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Damn Fish — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Kat who has 2 posts.
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Holsclaw Silvereye
A delicate sneer crossed Holsclaw's face. It distorted his features horribly: the scar that reached from his forehead to his nose deadened the reactions on the left side of his expression, causing the right to wrinkle disproportionately. In reality, the outward sentiment was a mask for the inward. He was frustrated, not contemptuous. Actually, he felt stupid, and he hated it. For the life of him, Holsclaw could not catch a damned fish.

He had intended to have a quick bite to eat before making his way toward the North. Food had not exactly been sparse on his current journey, but it had been boring. Hares and squirrels, once the carcass of a fawn. Small stuff. He hungered for something bigger, or at least variety, and if it had been a case of speed, of course it wouldn't have been a problem. But he simply couldn't afford to be gored on the horns of a full-grown moose, and birds didn't run. So the little gurgling tributaries had been a welcome sight to the wiry black wolf, who salivated at the thought of fish.

Only he couldn't catch one.

The sneer turned into a grimace as his right forepaw once more came up empty. The water was icy cold and starting to numb the velvet padding, which could potentially be deadly if he had to fight (or flee) for his life within the next few moments. But bubbling anger was replacing all rational thought as Hosclaw finally struck the water with both paws in frustration, spraying the front half of his body with icy darts of liquid and certainly scaring all the little fishies in the area away. A single yelping snarl wrenched its way from his maw as the needles of water found their way into his eyes. Rarely did Holsclaw lose his cool completely, but now, half-crazed from his long trek and his lust for aquatic nourishment, he plunged his whole body recklessly into the murmuring waters and forced his eyes open.

Rarely was Holsclaw a lucky wolf. His lack of death up to this point could be attributed mostly to good sense, and substantially to skill. But now, as the breath was knocked out of his lungs from the cold, he opened his silver eyes right into a school of fish, their scales flashing as they attempted to wriggle away from the strange black creature that had been dumped so unceremoniously into their midst. Holsclaw snapped his teeth together once, and gave a push upwards toward sunlight.

As he surfaced, he blew water from his nostrils. Holsclaw paddled to the bank and, as four-legged creatures are wont to do, scrambled awkwardly back onto land. He shook his fur out from his nose to his tail, but in the last extremity it seemed not to stop. He was shaking it like a pup. There, in his powerful jaws, squirmed a fish in the last throes of its untimely demise.

Lucky Holsclaw may not be, but stubborn he certainly was.
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>The loss of two brothers, not to mention her own near death experience, she was a somewhat of timid creature now quite more then she had once been. She did not like lurking in the den, nor following at the hocks of her mother all the time. Clearly Trisden had been shaken by Theodore's death more than anything else, Lettie kinda thought someone needed to be brave. Who was she kidding? The world was scary, and even her home seemed nothing harmless any more. Part of her wanted to hide afraid what might happen, and the other part of her wanted to live. Living in a hole didn't seem to count, it wasn't fun, and nor did it help things.

Since her dramatic event at Jasper Rocks she had stared clear of the pool altogether. She often kept nearby to where ever she knew Elettra,Raigo, or her mother might be. Now if desperate she would by pass the pool completely, and go to the creek itself, often in need of a drink. This small trips were no small task, she was on edge stopping at every little sound, and often looking at everything her moonlit eyes could possibly take in. Much trepidation she continued wondering if she would soon face her own doom.

After a good ten or so trips nothing had happened, and she was even starting to form a small trail from Grizzly Hollow to her drinking place. She felt just the tiniest bit of confidence, maybe she was capable, and bad things were doen happening. It was not like she was quite as little as she oncehad been. She almost looked the size of an adult. Though the young lady had much to grow before she really was, as her white body was gangly, and her ears, and paws appeared large compared to her sleek form. She hardly noticed this, and it was with certain ease she padded to the creek.

Today the girl found out, someone else was there, and he did not sound pleased. Heart beat quickened, and she lowered herself through the pale grass, creeping low along the banks. She was unsure what was making him mad, or if she should really see, but when she peered through the tall withered grass she spotted a wolf with a pitch black coat trying to fish. So she guessed, because she had not witnessed the idea. Muzzle dipped down, and she watched him with wide, curious eyes wondering how he might catch one.

First she thougth he would have no luck, but after much cussing, struggling, and getting wet the wolf rose from the water with one in his teeth. She smiled amused, wondering if he might try again.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
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Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">What was he doing? Trying to fish? Shatter didn't meant to be a creeper, but there he was on the other side of the creek, squinting because with one bad eye it was very hard to focus on someone that wasn't nearby. He caught the sneer though, and was tempted to smile at the other's frustration - but didn't. Maybe he would get lucky next time, the little bastard looked like a stubborn one.

Now, Shatter was a creeper at times, yes - but that wasn't why he had come to the creek. He wanted a drink, and a warm place to rest before he went back up to riddle heights. He wouldn't leave Vlarindara on her own for long - he rather liked it there, and had learned to enjoy the female's company. There was still the piece of him that liked to wander, and wanted to know more about the lands that he was in. He had happened upon the black lupine on accident. He expected taht he would take a few snaps near the surface of the water - but instead? He just... went under, like he was a fish himself.

Shatter stood up at that point, slinking over and searching the surface of the water... where had he gone? The arctic timber was in for a surprise when the soggy black male came right back up - a fish in his mouth. He had silently gasped because he was startled, but quieted again, watching the other from the other side of the creek. "I was wondering whether you'd be able to catch something." He said, amusement set in his eyes. "I've never seen someone fish that way..." He was curious about how it worked - he figured that you held your breath, but the rest he would only learn by attempting it himself. And he wasn't sure whether he wanted to get so wet when it was rather chilly.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Hope you don't mind Vlar poppin' in? :) If so - I can ask to have da posty removed. ^^

Hunger drove the half blind femme from her secluded home and ranging across the territories of Relic Lore. She was...very, very slowly becoming accustomed to using her left eye to see obstacles - it was easier if she tilted her head just so... but that hurt her neck at times. A sigh puffed from between black lips as she lowered her head, scenting the ground. Finding nothing of interest, sh let her paws carry her further inland - away from the protective shelter of her den.

The sound of splashing caught her ears and she carefully moved through the trees, scarred face peeking from the foliage with .. quiet interest. It shocked her to see Shatter - but even more so to see the white yearing... No..it was younger than that. A streak of pain ripped through her chest at the sight, and the white female found herself wondering who's pup it was.. and where the mother was. Vlarindara swallowed hard, forcing her gaze away from the youth and to the onyx wolf who was ..attempting to fish.

A slight smile curved her lips as she stepped carefully from the protection the forest offered - just in time to see the wolf carry his catch from the water. Her quiet, gentle voice rose from the silence, even as she moved her bulk to gently brush her muzzle against Shatter's right shoulder. "I can show you an easier way, if you wish..." She rather enjoyed the taste of fish - and had done quite a bit of fishing in her own right... Whether or not he answered, she moved past Shatter, letting the young pup decide how to approach - if she did.. And perhaps she might hear a name..

Long legs sank into the chilly river, but the female kept moving until she was standing with water swirling around her form - licking the fur around her hips and sides. Triangular ears were pointed as she inspected the waters where she stood - seeming to wade in careful, almost planned circles. What she was really doing, was using her paws to feel the bed of the river.. for.. AhA! Coming to a stop, the ivory female stood still - waiting patiently, letting the water simply flow around her. As if she heard some kind of que, the white lady 'reared' back on her hind legs, drawing her front ones completely clear of the water before slamming them back through the liquid.

This process was repeated a few more times before she dunked her head beneath the surface on the last 'pounce' and withdrew it, a frozen fish in her jaws. The fish remained still for a few moments before it started thrashing violently - despite the ivory fangs that held it captive. Vlarindara moved, bringing the fish over to the black wolf where she bit it in half, then picked up the other part, wading once more across the stream and gently resting the water-dependant creature on the ground a few feet from Arlette.. nudging it towards her. "You can try some..if you wish.." Her tone was gentle - still.. almost motherly. Even if this was one of Swift Rivers pups - or Grizzly Hollows.. she wanted to see to it that the youth had.. some kind of food in her... Though - if her mother arrived.. Vlar wasn't sure she'd survive.. especially if it was Jaysyek.

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Played by Kat who has 2 posts.
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Holsclaw Silvereye
<i>OOC: Such a response! I'm touched. Let's take turns now like good lil wolfehs ^^</i>

Every black hair on Holsclaw's body stood on end at the approach of the mottled and matted wolf that presented himself. His nostrils were full of water and the smell of fish, but Hols took a quick deep breath inward and surmised quickly this was not a packwolf, and therefore of less threat than a loner, like himself. His nose caught the scent of another wolf nearby, a pup. Holsclaw's tail gave an involuntary wriggle at the thought, but he stiffened it when he saw a third wolf approach.

Large and too thin, the she-wolf casually spoke to Hols and waded into the river. The barest hint of a growl began to rumble in his throat. This otherwolf was too close, too presumptuous. None of these wolves--save maybe the pup--should have gotten so close to Hols. What's worse, both the she-wolf and he-wolf before him were covered in scars and ill-kept. A bad sign for Hols, a stranger to this province. Did they mean to take him on, two-on-one?

The larger of the two white wolves, the female, dropped a piece of fish in front of Holsclaw. He gobbled up his own small fish in a single powerful snap of his jaws and backed away from the offering, bristling and growling now in earnest. The she-wolf sauntered over to the brushes where Holsclaw had detected the pup's presence with his delicate nose, and cool as you please, dropped the other half of the fish down.

Hols was at a loss. These wolves outnumbered him two to one, three if he counted the pup. He could run for it, but running through these woods he had detected many more lupine presences. Did they mean to gang up on him, outrun him and kill him? He had no idea. It was best to just run away.

But the pup stayed his normal instincts. She smelled... disheartened, almost. Plus, she had behaved like a normal wolf, not like these two white brutes before him, respectfully staying hidden in the presence of an unknown character.

<b>"What is your business here,"</b> he snarled, addressing both the adult wolves at once. <b>"I was only looking for something to eat. Do these lands belong to you?"</b>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>She'd been most intrigued watching the dark wolf she had not noticed the a rugged white one approaching. Once he spoke, her wide eyes darted to his large figure, and she was ready to shrink away. Before she could much pull away from the banks another wolf, who appeared much more gruesome sight came next, staring at her before her she too entered the water, fishing much differently then the first. The youth watched only held by fear, because she knew she could not hope to outrun any of them...least not very well.

The white female managed her own fish giving half to the black male, who declined the offer with growls, his black coat prickled. Large ears drawn listening to his voice, while there was a bit of question to her gaze. Much to her dismay the female had the other piece, and was headed her way! She cringed against the ground, the thought of fleeing sending warmth into her paws.
She did not want the fish either, and shook her head despite the gentle tone of the female. She hoped she might move away then.

The black wolf had her attention at his angry sounds, and she took a meek step back from the female. She didn't feel his words were for her, she had kept her distance. Then she started to wonder. Did these lands belong to them? Why were they here? A couple more questions ran in her mind, but she would not wait to listen for answers. Bright eyes looked to the black wolf one last time. Then she withdrew another step, hoping the black wolf would distract the female, it was with that hope the girl sprung from the creek, and started running in the direction she believed the hollow was. Though she did not find her path, and hoped not to get lost. She would have to go back to Jasper Rocks for her drink.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
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Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">Shatter was perplexed, did he look like some sort of threat? He wasn't all that big a wolf... perhaps it was the scar that set the other off. Whatever it was, he reacted violently opposed to anything else. He hadn't gotten very closer, standing on the opposite side of the creek opposed to crossing over and attempting to chat. "This is rogue land..." He answered simply, bleak blue eyes not seeming to take any hindrance to his snarling tone. As for his business here? Well, he didn't really have any business. Nothing official, for no reason other than to grab a drink and add the place to his mental map. If this fellow was too prickly to talk, well, that was fine with Shatter. He wasn't much of a talker anyways - no harm done there.

Seemed the puppy was afraid of them, wherever she had come from she went back. Or started running back... "I'm leaving Vlar... but I will take up those lessons later? Whenever I fish it takes more time than it's worth." There was no point in sticking around - unless the bigger white wolf wanted to stay a little longer. He hadn't known she was on his heels, but he didn't mind. "Guess we're intimidating." He half smirked at the she wolf before turning to leave.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Her ears folded back over her skull when both wolves shied from her, even the young pup. Vlarindara bit back a whine and lowered her head before pulling away from both the stand-offish black wolf.. and the young white one. The female felt.. terrible that she'd caused so much trouble for the pair and when Shatter started away, she followed, both tail and head low. Perhaps ...she should just remain in her den.. coop herself up for the winter and not force her presence on those residing in Relic Lore. "..or we're disfigured and gruesome lepers.." Her words were soft, hardly audible, but she followed the smaller male nonetheless.

{Vlar Exit xD}

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