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I'm a wanted man, I got blood on my hands — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Hell on paws is gradually making his escape way toward AH, but anyone welcome! >:)

A scowl gradually made itself present upon Eirian's face as the corner of his lips hung down toward the moisture-slickened rocks underfoot and creamy brows knitted themselves together. The citrus hue of his gaze glaring down the steep incline he had just climbed toward the visible canopy of the willow forest he had departed from not long ago, a dismissive snort leaving his nostrils in the form of a vapor cloud that easily blended in with the fog that swirled around him during his mountainous ascent. 

As much as the copper male wanted to remain in the area to keep a close eye on the growing form of his daughter whom he believed was being raised in the local pack fate had other plans and some decisions her father had made didn't aid the situation either. He highly doubted he could weasel his way into their ranks now after ripping a good portion of Eskil's face off and heading northwest back to the cedar forest pack was out of the question too. That fat bitch; who surely slimmed down a bit now that whatever cubs survived their encounter was born, seeing to that.

Another snort left Eirian's maw and his gaze was torn away from those below him to settle his eyes on what lay above, continuing to scale the Heights. There was nothing he could do for now except to find somewhere to lay low for a bit and conjure up a strategy and what better place than the haunting mountain that seemed to constantly be left to lurk in the background wherever Eirian managed to set up camp? 

Shifts in the air brought forth a scent of blood that immediately had the Asurn's stomach cramping and roaring in hunger, saliva pooling in his mouth and seeping out the sides of his mouth that his tongue quickly licked away to swallow back. Quickly paws adjusted their path of travel to intercept this delicious aroma and follow its sweet trail, a low rumble sounding in the depths of his chest once his citrus gaze found the source of the smell after reaching a small plateau. Death had come slowly for a young mountain goat that had failed to scale the cliffs, the mangled corpse sprawled along the rocks ready for any scavenger to dine to their heart's content. Oh, how Eirian was going to do just that.

Approaching with no hesitation jaws made quick work of tearing open the vulnerable flesh of the stomach to allow the still warm crimson liquid and organs trapped inside to tumble forth and stain the gray washed ground beneath, cream muzzle shortly changing hue to that of a faint pink with each bite he devoured.

Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She had kept to herself before her brother's killing of Heigen and so it would seem as no surprise if she still kept to herself. Despite witnessing the incident and possibly killing (for she actually had no idea if @Dread had hit his head hard enough) her own blood she still kept everything together. The man had been older and of no concern to her anyway. If he had truly wanted to live then surely he would have fought harder. And her brother? Well, shit. He had made a wrong decision by provoking her and that was now his own personal problem. She hoped that if he wasn't dead then he had at the very least left the mountain. The last thing the large woman wanted was a piece of evidence hanging around. The body was likely taken care of by nature now anyway. Her brother would be the only missing puzzle piece but she'd make sure he'd never fit into it.

Abaddon had strayed further that day, content to explore the area before calling it a day. Yet something on the breeze became tantalizing - pulling her further and further from the place she called...not home but something close. Perhaps just her base. The scent was fresh and mingled with something else. Someone else. Yet she paid it no mind. Given her recent situations and the way she was raised, the thought of another on the scene of a kill was not alarming or worrying. In fact, she wasn't hungry enough to start a squabble over some carcass.

She settled a few yards from the scene. Her rump planted on the ground firmly as her white-spotted chest was held out like usual. The mostly ebony female's presence was strong but it was not demanding or even screaming for attention. She was just here to play stalker to the russet male feasting a few slopes below.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Bite by bite Eirian could feel each chunk of meat that slid down his throat to fill his stomach ease the hunger pains that had plagued him for days now, the pink tint to his once ivory hued cheeks ever darkening to a more crimson hue that still remained dulled in comparison to the blood that pooled around his meal. Too consumed in his single priority of eating his fill before some lanky loner or other scavenger dared to approach and challenge him for the rights to the kill to notice the shadow that had emerged from the rocky terrain like a ghost and loomed a few ledges above. Content to watch the copper male eat.

Gradually his gut could take no more and the Asurn accepted that he would remain unopposed here, opting to tear a hind quarter from its socket and drag the exposed bone to a nearby spot under a shady pine to begin gnawing his frustrations away like he had back in Broken Timber Pines. This time, though, there would be no Eek to toy with his prized possession once he was done and move it to a new hiding spot just to rattle the bulky man's cage. Nor a fallen beehive to further spike his easily triggered anger.

Unceremoniously, Eirian collapsed on his side beneath the shady pine with his back pressed to the roughly surfaced trunk. Paws keeping the bone lodged in place while his teeth set to work etching small scores into its hardened surface. If anyone wanted to come and try their luck at grabbing a bite of what remained of the goat, it was now while he was sluggish from a full belly and distracted with the object between his paws.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Venom yellow eyes watched as the man ate. Making a mess of himself and the area but what was to be expected? They were merely animals after all. Just like the dead thing he was plucking meat from with each bite. He stunk like a loner and she figured if he kept gorging himself like that he might very well bring everything back up over the young mountain goat. What a waste of a meal that would be too.

"Tsk tsk." She mentally chimed.

It seemed as though the man had almost heard her thoughts and removed himself a chew toy from the thing before settling underneath a tree not out of view. She wondered if she should come down from her high position. Abaddon knew she had an advantage being out of his reach and yet still be so opened. Did he even know that someone was creeping on him from above? She either doubted that he did or that he merely didn't care with the way he lounged after sucking down that meal. There was still enough left for someone else to slide in and grab a bite. For a brief moment, she contemplated bringing back a chunk for the Heights. It would make her day look more productive at least.

Raising to her large size she began to move down ledge by ledge until she was across from him with only the dead goat between them. With her hackles raised she kept her eyes forward, grabbing a leg of the goat and pulling it back some away from him. This would be hers at least for a moment or two. Abaddon would be content with ripping off a nice leg for a cache back in Aurora Heights.
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
A smudge of black against the slate gray backdrop warranted the preoccupied man to lift his lowered gaze from the lightly marred surface of his chew toy to that of the bold woman that had clambered down from the higher elevations, lids narrowing suspiciously while his own hackles began to steadily rise in silent warning. There was no mistaking the heavy scent of others upon her swarthy fur but none rung a familiar bell as his nostrils dissected the scents. No traces of Eskil or of herbs, no hints of cedarwood. Just a concoction of white fir, ozone, and grasses topped off with the distinct scent of wet rocks from the recent rains. Which then posed the question, was there a pack that called a portion of the mountain home near by?

Hm, perhaps the Asurn's luck was starting to change ever so slightly. If there indeed was a pack near by then there was a chance he could try to charm his way into their ranks to lay low and still remain close enough that he could keep a watchful eye on his daughter below in the realm of the willows. As the woman began to tug the carcass away from him he gave an obnoxious roll of his eyes and scoffed, finally deciding to speak up. "You don't gotta drag it off, Ya know. Pretty sure I've already had my fill." Totally the best way to start a conversation with someone from a pack you may or may not show an interest in joining at some point. Bravo Eirian.
Played by Becca who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Abaddon didn't care what he was saying. She dragged it back a few more steps before shaking her head to loosen the bone of the leg. Once she heard a pop she would be able to tear away the leg easier. So the dark woman went to work on chewing through the matted fur and meat. It would take a few moments and only rarely did her eyes pull away from the russet male. If he was a stranger he couldn't be trusted. Not until she was done with one task at least.

Once she managed to sever the leg properly she pulled it to rest underneath her white spotted chest. "I know." She answered late. "Saw the way you gorged yourself but can't blame you. We've all been there once before." There was no hiding that he was a loner by his smell. Even Abaddon had been a loner for a little bit before she decided to settle on this mediocre mountain. At least the company wasn't completely awful. Anything was better than being back home where they wouldn't let her take the crown because of some stupid decision by her brother to return home. Dumb rat. Thinking about it made her wish he really was dead.

She settled back down into a sitting position. "Name?" Abaddon asked in a rather less than friendly way. All she wanted was some information. The Heights wolf wasn't trying to make any friends today.
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Rude much? Eirian thought as nothing but silence reigned between the two wolves and the dark woman seemed to be more interested in severing a leg for herself than engaging in some friendly conversation. Something that Eiran didn't delve into often. Fine by him. Huffing in disregard to her chosen silence the copper male lowered his head to return his focus to the task he had been working on prior to this bitch showing up, teeth gnawing at the blood stained bone until finally, she opted to speak. Listening, russet ears pricked forward before the Asurn rose his head once more, settling citrus irises on the woman's dark facial features. So she had been watching him? What a creep.

Quirking a brow at this statement he accompanied it with a shrug of his charcoal dusted shoulders in a nonchalant manner. "True, but it kind of weirds me out to know you were watching me eat for so long. Do you get off on that stuff or something?" The creatures he had been born and raised to despise were full of weird habits. It was bad enough they bred with one another and formed emotional attachments, but who knew what else lay beneath their filthy skins. A small chill ran up Eirian's spine at the thought.

After settling into a seated position the swarthy woman soon asked for his name and at first he was reluctant to give up his moniker, but if he was going to make at least a decent impression on this pack wolf; should he find himself at their doorsteps in the future, he would have to play nice. "Eirian. Yours?" Eirian wasn't trying to make friends here either.