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Cold as Ice — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis hated it when the sky rested within a cloudless sky; it made the air around him even colder and despite his thick winter coat, he was feeling it today. His winter weight was slipping slowly but surely and he had already tried to nab a beaver earlier this morning and failed miserably, it appeared they knew when he was coming now and had avoided the banks all morning. He’d given up hope and travelled to the falls beside his beloved Wildwood in hopes of bumping into something edible, but not even a fly had crossed his path on the journey here. He’d reached the bottom of the falls in a pretty bad mood, with a hungry stomach and a bit of a headache he lowered to sit upon the bank of the shallow pool at the base of the cascading falls.

The water surface was frozen, but not hard enough to walk upon he doubted and he wasn’t about to test it. Instead his grey gaze followed a fish beneath the glassy surface as it danced this way and that in a care free manner; Rhysis bet the fish would not have been so bold were there not a barrier of ice between them. With a snort he punched his leather pad into the ice only to create a dull thud and a small ache- nope, he had no chance of getting that fish and with an irritable snarl he simply sat there watching, as if his heated gaze would melt the ice before him. It was unlikely, but he had little else to do this afternoon.

<b>"I hate fish."</b> he grumbled to himself, though it was drowned out by the noise of the falls not far from him. Still, one couldn't be picky and if fish was all that was available he'd take it- even if that meant waiting for the ice to soften as the sun climbed higher into the sky. It was going to be a long afternoon.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Food, she needed and wanted food. All animals seemed to be hiding her mostrous outlook, and Kainda couldn't blaim them. Despite all those disgusting lickers she had met here in Relic Lore, nothing could change her ming about herself. She was a moster, beast, from out to in. If there had been something good in her, it had given up the ghost a long time ago.

This was new place. She had traveled somewhere nearby, but not here. The waterfalls hadn't frozen, the winter hadn't been cold enogh. Kainda had faced a lot worse winters than this, but still, food was scarce. At least here was the opportunity to fish. She would only need to break the ice...

Stepping on the shore, touching the frozen water with her paw. Too solid. Not noticing the black wolf nearby, Kaid went further, closer to the falls. Here wasn't any fish. How to break the ice? Heading back on the solid ground, remembering to be grateful the ice had been strong enough to hold her weight. That's what you get when you act before you think. But the ice wasn't going to break.

Growling the scarred wolf turned and now noticed she had companion. Her scarred muzzle wrinkjled as she snarled, showing her teeth before relaxing her pitiful mouth again. One tooth never went in, though. Staring the black wolf, wondering would he be one of those idiots as well.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>The fish had been dancing about for a good five minutes now, and Rhysis grew tired of its games. He gave another punch to the ice but this close to the bank it wasn't going to budge. Further out it was weaker and with the consant flow of the falls the centre was always moving, but these edges were much trickier. We he a foolish wolf, he'd have ventured out further but it appeared the fish knew the safest place to hide and he wasn't going anywhere soon either. It appeared they were at a stalemate, and Rhysis had been about to leave when a cream wolf came into his peripheral vision. With a turn of his head he allowed his eerie grey eyes to land upon her ugly face. He would have recognised her instantly had he met her before, even from this distance. A whiff upon the breeze told him that this wolf was a loner, there were no pack scents upon her. He knew she was female and not in the best condition. It appeared she hadn't yet noticed him and as she ventured closer to the falls he could only sit and watch.

Rhysis didn't like females.What made this female more interesting however was that she was scared and that put him more at ease- alll of the females he'd known whilst growing up had been scared, from their own pack and each other. It seemed unnatural to Rhysis that a female should be pretty and without marks. It wasn't really surprising that he didn't like females though, what with the idiots he'd run into lately and the lack of them in his pack when he'd been growing up. The only females he'd ever really liked was his mother and his sister, but both had been taken from him. The sad fact was though that females were nessicary to their world and with pack creation in mind he couldn't be too picky about who they were. Valiant was off in the hills tracking some down so it wouldn't hurt for him to just test the waters- after all, with that horrid disfiguration he bet she'd find it hard to find a pack herself. Still, he wasn't going to let any wolf who wasn't worth their weight on the application list... he'd need to ask questions before he could make that decision.

Her growl tickled his ears. She'd finally noticed him it seemed and whilst he didn't growl back, he kept his distance and wasn't budging from his seated position on the other side of the water. Seemed someone wasn't too happy with him being there; but he put it down to her being wary. With a face like hers she had to have had her fair share of run ins, it was only natural she'd be defensive. Still, he didn't say anything. Simply dipped his head in greeting and continued to silently observe.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
What was he looking at? Her beastful form, ugly face and coat, making fun of her in his head? Snarling but staying quiet, she stared back at him, those sickly green eyes looking straight to his grey. What did he want? <i>'Fairy, I know what you want... KILL! BLOOD! Fairy, fairy, you'd love taht wouldn't you, hm?'</i> the voice spoke to her, with so soft nad good voice that it was utterly evil. But the tawny girl had to agree, she wanted to drain that black wolf's blood to the ground and dgi his eyes out. When she would've not wanted to do something like that?

Keeping a defensive pose, showing her teeth, waiting what he would do. Kainda wasn't going to speak, her abject mouth barely bound to words, tongue didn't go where she wanted. All because they were so scarred, yes, including her tongue. Lips, gums, tongue, it was a miracle she still had all teeth in her mouth.

Staring to him, tweaking her head up as an greeting, waiting for him to do something. Anything.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Super short, sorry!

<blockquote>Rhysis met her gaze. It was sickly but it didn't nerve him. He was comforted by sights of those who weren't perfect and whilst he was a very handsome boy that had only been down to the fact he was the heir to the pack- he had to keep his face in order for pack politics and the like, else he'd have probably looked like her by now. He didn't pity the girl, he didn't give out pity a lot but he did feel somewhat comfortable around her, even with her snarling and growling in his direction- he felt like he was back at home and the thought made him smile inside.

<b>"I wouldn't get too close to the edge... those falls have a wicked drag."</b> he finally stated simply when it seemed she wasn't going to speak. It was true; he witnessed a creature not long ago get too close, slip and it was dragged under and no doubt drowned in the cycle of water beneath the beautiful yet deadly falls.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
OOC: Just like mine would be long...

Did he think she was stupid? With a low growl Kainda nodded to him, not letting his out of her view. At least he didn't come and lick her cheek like Thanatos and Rios had made... Manners Kainda hated, licking around and showing weakness without hesitation. The beast didn't speak, she didn't smile or wag her tail, nor changed her stances. But at least she hid her teeth, except for that one special fang.

Staring him, expecting that pretty boy to do something stupid at any moment. Like smiling or something. He was handsome, Kiad would've said if she would've had that kind of things in her mind, but Kainda mosly thought about fighting and killing, mainly because of thta nagging voice that never shutted down. At least it wasn't driving her insane, counting if those numerous fights, thoe dead wolves she ahd left behind. But it was impossible to tell just by looking at her that she had that sort of voice inside her sick mind.
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Ah- another growl. He began to think that there was something wrong with her on the inside as well as on the out. She liked to stare and growl... stare and growl. He wondered if there was anymore substance to her. Another sweep of his ghostly grey gaze fell across her face. He began to wonder what sort of creature could cause such damage; he'd seen extensive scaring but never anything as severe as this which would go on to effect her dental work. He then wondered if it gave her trouble hunting and fighting, it looked pretty painful which might be why she was all skin, bone and dirty fur.

It was clear she wasn't much of a talker, fortunatly nor was Rhysis but he didn't want to leave just yet. Her appearance was comforting to him, it was nice to be around company which he was used to- none of these prim, polished and beautiful wolves around here made him feel at ease quite the way she did. It wasn't a feeling of love, he didn't feel like he wanted to be her friend but he did just want to sit here a while. He wasn't going to say he wanted to go back home, where wolves fought for blinking out of sync and he was beaten daily to "toughen him up". He enjoyed being his own wolf, free to go about wherever he pleased but deep down he was a wolf like any other and wolves were social creatures. This is why he was so impatient for his pack to form, so he could seek the comfort of wolves like him but with his rulesless ways he'd never be chained to routine like he had been before- it was going to be glorious.

He said nothing more, it was clear she didn't want to talk but that didn't matter to him. She was far enough away that he allowed himself to slip to the ground and lay with his belly upon the cold floor whilst his large black paws dangled off the bank. He finally took his gaze off her, though he could still see her in the corner of his eye and his ears were tracking her every movement, he allowed himself to glance up at the sun and for once, he enjoyed what little light it brought to his face. He was completely at ease.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Stupid. Simply. Nothing more. Or was he? Kainda was stunned that the other just layed there, relaxing while she was standing here, not looking friendly. Unfortunately the distance was way too long for her too be able to attack before he could get up. Otherwise, she would've done it. Moving her stare away from him, keeping in her vision though, looking around, trees, falls, sky, clouds, everything. Staying careful, ready to defent herself if needed, not speaking. Why would she make a fool out of herself?

Kainda's childhood hadn't been an easy one. Often being attacked by her father's love, small pup covered with wounds since the day she had been born. Fighting her father since the day she could, trying to make him stop. Fighting with her sisters to prove that she was the best, those were the most brutal fights she had never been in. Kainda hadn't been the best, Tricono always won, but the tawny lady never gave up. Then a loner had attacked her, causing ehr lower fang to grow in wrong direction, tearing her tongue. More fighting with her sisters and father, soon having legs all scarred, muzzle partly. Then being exiled, living as a loner, fighting with everyone and everything, ruining the last bits of her snout and body. Fighting, killing and drawing blood. Monotonous life, what do you say?

Kaid didn't like to be around this wolf. She didn't know why, maybe because of his too good looking body, too relaxed stances. Or something. Glancing at him from the corner of her eyes, listening to the sound in her head: <i>'Fairy, fairy, bloody little fairy, shine your light of death upon him, show the devil why you are greater than him. Why you will be the queen of Hell. Fairy, honey, little demon. Devils were your grandparents, what that makes you? KILLER! Demon. Fairy...'</i>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis allowed his lids to close for a moment and took a deep breath of the icy air around him. It burnt his lungs and the sensation was much appreciated. Life had been stale of late and he hadn't had time to reflect upon it. He was forever meeting new wolves, searching for the same answers yet getting no where. Yes, things were slowly coming together but he was somewhat impatient, probably because of his youthful age, he wanted the world but he wasn't one to wait for it. It was only now, when his mind felt at ease that he could just be- just be there, not worrying, not raging, just silently calm. Obviously the female had no idea of the effect her face had on him, and thinking of her again snapped his eyes open. He glanced back over to her then and smirked.

<b>"I like that you don't want to talk."</b> he then spoke, mostly to himself but it would be heard above the crashing of the falls if she was listening out for it. <b>"Most of the females I run into either want to talk or attack... I'm pretty sure you want to come over here and rip my throat out with the look you're giving me, but I thought I should thank you in advance for the moment of clarity I've had because you're here."</b> he then added. He didn't smile, he didn't feel the need to put on a front but he was genuine in what he said. He did appreciate the moment to just sit and breathe and whilst it may not last much longer, he had been grateful for it.

He poised himself then, ready to bolt should he need to. She didn't seem the type for small talk and whilst he wasn't a fan of it either, he felt that his welcome had been outstayed as soon as she had seen him. </blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Surprise. Really, really nasty one. Those yellowish eyes largened when the male spoke his words, saying that he liked her behavior or something. And yes, she did want to rip his throat open, and no, she didn't want to be thanked for not doing it. Lowering her head, eyes narrowing again, still staying silent. Ruining that pretty face, leaving him to suffer... Pleasure to Kainda, but she wasn't close or quick enough to do it. Perhaps she should attack anyway?

For some crazy reason, Kainda didn't. Only giving an arrogant look to him before sighing moved her eyes away. No, she didn't leave him out of her vision, Kaid wasn't going to be that stupid. Once, before losing the last of her ability to speak properly, this wolf, monstrous already, had been the master of language, able to fluently give out words that alone were enough to tell everything about her sick mind. Mostly straightly taking fragments of the voice in her head, due the voice sometimes managed to spooke even this stone hearted beast.