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Under the Radar — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
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Solas ColdHeart
It was likely his impatience and the fact that he was eager that made it seem like a long time had passed before he could finally see the two forms that came down the side of the mountain. A bark was the only other warning he received before the goat was there and in front of him. Maybe it had thought the ledge in front of it would give it a chance to spring back up and away from the wolf at its heels. It wasn't expecting the wolf in front of it so when a snarl spilt past his lips and he moved to snap at the goat it baulked and rather violently at that.

It was stuck then between two jaws, a wall it couldn't climb, and a cliff it couldn't safely get down. It was effectively pinned in place and a hard toothy smile crossed the stormy male's face. Even though he was at an advantage of height he was still left to deal with the horns and if he did jump down there was a chance the goat might try and jump him in desperation. If it did that the results wouldn't be pretty on that he was sure. So the only thing he could do at the moment was try and keep it from moving forward more and avoid the horns.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2018, 04:37 AM by Solas.)
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

The adrenaline of the hunt coursed through the dark alpha as he locked in on his target. Solas he knew should be at the ledge waiting and all that was left was to drive the goat that direction. That was exactly what he did. Kajika had first ambushed the creature and got it turned in the direction he wanted it to go before starting the chase barking and snapping at is hindquarters to keep it moving. He didn't relent in his assault on the animal until they finally reached the ledge.

He had let out a bark before hand to let Solas know they were coming and that he needed to be ready. Then when the goat stepped into the ledge the dark man positioned himself so that the creature wouldn't turn and run back the way they had come. He however noticed the problem that Solas seemed to be having because he hesitated, the horns. That was quite the problem because he didn't want his packmate to end up impaled by them. So Kajika did what he could to being the goats attention to him and away from Solas hopefully giving him an opening.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
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Solas ColdHeart
If only he could get around the horns then he might be able to do something more than snap at it. Kajika seemed to realize his problem and pulled the goat's attention to him. It was only a moment but the goat tried to look at the wolf behind it and the stormy male took that moment to inflict some damage on the neck that had been bared for him. Fangs sliced neatly through flesh and fur cutting into the tendons of the neck but he was knocked back by the horns as the goat turned back towards him. His skull hurt that was for sure but the scent of fresh blood in the air invigorated him and he snapped forward again.

This time he went for the nose seeing as how the goat was having trouble keeping its head up now that some of its support had been lost. The horns only helped as Solas closed his jaws around the vulnerable area and pushed down deciding to lose the advantage of his perch. As long as he could keep his grip the goat would simply suffocate and the more it struggled the faster that would happen.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Things with the goat had gotten a little shaky when Kajika realized that the horns were posing a problem for Solas. He couldn't jump down on the animal because it could go get badly. The only thing that the dark alpha could think to do in that moment to try and give his companion a opening to do his part was to distract the goat by nipping and barking at its face. Those actions got it to turn on Kajika and draw its horns away from Solas. The last thing the alpha wanted to do was to get this far k it to have to give up because they couldn't get past the horns.

As expected his companion took the opening and soon had damaged the goats neck to the point it was having trouble holding it up. He saw his packmate get knocked back by the horns but there was no time to stop and make sure he was okay. A moment later Solas had clamped his jaws around the goats neck and was holding on for dear life. It was only a matter of time before the goat would breath it's last breath and they would be successful in their hunt. Kajika waited ready to jump in if he was needed.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
The goat was definitely not going to give up without a fight. It thrashed about trying to get rid of the wolf that clung to it. Growling Solas held on even as he was wrenched about. He hoped Kajika had the mind to step away so that he didn't get caught up on the horns as they waved back and forth violently. Even though it was trying to survive its actions were making its wounds worse and the wolf to clench tighter to keep its grip. One thrash jerked Solas against the wall and he winced as his shoulder yet but his grip didn't falter. He was not going to let go.

It felt like forever to the stormy male when the goat finally tired. Its movements were no longer steady as they had been and Solas took that moment to wrench its head aside to reveal its neck to Kajika in hope that he would be able to do the finishing blow before the goat got a second wind and tried to thrash around again. He didn't let go to deal the blow himself just in case that second wind happened sooner rather than later.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
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Kajika Tallis

Any hopes that the goat would come quietly we're shattered as it bucked and kicked out. It put up the fight of its life trying to get the wolf that had a hold of its neck off of it. The creature didn't understand they it would be better off if it let this happen. With the tendons torn in its neck it would take ever be the same again. Still it thrashed and so violently that Kajika was forced to take a step back to keep from getting kicked or hit with the horns that he and Solas had been trying to avoid. All he could do at that point was watched the struggle between hunter and prey. “Solas,” he said as he winced and took a step forward when he saw the lighter man hit the rocks with his shoulder.

Yet again he was left feeling just a hit helpless. That was until his companion somehow managed to expose the goats neck to him. Without hesitation and for that second everything seemed to fall into place. Kajika was able to dive in and find a grip that would allow him to deliver the death blow to the goat. He grabbed on and didn't let go until the animal had gone motionless underneath the two wolves and he was sure that it wouldn't be moving again.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
OOC: Fade with our next posts?

As he hit the wall he heard his name, but he put it aside. He needed to keep his attention on the thrashing goat so that should it do something unexpected he would be able to see it coming. Nothing came but the goat had tired. Trying to shake a wolf as large as the stormy male did that to someone. It was at that point that he was able to pull the goats head aside and let Kajika go for the final blow and he did so without hesitation.

Solas waited until he was absolutely sure that the goat had taken its last breath and that it was dead before he let go. Then letting go of his grip he sat back with a tired huff. Panting he looked to his companion with a grin on his face. They had done it! They had been able to catch a goat on there first try. Sure it had been a little rocky but they had been able to do it in the end.
[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Fade with your next post?

He didn't know if Solas heard him say his name or not and he hoped he didn't. The alpha didn't want to distract his subordinate from the dangerous task he was involved in. He made a mental note to make sure the man rested infection all if this was done. The goat had quite a lot of strength still left in it despite the injuries that it had suffered. When given his opening Kajika struck without hesitation and hit his mark. All that was left to do was hold his bite until the goat no longer moved.

When both wolves were sure the goat was finally subdued permanently they both let it go. He joined Solas in taking that moment to catch their breath after the struggle they had both been involved in. Sitting back on his haunches and panting he looked over the goat. “A job well done,” he said between pants. They had been successful on their first try, it was a time for celebrating but Kajika was ready for an early night. “We should get it back before we lose the light,” he added after his panting had subsided some.

[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Hex who has 200 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Solas ColdHeart
OOC: Faded @Kajika

He took the compliment as it was given with a simple nod of acceptance. He was still trying to get his breath back and then after that they would have to get the goat back down to the pack and that was going to be a task on its own. Solas eyed the goat over quite pleased with how things had gone and he was actually happy. Maybe it was because he felt like he had actually accomplished something or maybe it was simply having a plan follow through until the prize sat in front of them, quite literally in this case.

Once he wasn't panting as hard he rose. Alright I guess we better get going on this. He said as he took hold of the goat. Slowly but surely the two of them managed to get it back to the pack and with it some knowledge on how to hunt them, which would be useful to them in the future.

[Image: solas_sig_by_becuffin-dbocy7k.png]
[Image: vnuylcejuy1r9dyd_by_silversnake54-dc87n0m.gif]