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Forget Me Not — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She wasn't sure if it was the spark that carried in his silver eyes or the energy, but she felt some sort of calm, serenity almost, in herself. It had really made her day, meeting a complete stranger who turned her own mood around, even if they had not managed to catch a deer that truth would still exist.

<b>"Ah, a gentleman,"</b> she murmed, a delicate smile lifting her lips. She was a little leery about that fact, as it'd often seemed to get her into trouble. She would not place another's follies on him. Besides it wasnt like to <span class='word'>portended</span> of disaster. A brow raised, her tail twitched at her haunches. <b>"I guess I can't presuade you otherwise, can I?"</b> She asked kindly, knowing it was likely futile to try again. She held his gaze for a temporary moment, a brief second wondering if he was always this good hearted. She wasn't confident in her abilites to read others these days. Once more her tongue curls around her lips, and quickly a light sigh emitted from her. She felt his eyes upon her, and gently shook her head. <b>"Okay, I'll eat."</b> She smirked, and side stepped to the fawn's belly.

Sharp teeth bit at it's brownish-gray hide, and she carefully peeled it away from ribs, and belly with little eoffort.The aroma was strong, and small pool of salivia collected in her jaws. She was sure he was watching, and grabbed a mouthful of flesh to better get to the vital organs. It gushed in her teeth, and she chewed quickly, gulping it down. She paused trying to decide what she should eat, and what to take home. She decided to grab the heart, and tried not to scrape her face against ribs, and entrils. It took a couple more mouthfuls to get to it, and more smeered blood upon her cheeks, but she ripped it from it's cage. Holding tight she found a nice spot of downed grass, and flopped to her belly to savor the organ. <b>"Your turn,"</b> she said with a bloody grin, and started ripping pieces from her breakfast. She'd let Kade get his fill, after that perhaps she'd pick a good piece of take out.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
Watching her work at the corpse, he felt proud of himself for the first time in a while. In the past, he had been only a cold blooded killer and warrior, deprived of warmth, interaction, and encouragement. This female - who was, in her own right, regal, open-minded, and intriguingly kind - had began the change within that was taking him by storm. The nature of this change was still something to dwell upon, but dwelling was one of Kade's most routine habits. As the setting sun was drawing closer to the horizon, the calm breezes that blew across the still field were becoming cooler, and a chill slowly crept up the male's spine. He observed her tactics in removing the fawn's heart, and was not surprised to see that she took her time to do it right. He did not reply to her words, and hoped that his calm smile and relaxed posture conveyed that he did care, <i>genuinely</i>; after all, she was right, there would be no persuading him to put himself before her.

As he laid with his belly on the cold dirt beside the fawn and the female, in the breathtaking field that was now the location of what was to be his fondest memory, he was unsettled knowing that they would soon have to go their seperate ways. He didn't know much about her situation - where, or to who, she would be going - but his curiosity was, and had been, ignited. By no means did he want to intrude in her personal or private life, but he wanted to know her, more about her, and would certainly search for her should she become a ghost after this day. His thoughts shifted to the home he would return to this night, the hole in the hill tucked away by the mirror-still lake in the east. Part of him was ready to be there, but part of him did not want to leave her in the darkness to carry the remains of their kill alone, vulnerable. His iron eyes scanned the darkening landscape, and he slowly rose to his feet and approached the remains, glancing over it briefly before tearing into the belly that had been dissected precisely by Jayse. As darkness surrounded the two wolves, specs of black and white in the vast wilderness, Kade's belly was finally full and he was very satisfied.

Moonlight reflected in his eyes, he waited patiently for her to get her fill, rolling onto his side to digest as he watched the stars flicker in the endless night sky.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>While working on her meal the night snuck in like a cunning thief, and she saw the sky transform from sky blue to a navy inked mixture with twinkling stars. It didn't take long for a twinge of panic, and guilt to rise un her chest. How could she have let time get away from her like that? She had a full stomach, but now she had the long trip home, and probably little ones anxious to know she was back. It hadn't seemed that long, yet the sky never lied. She'd been gone an entire day! But she knew for the first time in a long time, she'd been herself, took the moment for what it was. That didn't justify her actions, even if she was bringing back a meal, did it? Reality was looming, and she had a place she needed to be, invisible heartstrings tying her to the hollow. She struggles with the guilt, the guilt from enjoying herself, like she's committed a terrible sin. Did she have the right to be happy? She often thought she didn't. And yet being miserable was not only affecting her, but her children. They were nothing blind to the changes that occured. She was <span class='word'>votary</span> of making this life the best she could for them.

She pushed herself from the cool earth, and cleaned the bits of blood from her muzzle she could. The night wrapped its cool arms around her, and she let it chill her bones like a numbing medication for a single minute. Faintly she could hear the rise, and fall of Kade's chest, and her eyes would seek out for his. First she traced the dark silhouette, and then saw moonbeams reflecting off his steel colored gaze. She has to take in a sharp breath of cold air as if to take some sort of vast plunge. Slowly left paw rose, and she hesitated for half a second having a lot she wanted to say, but no exact knowledge to convey it. She collects herself, a simple smile on her pale facade as she strides closer to him. <b>"Kade, thank you..... for the pleasant day, and your help. I wish I could stay longer but I have to go,"</b> the words seemed fragile, yet sincere as they left her lips. She tried to focus on his dark face, see what might be hidden in it's depths. Though the night did not ruin her vision, his dark face blended with the shadows so she could not quite tell what he may, or may not be thinking.

She shifts to the fawn, glancing at it's remains. <b>"You don't care if I take some do you?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
As the pair lay nestled in the safety of the tall grasses, enjoying the feeling of the absense of hunger, it had undoubtedly been a long day for both of them. At the moment, it crossed Kade's mind that he could probably sleep right where he lay, next to her and beneath the moonlight. The day had been wonderful all around, and that was really something because days like this seemed to come and go only every now and then. Although it was unlikely that the female could see his face or the expressions on it, but he watched her fragile movements and the way that she, even in her relaxed state, could not settle down. This was not surprising, because although he didn't know much about her - except the fact that her eyes were still the most piercing, beautiful things he'd ever seen - he could infer that she was carrying a heavy weight on her shoulders. Her stunning eyes could not lie, atleast to him. Through their beauty was always a shadow of pain looming deep, and he knew that a pain like that originated in the heart. At this thought, his own heart ached with hers. As her seeking eyes searched for his, he rose to his sore, dirty feet and moved to her, never taking his sight off of them. He did not speak or ask as he boldly, softly began to lick bits of blood and tissue from underneath her chin, and a few other spots she would be unable to clean herself. He had never been a caretaker, but with her it seemed to be coming naturally. As usual, he did not want to be intrusive, or make her uncomfortable, but he knew in his heart that she needed some caring for. When he was satisfied that he had removed as much leftover grizzle as he could, he layed back down beside her, close enough to feel her warmth in the chilly night air.

<b>"Please take anything. You deserve it all as far as i'm concerned."</b> All of the fawn and so much more. He could feel their unspoken words revolving overhead, but it was okay - he had all the time in the world to listen to any and everything she could ever wish to share with him. A deep yawn escaped his body. <b>"I understand that it is time to go our seperate ways,"</b> he took a shallow breath,<b> "I do wish you had more time. I enjoy your company, your presence."</b> His glance shifted from the female to the night sky, which was still sparkling, before he cocked his head slightly, returning his attention to her. He thought of the dangers that lurked in the shadows and his heart skipped a beat at the thought of this new friend traveling through potential peril in the cold darkness. As he looked to her, he observed her strength - not only in her body but also in her eyes - and knew that she would be okay. He was in reach if she ever needed his help. He waited for her to make her move, watching the blades of grass sway in the peaceful moonlit field, the mountains in the distance calling for him.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Breathing halted. What air was there was trapped in her throat, and what muscle she had bunched in a tight knot when he made contact with her. She made the tiniest move to move away, but could not. It was like all of a sudden her body could worked, she was just trapped, glued to place with her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She thought the first moment had been tense, this topped that. He appeared calm, and just being thoughtful she told herself as his warm tongue cleared her of what she could not. When he stopped she started breathing again, swallowing back a lump. She tried to smile, but couldn't quite manage. Why should he make her nervous? He was being helpful she presumed, but that scared her. Now he was so close, the heat from his body radiating toward her, she could almost feel him breath <i>if she tried.</i> This close physical contact no matter how comforting it felt in some form, made her hurt at the same time with the loneliness she felt. And guilt seemed like just a second coat to her again. Words were kind, much to kind to be wasted on her. <i>If only you knew.</i> She thought, feeling he would not look at her the same if she told him she didn't deserve it. Maybe because she was a mother, who would give it to her children she reasoned she could be of whatever he believed she was. Herself? No, she felt unworthy of what kindness she was given. But he didn't know the whole story, so maybe she could count on it as being sincere? This time she did smile at him, a tired smile, but one that was grateful, and sweet. Nodding her head she answered, <b>"Thank you."</b> She didn't dare say more, she was afraid just what her heart might make her spew from her lips. She didn't trust herself.

She stands up, and tugs at a hind haunch of the fawn till it's free. She drops it to the earth, listening attentively to his sincere tone. <b>"As I,"</b> she said, agreeing that she would miss him, and wishing almost she didn't have a place to go. Seeing him had made her feel better than she'd had in awhile. Her life was more than she. The leader knew she had to go home. Elettra, Raigo, and her children were counting on her, and if she didn't come home tonight she could only imagine what that would say about her. She had no mind, nor heart to ever leave any of them. She had to be there, and wanted to be. That's why this day had been both good, and bad the lines twined together.

She gazed at him quietly wondering where on earth he'd come from as the seconds tick by. She knew home was not a far run from here. And part of her wished to just ask him to follow her, but she wasn't sure what would come next. She could guarentee him a home, a chance to see her more, well there was a but. He'd find out she'd been forgotten, and she didn't want him giving her a sad look of pity, or sticking around because of it. Her heart might never be the same, but she knew what didn't kill her ony made her stronger. These months had proved she was capable far more than she'd ever thought possible. <b>"If you want to see me again call for me at the edge of the forest south of here,"</b> quietly she told him. One swift motion she licked his jowl, whispered a last, <b><i>"thank you,"</b></i> swiped the deer leg, and vanished into the tall grass, never knowing if she really would see him again.


<i>thanks for the thread. <3 </i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Oct 03, 2011, 05:39 AM by Jaysyek.)
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