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Pyramid — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Ray who has 36 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Meletē "Muses Synesthesia"
She felt like she was element, a better group hunter than a solo one, though she had plenty of opportunity to practice on her travels. Survival was not so difficult, but then, the young wolf had been built to endure; it was required of all winter wolves. Taking pause for a moment, she considered her options, cocking an ear in the direction that her hunting partner had gone. They would have to trust each other in order to succeed.

Lying patiently in wait, Muses observed how the herd interacted. There was a certain tension that accompanied high numbers, but they had not yet been detected. She exhaled slowly, calming her nerves. The fawn's mother was the only one to look back to it from time to time, but her attention was divided. She was not surprised to observe that their target had a twin, bigger and more capable looking.

While some might have felt sorry, the pale she-wolf was indifferent. Prey served to feed them, it was as simple as that. The little one they hunted was destined to be fodder. As if she knew, the mother stepped away for a moment, allowing Muses an opening. The ivory wolf leaped forward, attempting to get between the frail fawn and the others, trying to pressure the rest of the herd to move in the opposite direction. If she could succeed in causing the deer to bolt, then she would be able to swiftly turn back and focus the rest of her attention on the target, and assisting Kajika.

Hunt post 5/?
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:48 PM by Muses.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Hunting post 6/?

As they both moved in closer to the fawn they had targeted as the one they were going to take down things seemed to be going quite well. The dark alpha kept a close eye on Muses to see what she was doing. By them watching each other it would make it easier to work as a team because they couldn't use verbal communication. It was a different thing hunting with someone he didn't know well to hunting with his pack or a packmate but Kajika adjusted. This would be another chance for her to prove herself to him but he didn't have any doubts about her. So far Muses had shown herself to be a truthful wolf and he took her at her word.

When Muses was still Kajika was still not wanting to accidentally alert the herd to their presence before either of them was ready for it. He watched the deer letting his amber gaze scan the prey animals as they grazed. He watched their ears and tails as those would be the first sign that they had been discovered. He also watched how they moved across the ground and how they grouped as this could indicate the direction they would run. The last thing he wanted was for the fawn to get mixed among the rest of them and the lose it.

As he watched the mother with her children one of which was their fawn and the other a larger twin she moved away from the smaller of the two. This gave them a small opening to do what they needed to do. His gaze caught Muses leaping forward and he did the same without hesitation. As she focused her attention on the others of the group trying to get them away from the fawn he stayed with the small deer doing what he could to keep it from bolting with the others.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:32 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ray who has 36 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Meletē "Muses Synesthesia"
Rolled 4d for success in separating the target. Odds fail, evens success. Rolled: 2

She could sense the mood of the herd change in an instant. At the first sign of movement, the ungulates began to flee, moving swiftly on slender legs. Creatures of flight, they already had a head start on the wolves. Muses diligently focused on her first task of separating the deer. As she hoped, the herd moved with the pressure, running away from the perceived threat. The target, unable to follow, ran the opposit direction, away from the rest.

Jaws gaping, a sigh of relief rushed from her lungs. Digging her claws into the dirt for traction, the pale wolf turned sharply, tail swaying as she whipped around. Periwinkle eyes caught sight of the fawn, running towards the west. Now that it was separated, they had to make sure that it did not manage to rejoin its mother. Muses ran after it, carefully trying to direct it onwards along a predictable path.

Young as it was, it was still quick on it's feet. She would have to push to not only keep up, but to eventually over come it. Eyes narrowing, she tilted a ear to try and detect Kajika's presence, hoping he was in hot pursuit as well. Within minutes, they would either succeed or fail, but the results would be quickly known.

Hunt post 6/?
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:48 PM by Muses.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Hunting post 7/?

When they moved the herd started to move, there could be no hesitation or second guessing now. They had to be sure in their actions and not allow the dawn to escape or they would be going hungry that night. Kajika focused on the fawn as Muses went for the larger group, getting them away wouldn't be too hard since they were already on the move. When the young deer ran in the opposite direction of the rest Kajika followed staying with it but it was quick.

His large paws pounded the earth as he ran staying just behind the fawn. He didn't think it would take much to tire the creature out and soon he was sure muses would join him. He was lucky that the fawn had not veered too much off course just yet but he was waiting and ready for when he did. If luck was with him the fawn would fall right into Muses grasp if it did.

He was confident that she was controlling the rest of the herd, getting them away. Finally his ears detected the sound of footfalls coming up fast behind him. Muses had come to join him in the chase. With her to take the other side they would soon have their dinner or not, Kajika still kept his hope for a meal in check.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:33 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ray who has 36 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Meletē "Muses Synesthesia"
Rolled 4d for action and success. 1 - Push towards Kajika, fail. 2 - Attack the fawn from behind, fail. 3 - Push towards Kajika, success. 4 - Attack the fawn from behind, success. Rolled: 3

Things went smoothly, with Muses falling into the routine with ease. She enjoyed the thrill, and looked forward to success. Snap decisions were made, all in an effort to take down the fawn. The tip of her tongue snaked over her teeth, and on the air she could taste fear and imminent death. Having started after the fawn later, she was further behind, not quite ready to take the prey down herself. Not wanting to take risks, she considered her alternatives. If she tried to push the fawn towards the dark wolf, he might be able to find an opening to take it down.

The question was: Would she be able to redirect the fawn? Pushing her limits, she felt a surge of adrenaline, and rocketed forward, pressuring the target to veer off to the side. Taking note of their surroundings, she attempted to redirect their path little by little, waiting for the right moment. Ahead, a couple of evergreen trees crowded each other, creating an obstacle to go around. Directly in their path, she knew this was what she had been waiting for.

Claws scraped against the ground, biting into it for traction while she swung her frame around. Crouching low, she snapped at the fawn. As had hoped, it immediately responded by trying to get away from her. With no way to get forward or to go backwards, there was only one more option. Muses barked sharply, a throaty, excited sound that served to drive the fawn forward faster.

Hunt post 7/?
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:49 PM by Muses.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Hunting post 8/?

The dark male hoped for a short chase but it was quickly turning to something longer in duration. More and more he was hoping for a full belly and a good night's sleep before they would he heading back in the morning. He stayed just behind the fawn as he chased it over the terrain. It wasn't an easy task either, the faen was fast and he was large, that slowed him some but with the young deer aware of his presence it kept it going. Eventually when it was too tired to run it would fall to his jaws and he wouldn't have to worry about catching up to it.

Muses finally caught up to them and took the other side. Kajika had taken notice of the evergreens that lay directly in their path which he hoped the fawn would not try to escape into. It was small enough to and the spaces between would stop him and his hunting companion from following.

He saw from the corner of his eye the pale coat of Muses come up on the other side of the fawn. Then he heard a sharp bark from her. It all served to push the fawn in his direction, the take down was drawing nearer. He pushed himself a little harder to bring himself closer to the young deer. Soon enough it would be within reach and as he came closer he didn't let his gaze go to see what Muses was doing. So far she had done exactly what needed to he done and he trusted she would continue.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:34 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ray who has 36 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Meletē "Muses Synesthesia"
Seizing the next opportunity, Muses opened her jaws once again, snapping mercilessly at the fawn's tail. Her first bite caught nothing but air, but she recovered quickly, lunging again in almost an instant. She tore into the fawn, cutting through the thin skin of its backside, urging it to make its final push. The bleating deer, now bleeding heavily, finally stumbled, reaching the top of its limit. Muses dare not lick her bloodied maw, for fear that her hunger might distract her from her focus. Instead, she urged her legs to slow her down, lest she run over both the fawn and her alpha.

It's energy spent, the fawn was all but thrown into Kajika's waiting grasp. Escape at this point was now futile, with one wolf behind it, and one wolf before it. Muses glanced pointedly up at the dark wolf, eyes flashing fiercely. Whether or not the fawn collapsed in front of him or he pulled it down to the ground, she was certain they would be treated to a meal tonight. They had run far from their camp, but she was convinced that it was worth it.

Tail raised high in premature celebration of their success, the young wolf slowed to a trot. She could feel her lungs burn with the effort, and her elongated tongue hung out the side of her mouth. Though she was starting to feel the after effects of pushing her physical limits, it could not wipe the wide grin off her maw. Hunting had always been an activity to put her in a good mood, no matter what the outcome was.

Hunt post 8/?
(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:49 PM by Muses.)
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Hunting post 9/?

The fawn was now in their grasp and while the chase could go either way the dark alpha was feeling more confident they would have their dinner. Muses had come up on the other side and pushed the fawn toward him before ending up behind it. He was put in front of the young deer leaving him the chance to take it down. Before he could Muses decided to slow their target down a little more by tearing into the fawn and leaving a bleeding wound in its hindquarters. Their quarry would not last long the way that it was bleeding and it was most certainly in pain.

The dark male did not want it to suffer anymore than it already was, this needed to end soon. So he stopped and turned, fawn running right into his waiting paws. The alpha closed his jaws around the young deer windpipe as he toppled over from the force he was hit with as the fawn ran right into him. He did not lose his grip and moments later it was all over as he waited to be sure he had ended the young deer's suffering.

He let go of the neck and waited for Muses to join him, “That was a job well done,” he told her once she had. While he had been a little worried at first but that had left him. He could see Muses would be a great addition to their pack hunts and he was sure she would be able to help provide for the pack. “Lets drag this back to camp before we eat,” he stated, “It will be easier to move it like this then it will be after we've eaten.” They needed to have it close to their camp if they planned to take some home with them in the morning.

(This post was last modified: Sep 05, 2017, 04:34 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Ray who has 36 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Meletē "Muses Synesthesia"
With victory in their grasp, Muses could finally rest easy knowing that things finally seemed to be working out. This felt right to her, and it encouraged her to look forward to the future. She watched as Kajika landed the fatal blow, putting a swift end to their hunt. Bowing her head, she silently thanked the spirits for providing them with a hearty meal. Then, she trotted over to the dark wolf's side, sides still heaving as she continued to pant. "I couldn't have done it without an exceptional hunting partner." She smiled gently, nodding courteously towards the male. They had done well together, and it was only due to that teamwork that they had succeeded.

Nodding, she agreed wholeheartedly that it was better to bring the whole body back to camp. It would take a bit more effort, and they would be teased by the scent of their fresh kill the entire way back, but they would be rewarded for their effort. If they could bring back some significant chunks of meat to store for the rest of the pack, everyone would benefit from the hunt. She worried only that they might become a target for larger scavengers and opportunists.

"I'll take the back end." Muses offered, moving around the body and assessing it carefully. Kajika was a larger wolf than she was, and might have an easier time dealing with the awkward and heavy head. She took what she could in her grasp and looked to the alpha, waiting on his cue to begin lifting. Hopefully they would make it back to camp in good time.
