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Burning an eternal flame — Sacred Grove 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Caution almost brought the woman to a standstill as Triell's laughter suddenly became silenced, a small hiccup in her next stride causing ebony ears to face forward curiously. Had the skilled huntress not been trained well at dealing with last minute executions by frantic quarry surely her mismatched frame would have collided with the equally solid trunk of a lumbering tree, or worse a prickly bush. Yet taunt limbs pushed themselves gracefully back on track following further along the scent trail weaving in no general direction through the humming timbers, a smirk beginning to creep more and more upon her swarthy lips. "Where are you going, @Triell ?" A breathy question was muttered under her breath, sides heaving with the effort of bringing in oxygen to her lungs while paws struck continuously at the earth melting beneath them.

Gradually the strength of the Tainn's cologne thickened, coal black nose twitching at the tip of a lowered snout to better track his movements. How easily this game of chase benefited the woman, putting all her skills as a huntress to work and honestly Enoki reveled in that fact. Rarely did she lose her target and tonight would be no exception. Skull lowered and shadowy banner held straight out behind her ivory flanks, the hunt was truly on. Each new installment of the man's zigzag traveling pattern bringing a wrinkling of facial features into a look of perplexity. Why was he running like a wolf that had just had their fill of fermented apples and now attempted to overcome the art of stumbling home? A soft chuckle passed over her lips at the idea of Triell partaking in such activities.

Gaze focused on a set of prints against an embankment of snow, half of wish lay smeared due to the snow's slushy state, her path of trajectory shifted to match their intended direction. Small inhale confirming he had indeed darted off this way. His intoxicating aroma was everywhere now. Slowing to a mere stalk once a large elder tree came into sight, head lowered further to lighten the weight of her steps to a near feather light pressure, tail flicking in both amusement and hunter's anticipation. He had to be close, Enoki just knew it with out pungent his smell was coming to her. It was everywhere! One final step was taken before her entire embodiment came to a halt, sides continuing to work overtime to fuel her blood and lungs with the oxygen they needed from the run, unaware that she had already passed his special hideout. Back facing the curled male, smoldering amber irises narrowed into partial slights to better scan the surrounding landscape for the slightest of movements. "Oh Triell..." The piebald woman spoke in a taunting and elaborated sing-song voice, unable to hide the smile plastered across her face.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

The sharp tug of her breaths pulled his ears upward, and he had to fight to keep them flattened back. If this effort alone would help him sink into shadow, stay hidden just a little longer. The scent she was cloaked in greeted his nostrils once again. Damn, he already had a hard time breathing. Staying against the coolness of the tree. But, any minute he expected her to tag him, and that would be that. Eventually the game would come to the end, and the real world would show its face.

 Ink toned legs came into view, and he waited. Heart pounding in his ears too loudly for his liking. Smoothly she glided past, and he sucked in another tiny wisp of air when her back was turned. Okay, she had to be messing with him, trying to draw him out. Then he thought better of it. There was something about his name on her tongue that forced the ridge of his mane to bristle if a cold chill had crossed his skin. Why it was partly appealing to remain where he was, the idea of taking her by surprise again won out. Tight lipped, little by little his long limbs stretched into a stand, and exaggerating his stride he crept behind her, drawn to her warmth. With control or what he wanted to think was, he paused at a dead halt leaving some space between them.

"Enoki,"  just a whisper on the breeze, if it might have been it speaking her name and not him. While there was a fiber in him that wanted to close the gap,  he dared not. Especially in the event she twirled around. After all he was still trying to be elusive, and was ready to draw back out of reach should it seem necessary. He hadn't been caught yet...

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2016, 04:32 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Not a sound stirred within the grove as alert ears listened closely for the slightest of rustling that could signal where the dark Tainn hid from the magpie pelted woman, each erect appendage taking its turn to swivel about like rotating satellites. Huh she thought for a moment before a gentle breeze picked up to guide its invisible fingers through the fine hairs of her fur, a chill quivering down her spine as ears picked up on the faintest uttering of her name.

So lightly the moniker registered it was almost impossible for the Ashrelle maiden to be sure she had even heard it at all. This way and that her darkly hued skull angled about to ensure that it wasn't @Triell playing some hoax on her, lids narrowing suspiciously while unaware the very wolf now stood as silent as the shadows surrounding them at her rear.

A single step was taken forward before Enoki halted her paws, ivory dipped tail swaying in suspenseful angst. Where was he hiding and why was he so good at it? Bright amber gaze shifted about the darkened landscape in one last sweep before her body angled to turn itself around, paws suddenly finding themselves a good few inches off the ground like a frightened cat as one ebony face greeted the other. "HOLY F-" the phrase was cut short as pupils dilated and the whites surrounding the coloration of her eyes revealed themselves more under the pale moonlight.

Sides heaving in rapid succession to still the frantic beating of her racing heart against a raised forelimb before an airy laugh escaped Enoki's lips realizing it was only him standing so quietly like a ghost. "You nearly scared me to death!" She exclaimed, an easy playfulness readable in her words. Apparently she wasn't as keen a tracker as she originally assumed herself to be.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Triell's 800th post goes to you two. <3

I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

Their pair of fiery eyes met briefly, and a grin of victory stretched his muzzle as the Ashrelle startled by sudden surprise. A light chuckle fell from his lips that surely hadn't been heard in awhile. Why the man felt a bit of guilt, attempting to rein in his wide grin, he couldn't quite manage in the moment. It felt good to smile, laugh in a harmless game. Why there was an inkling he should place himself away from her as a precaution, he couldn't do that either. Her laughter was playing in his ears, and he wondered if he could entice it any further.  If this was his one and only change to have heard it so.

Suddenly, dark ears twisted back sheepishly upon her tone, dark crown lowering as his orange gaze cast to the earthen floor.  A sign of some remorse to be had.  It was evident she was not really scolding him, but he still wanted it to be known he hadn't had ill intent. He truly didn't want to frighten her in the real sense of the word. He rather get to know her, or at least keep her company for a little while longer.  Dark mask had smoothed over, perfectly serious. "I wouldn't want that," he gently admitted. With boldness, chin lifted, now looking upon her face. "I hope it won't drive you away. "

Triell Tainn
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Aw, I feel special <3

Her initial shock was smoothly taken in stride by the large male as the sound of his light laughter filled her ears before bright amber eyes caught the first glimpse of a grin emerging upon his dark countenance in victory. Had they not been but complete strangers to one another just hours ago the two toned woman may have attempted her paw at wiping that smug grin off his face by engaging in an informal tussle like young pups partook in growing up. Alas, the reminder that her heat cycle was still in full swing; the once dull ache embedded within the pit of her stomach a full blown inferno now from the shock to her system, remained at the forefront of her mind and thwarted any motions in favor of such childish behavior that may have come so readily and naturally in that moment.

Swarthy ears upon the top of her head soon pricked forward, though, as Triell's own adopted a sheepish display against the back of his skull in a sudden show of remorse. Blazing bright gaze studied the features of his face as they too adjusted under the pale beams of moonlight, smoothing from their previous state of lightheartedness to one of unmistakable seriousness before his gentle words graced the air between them. A flutter in her chest immediately following suit. Now what was that all about? Enoki had not a clue, but the more shocking and frightening factor was that she enjoyed that sensation. Oh boy, what was she getting herself into?

Had there been a greater source of light present and Enoki born of a lighter hue, Triell may have noticed the sudden flush to the areas of her cheeks, gaze bashfully adverting his in an attempt to recollect herself as it chose to settle upon the silhouette of a distant timber just off to his side. Don't go falling for complete strangers. Remember where that got you last time? Her subconscious reminded her, a whine almost slipping out at the memory of the one who soiled her heart exactly this time last year. Who was she kidding though? She stood no chance with a guy like him even if whatever that feeling in her chest was meant something unique. Just breath, you look like an idiot right now. Play it cool. She coached herself, hoping her sudden shift in demeanor hadn't sent the encounter spiraling for awkward disaster.

Gradually her sudden spell of shyness began to wane with each slowly exhaled breath, smoldering amber gaze confidently lifting to meet his own fiery gaze once more. "I'm the big, bad creature of the night remember? It'll take more than a mere startle to drive me away." A cocky, lopsided grin that could easily challenge the grin once plastered across his maw presented itself upon her own, front limbs bowing down to the cool earth to position herself into a play bow. Banner swaying like a pendulum behind her flanks it was clear Enoki Ashrelle was far from driven away.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Eep I am sorry this took me longer than I wanted it too. >.> Life made it too difficult to write the reply I wanted.
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

He didn't mind temporarily rendering her speechless. But, in doing so the temptation to reach out, graze her cheek in some form of assurance blazed under his skin. Maybe, he would have if it were any other time. The brute felt it was a boundary he shouldn't cross without invitation. A line he partially worried what lay on the other side. The Tainn was a gentleman through and through despite his teasing nature. Until now he hadn't realized how little he had used the muscles in his face, muscles tired from a smile that wouldn't leave his face. For a moment his expression softened, fiery eyes fixated upon her, wishing he could read past her own dark facade. What would he find?

Distracted, his ears were pulled to the sound of her breathing, noticing how it began to even out, reminding him of the gentle trick of a stream. Surprise took a hold of him, when her bright stare caught his. Blinking rapidly, his strange nervous tick, he knew his own breathing malfunctioned for a second, but he couldn't speak,couldn't swallow the airy lump.  He almost thought he might just start a coughing fit, like a dumb ass idiot. In the end a chuckle rumbled from his chest, smoothing his throat. A single brow quirked, and muscles tensed in his shoulders at the coy, curve of her lip. It was trouble plain and simple right?  Stance widened slightly, ready or so he thought for anything.  Who was he kidding? There was nothing about this night he had anticipated, ever dreamed. He was far from deserving, meeting a striking beauty who didn't mind him for company. The heavens were far more cruel than kind to have this mean more than a passing of time. Later he would see it for it's harshness. Not now.

The playful pose she swiftly struck, caused his own tail to swing in rhythm, tongue hanging from his open mouth as he dropped down to his own elbows. Play was it? She was probably swift, but he couldn't help feel he may just catch her...if she wanted him too. Clearly, this was another challenge. He saw his chance. With a light bark, he didn't give her a further warning. In a single heartbeat he leaped, stretching his thick neck, open jaws reaching for a touch of her pale neck should he be quick enough.

Triell Tainn
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

The grin that graced her lips only grew wider and the rate of speed in which her ivory dipped tail swung at her flanks increased rapidly once the larger specimen accepted her invitation to play. Glistening eyes watched intently under the beams of pale moonlight as his elbows adopted the same positions hers now held, anticipation coursing like a wild river throughout her veins waiting for the first move to be made. Suddenly the sound of his light, warning bark filled her ears and caused her body to jolt back in surprise with forelimbs slapping slightly at the leaf dusted ground while ears pivoted backwards for a split second then returned to a direct forward facing position having not expected the noise. It was in the seconds following the bark, though, that forced Enoki into action as Triell's swarthy body leaped forward in an attempt to capture what he could of her between parted jaws.

A hearty laugh escaped the piebald woman as coiled limbs released to spring her lithe frame away into the looming darkness just in the nick of time to allow his teeth to just barely graze the surface of her neck without the ability to grab ahold. A tease in comparison to the satisfaction she knew the male would gain if he had acquired such, but the subtle contact was still substantial enough to send a lick of flame coursing along her spine, the air within her lungs momentarily suspended in time as ebony paws struck hard and true at the ground until her body whirled about a couple wolf lengths away to perform a full turn to face @Triell again. Any hints of the fire that burned at her skin from the contact was swiftly discarded as a mischievous smirk tugged at the corner of her lips instead, voice adopting a cocky tone. "Is that all you got? You'll have to be faster than that to catch me."

Before the man even had a chance to form a response her body was bounding forward with a bark, jaws nipping playfully at an ear of his once the distance between them was closed before her two toned frame bounded back into the shadows of the silent timbers that surrounded them in hopes he would engage in this childish game of tag.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

As he had hoped his voice helped distract, but like a graceful dancer she dipped back at the exact moment, out of his grasp. Damn, he had been so close... The Tainn was disappointed, but anything worth having wouldn't be easy. His smirk was not easy to be rid of. He was ready to try, try again. The man prepared another course of action, but she was twirling further away. Like a magnet, he was drawn closer, but he miscalculated, and she caught him face to face. Shoulders flinched in time with the blink of his eyes in his off step, but she didn't touch him. And yet she had managed to wipe the smirk of his face, temporarily. He wanted to ask if they were even for heart attacks now.

Clearly, she was taunting him. There was some remark making its way to his lips in turn, when for the second time she caught him off guard giving him no time. Less than it took to wag his tail she was before him, then just a mass of fur giving a light bite to his ear. If they hadn't been at this game, he wouldn't have believed it had happened at all. Astonishment was evident in his bright eyes. Fierce fiery gaze that tried to find her ink and pale coat, but the shadows had eaten her up with ease. Trying to coax his pulsating heart it was all right, he racked his brain for what he really wanted to do. Why he felt he needed speed he did not strike out in a hurry. He wasn't fast, not like he'd use to be in his youth. Still limbs reached out steadily, eyes sweeping the faint differences of light for the one he sought. He was sure she would find him, before he her. How badly he wanted to call her to his side, and yet each stride he some how managed to resist, anticipation thick in his veins. 

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Jun 21, 2016, 04:23 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Only on occasion to ensure the male had set himself in her tracks did Enoki dare glance over her moonlit painted shoulder, the mischievous yet lighthearted smile that had etched itself onto her dark lips unwavering with each bound further into the night's embrace. The air fell silent around them spare the sound of their paws disturbing the leaf litter scattered about in their game of chase, a raven's caw echoing off in the distance whenever the sound of her pounding heartbeat didn't fill her ears on those rare moments she paused to gauge just where @Triell was positioned to allow him a grace period to possibly catch up, but never catch her.

It was one of those said moments now as her pace slowed to an easy lope versus the near sprint, a single ebony ear swiveling upon the top of her head to listen for the sound of heavy footfalls behind her while those bright amber scanned the shadow draped horizon for a splash of ivory that would reveal his whereabouts. Quietly Enoki waited in the shadows, her left side moving to brush up against the side of a lonesome tree spread out further from the rest to serve as her vantage point, or her own undoing, while her sides heaved to calm her ragged breathing. An easy dead give away to her location to ears well trained. Any moment now she knew he would be passing by and when the moment was right would she dare strike. A smirk tugging at the corner of her lips at the thought of surprising him once more.