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[M] Make you do right, make you do wrong — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Hope you don't mind. 

At the moment, the regal queen was not sure how she should feel. She had, in a sense, given Koda and Iopah every privilege that she could, save for the sacred performance that was to only be done by alphas. Iopah had seemingly understood but Koda had threatened to leave, a cold reminder of the possible mistake she had made allowing him to return home. She was in no sense, unhappy, but she did find that her mind would wander to Tacoma and Hollow before she would remember that she had a pack to run. Things had been peaceful, there had been no threats outside of the pack and everything was in order in the borders. At least, she had thought they had been, until she heard the angry shouts of fighting. Ears swiveling immediately in the direction, the golden woman silently made her way towards the scene, her muscles flexing effortlessly with each step that she took. The mother had gotten into earshot, enough to hear Danica's snapped towards to her father and Iopah. Eyebrows creased in concern, the alpha almost stepped forward before Iopah's voice was clearly heard amongst the chaos. However, once she heard the clipped words of her Second, Nina felt her heart sink. Not everyone has to be as miserable as your mother. After the hurt sunk in, Nina felt a bitter anger surge through her, but it dissipated when she heard Danica snap at her father and go even further to attack him. Iopah was quick to put the child in her place and Nina decided that it was time to step forward.

Her voice was hard and stern when she entered, her singular eye issuing a warning to everyone present, "That is enough from everyone. Family does not fight in the way that you are." Her stare turned to her daughter, her lip pulling back slightly to elicit an even clearer warning. "Apologize to your father and go walk it out, Danica. You have no right disrespecting him in that way." Her stare dared the younger girl to challenge her. The Hervok did not dare look towards Iopah, not wanting her friend to know that she had heard every last thing that had escaped her mouth. Never had Nina heard the woman use such vile language, and it probably should have been a thought that the mother hung onto. It was a change in her friend that she should have addressed and put to rest before it turned into something more. Pursing her lips, she waited for the response of Danica.
(This post was last modified: May 06, 2015, 03:51 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Boy had he come just in time to see a show. Unitas stayed in his hiding spot keeping an eye on the happenings around him. Which included the rushing paw steps of his pack mates heading towards the irritated creamy she wolf. Tas watched Danica paced back and forth until another very familiar face came onto the scene. Koda came in prancing in like a gleaming show pony in the shadow strewn undergrowth. Unitas took note of both Koda's appearance and where the wind was coming from to make sure that he was still very much hidden from the others. However his muscles were becoming sore from crouching as low as he was. He'd been hiding this way for a while inside of the shadows cast by the trees and bushes. Still, he didn't want to be caught peeping on the girls, so he stayed quiet as can be. The youth shifted once to relieve his aching muscles then continued to watch the scene.

Danica's growls and snarls brought Unitas's ears forward. He listened acutely to her ranting, finding the information being thrown out into the air to be extremely interesting. From Danica's rage Unitas was able to pickup much information that had not been revealed to him. Things like, how Nina was their shared mother were pieces of information he had already gleamed from Nina. However other bits of her rant mentioned wolves called Tacoma and Ashton being Danica's brothers. These things Unitas didn't know until now, and he was eager to learn more.

Okay.. so mom and Koda really are... or were together... but Koda and Iopah are.. together now? Like the way Koda should be with mom only he isn't? Unitas mused quietly as Danica mentioned Hollow. Confusion rubs past the dark youths face for a moment. He moves his weight onto his right side shifting ever so slightly within the darkness to relive the aches in his muscles. Tas didn't know who this Hollow character was, but apparently he had taken care of his half siblings Danica and her brothers after Koda disappeared. That much Unitas could figure out for himself.

Then all of the sudden Koda calls out to the trees where Unitas crouched hidden. The Hervok stiffens as he watches the Renier alpha looking into the trees past him. He debates on showing himself just then to avoid a bad punishment, but then Danica lunges towards Koda snapping at the air around his face. Unitas's face turns into a shocked expression as he continues to crouch within his shadows. I don't think he actually knows where I am over here, just my general location. the dark lad thinks quietly while watching the dangerous scene escalate.

Sorry Koda, there's no way in hell I'm jumping out and saying "HI THERE!" when that girl is so snarly. I'll just sit right here thank you very much... Unitas holds in devilish laughter as he watches Koda get yelled at by the irritated creamy female. Nope, no way he was getting between them.

The curse words were logged and registered in Unitas ever extending vocabulary. He rather liked the way "fucking" rolled off the tongue when trying to yell at someone. Though he doubted that he would ever use it in front of his family for fear or punishment. There was no doubt a reason why he had only just now heard the word. Pups obviously were not allowed to hear of such things let alone use the words.


The word being used against his mother had the dark wolf angered. Yeah and she's always in pain and miserable because of rats like you who leave or betray her... so badly did he want to say this out loud to Iopah that Unitas's tail flipped around behind him ina an angry display. He disturbed a few leaves which made a slight rustle behind him, which Tas heard loud and clear. He stopped his movements immediately and continued to try and hide from the others. Should he be found out Unitas was sure that he could just run off.

Iopah does have a point about Danica though.. She left, and then suddenly appeared again. Mom never said why she left. He thought quietly while watching from the shadows. The wind picked up blowing all of their scents towards where he stood hiding.

Then Nina appeared. Unitas scented her before she rose out of the Thickets like a wraith. It was her that he got his ninja stealth techniques from, and now Unitas was very much wondering if he should run off now before he was caught. But if I move now they will hear and probably see me... his eyes glanced to both sides of himself checking for an easy route to run away onto. His left looked like the best bet. There were no bushes there to block his path. However, the tension of the situation and his own curiosity got the better of him. Tas stayed in his place and continued to silently watch the act play out before him.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
  He watched his daughter in silence, listening to all that she had to say and the accusations that spilled so easily from her mouth. Momentarily he thought back of their last meeting, of when he had met with her near Whisper Cavern borders where childish playfulness filled the air as the two of them caught up on lost time. He knew, as she stared with accusing eyes at him, that she was no longer the child he had left behind but was instead an adult--still naive with childish anger boiling within her. His eyes turned to pity as he watched her rage, and when she turned to Iopah he couldn't help but flinch at the cruel words she tossed in her direction, as though the feelings they held for each would condemn them to a potential hell.

He did not move as Danica approached him, her intention to cause him harm had not gone unnoticed and for a moment he thought to allow her the satisfaction of getting her anger out. She had her own right to be upset, the guilt that bubbled at the base of his throat was enough to pull at his heart strings but he was reminded, as her weight barreled into him, that she was no longer a pup and should not be given the privilege to inflict harm simply because she was upset. The blur of gray at his side sent his body on edge as Iopah intercepted the attack given by his child and he watched in horror as the woman he had pledged to love was in combat with the little girl he had helped to create--never had he imagined that things would come to this. Thinking fast he moved to pull Iopah from his daughter, this was not her fight, and circled the younger woman with eyes seeming to burn bright with frustration and anger, she had crossed the line attacking one of the pack and what damage Iopah had inflicted to knock her down was nothing compared to the damage he knew that he could inflict on her.

"I will not fight you Danica, regardless of how you feel toward me you still have my blood in your veins. You are still my daughter, it was funny how she praised the very man who had vanished and left behind Nina and his children, You want to know what happened to Hollow? He left Danica, the man you called a father left you and he left his children behind to. He left Nina, and he left the pack without an adequate leader, and he left without a single word to anyone not even your mother" he swallowed hard now, feeling the weight on his shoulders lift as the anger left him. Without realizing it he had begun to circle his daughter, watching her every move as if she were cornered prey and continued on, "What makes me the bad guy, because you cannot accept that me and your mother are no longer together? That I have found love in Iopah, well guess what she doesn't own Iopah and neither does she own me," he inhaled sharply, his brows wrinkling, You are an adult now Danica, gain control of your feelings and grow out of this fairytale life you're still living," he paused, looking his daughter up and down and focusing now on the green tint of her eyes, "The fact that you blame me for Tacoma's death is a childish way to deal with his loss Danica, and a lie that I will not tolerate you spreading around the pack." he could sense Unitas in the area and hoped the young lad had heard most of what he said. There was no doubt in his mind that the dark male probably believed just as much about him as his daughter did, and he sought to set some things straight.

His head turned in the direction of Nina's approach and he watched her without word, expecting the same reaction from her that Danica had just shown as the tension began to lift from the area. She commanded the attention of those in the area and Koda felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment--how had this meeting turned from him and Iopah to the rest of the pack? I do not need an apology from her Nina, she can think as she wishes. It's obvious that she learned this information from someone," he turned to Nina momentarily before his gaze returned to Iopah, a look of apology apparent on his face, "It wasn't supposed to happen this way". he spoke to her, wondering what she were thinking about this whole ordeal and the fact that in loving him she had accepted the many flaws that came along with him.

(This post was last modified: May 10, 2015, 04:26 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Warning: Serious use of cuss words, might have to make thread M?
Also we might need to change the date? Idk...but most importantly she HAS to get the talk in this thread, otherwise it screws up some future time posts.

Danica growled as waves of fury washed down her spine, eyes pinned on @Iopah's tail as she raised it behind her. Then the yearling froze in complete and utter shock. Her tense frame seemed to be hit with a physical force by the expression she gave, eyes growing twice their normal size. Teeth were completely bared as she snapped like a twig, but offered a new anger. This one had a reasonable 'inside voice' but was full of more hatred than anything she had possibly ever said before, "Take that back you little bitch! My mother took you in you filthy ass licker! You piece of shit traitor! Y-you! You!" She acted as if it was a terrible thing to be Iopah. Tears stroked the cheeks of Koda's biological daughter as she shook violently in fury, ushering out more words, "My mother lost her baby boys, and thanks to the likes of you, has seen betrayals. She has every damn right in this fucking universe to be upset you little cunt!" Dani didn't even know the meanings of, or where she had learned, majority of the cuss words that slipped out of her jaws draped in poison. She hated these foul words greatly, but as she stood there, a hot mess, logic was completely thrown out the door.

Snarling she appeared ready to shred her, "Take it back now, Iopah, that's my mum you speak of!" Hackles stood on end, ears pressed firmly against cranium, tail pointing straight out, neck tucked, and so forth. Still the woman plunged forward and pointed out the girl's crucial mistake, the one that made her a hypocrite. Danica had no reason at the moment, no vision for her own flaws, only of the others surrounding her. She huffed angrily at her but allowed the grey wolf to speak some more before interrupting, "Sad story, Iopah, but I don't give a fuck about bastards like you anymore!" Her muffled voice rising dangerously once more. Jaws clenched so tight it seemed the pale girl would shatter her own canines in such a fit, but still they moved just enough for her to snake out her pink tongue. Zonta grinned wickedly at the broken princess, eyes shinning with joy. “Yes oh my, yes, yes darling, good job, keep this up. I'm oh so very proud of you honey.” Her encouraging tone drifting to Dani and fueling her furthermore.

“Well, it's a shame that in all of that searching you didn't disappear yourself, my mom could use a better excuse for your leaving. If you are, in fact, leaving? I assumes someone of your...status..., a traitorous bitch no doubt, would?” Once again the yearling disregarded herself, as if she was some privileged member in this argument who got out of such things. Maybe she was, but maybe she was just out of her place here. A crazed smile spread across her lips, “I hope you suffer a million deaths and loose everything, and everyone you care for.”

As Danica was tossed like some rag doll she stayed on the thicket's forest for a sparse moment, dazed, before leaping back up while ignoring the 'I loved you'. If she had been in her right mind, she would've bawled, apologized, hugged Iopah even, but she wasn't. Zonta lifted her tail storming right up to the huntress's face and biting at it. Of course, the wolf would never know of this. It caused a wicked laughter to leave the green eyed girl as pure amusement filled her. “If only you could see this too...” She replied just as @Koda stepped in.

“Your blood means nothing to me, I'm dropping your name. I will not carry it any longer,” She stated confidently locking gazes with the man. “Hurt me if you want, I am no daughter of yours, blood means absolutely nothing.” She retorted theoretically and verbally snapping back like a whip.

Her ears shot straight forward, and she seemed momentarily knocked right off of her high horse. The hurt shown on her face as she looked about for somewhere to run off to, but then the black eyes of the one person on her side peered into her orbs. “You shall not give up yet...” She cooed. Gaining back her cockily attitude Danica joined Koda in his circling, “Hollow would never, not on purpose. He's probably...dead. He's nothing like you and the thought of leaving his children would never cross such a man's mind. Don't you dare dishonor him in such a way!” It was an emotional blow to assume him dead...but death was all around...Tacoma, Ashton, and now Hollow. All dead. She accepted this willingly, for the thought of him abandoning them was even harder for her to accept.

A low growl echoed forth from deep within the ex princess's chest, rumbling forward, “I will always blame you for loosing Tacoma. Always.” Her tone was dead serious, blunt, flat, and harsh. She wanted him to sit there and maul over his mistakes everyday, “I think of him all the time, do you even? I would hope so, but yet, you seem not to care about him at all.” She lied easily, hoping the comment would infuriate the man to a point he could not handle it. Not only had she accused him of murder, in a sense, but also of not giving a damn. “Bastard, fuck. you. and. your. stupid, pathetic, waste of a life.” Danica still ignored @Unitas's presence, if she had even taken notice of him yet, not even his rustling causing an ear to pivot. She was too focused on what was before her.

“Family?” She asked her mother puzzled before whining, “But mom! This is not family!” Still Danica would listen to her mum, even if begrudgingly....and a 'touch' off of what she really wanted. “Koda, I am truly sorry that you are such a terrible mate, father, and man,” She was sincere, and smiled apologetically. A mischievous wink was offered to him right afterwards and she started to walk off as she was told to do. She ignored him furthermore, uncaring to whatever it was he had to say.
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2015, 05:53 AM by Danica.)
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

She protested when Koda pulled her away. A soft growl and a quick side-way shimmy and then Iopah was free, gaze casting away as she stepped from his daughter. Exasperation was one of dozens of emotions that simultaneously clamored to be heard and voiced. Didn't he understand that a fight meant for him would always involve her? This was not a frivolous relationship, one that she could overlook for convenience-sake. She thought to give him a look, convey some of her annoyance.

Iopah turned her gaze to Koda, waiting for him to finish the circuit around Danica and catch her peeved expression. Her eyes were narrowed slightly, head cocked with a clear 'excuse me, was that really necessary?' look on her face. Danica raged the entire time, intense feeling with little truth or sense. Iopah had hoped her own words would knock sense into her, but was realizing Danica was too far gone to be helped. Koda completed the circuit (facing Iopah now), Danica launched a new tirade, and Iopah met Koda's gaze all at the exact same moment.

Danica's words crashed over Iopah and suddenly it was not mere exasperation in her eyes, but overwhelming despair. The tirade continued and Iopah held Koda's gaze, while the rest of her started to crumble. Ears pulled flat and tail tucked to her belly as if making a smaller target for the words. Iopah was used to bad language, her parents had taught her most of it; it was the truth that cut far deeper. Was that true? Did Nina want her to leave and use that convenient excuse for it?

Iopah missed Nina's actual arrival, she simply looked over in a haze of shame and found her standing there. The reprimand was completely missed, not that Iopah could come up with a retort anyways. She tried to meet Nina's eyes, gaze drifting up ever so slowly to find the single green eye had turned decidedly from her. Oh. There was nothing she could say to Danica's question, she was stuck. She couldn't very well say 'No, of course not.'. There was a reason she was alone when Nina found her, the same reason no relatives had ever come after her. Iopah had left her family, and they had died refusing to leave with her. Bile rose with her shame and she licked her lips to force it back down, it stayed firmly lodged in her throat. Koda was still speaking, but quietly and firmly now. Iopah knew, despite what Nina might think of her, that he would be safe in her prescence.

Iopah slowly turned her body to slink away. She couldn't stay and listen any longer. Briefly she thought of going back out and looking for Aideen and Pacem. She wanted to find them, despite what ever rules Nina and Danica had regarding the issue, she the two lost wolves her family. But now, that simple task had been warped in her mind. Iopah would go out and search, while they gloated over her supposed leaving. Pacem and Aideen were starving and lost, a situation that Danica used the her advantage. The bile rose like a tide and Iopah leaned forward to retch into the grass with a wet noise.

ok, she has left the scene of argument, but I will reply if either @Koda (or @Nina!) goes after her.
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
Unitas followed Iopah out of the main scene

Unitas could do nothing as he crouched by his tree hidden in the shadows. With so many of the pack coming around to see the ruckus he would surely be found out. Though Unitas had a feeling that out of everyone who could get into trouble here his peeping crimes would be the last thing the adults would worry about. Tas even imagined a scene where he casually walked out of the thicket and into that mess. The adults would be too focused on each other to bother with reprimanding him. Either that or he would get a quick stare or two and a "go back to the den" from somebody. Either way, Unitas began to feel that his peeping really wasn't the major problem occurring anymore.

More curses rang out around the thicket. Unitas logged each strange word being used to slander their opponent into his brain. The words themselves sounded grown up. Like things that neither pups nor yearlings would touch until they could call themselves grown men and women. Knowing that he was close to being an adult himself, Unitas felt the need to attempt using these words sometime in the future. Of course, not in front of his mother.

The dark Hervok flinches as Iopah lunges for Danica. Though he relaxes a bit after seeing Koda intercept his new woman and keep a real fight form happening. What am I flinching for? To go help one of them? Yeah and which one Unitas? Which girl would you help? The over dramatic sister with unrealistic dreams or the bitch who's talking shit about mother and sister? Heck no sit and stay Tas.. Sit and stay. Unitas shook his head once then looked onward. He saw Iopah try to sneak away, and a dark thought crossed his mind. Oh no you're not leaving so soon... He smiled evilly before lowering himself as far as he could into the shadows and slinking around the group. Passing trees and undergrowth by, Tas tried to outpace Iopah so as not to let her slink off unnoticed. He kept an eye on his pawsteps making sure not to break twigs or make noise. Then when he was close the dark wolf slipped out from the trees to stand in front of Iopah. He was attempting to cut off her escape,or to at least slow her down.

"So where ya going Iopah?" He smiled casually while pinning her with his teal gaze.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2015, 04:51 PM by Unitas.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The woman found that it still hurt to hear such horrible things being said about Hollow. She had no doubt in her mind that he passed on to another life, watching above them in the stars, just as her brother believed. He had been a wonderful man: taking care of her and the pack when they had needed it most. It was somewhat comforting, knowing that she had not been left willingly and the fact that Koda believed it to be that way hurt her even more in a way. Just because he had done something shameful did not mean that he had the right to assume such things about Hollow. However, her daughter’s pointed, horrible words caught her attention and all Nina could do was look on in sadness. Their daughter had turned into quite a mess, having more mental ailments than Koda and Nina had physical combined. It hurt her heart to know that she did not know what to do and it made her want to be able to consult her tutor once again. Though, by this point in her life, Nina was sure that he had passed on to another life and was no longer living. Or if he was still alive, she imagined him to be quite cranky and moody now-a-days.

It seemed that Iopah took her time slinking away and Nina would make sure to follow once she said her final words to Koda. Softly, she spoke to him, her words so soft that only he would be able to hear them, "Our daughter is very sick, Koda…I know that is no excuse for her actions but I hope you can continue to give her the love that she looks for…that’s all that she wants." Giving the man she had once loved a hesitant kiss on the cheek, in comfort and support to all the crazy things that had happened, the regal queen pursued the retreating scout, hot on the other woman’s heels. However, it seemed that her son had beat her to it. Lifting her tail, out of habit, above her back, she cleared her throat, intercepting her son’s question. A tense smile remained on her lips as she spoke, her voice tight, "I think the correct question would be where are the both of you going?”" Clearing her throat, she pushed on before either could respond, "I do believe, Iopah, it is time for you to do another search party." She searched the other woman’s eyes for a moment, nodding her head in assent. Nina had known Iopah for quite some time and tense situations such as the one the woman had just faced, had always been something that the Scout had tried to avoid. Nina was sure that her Second would want to do something and get away for just some time. And another search party did need to be sent out. She added in one last piece of information, "If you wish, you may tell Koda of your whereabouts, or I can inform him if I must." She waited for Iopah’s response and with a nod of her head and a last warning look to her son, she went off to try and consult her daughter on her horrible manners and disrespect to not only her father, but her superiors as well.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2015, 02:16 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
--Koda exit--

He wanted nothing more then for this event to be over. The fact that his daughter stood to insult him caused the hairs along his back to bristle, his lips lifted to reveal a few sharp teeth as his tongue snaked out of his mouth slow and calculated. He was growing low on patience and the young woman standing in front of him, her eyes similar in color to his own, was making his temper rise with each insult that she threw at him. Her emotions were raging wild, and though he understood that his daughter had changed since her return back to the Wildwood and he stood to look her up and down as Iopah lingered behind him--he would protect her no matter the cost.

A few low growls crossed his lips as he met the eyes of his daughter, the fact that she decided to hurt him by dropping his last name made his shoulders shift in their sockets, she was trying her best to make him feel like any less of the father that he was, and he was having no more of it. He wanted to pounce her to the ground and feel his teeth around the bridge of her nose as she whined for him to release her but he would not budge only because of Nina; she didn't deserve to see their only remaining child in pain. "Stop it Danica, you're embarrassing yourself." he paused as the hairs along the nape of his neck fell back to their original position, his lips covered his teeth as he pulled back what ever anger threatened to boil over. Iopah had left he area and so too did Nina, and he would no longer entertain the brat that had become his daughter, "as far as I'm concerned Danica, you're no longer my daughter, especially speaking to me in that manner." and his tail flicked slowly as he turned on his toes, leaving on a different path then the others who had appeared--he needed to be out of this whole ordeal immediately.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Nina @Unitas

Green eyes glinted in satisfaction as @Iopah made her leave, the girl allowing a cocky smile to form on her lips. *That's right, run away you coward.* She thought with an every growing, possibly insane looking, grin forming on her lips. *Drink the poison of my words and weep.* Turning her attention back to @Koda she couldn't help but notice Zonta's joy. It seemed this encounter was pleasing the black furred women thoroughly. Her eyes narrowed, "So protective of that bitch...over your own flesh and blood, the very thing you created. You'd choose a woman over your own daughter, sickening." She muttered mostly to herself, monotone, but didn't care if he heard or not. The smile on her face never left despite the words she spoke.

She scoffed, "So I'm guessing that means you don't think of Tacoma? Shameful...shameful...shameful...I bet he's turning in his grave wishing daddy had loved him." Dani kept her voice level now, letting the insults flow off her tongue more quietly. Her tone ice cold and bitter. The reply he offered was no shock to her, she simply grinned a larger grin and told him, "I stopped being your daughter the day you abandoned us, but you stopped being my father the day you chose a girl over me." She meant it, the day he left them marked the day he stopped having children in her eyes. The day he chose Iopah over her, well, that was win she stopped seeing him as her dad. Sure she hadn't seen him as dad before, but she wanted to slam his face in the mood for choosing that bitch over him.  She watched him leave in silence, and whispered to herself, "Let him be a stranger once more..."

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
I interpreted Nina and Danica's last posts as exits, so I think we're just waiting for @Unitas to chime in?

After all the screaming and shouting the quiet was surreal. Iopah could still hear the words. They ricocheted like shard of glass in her mind, the echoes booming over the quiet that surrounded her. The woman felt embarrassed -cowardly- to have left like she did, but she couldn't stay. A salmon tongue came out to wipe the moisture from her lips; several mouthfuls of snow had failed to remove the bitterness. Even now her stomach twisted at the clusterfuck this had become. Her relationship with Koda had become ridicule, despite Nina's earlier acceptance of it. The two wolves were still missing and more energy had been spent berating the couple than searching for them.

The forest felt different, as if it was not the place she'd spent the last two years. It certainly didn't feel as welcome or supportive any longer. Iopah's skin crawled just before the shadowy yearling emerged. Her feet stopped, but mind continued to race. Now what, she thought, Don't you have something to do? Like search for your own brother? Even Silentium had gone out to search already. Is this what Unitas did with his days? Spied on them and popped out to rub Iopah's tears in her nose? She stared, not quite knowing what she was going to do, but aware that it was probably going to be bad if this upstart push the conversation.

Nina's arrival was a blessing in deep disguise. The brown tail went high over it's owner's back and Iopah's curved down to press against her stomach. It was a robotic move made worse by the stress of the argument. It was quite clear what everyone thought of her, even more clear that her happiness did not matter. Nina owned her, simple as that. Unitas could do what he wanted, he always did anyways.

She nodded at Nina's command. It had only been hours since she'd returned from searching and her feet dragged still, but Iopah didn't want to be in this thicket right now. She would rather be searching for Pacem and Aideen that sleeping with one eye open. The woman tensed at Koda's name. Was it a trick? No, she shook her head. If Koda were to catch sight of her expression now he would realize how upset she was; it would make this so much more worse. "Could you tell him for me?" She whispered, wondering if Nina actually would. There was no question Danica would lie and twist reality to fit whatever story she wanted.

Iopah was gone even before the warning look to Unitas, fleeing to somewhere she felt safe, somewhere outside the thicket.

Iopah's exit