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What!? No — Shallows Edge 
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Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
Sachiel held back, for a split second, before charging at the cow alongside his packmates. He observed their methods first, his mismatched eyes following Askan first before flitting over to the tawny shape of Lyanna. It did not take him long to follow suit, his gangly body flying launching through the air toward the injured cow. He bounded to the side opposite of the golden-eyed female, his jaws reaching for any exposed flesh within reach. The boy wasn’t trying to connect with his target every time—he was trying to push it toward his packmates so they could deliver blows of their own. A fourth wolf had joined their party—Remington, one of the founding members. She dove in without hesitation, her silver body striking with precision.

He sunk his jaws into her armpit, his head shaking back and forth as his teeth tore at her skin. He pulled, hard, toward the ground, determination fuelling his actions as he attempted to knock the cow off balance so one of his packmates could go for her throat or exposed stomach…
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
I'm starting to feel sorry for this poor cow
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

The cow bellowed in both pain and panic as she struggled, flailing and kicking in an attempt to dislodge her attackers. No matter how hard she tried they just wouldn't let go, she only had one choice left. She would have to try to run, even if that meant dragging the wolves along for a little.

Honestly, Askan was surprised that the cow still had so much fight left in her. By no means had he assumed she would just lay down and bare her throat, but she was making this far more difficult than it had to be. Even with three sets of jaws ripping and tearing she still flailed, wild and dangerous. For a moment the Edge Lord considered ordering Sachiel to back off, lest he received a hoof to the face, but they were struggling to contain her with three wolves and the task would be near impossible with two. To Askan's relief, another wolf appeared on the scene and charged into the fray, Remington. Better late than never.

The elk stumbled, dragging the wolves along as their paws scrabbled in the dirt for purchase. Each step was agony, her vision blurred around the corners and her legs wobbled- then with a terrible yank to her throat she lost her footing and landed on the floor with a painful thud.

Askan pulled in a lungful of air as he fell upon the cow once more, she was down but she most definitely wasn't out. His snout was already stained with blood, but so much more was about to be shed.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

In the thick of the frenzy, the initial trio was joined by another of the Edge wolves - one she'd yet to meet. Lyanna could really only spare a second or two to note the woman's arrival before returning her full attention to the task at hand, which was becoming more arduous as the time went by despite the impressive amount of damage the wolves had already done. With four predators now surrounding the caribou with no mercy, her time was quickly running out.

The cow continued to fumble about, swaying side to side as both Lyanna and Sachiel continued to tear away at her limbs and belly. With Remington in the fray, the wounded cow attempted to make a move or some attempt at an escape, only to stumble a few steps ashore before wobbling to a stop and collapsing as Askan yanked down on her throat. The tawny girl was quick to lunge for the foreleg that kicked helplessly at their Leader, doing her best to avoid any potential blows herself as she aimed to immobilize the cow further.

Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Shallows Edge
Carpe Noctem

If they weren't in the middle of it she would have applauded Sachiel for his efforts. He had come such a long ways in these months, and it took great courage in moments like this. She made a note somewhere in the corner of her mind to do so later. When the poor beast was dead, and they had caught their breaths.

Onward the cloven hoof went, still clinging to the last bit of her life. Remi marveled at this cow's strength. She didn't think she would have had the will to go on under the circumstances. Eventually their prey got caught in the throat, and swayed finally falling to the earth. Remington wouldn't stop till she was told. Till it was certain they ended the poor thing's life. With Askan at the throat she threw herself at its withers, making an effort to get a huge bite, drawing more blood. Then she made a second where she kept a good hold, using her weight to keep her grounded. Hoping that eventually the rhythm of her limbs would cease with her heart.

[Image: se_by_a_yellow_bird-dc2z4ij.png]
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
sorry for the delay <3 @Askan

He, too, was surprised by the fight in the cow. She was resilient and stubborn; clinging onto the remaining minutes of her life in a desperate attempt to flee the scene. But the quartet continued to gnaw at her wounded hide, weakening her and causing more blood to spill. He swayed with the cow as she stumbled, her knobbly legs finally buckling beneath the weight of the wolves. Askan gave a final tug at her throat, causing her legs to give out beneath her and her body to sink to the ground with a dull thud. He couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his tawny, blood-stained features as he followed Remington’s lead and leaned into the cow’s body in an attempt to keep her rooted to the ground. His teeth were no longer needed—enough damage had been done to the cow. Her eyes would soon glaze over and her body would grow still. She would serve the Edge wolves well in the coming days. 
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
And that's a wrap!
One more post from y'all and we can call it done! No posting order, if you're the last to post please add a fade.
I don't care if heaven won't take me back

The cow had no fight left in her, she laid stone still, covered in blood as her breathing ceased. And just like that it was all over, another life snuffed out. Askan felt no remorse as he looked down at his handiwork, at the deep gashes he had inflicted to her throat. It was messy, inelegant but clearly effective. At least her death had been relatively quick, any and all suffering she'd gone through she'd brought down on herself. She couldn't have struggled so damn much, if she'd just accepted her fate it would have been so much easier. But honestly, Askan sort of enjoyed it. Liked knowing that his efforts had been rewarded, that his pack would have full bellies for days to come. Yeah, he was pretty damn good at this leading thing. Or so he liked to think, no one was going hungry on his watch. 

Licking his lips, Askan turned to the other's with a grin.

"Not bad, right?" He pressed a front paw down onto her side, as though to claim his prize. "Found her all on my own." His grin grew even wider then, oh no, he was getting smug. "But I'm feeling charitable so tuck in."

Even though he intended to take the juicer cuts for himself-and maybe save some for Reyes, when he finally showed his handsome face- Askan wasn't so greedy he'd make the other's watch and wait. There was more than enough to go around, even those who didn't show would get a bit. Without further ado, Askan bowed down and took his first bite. Food always tasted that much better when it was fresh, when the blood was still warm.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

Even in light of the hard work they'd all put in, the killing seemed to be over in an instant. The battered cow laid lifeless before them, right for the eating, but of course not before Askan offered her up. Lyanna, with her feminine features both bloodied and satisfied, eyed him as he swaggered his way over to the body to mindfully place a paw upon the kill. Who was the smug cow, now, she entertained herself silently, unsure if she should serve him with a sarcastic bow, a couple of arched brows, or a standing ovation.

She settled for a well look at you in all your glory grin and a wag of her tail. As was his right, she supposed, he tucked in himself to get to work at the cow's choice meat. With the heaving of her sides beginning to fade, Lyanna circled around to eat a meager portion of a bit a flank before moving along to the tougher, though perfectly fresh, haunch. Tonight, they'd be slumbering the night away in a well-deserved food coma.

{Lyanna out}
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn
His mismatched gaze swept over his packmates as the cow’s breathing came to a stop, excitement causing his body to tremble and his tail to wag frantically behind him. Success! What a fantastic prize for the Edgy wolves—a well deserved one, too. They had endured enough coyotes in the recent weeks and suffered a blow to their caches due to the lack of food being brought in but this cow had practically knocked on their door and would now offer them days—maybe even weeks!—of food. He beamed. It was a victory for the Edgy Crew. He waited for Askan and Lyanna to dig in first before gnawing at the meat on her shoulder. He was not picky when it came to what part of the cow he ate—he was too hungry to care. And it all tasted the same as far as he was concerned. The meat gave him a burst of energy—something he had not felt in weeks. It gave him hope that they would be able to overcome the scrawny vermin that plagued the nearby forests and that they would resume their regular hunting soon. The cow made him realize how much he missed larger game… he could only munch of rabbits and squirrels for so long before he grew tired of their lean meat. He craved substance—which was exactly what the cow was providing. It also made him realize how well the Edge wolves worked together. They weren’t just packmates but they were family, and he was incredibly thankful for the wolves in his life.
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Switch who has 145 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Their efforts were rewarded as death finally arrived. Relieved she stepped back letting the tension in her body flee in a sigh. A bloody grin widening her lips as her eyes passed around to her pack mates. Just as happy as they were. If only all hunts went so well. This was a tremendous, good thing they'd gotten and she wouldn't let anything steal this victorious moment away.

At Askan's speech a merry laugh left her and she faintly shook her head. Though she smirked further not really annoyed nor surprised. Askan had every reason to be proud. She was just reminded of his competitive nature and the other side of him that always had a good jest. One she felt like she hadn't seen in awhile. But she was sure that had been on her. Maybe it was time she issued another one like they'd done in the fields. Like a coyote one. These thoughts slid away. Like the good leader he was he didn't make them wait. Her tail gave a grateful wag and she did exactly as she was told all to happy for a piece of a real piece of meat.

[Image: se_by_a_yellow_bird-dc2z4ij.png]