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the messenger — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
This thread would be backdated to the 25th of this month, a few days after she finds Sven's blood trail in the south. Scouting dem 1/3.

As the land began to slope upwards and she passed by various charred stumps of wood where once a great and beautiful tree was, Ravenna Lyall knew that she was close to where she needed to be. Never before had Ravenna been this close to the pack's borders, where more or less she had ran into the members of this pack throughout the heart of the Lore as she passed by to go north. Yet this morning she had come directly to the pack's borders. Having traveled throughout the night, the Archer woman found herself taking a rest by one of the various, beautiful dogwood trees here. She yawns, sitting comfortable now as she lifts her head up to the sky to call out for members of the pack... 'Hello, Draw wolves? I have news! @Kerberos?' Her voice ends with a questioning call for this man if only due to the fact that he, out of everyone else in the ranks, she knew more specifically. Although she had come in contact with others before and she knew Sven to be friendly with some, it was this man which she could say she actually knew personally. Their time together had been only one day, though leaving on a friendly note that they would meet again. Ravenna even had a means to teach him more about herbs, him having been so excited by the thought of it.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2017, 08:18 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
assuming she's at the borders and hasn't crossed them?

Kerberos had almost missed the familiar call, being preoccupied with his daughter and wife. His tongue planted a soft kiss on their child before he gave Maera a few kisses as well. Ravenna was at their borders with news and he swiftly set into pace. A call of his own rung out to alert the silvery woman (and @Naira too) that he was on his way. Her call had brought news and asked for him. He had to wonder if she was here about healing.

She certainly wasn't Sven by any means even if she might match the boy in looks. For she waited at their borders and the previous tawny second Leotie was not here to greet this Ridge wolf. He had been meaning to see Ravenna again but..well, things at the Draw and in his personal life had exploded. His tail raised slightly but his face remained friendly. "Ravenna, it is good to see you again. I apologize for not coming to see you like promised." The tawny fill-in leader nodded his head gently. "But you have news...hopefully good news?" He knew that the relations with the Ridge and Cove may have been on rocky shores but the least he could do was hear the news. Kerberos wasn't sure how far his kindness could extend (perhaps he feared Naira would boot him too).

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Yes of course. :3 Rav is all the lawfulness. Scouting dem 2/3.

She had waited patiently under the white dogwood tree, resting after her swift trek here with the news she had to deliver. When Kerberos called out to her in return that he was on his way, Ravenna kept her placement at still at the outskirts of their territory. He had called out for another, too, which Ravenna had knew to be the name of their lead female, for of course Ravenna had not known the man which she had called for was not holding the leading position, if only for the time being. When the male entered the area which she was in, Ravenna lifted onto all fours once more. Her tail remained relaxed at her back side, lowered to the ground and offering a small happy wave at his arrival. Her head held high and even, a solid and perfected stance that she made now without thought, having practiced so much at her mother's side. Since she was a little teenage girl Ravenna had always wished to look to poised, to look so powerful, so confidant... so beautiful. Now, she did stand in such a manner, though in her eyes no woman could outshine her mother and no man would match up to her father. Ravenna did notice, however, the height in which Kerberos' tail was held. It was a far different display then when they had met the first time around. Had he gone up within the ranks? "Kerberos, its okay. We all get busy. I've been keeping close eye on Enoki and my new little cousins. But if you need anything that might help your new mothers, I could offer a quick lesson before I leave in the morning?" Ravenna was completely oblivious. Although @Leotie had been banished from her pack, she had not yet bothered to go to Willow Ridge to inform them that Charred Ash Draw not only had no intention of being allies, but did not want anything to do with Willow Ridge. It would have been good then that their packs were two days away from one another. No one moved into the deep south without Willow Ridge knowing about it. Yet due to Ravenna not knowing she had assumed she would keep outside the borders for the night to rest. That her and Kerberos could spend some time together. After all, she did not know he held a mate. Did not know he had a daughter. Did not know Naira did not like them. Before she gave him room to really comment on the herb lesson, she went on to explain why she was here in the first place, since he was prompt on asking. "No, unfortunately... Sven has been missing for a few weeks now. I found his blood trail along with another I don't know south in the Rise field. I followed it, but it kept going south until I lost track of it. I wanted to let you all know, since you know him, and Leotie." Though she knew personally met her, she knew of her, knew her scent. It was not that long ago that she had visited their pack too.

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2017, 08:19 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Sorry for the wait! @Ravenna


He was grateful for her rather forgiving response. A large grin spread across his face. "That would be rather nice." He admitted. He did not divulge her into the details of how many hellions would be running around or that he was now a father too. Perhaps he could elaborate some on that during their lesson in the morning.

Of course, his smile quickly flipped into a frown. Yellow eyes being filled with dread and worry. That would have explained a lot. The lack of Sven's presence wasn't ignored but Kerb knew he was a man with dreams so he figured maybe he had been fulfilling them. Instead, it was far worse. A blood trail from the male Archer had appeared.

"since you know him, and Leotie."

His face seemed to finally settle into a stoic expression as he looked to the large female. "Ravenna, please walk with me." It was a gentle invite to have her stroll the borders with him as they chatted. If someone wanted to throw a fuss over it then he would take the blame this time. It had been his leading word that would bring her only a mere foot or two into their home anyway. "Let me start by saying I'm absolutely sorry to hear about Sven. Do you think he has anyone in particular that would do such a thing to him? Enemies or rivals?" Kerberos shared a dark secret with the man but didn't think that had anything to do with this. "Regardless I'll keep my eyes peeled for any signs of him." The tawny lead let his gaze flicker over to Ravenna before looking ahead again. A deep breath filled his lungs, it was much needed.

"Leotie is not with the Draw anymore." He laid it out then and there. "There were some issues that were brought to light and she was ousted. I wouldn't be surprised if she headed down to the Ridge to announce such a thing. Mentioning she was close with Sven." His voice was rather neutral on the matter. Perhaps he should have done something when it happened but it was over now. "But since you are here alerting all of us I suppose she either hasn't made it down there or you were gone when and if she arrived." Leotie would certainly have a surprise waiting for her if she ever went to tell Sven of the news, especially since he wouldn't be there to hear it.

have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
When this thread is complete, we can start up a back-dated other for Kerb's lesson if you'd like?
Scouting dem 3/3.

He agreed to her giving him a little lesson that might perhaps help the new mothers within the ranks in the morning. Ravenna had thought to keep outside of the borders for the night and get some rest until she decided to travel back home. Not knowing whatever strain was between their two packs, Ravenna had only hoped there would be no problem with her sticking around. After all, she would be doing their pack a favor in regards to Kerberos' training.

Ravenna would silently agree to the man when he asked of her to follow him, accepting as she began walking along his side at the borders of his pack's territory. Still she did not know of the position which he held within the pack, though by his stance and by his grown confidence, it would seem he was of a higher position. Come to think of it, Ravenna herself was in such a placement, being just under @Enoki herself. Ravenna's dominance and pride had only raised with the birth of Enoki's children, who as members of her family Ravenna had grown very protective over. She was both a medic to her leader and a guardian and at the time being now, a scout...

"Sven can be a little...brash at times and when not, stand-offish. I wouldn't doubt he could have rubbed a wolf's hair the wrong way. Although I'd have no idea who..." And if the man before Ravenna knew Sven enough he could agree with her on this. After all, there were quite a few wolves even a part of Sven's family that didn't know how well they felt about the pale wolf, especially in his younger months. Even when he was a teen, Ravenna had not liked him, which had drastically changed as they got into adulthood and as many tragedies within the ranks had pulled them together.

Then, after a heavy sigh, Kerberos continued on... Leotie was kicked out of the pack. Kerberos mentioned that there had been some 'issues', an obvious disagreement which had caused her to be kicked out of the ranks. Ravenna could not understand what it had been that would get her kicked out, although there could be many reasons... Ravenna still, did not know it had anything to do with her pack and Leotie's connection to Sven. If the tables were turned, would Willow Ridge see it fit to kick her out because she was friendly with Kerberos? "I'm sorry to hear that..." Ravenna was not sure what else she could say, not sure what would be okay so say... but hell, she went ahead anyway. "What happened?" It was a sad thought to think Leotie would likely head to Willow Ridge to see Sven only to find out he was not there. Ravenna had made it here to share the news just a little too late. Perhaps Leotie would wish to stay with the Willow wolves, but would this put a damper on relations (although there were none now) with the Draw by accepting her?

(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2017, 09:02 PM by Ravenna.)

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
Kerberos nodded his head softly. He had been greeted with Sven's ivory teeth once and he thought he was going to be lunch. Of course, he didn't say this out loud for no one knew about if but himself and the ivory Archer. "I understand." He softly answered. "I'm unsure of any enemies of his but if I learn anything I'll either come down myself to let you know or I'll send a scout." They didn't have any official scouts but there were bodies here capable of doing the work of one. Granted he wondered if he went himself if that would be easier for no crossing ties or mixed up words. Then again he had hesitations about leaving the Draw's area for more than a few hours now. Decisions decisions.

He couldn't say her question wasn't expected. Mentioning that Leotie was the closest to the Ridge wolves and Ravenna was one he figured she had somewhat of a right to know. Yet he had to figure out how to word it. The outing had happened fast and his brain still seemed to not fully follow it. There was one word that could be used, though. Perhaps it was what Naira had seen of suspected. "Insubordination." His gaze flickered from Ravenna back to the charred trees in front of them. He was content to leave it at that one word instead of dragging it out into some story that he felt he didn't have all the pieces to.

"I'm male lead here now." He announced wth a small smile, wondering how his silver company would take the news. "Not through the best circumstances but it happened and I'm doing my duty to fill the role." Kerberos explained with ease. Ravenna deserved to know that much if his stance hadn't given it away. Not that he ever really wore the stance of a man with the most power but he certainly held himself higher than he used to.

Sounds good to me! @Ravenna
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
At first, Ravenna would only nodding her head to Kerberos words until they finally fully hit,
causing her ears to perk up curiously. He would come down himself or send a scout? Now she was really starting to question the shift in power within the ranks and padded on along Kerberos side with a bounce in her step of curiosity. He would firstly answer her question about Leotie, saying that she was kicked from the ranks due to insubordination. Leotie did not seem the type, the wild one, rebel, then again Ravenna did not know the woman all that well so did not push the manner. It was not her business to push the details of another pack's decisions anyhow.

Then the man at her side answered her unannounced question, stating he was leader of the pack now. It only lead to further wondering, like what happened to the previous leader, one whom she didn't know really at all ether... His explanation could only suggest something I'll happened to the previous make lead and Ravenna could only be left to silently hope everything was okay. At least, if anything, it was okay for Kerberos, whom was the only one Ravenna could say she knew personally within the ranks. He HAD been on top of her at one point after all, and having someone step on her was not something just anyone could say they've done. "I'm sure you'll take good care of this pack." She spoke honestly, wether or not the position was a temporary manner. She goes silent then, content on just strolling with the male along the borders even if her travel had worn her down.