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Ready for the new chapter — Edge Stone Pool 
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Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
The Archer woman had been gone longer than expected but it had been good to see her father. With the prospect of staying with Jethro and the others permanently she'd wanted to speak with Ramiel. He needed to know what was happening in her life and she wanted her father to know where to find her.

Now as she made her way across the lowlands seeking her new home the ghost was excited for what may be in her future. She wasn't expecting to come across a dark furred pup. She supposed he'd be about the age of Caspian and Ryder.

For a long moment she watched him. He looked a little thin and though faint she'd heard his moan. It took her a moment longer to realize that maybe he was the next wolf that might need her help.
Played by Kai who has 25 posts.
Inactive IX. Yearling
Nix Valle
The dark furred boy was utterly and totally lost. He wasn't even sure how it had happened. Most importantly he didn't know where he was at. All he knew was that it wasn't anywhere near home. The land looked a lot different than what he was used to seeing.

Thankfully he had been able to scrape by catching rabbits and eating other things he'd rather not mention. The thought of it caused his muzzle to crinkle.

What he did know was that when he'd gone out to explore a bit it had been a clear day. By the end of it snow covered the ground and changed the way everything looked. That was days ago, Nix wasn't really sure how many at this point.

He continued his search for the trail home but his tummy growled loudly causing a moan to escape him. He needed to eat and soon. So he put aside his journey to start searching for food.
Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila
I hope it's okay to pop Flair in here, she's been worried <3


Another day, another trip into the lowlands. It had become an almost daily routine for the fiery woman, the only way for her to stretch her travel-hungry legs. Her nose was in the wind, sniffing for any signs of spring’s approach – her body was telling her it was close, surely all other living things were feeling it too. Yet the breeze carried no scent of herds gathering or new shoots, all she smelled was; Reika!

All thoughts of spring were forgotten as Flair rushed to follow the trail of her soon-to-be packmate. She had started to fear the worst, and even now, she worried what state she might find the younger wolf in. What she didn’t expect was to find her with a kid! Coming to a halt at a distance still some lengths from the two, the fiery woman’s brow furrowed, lone ear flattening back uncertainly. Her voice was laced with concern as she called out: “Reika…?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Though Reika knew she had a home to get back to and she did miss the others she had to pause. This pup looked a little worse for wear causing her to wonder how ge was making it out there on his own. That was clearly the case since there weren't any other scents but his around. She decided to approach him, at least find out if he was okay.

The Archer girl put on her best friendly face as she moved toward the boy. The last thing she wanted to do was to scare the boy off. Her tail waved in a friendly fashion behind her as she came closer. Reika was careful not to get too close not wanting to make the younger wolf uncomfortable.

"Hello there," she greeted hoping to get his attention. However her attention was drawn away when she heard her name spoken. Turning she saw Flair. This was certainly an unexpected change in events. "Its me Flair. It's really good to see you."
Played by Kai who has 25 posts.
Inactive IX. Yearling
Nix Valle
The dark Valle was still unaware that there were other wolves in the area. He only had one thing on his mind and that was food. Nix worried daily that he wouldn't find anything to eat each day. It was also daily that he felt angry with himself for getting lost in the first place. When he heard the female voice he nearly jumped out of his skin.

For a moment Nix froze in place not sure what to do. Then slowly he turned his nead to see a gray colored wolf not too far from where he was standing. "H-h-hello," he stuttered out nervously. The first question coming to mind was what did she want.

Another voice soon reached his ears causing his whole body to tense in alarm. Was he about to be ambushed? Then he realized that the two wolves knew each other and that the red woman didn't seem that concerned about him.
Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

The child looked ragged and skinny, and clearly startled at her voice, making Flair’s frown deepen. She took a few steps closer, but still kept some distance to not scare him any further then looked back to her friend. “It’s good to see y’ too,” she answered, her tail giving a soft wag; “I was startin’ t’ get worried.” The Archer had been gone for quite a while, enough so that the fiery woman had began to wonder if she would be coming back at all.

But now here she was, and not alone either. Glancing briefly down at the black pup, Flair tilted her head, offering a smile to try and calm him; “And who’s this?” Her voice was soft, tail still wagging, all in an effort to calm the boy. Internally, she was bursting with questions, about Reika’s trip and about this unexpected, starving boy; Did she bring him here? And if not, where was his family? But for now, she remained quiet, to not overwhelm her friend or her young companion.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Reika hadn't been expecting to see Flair or any others of their group so soon. That didn't mean she wasn't pleased to see the red woman. In fact she saw it as a relief to know that they were still in the area and hadn't left without her. She'd committed herself to them which was why she'd taken the trip at all. She looked a little sheepish when Flair spoke of starting to worry. "I'm sorry to have worried any of you. It wasn't my intention. I suppose the loner in me didn't think to mention my trip to anyone." She explained and went on, "I went to find my father and tell him of my decision to stay with the group permanently."

She had to make it clear to him she wouldn't be returning any time soon. Her attention was drawn to the boy that she'd come across. "I'm not sure. I only just found him before your arrival." She then turned to the boy. "What's your name?" She asked gently so as to not scare him off.
Played by Kai who has 25 posts.
Inactive IX. Yearling
Nix Valle
The dark Valle watched and listened as the two women spoke to each other. He'd already realized that they knew each other which left him feeling like the odd man out. The first woman, Reika, explained about going to see her father. This left him thinking of his family but he had no idea how to find them. Maybe once the women were done taking they could point him toward the backwater.

He wondered what all of this might mean fir him but he didn't have time to really think it through. Reika was asking him something and for a moment his eyes darted to the one named Flair. Nix was very much unsure of himself in that moment and didn't know how he should answer. Should he give just his first name or his whole name. Finally he decided looking between the two woman he spoke quietly. "My name is Nix Valle."