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You wear a different chain — Cut Rock River 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
For @Piety

She could have sworn there had been a pack around here somewhere. “Or was yer nose playin’ tricks Morganna?” she questioned herself aloud, a cheshire smile crossing her face as she picked up a stray scent and considered that perhaps this alone thing didn’t suit her at all. She was going as mad as a hatter… but after a second sniff, was she?

“There’s no place fer yer t’ hide.” She called to the trees, her flaming eyes darting for that tell-tale flash of white as she stepped into the shadow of scent weaving through these stinking cedars. The sharp scent burned her nose, but it wasn’t enough to cover the trail of her quarry. She had promised @“Sven” a gift, and for a moment dared to wonder how he would like a shred of his mother pelt to carry around in place of his pine cone. She laughed aloud, a mad sound that echoed through the woods. She was hungry, she was tired, and she was so close now she could taste Piety in the air.

She only paused a moment to wonder if @“Skoll” would be upset with her if she caused his useless, simpering little shit any harm.

Well if he was, she was sure she could find a way to make it up to him…

(This post was last modified: Oct 17, 2015, 07:47 AM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Trigger warning for brief mention of Suicide in the last paragraph.

She had slipped away from the safety of her home today. Looking for some sort of sanctuary outside of the Hollow's grasp. Sure she loved every protective moment spent with @Veho or even small talk with @Rook but sometimes she needed to breath. To find herself teetering on the edge of reality and the edge of fantasy was often nowadays. The pale woman wondered if this had been what Borden had felt like. Not ever sure what was what or who was who. While some days she appreciated it in the long run the pale woman knew this wouldn't work. Some sort of comfort came from knowing she still knew what was right and wrong. Perhaps the presence of her father, Hocus, had helped sort things out more. She could feel a part of herself coming back yet when she laid down at night she fought it. It was like she was trying to re-kill something that had already been dead for so long. One night she had remembered laying down and becoming so restless she crawled from her sleeping place. Finding herself late at night down by Jasper Rocks. The first thing that had cross her mind was to ask if she was going simply mad. Her mind had been in so many places that night she came close to seeking out Veho for some medical attention. After a while she had fought that feeling though. Without the help of anyone else.

It seemed things always came back to her. Tonight she felts herself more in a fantasy faze. Walking about looking for whatever it was that would calm herself. Yet she found the exact opposite. A voice so painful to hear that the pale woman zipped to a tree nearby. “There’s no place fer yer t’ hide.” She was right. It seemed every Archer had a way of being right. Without anything to loose, as much she was loosing or had already lost, the pale Santoro came out from hiding. Her body already taking the role of submissive. "He hates me, doesn't he? They both do." She answered her own questions whines coming out along the words. "Everyone hates me? You hate me?" Piety was aware hate was a strong word but she was sure it was appropriate in this time. Without even a care to have the woman made her way to the ground. Laying on her back with stomach expose already. This wasn't a battle to be fought by the Santoro. She knew the world had already came crashing down around everyone once and knew it could do it again.

Death crossed the pale creature's mind often these last few days. It seemed simple at that point. Then no longer could she disappoint, anger, or hurt anyone. Through slit eyes Piety waited for the dark woman to be casting shadows over her. Taking in a deep shaky breath through tight lips the young woman spoke softly. "If you wanna kill me do it." Oh if her father heard how she was talking right now. "Just make sure they know I wanted to. I wanted to so I could escape." Closing her eyes fully now Piety braced herself. Ready for whatever she would be served. She did deserve it.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
I'm so sorry ;_; I'm just along for the ride...

A low growl built in her chest when a flash of white was spotted ahead. Her head was lowered, her muscles tensed. She could taste her quarry ahead and her heart thundered in her ears fuelled by adrenalin and the feral urges of bloodlust. Her journey had been a long one and she was not her usual restrained self. When the woman came into full view her steps slowed and her guard raised, expecting some sort or fight. What came instead bought a toothy cheshire smile to her face. This was all too easy surely?

The Archer couldn’t be certain if it was her brother she spoke of or her nephew. The question was negated when she went on to blather about both of them. As if she would care what Morganna though of her, the dark woman snorted openly. “I never liked yer ter start with.” she threw back with a smirk, enjoying what had become of the woman now laying at her paws. Somewhere amongst the other woman’s blathering and begging to be killed Morganna had started to laugh. A silent chuckle that shook her shoulders and slowly grew to a mirthful giggle. Oh this was too good.

She sneered, her teeth revealed in a flash as her moved to snap her teeth by the other woman’s ear, her nose pressing violently against the soft spot that covered Piety’s delicate jugular vein. “An’ why would I make it so easy fer yer when @Sven and @Skoll suffered so much?” she growled her words through gritted teeth, her self control slipping with every second that ticked by. “They don’t need yer, an’ neither do I.” she seemed to muse aloud. “Why here o’ all places? Yer were there the night he came ter the borders. Was this yer plan from the start?” there was no denying the accusation in her tone.

The way she was jut laying there, begging for slaughter made the young Archer woman sick. She swung her head about again hoping to catch one of @Piety’s ears to chew or shred. Anything to illicit a real reaction from the woman on the floor.

She was going to suffer. And she was going to scream before they were through.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Im an awful human being :x

harness your blame, walk through

“I never liked yer ter start with.”

"I can't blame you."

Piety hadn't even expected words from Morganna. In fact the pale woman had expected teeth before words. Perhaps she was in one of those states were everything was sort of oneiric. It wouldn't surprise her at all, especially nowadays. Of course there it was though. Contact that she had been waiting for. A violent jab of the nose to her delicate jugular. Oh yes. Kill me now. Her mind was silently musing. This was being made easy for both parties by the pale creature. The upper hand clearly towards the Archer and the Santoro was gladly taking the lower hand.

She cringed at there names, but as Morganna spoke Piety's mind jumped to words she hadn't processed. "If they don't need me, then why would they care if you killed me quick?" It was the truth. Shouldn't they just want her out of the way? She had been a horrible lover and mother so certainly both of the male Archers wanted her dead as soon as possible. "If I had planned this from the start I would have had you kill me sooner, Morganna." Her name said so sickly with distress. Her body was ready to leave this physically realm. The pale woman was ready to be taken to a higher place. Whatever world came after here. Piety was so far off that she believe that Hell was ready for her. Maybe this was her initiation. Perhaps the Archer was a guard of the gates to Hell. If so then the pale woman was begging for entrance.

So lost in deep thought she had no time to prepare herself. Sharp teeth met her right ear quick enough for Piety to shriek. With every ounce of her body telling her she deserved this she felt as the skin ripped. It hadn't ripped from the base of her crown but came close enough. Whines emitted harshly, the only thing the pale woman did was role to her side. Only ungodly sounds coming from her jaws. Paw lifted to feel the moisture of blood flowing like a stream. Surely her fur was becoming damp and it wasn't helping that she was pawing at it. Piety knew that if she made it out tonight, both her father and Veho would likely never let her leave again.

with the wild wolves around you
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Words were lost on the Ridge scout in the process of removing her opponents ear. The sound of tearing flesh and the way her head jerked back so freely surprised the dark wolf (her experiences in brawling and murdering far inferior to that of her littermate). She lost ground peddling backwards with the force of her own successful attack, she had expected more of a fight than this.


Her ears had already been folded against her skull but it was no defence for the god-awful wailing that came from the woman who did little more than roll over and paw at her ear. An indignant growl rolled forward through teeth that were still clenched around the bloodstained scrap of @Piety’s (now Morganna’s) ear. Fight back! she willed her opponent. It was no fun if she just laid there.

She dropped her prize, stepping over it possessively, she would come back for it later if she didn’t manage to earn herself a larger piece of the broken woman before her. “Get up!” she barked, her voice rasping fuelled by adrenaline and bloodlust. “Die on yer feet fer-fucksake.” she ordered. “Fight back.” she challenged. From here on out she would only give as good as she got.

(This post was last modified: Oct 18, 2015, 04:39 AM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
harness your blame, walk through

She had never been much of a fighter and even now in her darkest moments the Santoro didn't want to move. Felt no need to move. If Morganna wanted her dead truly she would kill her right here. Even if it meant every limb would be torn from the Santoro's body in the slowest way possible.

The harsh voice of the dark woman caused Piety's whine to cease as she slowly got to her feet. She was told to fight, to die on her own damn paws. Heaven's be cursed if the pale woman was going to fight to her own death. Looking at Morganna's paws she decided there was only one way out. An option that didn't end in certain death. Piety had come to know these lands well enough to know they had to be only a few hundred yards from the river if even that. Taking in a deep breath every muscle in the woman's body tensed. Ready to bold off into the woods again.

"I won't kill myself by dying on my feet."

Off she took. Every step placed with such quick care. She could tell the river was calling her. Offering a crossing escape of some sorts to her. She'd take it easily. While the Santoro was well aware Grizzly Hollow could support her with backup she knew it would be wrong to bring the danger of an Archer to their doorstep. It appeared Morganna was out to kill and Piety liked to believe the woman could slaughter an army in this moment if she wished. So with tamed breath she ran onward. Her legs wouldn't stop until the dark female was gone. Long gone.

with the wild wolves around you
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Her logic astounded the swarthy woman. Laying on her back begging to be killed wasn’t killing herself but fighting for her life was? But the other woman’s frame of mind wasn’t her concern. Her snarl was pulled into a sneer as she finally found her feet. Morganna was impressed, for surely her head must be pounding and the side of her face on fire after having her ear ripped almost cleanly free. Puzzling again, Piety charged, but not at her. Teeth gritting, a snort issued in annoyance and amusement she set off after her opponent, a laugh breaking free from her chest as she pursued.


Piety was fast, but Morganna was faster.

Being caught unawares she had some ground to cover, but with each bound she drew closer. Her breath was coming in ragged pants, a reminder of what was to come if the white wolf misstepped.


Closer, closer, oh so close.

She could almost reach out and yank the woman’s tail if she really wanted but she would rather clamp down on a hamstring or deliver a painful bite to the other woman’s spine. She just had to push herself a little further.

Jaws opened, expecting to close on empty air.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Lemme know if you want anything changed, Becu c: Also thinking we can wrap this up soon?

harness your blame, walk through

For a moment the Santoro could have dreamed that Morganna wasn't going to be able to catch her. The fantasy all too sweet to be true. Between the burning on her head from the ripped ear and the thought of the Archer's jaws catching up to her, Piety was well aware that this was all too real. The river was coming into sight. Close enough that within moments Piety could attempt to cross it.

In the quickest second she become well aware Morganna was close enough to strike again. Hearing a second panting had the pale woman forcing her body the hardest she could. The Archer was fast and Piety wouldn't be surprised if jaws clamped down on her sooner or later. But with the river coming up it was now or never to try and save herself.

She knew this was risky, knew she could easily slip or break something but she needed to get away. She needed to drag Morganna away too. With a panting breath her paws broke into the water. The current pushing against her slender legs with force. Her paws slipped but somehow she made it through. Ankle sore likely with a sprain or perhaps even worse, who knew. Taking a sharp left turn as her paws reached land again the pale woman had to stop. Spinning to face Morganna head on, and what a stupid choice to make in her condition.

Light headed the woman was staggering fighting to stand straight. "Leave me be! If you don't kill me, I'll just act as if I'm dead to everyone!" It was a deal with the devil surely. Piety knew after she signed this little slip that Grizzly Hollow likely wouldn't remain her haven for much longer. She'd have to find her father, Rook, and Veho, and convince them that she needed to go. Far from the lands of Grizzly Hollow and far away from the Ridge. No where would Piety find herself safe any more.

with the wild wolves around you
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

As expected, her strike missed. Her frustration was quickly tempered with the sound of fast running water cascading over rocks drawing nearer. With any luck she’ll break a fucking leg. she thought to herself as she pushed on. She wanted to make sure the point was driven home, a barricade to the woman ever attempting to shadow her doorstep again.

If I catch you I’ll kill you. her ragged breaths spoke through an absence of words, skidding to a halt as the white wolf cleared the bank and set into the water. She expected the woman to keep running, but instead she foolishly stopped to face her assailant. The fur along her spine still stood up in savage spikes, her tail bristled like an angry cats and her muzzle was wrinkled exposing her gleaming fangs. She took a step into the rapids, the promise in her steps clear. Keep running, or I’m coming for you.

She was more careful with her steps, answering the woman as she reached the half way point, peachy eyes meeting brown with a toothy savage smile. “I will kill you.” She shot back, her tone alone laced with promises of pain. It might not be today, or tomorrow. But one day she would find the pale wolf again, and she would kill her.

The white wolf turned without a word and retreated into the safety of the Cedars on the far side of the river. With a frustrated chuff, the young Archer turned, back tracking to gather up the ear she had torn from her adversary's head. She would take it home for her brother. Proof the woman yet lived but not unpunished. She still had a long walk home.

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2015, 10:41 PM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]