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Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain
Cade gave permission for no posting order!

Chan didn't wait long to give his signal, with the rush of claws kicking forward after the large herd. His gaze carefully watching where his look-a-like was headed while keeping part of his attention on his sons' whereabouts and making sure they were close. Aleister purposefully kept closer to his children while the rest of the pack followed their leader's position. If something were to go wrong, he wanted to assure Leo and Lynx's safety. As they came closer to the herd, he could feel Lynx's presence behind him as they directed the target twin fawns closer to the jaws of the attacking party. The Vuesain patriarch hoped his sons learned a few lessons from this pack hunt, perhaps he would see how well they retained the events later on.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain

Lynx nodded at his father's words, his gaze seeing the stern glint in the mismatched eyes of his sire. He would try to be on his best behavior today as he was just elated enough to be out doing something exciting instead of laying around at home. However, the monochrome boy couldn't promise anything.

He wasn't exactly ready for the signal, but once he realized they were running after the herd, he kicked his lanky legs out and did his best to catch up with the adults. Seafoam gaze took in the workings of the party critically as Lynx watched a group get closer to the deer while his father seemed to go behind two fawns and steer them closer to the other group. His heart was beating so fast with excitement as he ran behind the hocks of his father, his gaze just taking everything in as he ran as fast as he could.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana tried to not let her nerves get the best of her. This would be her first pack hunt since she'd injured her leg. Though she'd helped her mother plenty of times this felt very different from that. She was determined to do the bear she could, to show the pack that despite her handicap she was just as capable. That was important to her since she had to be a working member of the pack, she didn't want Chan or Aleister to think they'd made a mistake in bringing her into the pack. She took notice of Aleister's smile and returned it with a dip of her head. She was ready for this.

Chan's signal came quick but Oksana was ready. As swiftly as she could she followed behind her alpha. For so long she hadn't had to follow anyone's instructions but now she had to and in a strange way it made her feel better. She was thankful she was able to keep up with the rest of the hunting party even with her limp. Like the others she moved to separate the herd from the fawns.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 626 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall
Nash was pleased to see Lynx and Leo joining them; it was about time they got some excitement back in their lives. Aleister and Oksana were there to keep an eye on them, though Nash would also do his best to maintain an awareness of their location. The could so easily be stomped.

Then the whole pack surged forward at Chan's word. Nash's hip still hurt from their run-in with the cougar, but he was sure he'd be fine. As long as he didn't do too much jumping or slip again, that is. He'd take it easy, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do his best to bring in food for the pack. Now that their leech was gone, it would be so much more helpful.

Nash grinned. It felt good to have so many of his family around him.

Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

There would be no time for explaining carefully or giving gentle direction. A group hunt was fast and dirty business, and the cubs would have to learn on their feet. From what she’d managed to teach them so far though, the fiery woman knew they were not fools and if they kept their eye and wits about them, they would be able to take away a healthy lesson from today; And hopefully no broken bones…!


Chan gave silent signal, and they were all away, through the last cover of trees and out into the open. Spooked by the predators’ sudden appearance, the herd surged forwards in wild panic, the wolves hot on their heels. Spotting out a target was easy, the twin fawns, already too far from their mothers’ protection, falling behind with every step.


As the rest of the pack worked to get between the young and the rest of the herd, Flair steered right, to block any attempt at escape. Her ribs pained every time her paws hit the ground, but she gritted her teeth and pushed on. A quick glance behind told her that Al was with her as well, making sure to keep the pups protected; Let’s do this!

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by PuppyThief who has 154 posts.
Sanguine Cove V. Guardian
Leo Vuesain

Meeting his father’s stern gaze, Leo nodded, answering quietly: “Yes Da’” Then his attention turned to the flame-coated shewolf, waiting fer her signal. And it came soon enough, silent but clear, the whole pack moved as one, and Leo was with them, keeping slightly behind and to the right of their guide, gasping as he pushed his gangly legs to keep up with the adults.


It was a cacophony of noise and color as the pack set after the fleeing caribou, splitting into smaller groups to circle a pair of young fawns who were lagging behind. Leo kept his neck stretched to watch, all while glancing often at both Flair and his father behind her, with Lynx by his side. The boy felt a strange mix of feelings, part of him longing to join the others in bringing down their prey, while the other felt oddly sorry for the youngsters and how frightened they must be.


An overwhelming experience all together, yet he tried his best to take it all in, and learn as much as he possibly could.

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Cade who has 875 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
The pack worked seamlessly together, even with the added liability and attention-draw that the children provided. Chan had little to worry about other than following his most basic instincts, and it felt good to allow thought to fall away. To live completely in the moment, from one breath to the next. The herd's movement drowned out all sounds except the loudest of snarls from his compatriots, and his sights zoned in on only the fawns as they were efficiently cut off from the protection of their matriarchs' flanks. He barely heard their panicked bleating.

He collided with one of the marks, knocking the young doe to the ground and tearing at it's throat. It was easy to fell alone, much to his delight - he abandoned it, and checked to see if it's sibling had been done in as well. If they'd been equally quick to kill, the party still had opportunity to try for a third carcass.

It was time the Cove wolves had a feast.
(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2021, 04:16 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
As Siyet ran along the herd, she looked to see the progress of the others wolves, just in time to see Chan take one down. This renewed her vigor, maybe a little too much and she thought to herself, " Maybe I can try for one too." she looked to her left at the nearest prey, and closed the distance getting closer and closer. She decided to try and snag it by the hoof. When she snapped at it's leg, the beast kicked back, hitting her in the shoulder sending her tumbling.

She rolled aways from the charging beasts, blowing through the snow. She lay there, in silence. Not realizing what had happened. She didn't want to get up. She hurt, not too bad though. She was ashamed at her failure.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana ran as fast as she could and she didn't think she was doing to bad of a job either. She did her part to keep the two fawns from rejoining the larger herd. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Chan take down the first fawn. All that was left now was to take down the second and the cove woukd be eating well for a few days.

The herd had been successfully scared off so the Crow turned her attention toward the second fawn. Before she could start her chase of the second target she saw Siyet get kicked and sent tumbling. Oksana stopped to see if any of the others had seen before going over to the other woman.

She came to a stop next to her and bent her head to see if she could see any wounds. "You alright Siyet?" She asked between breaths.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

Mismatched gaze watched as Chan easily took down one of the fawns by himself, leaving the one fawn on its own for another from the hunting party to take down. His gaze looked over to see Siyet targeting another, but with the wrong technique. With a quick snap, she was kicked aside by the deer and left in the snow. Leo and Lynx, stay with Flair! Aleister barked as he broke away from the three of them to go check on the younger she wolf.

Oksana was the first to be at her side as she asked if she was alright. Catching his breath, he pressed his nose to her white coat nudging her to make a sound. He could see her ragged breaths under her ribcage, but he wasn't sure how her shoulder faired.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]