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Clouds Don't Squeak — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Trick or Treat RE. Your Gift is: The moon virtually disappears behind a thick blanket of clouds -- or is it a massive swarm of bats?
October 31, late evening or early night.
Somewhere between FTC and AH. Anyone welcome but mostly directed to @Revon and @Chan who got the same bag.

Neko had not intended to travel so far from home, and certainly not at this time of year. Weather was one of her concerns. She could imagine a freak snowstorm coming out of nowhere and trapping her in these mountains. She was also concerned that her pack might worry about her if she were away from the fields for too long, but Jessie and Drestig knew she was out searching for herbs, hoping to find and collect whatever she could before winter really sets in.

Although weather and time away from home were serious concerns, Neko worried about something bigger. She was lost and alone on an unfamiliar mountain at a time when she believed that the veil separating the spirit world from the natural world was weak. She tried to comfort herself. She reminded herself that the shooting stars that had recently frightened her did not fall to the ground, and that the ghost-lights to the north were not threatening either, so she should be okay now as well.

The big orange harvest moon in the night sky didn’t help. Although it offered good light, it was also a reminder of the time of year, and that gave Neko the creeps. While she sat gazing at the moon, she heard a cacophony of squeaks and chirps as a dark cloud  passed in front of it, completely blocking out its light. She stopped and stared at the cloud that was now blocking out the moon, momentarily transfixed by it. The only problem was that clouds don’t squeak or chirp.
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer

The scarlet fox was becoming an expert at maneuvering over the mountain—just like her parents. She used the cover of darkness to her advantage, her long legs carrying her quickly over the rocky terrain. There was no destination in mind, not tonight. Revon just wanted to stretch her legs without one of her packmates breathing down her neck, for they were always keen on ruining her fun. She knew they didn’t do it intentionally (most of the time), but it didn’t make it any less frustrating.

She also didn’t want to pester her parents to accompany her every time she wanted to explore the neighbouring territories. As leaders of the pack, they were busy wolves. The scarlet Archer couldn’t pull them away from the duties just because she wanted to play. Sometimes she accompanied them, trailing behind them and following them on their patrols. But, like her father, Revon was not opposed to being on her own.

Sometimes she even preferred it.

A sound overhead caught her attention, causing her fiery eyes to fall into slits as she turned her nose to the sky. Only it wasn’t just one sound—it was a collection of sounds. Squeaks and chirps fumbling over each other, filling the night sky. Her brows knitted together as she followed the dark cloud across the sky with her eyes, confusion bubbling within her chest as she took a step back.

Was she dreaming?

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Neko silently stared at whatever was passing through the sky and blocking out the moon, and she couldn’t help wondering what sort of horror might have been unleashed upon the mountain. She didn’t know, but the shrill cries from whatever it was sent shivers down her spine. Hordes of imps from the netherworld, perhaps? Or maybe ghosts, restless spirits that for whatever reason couldn’t pass on to the afterlife? Vampires? She had never seen one, and she hoped she never would. Or perhaps they were just bats? She had spent many a night in a cave and even lived in one when she was a pup, and she had certainly seen bats before, but never so many.

With her muzzle pointed at the darkened moon and her puffed up tail in the air (which was rare for the timid yearling), she stood up on all four feet. She was not fully aware that she was moving, but she took a few steps forward with her gaze still fixed on whatever it was that was blocking out the moon. She studied it, trying to determine what it was. Had she heard their sounds before? She couldn’t be sure.

She had only taken a few steps when she tripped over something. Startled, she jumped back. She looked for whatever she tripped over, hoping it was just a boulder or log, though it seemed too soft to be either. It turned out to be a pup. She suddenly tucked her tail and flattened her ears and said, “I’m sorry about that. Are you alright?” She hoped this was in fact a pup and not another apparition.
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
hope its fine to still throw him in :)

He hadn't been out of the packs borders since his parents had brought him home. He had vowed to never wander off again but here he was in the middle of the night crossing over the invisible boundary that marked his home. The tawny boy couldn't help the curiosity that swirled deep inside him, calling him to explore. This curiosity was the only thing to cause the Eastfall child to wander. Things had been - different at home. Mama was the only girl in the pack, and there was only one other man that wasn't family. Chan hadn't spoken much to the stormy man but knew he was apart of the pack. He missed @Muses most. She had been so kind and fun, he hoped she wasn't lost too.

Large awkward paws walked up an incline, for last time he went down it didnt go so well. So up he went with no particular destination in mind. Mismatched eyes took in his surroundings, taking special note of the moon. It was bigger than he had ever seen and was orange like some leaves he had seen. The cove pup found it curious and stopped the look at it better. His thoughts were pulled from the color of the moon to what seemed to be in front of it. It looked like a cloud but what the boy heard made him think otherwise. 

Chirps and squeaks filled his russet ears. What is that? Transfixed by the sound Chan stood still. His mind whirled as it tried to come up with an explanation of what he was seeing and hearing. Had Kajika given him a lesson about this? He didnt think so. Soon the squeaks weren't the only sound invading his russet ears. There was a yelp then a female voice quickly apologizing. Turning away from the moon and strange cloud he followed the voice. 

Coming to a small clearing Chan saw small dark figure and another even smaller golden figure. Keeping to the shadows the small boy simply observed the pair hoping that he wouldn't be seen. 
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer
of course @Chan <3

The little fox had been so transfixed by the dark, squeaking cloud in the sky that she had not noticed the nearby wolf. Her tangerine pools were as wide as the moon, her lips parted in a soft O shape. It was rather unnerving but she remained rooted to the spot, absolutely dumbfounded by the peculiar sight in the sky. She wished her mother or father had been present, for she was curious as to what polluted the night sky. Surely one of them would know what was making the strange sounds. She would just have to wait until she returned home, to the den she shared alongside th—

Her thoughts were disrupted by a larger wolf stumbling over her, nearly stepping on the poor Archer’s tail in the process.

With a loud OOF! escaping her the little Archer scrambled away from the dark wolf, her upper lip curled as she bared her pearly whites. “Watch where you’re goin!” She spat, ignoring the feeble apology that tumbled off the older female’s tongue. Apology Sm-ology. This wolf had just stepped on her!! Fortunately the girl had not sustained any injuries, otherwise a shrill howl to the dark sky would alert her parents of the wandering stranger.

Played by Nuru who has 76 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Neko Inali
Definitely a pup, Neko thought with some relief. A pup with a quite an attitude, but still a pup. But when she thought it about it, that wasn’t necessarily good either. She doubted that it was safe for a pup to be out on such a night, with demons and phantoms and such running amok. She certainly wouldn’t be in this place at this time herself if she had not gotten herself lost.

Neko could clearly see that the pup was not hurt, but she was concerned for her safety, as she believed that evil spirits presented a serious danger, not to mention that she suddenly had the unshakable feeling that someone, or something was watching her. She turned to look in Chan’s direction and sniffed the air with eyes wide and ears perked, but she couldn’t see, hear, or smell anything.

She ignored the girl’s little tantrum and turned her attention back to the sky which, in her mind, contained threats that would dwarf even an angry mother. She finally thought she recognized the sounds they were making. She had heard them before, only in much smaller numbers. “Bats,” she said to herself, “definitely bats. But so many? They’re Probably possessed. Maybe with rabies?” She had heard that bats could carry rabies, and she had seen the effects of rabies when she was a pup. She would never forget the sadness of the pack when her father was forced to kill the victim. It was definitely not safe to be out here tonight.

She knew that the pup was not her responsibility and that she had no business her what to do, but she thought she should at least urge the pup to safety, assuming her parents or at least a guardian were near. “It’s not safe here, and there’s definitely something watching us.” she said to the pup. She looked again in Chan’s direction but didn’t detect anything. A shiver went down her spine. “I’m leaving. I’m going back home, and you should go home to.” Of course she couldn’t actually go home because she wasn’t sure where home was, but the pup didn’t need to know that. She turned to look for a safe path down the mountain.
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Hiding in the safety of the shadows the cove pup could easily see the two females. One was small, like him, and a golden red color he had never seen before. The other was as dark as the night like his mother. He didnt catch the initial apology and response so the first thing he heard was the older woman saying things about bats. Mismatched eyes looked back to the darkened sky. The squeaks and squeals stilling ringing in the air. Bats? Rabies? The words were were strange to Chan. He would definitely have to ask Kajika about them. 

His thoughts were drawn from the bats when the older female said it wasn't safe. His thoughts immediately went back his conversation with Marisol. He had promised to be smart and different, but here he was being dumb. His charcoal dusted ears fell against his skull when Neko said something was watching them and looked in his direction. He nervously looked over his shoulder to see if something was indeed there. Never did he think it was him she was talking about. 

Seeing nothing he took a tentative step back. -Snap - He still slightly over sized  paws accidentally stepped on a twig. Freezing in place the child looked back towards the two females hoping they didnt hear him.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Arla who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Revon Argyris Archer


Her eyes squinted at the sky as the dark stranger spoke, her tail lashing out behind her. Bats sch-mats. It didn’t mean that the yellow-eyed wolf had to step on her! A frown was still cut deep into her lips as she kept her fiery gaze fixated on the dark sky. Her dark companion seemed confused as to why there was so many and continued to speak, but Revon wasn’t sure she was directing her words at her or if she was just talking to herself. One word stuck out to the little fox, causing her head to fall to the side: rabies? What was that? She tore her gaze away from the squeaking creatures and studied the yellow-eyed female, a question hesitating on the tip of her tongue.

However, before she could ask, the dark wolf spoke once more, announcing that it was time for both of them to leave. Wait—so soon?! Revon was sure there was nothing bad about the bats—maybe they were migrating, like the herds of deer did… or something. But the dark stranger seemed spooked, which made Revon feel a little uneasy as well…


Her gaze turned to where the sound had originated from, a lump forming in her throat. Maybe the ebony she-wolf was right… Who’s there?! She called out, a little too boldly for someone who was so scared, but they had numbers on their side, which meant she felt a little safer.