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Cause I'm tired, I'm sick I don't feel like going home at all — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall

Elias had no objections to joining them around the Willows territory, now that he was already standing outside the borders of their home. No one, allies included, were allowed to cross into pack territory without the leaders permission, friend, family or not. Lucky for him, Ravenna was the leader and she would be here to escort him around for the visiting. She were sure this would keep him from being attacked by any other members who would otherwise see him as a trespasser should he have just been traveling along with a subordinate within the ranks.

She began her walk then, moving along the willow trees of her home. She did not exactly plan on bringing him to the pack's den, but visiting the tree where her parents met maybe (and also died), the creek which flowed through their territory, as well as the storage den which was towards the base of the mountains where he lived anyhow, was an option. "Adeltra, while I talk, why don't you lead us?" She then decided, wanting to keep her cousin involved. Surely she had all kinds of little areas which she had explored while roaming around as a pup with her brother. Children had a knack for noticing all the little things their home had to offer.

Ravenna then turned her pale eyes back to her large friend. "We have. The pack was created over five and a half summers ago." She answers. "My mother founded this pack and led it ever since until my sister took over while she was mending from a fall off the Heights." A fall which could have been avoided, had she not been saving her daughter from slipping off the edge instead - Ravenna. "Then when when my sister left and Elettra took leadership again, she retired by giving the rank to her most trusted friend, Adeltra's mother." She finished as she turned to Adeltra with a smile.

Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
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Elias Selwyn

With Ravenna and Adeltra by his side Elias had no doubt that everything would be fine. He was well aware of the fact that this wasn't the normal thing to do, but they were friends and they had offered to show him about. Barging in uninvited was one thing, but spending time with good friends was another. His tail swished from side to side as Adeltra began to lead the way, she was no doubt the best person to lead the tour. The duo fell into step behind her as she led the way and Elias' ears perked as Ravenna began to explain the pack's history.

Elias couldn't help but be in awe of Elettra because...holy moly she seemed like such an amazing woman! Even from the few words Ravenna had said he could tell that her Mother had achieved so much during her reign, that she was a Queen, the sort who didn't demand respect but her actions certainly ensured she deserved it. In all honesty he was rather jealous his Mother was....just that, his Mother. A woman he never really knew. Even now he didn't know if she missed him, whether she thought of him as a mistake or regretted the fact she had allowed him to be taken away. A good mother, a woman like Elettra wouldn't have allowed it. She would have stood her ground and-he was projecting his feelings again, wasn't he?  

"She sounds like...wow. A very impressive lady! Which isn't to say you aren't any less impressive. You're up there too, lead your Mother's pack, continue her legacy. That's awesome!" The fact that they were all one big happy family made it all the more better.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
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Adeltra Archer

It seemed that instead of Ravenna leading the way she wanted Adeltra to do it. She beamed, tail wagging rapidly as she gave a sharp nod before moving in front of the pair and leading them toward her absolute favorite spot, a very small area where the willows were further apart from each other than anywhere else in the Drooping Willows. Her auds angled back as she went keen on listening to her cousin speak about their lineage. The bits of history she threw around Addy was quick to save to memory, filing them away for later use. A bit of pride settled in her chest as the knowledge that she found about the blood that ran through her veins. When her mother was mentioned the girl flashed a cheeky smile back to the pair even though a pang went through her heart. She missed her mom.

Elly’s reply was chipper as always as Addy led them to the spot. When they got there she turned around, chin lifted with pride. This is my favorite spot. In the summer when it’s warm the sun lands in this area and makes it a great place to nap. I also like to come here sometimes and watch the clouds or look up at the stars, she said, amber-yellow gaze lifting to peer above them. It was fairly open except for the brief interruptions of the swaying willows branches.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
She couldn't help the chuckle from Elisa's words, who both spoke of her mother sounding really impressive and that she, too was. He seemed to stumble over it, not wanting her to seem less important, which only made Ravenna smirk at his efforts. It was really the first time Ravenna spoke anything about her mother to Elias, offering her mother's name in the process. She remembered when they first met, Ravenna refused to call him by Elly if only because it reminded her too much of her mother's own nickname. "Thanks." She spoke to the large wolf at her side as her eyes moved over the lands of her home and Adeltra bounding before them. "She really was great."

At this point, her cousin whipped around, stopping Ravenna in her tracks and causing her head to lift up high and view the little clearing around her. Surely she had been here a time or two before, though it had not before paticularly stood out to her. "It does look like a nice spot to relax." Ravenna spoke with a smile, moving forward and rubbing the length of her side along Adeltra's own at she went to the center of the clearing and flopped down. "I like it."

Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn
Start wrapping this up soon?

The Archers seemed to have it all. And clearly they deserved it too, they weren't lazy sods who'd just been handed paradise. Once again he couldn't help but compare them to the Selwyns, but that was a given really, wasn't it? He idly wondered if back in the good old days, if they ever happened to cross paths, would they be allies or enemies? From what he could tell Elettra seemed to be Terrel's Archer equivalent. Strong, independent, bold, daring, intelligent- the list could go on and on. But maybe...did she often have that look of disappointment in her eyes?  The one that used to make Elias want to cry till his eyes dried up. He swallowed thickly, this wasn't exactly a safe topic, now was it? Nor did he want to think about sad stuff, not anymore. So he forced on a smile and took in the sight of the spot Adeltra had led them to.

It was rather lovely, he could easily see himself sprawled out, soaking up the sun as he napped the afternoon away. Perhaps one day he would, but then again maybe not. Who knew what the future held? He tried not to get his hopes up these days, it was easier this way.

"I think I would like to come here in the summer, one time...Just to see for myself, it's that's okay?" He couldn't help but ask...even if it was a little bold of him.

[Image: untitled_1_by_gabrielledelyon-dbu4sbc.png]
[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Consider this Addy's last post so we can wrap this up c:

Her tail wagged happily behind her frame as Ravenna commended her on her discovery. She offered bump her of snout to the woman’s shoulder as she rubbed along her side, flopping down herself alongside the pale woman. Her attention turned to Elly watching him take in the scenery. She hoped he liked it to. After all, what was there to not like? It got a lot better when it was warm and it seemed that their friend wanted to come back and visit more. She looked to her cousin to see how she would react, brow rising in curiosity. She didn’t doubt that she would allow it, but then again she’d been surprised before. The girl scooted a little closer to her family member, attempting to soak up some of her warmth around the cold. Whatever she decided Adeltra would go along with. If Elly couldn’t come visit then Addy would simply go visit him. And, if he could visit? Well that was even better.

[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
My end for Rav too.

Ravenna would shift as her little dark coated cousin came to settle at her side, nudging her and pressing against her to soak up her warmth. Ravenna's body leaned towards her, offering her the warmth she sought after an well as any protection and comfort she wished.

After Elias took in the full view of the little clearing and spoke about likely to visit come the warmth months, Adeltra's eyes looked up to her hopefully. Ravenna's couldn't help but smile, offering her a silent nod and then turned her attention back to Elias. "I think we both would like that." She spoke to the large blonde wolf, thumping her tail down on the placement next to her for him to settle down as well if he so wished. "It's a date then."

For the time being however, they would warm one another in the snows ass they got to know one another a little better.