glad that he'd brought her into the pack. For so many reasons and one of them being the hard work that she did for them. He and Moonshadow didn't have any complaints about her and he was sure that his co-lead wouldn't mind having Bastet as an advisor at all. He smiled again, “That you did and I trusted your word and I'm glad I did.” She was certainly an asset to the pack. One he intended to keep around as long as she would allow. As they spoke of children, his more specifically she did help to put him at ease some. “No, it's kind if a scary thought to be honest but your right as a pack we will. I think we have a good group of wolves and Fallen Tree Cove is starting to get that family feeling again.” It was the way the cove had felt when he'd first joined but as time had passed things just got so unconnected. He was happy to have the wolves in the cove that he had and he felt they were a stronger unit. He had taken notice of the fact she'd inched closer to him and he didn't move away. Kajika nodded in agreement with her words on Chan, “I hope he is too, I don't think Moonshadow would recover if she found out something bad had happened to him.” And that worried him especially since he'd seen her with just the knowledge that Chan was missing. He would have to have a heart to heart with the boy if he ever returned. He turned his head to look at her as she asked about allies. “The heights, they aren't far from us. I have spoken with one of their leaders but that was before winter. Then there is the draw, we have been in communication with them for awhile now. I also know of a pack in the north, White Fir Notch. I met with them last year at this time but I haven't had the chance to return. I thought I would send Birtie there once the season is over and we are in the warmer months. I also need to send her to Oak Tree Bend just to check in and give the news of the change in leadership. I may go with her as it might be best for me to deliver that news and I have met their leaders before.” That was all the information he had in that for the time being.


(This post was last modified: Apr 05, 2018, 03:47 PM by Kajika.)
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