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Lonesome Dove — Empress Riffle 
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Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
A couple days had passed since she'd first woke up in what looked like it was going to be her new home. Just as her brother had described she'd slept a lot in the den that he'd prepared. She wasn't much aware of what had been going in through the days she'd slept through. She figured she could get Vayko to fill her in later. She also realized just how hungry she was having only ate a little here and there. It was time though to start figuring things out. 

When she'd exited the den she wasn't sure where Vayko or the others were so she set out. Sharlee was in her own and there was plenty to do. She felt she needed to try and do her part so she set out. The young Valle didn't want to travel too far from the den in case she had to return quickly for whatever reason. So she walked investigating different places along the way.

She stopped for a drink after walking so much at a place where two creeks seemed to run together. The water was cold and refreshing as it went down her throat. There was still snow on the ground and around the edges of the creek she could see the tracks of Deer and other animals. No doubt they'd come to drink just like her. Thinking she might be able to catch something she set about searching for the freshest ones.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

What if who I hoped to be was always me?

Viorel didn’t really have a plan for the day, and he wasn’t sure exactly where the others had gone off to this morning. Instead, he had chosen to stop and hang around the clearing in case he had a chance to catch up with Sharlee, who was still sleeping. Vayko had found her a few days ago but he had not had a chance to speak with her individually, things had been moving at a crazy pace. He knew that she had been at the impromptu ‘meeting’ they had held at what he intended to be their future home, but he wanted a more intimate conversation with his cousin.

The teen had almost been dozing off himself in a sunny spot when Sharlee emerged from the den, looking a little bleary eyed herself. Wagging his tail against the snow Viorel chuffed a friendly greeting as he got to his paws. He didn’t catch up to her until she was finished at the creek, jogging up next to her he chuffed again. Looking her over with concern he asked, ”How are you feeling? The two leg’s poison made me feel so sick to my stomach for a day or two.” He hoped the same wasn’t true for his younger cousin.

When Vio had first woken up the whole situation had been confusing, hopeless, terrible. Now after speaking Vayko and all their future plans it almost seemed, hopeful? Had all of this been a blessing in disguise?

And the love I fought to feel was always free?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
The Valle girl was glad to be feeling more like herself again. She never wanted to experience the bite from the two-legged creatures again. There was still so much to figure out about all that. There would be time for that later. It was time she got back to normal things even if she wasn't in the Estuary any longer. They needed to succeed in this place so that they could return home in the spring. That meant they would need food and since she was feeling better she felt up to hunting. 

That was put on hold when she heard a familiar chuff. Turning she found her cousin Viorel, she smiled happy to see him. They hadn't had a chance to speak alone since she'd woken. Sharlee had been wanting to speak with both her cousins, check in with them. "Viorel, I'm sorry I didn't see you," she said sure he had to have followed her. "I'm much better now. Vakyo wasn't lying when he said that bite make you sleep forever. I haven't felt sick yet but it may happen." She really hoped it didn't. "You're doing okay? You seemed to be getting settled nicely here when we met up." 

Whether she liked the idea or not they were going to be in this forest for a few months at least. She would have to get settled too. Maybe make a life with her brother and cousins. They really had no idea how long they were going to be there. "Do you want to stay here?" She asked to gauge what he was thinking of their situation.

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

What if who I hoped to be was always me?

It took Sharlee a moment to realize that he was coming up behind her, so maybe she wasn’t feeling quite back to her normal self yet. Not that he could blame her, the two leg poison was the worst thing he had ever experienced. Returning her smile Viorel bumped her shoulder gently in greeting, before bending to take a drink from the stream himself. Sure, he could have easily just eaten the snow, but the flowing water reminded him more of home, a small comfort.

Shrugging away her apology, he certainly wasn’t offended - it took a lot more to offend Viorel than Vayko - he smiled sympathetically. ”I’m doing much better. Things were….tense and confusing for a few days, but I think they’re looking up now.” Sharlee had seemed surprised that the boys had planned on setting up home here, he wondered if she had had time to think about their proposal.

It seemed this was also present on Sharlee’s mind, ”Well, we didn’t at first,” at first all they could think of was home. Shifting on his paws as he thought about the best way to present their reasoning was he continued, ”But, if we go back in the spring we’re going to have to choose whether or not we want to challenge for leadership, vye for the council, or leave to join another pack.” This had been customary back home and had seemed fine when they were younger, but spring was only a few months away now. ”If we stay here and make our own pack Vayko and I can both lead, and we can create something new, something great. But, we would want you to stay with us, if you want to of course!” he wasn’t going to force his cousin to stay, but he really hoped she would.

And the love I fought to feel was always free?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
When she realized that she hadn't noticed her cousin Sharlee had to wonder if she really was over the bite. It wasn't like her to not notice someone following her. Thankfully Viorel didn't take offense or anything. She smiled when he bumped her shoulder and she watched as he got a drink of his own. She was curious how he was doing. She already knew how her brother was and how she was feeling. She listened as he explained his experience with the bite and its poison. "I'm glad you're doing better Vi. I had some tense and confusing moments myself and sometimes I have these moments were it feels like it's been forever since I saw someone or did something." Like when she'd decided to go hunting she felt like she hadn't done it in the longest time. She didn't know if she made sense or if he'd understand but that was what she'd been feeling. 
She wasn't really sure of the answer she would get when she asked her question. At their meeting Vayko had said they wanted to start a pack which had only left Sharlee in a state of confusion and a whole bunch of other feelings she couldn't name yet. Viorel confirmed what she'd first been told be he went on to explain why they had made this choice. She knew what he said was true. She was a Valle and had grown up in the Estuary just loke him. Then he spoke of her staying but made it sound like a choice. Sharlee stepped up on to a rock and looking into the water before she spoke. She wanted to put her thoughts in order. 
"Of course I want to stay with you all. You're my family and Valle's stick together, right?" She looked over at him when she finished speaking and stepped back down into the snow. "Its just you and Vayko seemed to have made all these plans and I just don't know where I fit into it all." It was pretty clear to her. Her brother and cousin would be the leaders and Clover the healer. What would she be? She'd always wanted to be more than just another wolf in the pack. "What should I do Vi?" 

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

What if who I hoped to be was always me?

Smiling sadly at Sharlee he suddenly realized how different their experiences had been. Sure, Vayko had found her shortly after she woke up, but Viorel had woken up next to his cousin and brother. There were moments that were scary and confusing, but there was never a moment where he was alone in this new world. A slight shudder ran down his dark spine at the thought, causing the grey tipped fur to ruffle as it went. Nodding he murmured, ”I miss them too, I wish I knew where @”Xulia” is. But, maybe they’re still safe at the Estuary?” He almost said home, but caught himself. This was going to be his home now.

Yellow eyes looked over his tawny cousin hopefully as he awaited her answer to his speech. He really did want her to stay, he wanted all the young Valles to stay so they could build something great together, and if one of them left it wouldn’t be the same. She stepped away from him and up onto a rock looking over the creek, and her expression was unreadable. Blunt black claws gripped into the ice underneath him, the silence didn’t actually last long but to Viorel it felt like forever.

Breaking out into a smile as Sharlee stepped down next to him, Valles stick together. Hell yes they did, or at least they were going to. Echoing her words he answered, ”Valles stick together.” They had been taught that as children, and now it felt like it was what drove him, he was going to make something even better for their generation. Glancing sideways in surprise he hummed, he hadn’t even thought that Sharlee might have felt out of place at this decision, ”That’s the best part Shar, you can do whatever you want to. You could be mine or Vayko’s advisor, you could lead all the hunts. Be a scout, learn everything there is to know about this new world, be the guardian that protects our borders.” The speech was getting him a little work up he would admit, ”Now more than ever, there’s no council saying how you should act or who you should be, you can just be whoever you want.”

And the love I fought to feel was always free?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
It had only been a few days since she'd woken from the bite but not long since she'd actually fully recovered from it. A lot had happened so quickly and she was still just trying to process everything. There were moments of confusion and just flat out not knowing what to do next. Even anger at the two-legged creatures for breaking up their family and bringing them to this place. Her orange gaze landed on her cousin as he spoke "We have to hope that's true but I also realize we can't put our lives on hold." It was winter, they had to do so much if they were going to get through it. As much as they might miss their family they also had to think about themselves. 

Sharlee wanted so much to stay with her cousins and brother. What Viorel proposed did sound like an amazing opportunity just like Vayko said. No more council to tell them what to do, they could make their own choices in how they wanted their life to turn out. Sharlee really did want that for all of them but she also wanted to make more of her life.  She told her cousin this much and asked him what to do because he woukd know more. This was his and Vayko's decision after all.

She smiled when Viorel echoed her sentiment. She felt that now more than ever it was important for them to stick together. They couldn't make a pack work if they didn't. Her hopes did raise some when her cousin listed all the things she could be in the pack. On thing did stick out to her. "I think I'd like to be an advisor Vi," she told, "I've lived under the council and as much as we don't want to have that sort of leadership it might not always be easy to not fall back into old practices. I can keep that from happening and I'm sure that I can be a great advisor." She just needed to be given the chance to prove it to them. She also felt that it was the right position for her in thempack they were trying to create.  Sharlee knew her brother and cousin could run a pack on their own but an outside voice could help. She knew that she could separate herself amd do what was best for all. 

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

What if who I hoped to be was always me?

Viorel took a moment to mull over what Sharlee had said, it was the truth, they couldn’t put their lives on hold forever. Nodding he agreed, ”That was the realization I came to as well, we could spend the winter hunkering down with no plans for the future or we could use this time to build something new.” Really, what was the point in making a pack, or a band, and temporary shelter just to abandon everything that they had worked so hard on? Also, it seemed that all the Valles were being dumped here if they came. If anyone else showed up they were close to the landing place and should be easy enough to find.

Her smile was encouraging and Viorel felt his tail begin to lighty swish behind him, it really did feel like everything was going to be alright. The four Valles and Clover could all band together and make something of themselves without the shadow of who they were supposed to become. Smiling widely, ”Well, I would love to have to be my advisor, my eyes on the ground as they say.” Unless Vayko really wanted his sister as his own advisor, but Viorel couldn’t think of a better person to keep it real with the pair of them.

Beginning to walk slowly between the trees he asked the question that he had been waiting to ask all along, ”So Sharlee what do you say? Will you stay with us and be my advisor, help us build something here that’s all ours?” With Sharlee along side them Viorel was confident that they would have enough members to make something more official, they would need more members in the long run, but a small band was all they needed to get started.

And the love I fought to feel was always free?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Kai who has 286 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sharlee Valle
It was a difficult thing to realize that they could sit around waiting for their family to show or perish in the winter storms that were sure to come. She didn't disagree with the idea of creating their own pack and starting something in this new place. They had no idea which way to go to find their home. This was their chance to make a life for themselves instead of following the traditions of others. "It will be sad to not return home. Its the place we know best. I think you're right though. I think we have to start something new here because honestly we don't know what's back home. There could be nothing left for us there." It was a sad thought indeed but it was the truth.

Sharlee had been worried but Viorel had eased those worries by helping her to see what she could do in the pack. She wanted to help make sure they were on the right path and that they would be successful. To her there was only one position that she could hold to ensure she accomplished her goals. Vi was on her side for this his words brought a wide smile to her face, her tail swayed happily behind her. "I'm sure I can be a good advisor to you Viorel. Help with anything you might need." The Valle girl was confident she could do the job and do it well.

He began to walk through the trees she was right beside him. Then when he formally asked her if she would stay and be his advisor she nodded. "I would to stay and be your advisor. You won't regret this. I want us to have something different than what we had at the Estuary but also something special too." She hoped that what they were building would bring others to join them. She wanted them to be a strong pack and she would be very happy to have a big part in making that happen. 

Played by Ghost who has 636 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

What if who I hoped to be was always me?

This conversation with Sharlee was really putting it into perspective that he may never see the coast again. A wave of homesickness washed over him, he had been so excited about the prospect of leading his own pack that he hadn’t had time to dwell on what it was he was giving up. Would he ever see his sister again? His mom? A frown pulled the edges of his smile down and yellow eyes wavered away from his cousin. He was still unbelievably excited for what was to come, but he was going to need to take the rest of the day to mourn what he had potentially lost.

There wasn’t time now though, these were things he would dwell on when he was alone. For now there was much to do and discuss with Sharlee. With a smile he bumped her shoulder as she accepted his formal request. Things would be good, Viorel couldn’t think of a better advisor than his cousin, she was calculating and even headed, could assess any situation before acting. The pair wandered through their future lands, plans fresh on their minds.

And the love I fought to feel was always free?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]