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Hallowe'en Random Event! — The Wildwood 
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Dusk hovered over Relic Lore hauntingly; the thick autumn fog swirled haplessly through the trees of the Wildwood as the setting sun sparked a fierce orange and purple across the sky. Clouds of deep grey began to roll in from the west revealing the promise of a rainstorm as a howling wind began to brush past the foliage. It was as much warning as any creature would receive from Mother Nature to seek our shelter for the oncoming storm.

It took only moments for the streaked sky to fade to an inky indigo; night came faster these days as winter approached, and yet no twinkling star in the sky could be found. All was silent spare for the howling wind, which disturbed the lone figure lying twisted on the ground. Brushing the once soft fur with its humid grasp, the wind settled momentarily to reveal the solemn figure of a young wolf, not even a year old. Tawny fur was matted with mud, only from what appeared to be from where the creature laid. No signs of blood revealed the mishap that had happened here, yet the odd angle from where the youth lay was enough for any onlooker to see that death had approached swiftly.

Fallen leaves scattered across the body, as if nature was attempting to hide the sin. Yet as a spider scuttled across the face of the once youthful creature, the leaf that had been hiding the unseeing gaze of the whelp fell down with the softest crinkle, revealing the eyes of Prosper Lyall.

The Wildwood had claimed another life.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:47 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: fixed coding )
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Day after day, Swift River's youngest member grew more confident. The need to satisfy his curiosity was no longer hindered by fear or nervousness and, today, while he trotted to the edges of the pack territory, he loped along without a care in the world. Fenru held his head high and his tail waved carelessly behind him; each step bringing him swiftly through the tree line of the Grove.

It had been some time before the young Tainn realized he was farther from home than he intended to be. Swallowing quietly, his ears swiveled back before he forced them forward again. No; his seemingly acute nyctophobia would not get to him tonight. After all, only puppies were scared of the dark and Fen, as of this moment, decided he was not a pup. He scanned the gathering darkness cautiously as the scent of something rank curled in his nostrils. His pace slowed as he started to weave through the trees, even though they were several meters apart now and black from the roots up.

If the youngster hadn't been properly looking for whatever was stinking up the air, he probably would have missed the mass of fur on the ground. The corners of his mouth turned downward. What was that? He cast his gaze over his right shoulder, then his left, just to be sure something hadn't purposefully left the thing there for him to find. His muzzle wrinkled in disgust at first as he drew close enough to nudge the wolf's lower back with his nose. When it didn't respond to his touch, Fen whimpered, "He-hey... Y-you okay?" Perhaps the being would respond to his voice instead.

Nothing. The leaves around the body simply rustled in the slight breeze.

He clenched his teeth together as he slowly walked around to look into the wolf's face. Only then did Fenru notice something odd. Or, rather, something familiar about this particular being. Even through the unseeing eyes and matted pelt, the mechanism that controlled the memory bank in Fen's brain clicked.


His eyes widened in fear and he let out a startled gasp, followed by a shrill and absolutely terrified cry, "MOMMMM!"
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:46 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It was rare for the large beast to prowl the forest that had once been his home. Since his last find with Ozera -- who had long disappeared now -- he had kept himself from the haunted woods, not wishing to cross paths with whatever had caused he and the she-wolf's discovery. Yet here he was, his creamy paws on the brink of the borders that would take him to his parents grave. The place still reeked of death; his parents. His siblings. Had Hotei died here as well? A swirl of mist enveloped him momentarily, as if a ghostly answer had come to him. It seemed unfair, the innocent and youthful lives that had been lost in the fire.

Sighing, Ruiko turned, his golden fur shifting in the breeze that swept past. Glancing up at the ominous grey sky, the stoical male felt a drop of rain, knowing the storm was about to let loose. His paws already leading him the way back to the River den, a scent intermingling among death that did not belong. It took him a moment to place whom the scent belonged to, yet as the shrill shout echoed across the otherwise quiet woods, Ruiko's figure twisted harshly, his limbs stretching out at a fast run.

He had not been far, and as Fenru's smaller frame came to view, Ruiko slowed his pace, his fierce eyes glaring around the area as if seeking out whatever creature dared touch a hair on his nephew's head. Seeing none, it was then Ruiko's gaze caught on the unmoving figure of an unknown whelp. Striding forward, his gaze skimmed the body only momentarily before leaning his muzzle down to Fenru, bumping the youth on the top of his head before shifting his body to block the view of the fallen youth from his nephew.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:53 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It had been the scent of Fenru that had caught Indru's curiosity and caused him to stray beyond the borders he was routinely marking. Though he was all for his pups explorations (especially as he and his brother Ruiko had done nothing else at their age) he could not help but worry and check up on them from time to time. He scented the air harmlessly as he went, his sole focus on Fenru's lingering smell, and his posture remained relaxed until he heard the panic stricken yell from his son. Immediately the hackles rose on his now almost fully healed body as he sprang forward and followed the scent at a much quicker and feverish pace.

Just before he was on the scene the scent of his brother broke into Indru's conciousness and he felt a brief roll of relief — he knew that at least Ruiko would let nothing happen to his youngest son. Fenru, the leader gasped when the boy came into sight and he rushed to him immediately, his nose trailing down over the young wolf's spine to check his wellbeing. Once satisfied he was unharmed Indru place his paws protectively either side of his son instinctively and turned to Ruiko, his head and tail raising in the customary dominance expected of a lead male, but his concern over the small body Ruiko was concealing left the actions muted and performed without concious thought of doing them. Do you know what happened? His tone was abrupt but it was clearly not aimed nor meant to cause conflict with his brother and he turned his worried gaze from the young wolf back to Ruiko, a sadness in his throat. No wolf liked to see a dead pup whether it was of their own pack or not and Indru knew this must be a young wolf from the nearby pack. Gently he slid Fenru closer to him with his paw, dipping his head slightly to lick between his ears comfortingly, trying to reassure both himself as much as his pup. He does not seem... wounded? Indru's deduction was mainly from the pups scent, which while smelt of death seemed to lack any open wounds, as most of his view was thankfully blocked from Ruiko in his attempt to shield the pup at his feet. They must know he was missing? We need to tell them he is found. The tone of Indru's voice clearly expressed his sorrow at such a fact, he did not even want to imagine the pain the death of one of his own pups would bring.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Once more would her travels bring her far and wide, her need for travel always embraced by her means to go out for herbs. With the coming winter, foliage would soon be dying, leaving her with supply otherwise lacking. The second and the medic on the land would do all she could to gather to prepare for the winter's arrival.
Frantically, might she dig through the dead foliage of both the autumn season and the fire long passed, searching out the young and rich vegetation, as though a doe searching for the best of saplings. She would only stop by the strong scent of others, none of which were her pack. They spoke, and her ears would perk, listening instantly with interest and as though hunting for prey, would the dark woman lower on her limbs, slinking forward wearily and defensively.
As she crept near, the smell of death would linger amongst the air, though for the time being she could not tell who or what it was the three wolves were huddling around. Then, by another gust of wind to bring her the scent, and by the shifting of the wolves to allow her pale gray gaze to view the eyes of the child, would Elettra spring from the brush so very suddenly.
"Get back, back! Get away from him!" It was a hiss from her jaws, which were barred by the curl of her off-white lips, her black muzzle quivering. Hackles rose and her lush tail high, she would attempt to lung forth and over the dead child, where strong, sturdy limbs might hold strong along ether side of the corpse. It did not take her medical skills to understand the child had been dead for a time, any create could smell this. Besides, there was no smell of blood, no open wounds to be found that might suggest these wolves of another pack had done this to him. None the less, Elettra was furious (having hoped that Borden had taken the child into his care) that the child had come to this fate, and was as protective of the child as though she were it's very mother.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:53 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
Fenru backed away from lifeless body, his tail tucked and ears flattened in fear. He had managed to suppress a few whimpers but was greatly quivering by the time his uncle had shown up. While the pup knew by now that specifically calling out for Corinna would not particularly bring her to him, he was primarily glad that his family - namely his brother, uncles, and dad - had always shown up in her place instead. The large male bowed down and touched his muzzle to Fen's head before stepping in front of him.

The youth whined when Ruiko didn't say anything. His eyes went to his uncle's side and for a few moments, he tried to peer around it. "Fenru," Indru's voice announced his approach and the startled pup jolted. Fen's gaze went to Ruiko's as he felt his father's nose trail down his spine. "I'm okay," he wanted to say but no words came out when he opened his mouth. He settled onto his haunches, gazing up from one set of golden-orange eyes to the other. Questions were asked and Fen felt terrible when he was unable to provide any details. Having Indru draw him close and lick the crown of his head only provided so much comfort for the time being; the last time he had seen Prosper Lyall was when he had landed on his pack's territory after floating down the river... months ago.

The arrival of a third wolf caught Fen by surprise. Her voice, while unfamiliar, was distorted by fury; and her sudden move over Prosper's body made him scamper to Indru's flank. Whoever this lady was - whether she had been his friend's aunt or mum or guardian - was apparently unhappy... Thoroughly enraged that something like this had happened.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:54 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko had barely had a chance to reassure himself the boy was okay before Indru was on the scene -- the speed with which his brother arrived reminded the hefty regal of the old days, when Indru did not wander far away from his home and never return. Before him now stood the old Indru, healed, and the lead of the family once more. Relieved at this notion, Ruiko took a small pace back from the youngest of Corinna's litter as the leader checked him over.

Of course, his silence at such a sight only lasted so long, and soon his littermate began to question the possibilities of what had happened here. Turning his gaze from the unmoving body, Ruiko only gave a small shake of his head in regret. "No.. But Jaysyek mentioned her son had gone missing." There had only been two packs this year in Relic Lore, and the pup had grown significantly enough for it to be obvious he had benefitted from the care of a pack. Regret hung heavily over him, and just as Ruiko was about to volunteer to take the boy's body back to the Hollow leader a snarling threat barked from the brush.

The she-wolf seemed to emerge furiously from the shadows, and as she uncoiled from her hiding place and sprung forward like a viper, the Tainn male felt his lips curl defensively at the sudden intrusion. Instantly, the male was once more in front of Fenru, his hackles bristling dangerously at the ebony wolf who bowed protectively over the body of the youth. Logic became clearer now as Ruiko realized the wolf was from the Hollow, but it did not stop his defensive posture for his nephew, who had by then scampered fearfully to Indru's haunch.

Silence hung between the group for a moment, and retaining his anger in lieu for understanding of the she-wolf's loss, the male bowed his muzzle slightly. "I am sorry for your loss. I can help you take him back to his mother, if you will permit it." He would deliver Swift River's condolences, and check to see how the ivory queen was. The news would devastate her..
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Grizzly Hollow was not a pack he was too familiar with, but even so the news pained Indru as he could not imagine the feeling of loss the pups parents would soon feel when they heard. Indru accepted Ruiko's knowledge in silence, a firm nod of his head acknowledging it and he could not stop his eyes drifting pack to the pale furred pup sorrowfully. Abruptly a snarl broke the brief silence that had fallen and before Indru registered where or why the threat was coming he had shifted himself so that Fenru remained beneath him, his body dropped enough that he could feel the warmth of his son's back to reassure himself he was there, and his neck dropped down low to allow his muzzle to block any access to Fenru unless someone wished to feel his teeth upon their flesh.

In the split second the eruption had happened Ruiko had shifted to protect Fenru further and when before Indru would had moved to his brothers side he remained where he was, not wishing to bring Fenru closer to the shewolf that threatened them and not wishing to leave him behind them unprotected either. The hackles along Indru's spine had risen harshly so that the fur stuck up like porcupine quills, and even as Ruiko began to offer his help Indru continued to let a low snarl bubble from his throat in warning to the dark female if she wished to threaten them any further. Clearly she was stricken with grief, and from the scent of her it was clear she was from Grizzly Hollow, but if her grief drove her towards his son any further Indru would have no hesitation in stopping her.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
In the very instant that she arrived, did Ruiko spring in retaliation, guarding the still-alive child here, hackles rose and defenses set. A wretched snarl would echo from Elettra's parted jaws, lip curled in a feverish grimace. Her hackles would rise higher, back arching to make herself look larger, despite the fact that he was large for a man and through it all, she could not compare. Their was pride in her nature and she did not back down, only offering a growl to show her dominance over him, as her tail may rise as a flag in the air, daring him to step forth to claim this fallen child, if this is what he wished. Pale as ice was her hardened silver gaze, fixing on Ruiko and Ruiko alone as he stood before the others, her milky lips quivering and although her defenses remained placed, she listened, for she was not blind nor rankle towards reason. Her chin offered the smallest of nods to the man's words, her hackles lowering where hairs might rest to her spine once more and slowly did she back up, off from atop the dead child much in the same fashion Indru stood over his live one. Her eyes for a moment and moment only would slide to the alpha and his son to catch their reactions, but otherwise she remained silent as her body lifted to full height (other then crouched and ready to spring) in wait for the help of dragging the young boy home.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:54 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
The Tainn males growled defensively in front of him and Fen crept backwards, his eyes trying to peer around two sets of lengthy, robust legs. What had happened to Prosper? All this time the pup assumed they never saw one another because their mothers kept a close watch on both of them; and, neither of them, was given any opportunities to escape to the River.

As the conversation brought light into who this wolf possibly was, the boy sniffed, shivering behind his father and uncle. This lady was not Prosper's mother; and, wherever Jaysyek was, she was going to terribly upset. Ruiko offered to help bring the young Lyall's body back home as Indru fiercely placed himself in front of Fen.

Had he done this? Was this all his fault? Fenru kept shaking his head while the scene before him was sorted out. Perhaps if they had never met, on that perfect summer day by the river, Prosper would have been alive.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 06:54 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)