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No chance for fate, it's unnatural selection — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
Savion is lurking near the northern border of Wild Rye Fields. :3 Do with that what you will. All Welcome But, makes eyes at @Reyes. Backdated to the 1st
To the west they'd said. Well it was all good for them seein' as they knew where the damn field was, but Savion? He was as lost as he could get. When they'd mentioned that it was called Wild Rye Fields he figured it would be easy enough to spot. Cause come on, wouldn't a field of rye stand out clear as day on a plain and boring tundra. But he hadn't accounted for the season, with all of this melting snowy shit about it was hard to spot anything that wasn't white or grey.

He knew it'd take some looking, that he wasn't just gonna get lucky again and stumble on them but he wasn't prepared to spend this long. He'd hoped he would have finished this bullshit by now, he wanted to go home and settle down on the throne he'd rightfully taken as his own. But nah, he was still stuck in this hellhole and worst yet the end weren't anywhere in sight.He'd used his nose of course, he figured the pack would mark their borders well, but he hadn't found anything that suggested he was gettin' a little too close for their comfort.

This was just tedious. He'd had a plan all formed in his head, but of course it had unravelled before his very eyes. And yeah, that was a pain in the ass but it weren't the end of the world. The Comedian knew things rarely went to plan, hell that was what he told everybody, he just had to think on his feet and deal with shit as it came to him.

He'd find them, no matter how long it took. He'd find them and do what he had'ta do and be done with it.  

So with that in mind, Savion trotted along with renewed vigour as he formulated another clever plan, one he had a little more faith in.
(This post was last modified: May 03, 2017, 10:11 PM by Savion.)
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
she says beauty is pain

Giddy and merry, the Rye beta seemed to be floating on Cloud 9 as she trekked through the rye fields with a wide smile adorning her maw. She wasn't sure if her smile or the butterflies swirling in her stomach had ever stopped since her return home from her date with Laike. The Snow woman had yet to meet someone quite like the pale agouti male and she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or bad thing yet. She couldn't be certain yet about him as this was only the second time they had seen each other. But, he was such a polite and sweet man that sparked quite an interest from her. Though again, you can never really be certain you know someone.

Since her return home, she had meant to find the burly beta and delta pair since their awkward meeting at the Oak Tree. She hadn't truly meant to snap at Reyes like she did. He had come at her with his typical attitude at the wrong time. The Rye second likely wouldn't of snapped like she did had she been in a better mood that day. However, whats done was done and there wasn't a way for her to change the way she acted. Though she was curious as to why Reyes had been so offended. 

So that day, she spent the day on the search for Askan and Reyes, hopefully the two of them were together today. She doubted they'd be too far from each other as they seemed quite attached to the hip as of late. Perhaps, Reyes was a new training partner that Askan found to work with instead of her. Her own skills at been greatly improving, but she had to admit she was slacking a little and wasn't actively searching her partner out for their normal spars. So, maybe Reyes was more rounded and challenged Askan more than she could. She couldn't blame him, but she would be a little upset if that ended up being the case. 

Before she could catch the scent of the male second and third, the scent of another wafted in her direction as she neared the northern borders. A loner and a male at that. Turning her mismatched eyes out into the tundra, she searched across the barren land for the stranger. It wasn't long before her blue green eyes spotted him, trotting along the horizon. Letting out a chuff to alert him of her presence, the Rye second stood patiently just outside her borders, watching to see if the loner was going to stop and approach her.  

and there's beauty in everything
Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
Savion usually wouldn't take so kindly to such a casual greetin', but seeing as he was feeling rather forgiving that day he let it slide. Besides, he was on the look out for a Rye wolf, for all he knew this larger than life lady might just be one. So rather than cast her a sour look and continue on his way, he paused and responded with a chuff of his own. What could be more better than returning her greeting in kind? Trotting along, he closed the distance between them and came to a stop in front of her. Not too close but not too far, conversational, friendly even. Just the way he should be.

"'ey there." His tail wagged behind him, slow and steady like a metronome. "May I be so bold to ask you a question? Are you a Rye wolf?" That seemed like the best place to start. He didn't want to dive in head first right away, lest he show his cards too soon.

If she was from the same pack as his niece and nephew he'd have to tread carefully, take it slow and steady. This one looked harmless enough, sweet, like spring flowers in bloom, but if she was a pack wolf it'd be wise to play nice. The Comedian liked to scrap as much as any Tom, Dick and Harry but he weren't as young as he used to be. And the journey back home would be a pain if he was nursing more injuries than a simple sore paw.

"'Mah name is Deron Selwyn, tha' last name sound familiar to yah beautiful?"

Oh and what a beauty she was, with those bright eyes, one green an' the other blue. Like pretty jewels waiting to be plucked outta the ground. An' surely she had'ta be a pack wolf, after all she had such a curvaceous but fit form. Like she didn't hafta go days without food or a decent nights sleep. He was kinda jealous really, a little annoyed he hadn't found her a month or so ago but ah well, what was done was done. It wasn't like he'd gone without, he had a good time anyways.
(This post was last modified: May 04, 2017, 07:45 PM by Savion.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Arya who has 292 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelayde Artemieva
http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g321/jacquelinewolf/wolves/adelayde_zpspdczjjtm.png" style="width:500px;">
she says beauty is pain

Normally, she'd expect a loner to turn and retreat at the sight of another so close to pack territory. Most were either snooping or mindlessly traveling through. Once they realized someone was watching them, it wouldn't take them long to turn tail and move on in the opposite direction. Unless they were purposely trying to draw out a pack wolf like this dark, hefty man seemed to be. Returning a chuff of his own, he began to make his way over to her.

Head high and tawny banner held straight out from her back, the older man stopped comfortably in front of her as he adopted a friendly posture. She was about to return his greeting, but apparently he was not finished. So this stranger must of purposely tried to draw a Rye wolf out for a reason. Perhaps he was in search of someone from around here.

Nodding and letting a soft smile form on her ebony lips, “I am. Can I help you with something?” She asked politely as her mismatched eyes looked over the male. He didn't seem to be much of a loner as his weight and build were still in impressive shape. The Snow woman couldn't help but notice his features and sharp eyes made him rather pleasing to the eyes. Refusing to let her mind wander any further, her ears twitched forward as he continued.

As he spoke his last name, her interest heightened as projected by her raised brows. Perhaps she should be more cautious or suspicious at his heavy charm lacing his words, but Adelayde was not one to judge easy or be overly critical of someone. Maybe it would have been better if Reyes or even Drestig found this Selwyn relative, but now she purely thought she in luck for finding another relative of Askan's.

“Yes it is, you're related to Askan, right?” She unknowingly confirmed as another smile formed on her maw at the thought of meeting more of Askan's family. Though, this time, it wasn't a good thing unbeknownst to her.

and there's beauty in everything
Played by Alice who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Savion Selwyn
"Askan? Oh yeah, I sure am." He confirmed with an easy going nod. "I'm his uncle, you see." One of them anyway, no doubt his least favourite. Not that it meant much, as it wasn't like he adored the real Deron either.

Still, it was good that she was so eager to provide information, the last thing he wanted to do was coax it outta her, so and steady like a long game. Sure, that could be all well an' good, and maybe even fun-cause come on, she was a looker- but really he was ready to get this shit over and done with. The sooner, the better really.

"'N what about Everly? Ain't she here too?"

He'd expected her to at least mention his niece, but nothin', not even a peep. Did that mean she was already dead and in the ground, or had the lass simply slipped her mind? Nah, that seemed pretty damn unlikely, that girl had always been the large and in charge type. So much so that if they weren't related, as they were, he might've had some use for her. Was a shame, but what was he gonna do? He had no interest in breedin' with his niece. Some twisted fuckers might be willin' to look past that kinda shit, but fuck if Savion weren't that bad of a man.

He had standards you see. As pretty as they were, that's all they were to him. That wasn't to say they didn't mean anything to other folks...But that was none of his business. He had to keep his lads in check one way or another and those girls did the trick.

"I was hoping to see 'em, to talk to 'em but not here. No offence, pretty lady, but it's delicate Selwyn stuff. I found a nice place, to the east of 'ere. A hill, with these weird rock tower thingies. Reckon you could let 'em know I wanna meet them there in a couple of'a days?"