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&i adore temptations; — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
Several full moons had passed. Estella sighed as she looked up. She had left her home nearly four months ago and she wasn't going to return. Estella had been traveling for a long time and was use to life without her family. She loved them dearly, but her former pack wouldn't accept her after she left. It was almost as though she betrayed them. Even though the life as a lone wolf was tough Estella enjoyed it. Not being told what to do, being able to travel and see things she had never seen before. It was a wonderful experience, but she felt that the life of being a loner was soon to be over. She had mostly been living off of tiny creatures such as rabbits, mice, and baby birds in order to survive. She knew that wasn't enough to keep a wolf healthy or well and she knew this wasn't a life that wolves were meant to live. She needed to eat more food and even though the small creatures were easy to kill for a single wolf, they definitely weren't easy to catch.

The smell of wolves nearby enlightened her. The scents had led her to this enormous land filled with the scent of wolves all over. It had made her day when she first arrived. She had been there for a few days now and knew it not too well, but good enough. She sniffed the ground as she passed the berried and soon made it to the cherry orchard. It was lovely and smelled delicious. Her mouth watered at the smell of the cherries. She wandered around wondering if she should try one or not. She had no idea what they were and even if she did she wouldn't have a clue if they were in season or not, but the smell was wonderful!
<b style="color:#996666">
(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2010, 08:39 AM by Estella.)
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
      The orchard was a familiar place, perhaps not one of her favorite haunts but still a nice place to visit every now and again. For the most part, the orchard was barren of others, cherries most carelessly strewn about the ground she walked upon. There was one scent, however, something amiss—something that Junai almost expected now, considering the recent increase in wanderers in Relic Lore. It annoyed her, for the most part, but she supposed it was best to simply accept these strangers. They were bound to leave eventually, with or without her threats, and the young female the scented was probably no different. It eased her mind to tell herself that they would be gone soon, gone with the fear of competition from Swift River and its inhabitants.

      Approaching the pale wolf from behind, Junai called out lightly, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“Hey!” She walked nearer to the other with certainty in her step, her tail neutrally limp but her chin confidently raised. <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“You look a little confused... What's the matter?” Not that Junai truly cared what the other girl's problem was, but she found herself curious. The girl didn't look necessarily depressed or angry, but... conflicted? Or... dopey? Junai nodded to herself—the latter seemed a rather fitting description for the gray-eyed female.
(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2010, 05:02 PM by Junai.)
Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
The female remembered the taste of strawberries and blueberries, but never had she seen a fruit such as these. They were a different shape and color, but the smell was just wonderful. She remembered coming home with her pelt dyed by the blueberries. She was a blue wolf for a few days. Never again would she eat blueberries. Their juices were such a pain to try to get off her light-colored pelt and she just didn't want to go through the experience all over again... Maybe another time it would be great.

Estella smiled as she looked at the cherries and was suddenly she interrupted by a female that was passing by. She turned around to see a brown and black yearling looking at her. She seemed about somewhere around her age. <b style="color:#996666">Oh, hello. She said as she studied the female. She held her head up with such pride. Estella could tell that this was a pack wolf without even having to smell her scent. The female spoke again and Estella just gave her a smile, <b style="color:#996666">I''m not confused. Just curious. I've never seen berries such as these. They smell delicious though. I was trying to decide if I should try them or not, she said as she turned back to the cherries and then looked at the female once more. <b style="color:#996666">I'm Estella by the way. She wasn't going to ask for a name in return. It was up to the female to give her a name and Estella didn't want to be pushy. She knew how pack wolves were.
<b style="color:#996666">
(This post was last modified: Aug 02, 2010, 12:46 AM by Estella.)
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
      Dopey and polite, two fitting adjectives for the stranger. She was soft-spoken in Junai's mind, giving a gentle smile with her clarifying (if not rambling) reply. She knew not what the berries littering the floor were and Junai blinked, clearly surprised at the girl's lack of knowledge about the surroundings. These newcomers weren't the brightest, were they? Evidently encouraged by the fact, Junai responded coolly, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“They're cherries. They taste okay, but I don't like 'em that much.” Because in her mind, real wolves weren't supposed to go about eating berries—that was child's play! No, she was a true wolf, a girl that would have preferred a difficult hunt to the simple task of picking berries off the ground.

      No matter, as if to demonstrate to the other how to eat a berry, Junai picked a berry up from the ground with her mouth and chewed once or twice before swallowing. <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“See? They aren't poisonous or anything.” After giving her lips a thoughtful lick, Junai amended, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“Junai Tainn of Swift River. Ah... Nice to meet you, I guess.”
Played by Lulz who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Estella del Universo
Estella would of laughed at the way the female was behaving, but she didn't. Instead she just watched and listened to her as she spoke to her as though she were a pup. Estella honestly didn't mind it. There was really no point to get upset at her for treating her in such a way. She didn't know any better and Estella didn't expect her too. She had no idea what the fruit was as she had never seen one before and like many elder wolves have said before in the past no question is dumb. The female enjoyed learning new things and learning the actual name of the fruit enlightened her, cherries. The name was almost like berries! Such a cute name.

Estella tilted her head as she watched the female eat a cherry. Why on earth would she eat one? To show they were safe or to show Estella that she didn't care too much about them? She ignored the thoughts and went to try one for herself. <b style="color:#996666">It's much sweeter then the blueberries and strawberries back in what use to be my home, she observed. She wasn't really speaking to the female it was more of a thought then it was a statement. She looked up when the yearling gave her a name, Junai. <b style="color:#996666">You have such a pretty name. I'm Estella del Universo. I'm a lone wolf. I doubt I didn't have to mention that, she was pretty positive the female knew she was a loner already. She had no scent of a pack that was in or near the Relic so what else could she of been?
<b style="color:#996666">
Played by Chi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Junai Tainn
sorry for the terrible wait! :( i've developed a social like recently, eheh.

http://a.imageshack.us/img716/1881/lalamr.png); width:450px; text-align:center;">
      Strawberries and blueberries? Junai blinked, having never tasted such sweet treats and a little curious as to what the foreign fruits tasted like. Voicing her questions, however, was not an option, not now... Her mind worked in peculiar ways and she had made a list of priorities before even meeting the stranger before her. First, she had to assert her dominance over any creature that bothered to acknowledge her... Or, at least show her competence, because she didn't want to be underestimated and she didn't want some hotshot from far-off lands to think they were all that and a leg of deer—that just wouldn't do! After Junai was confident that the stranger knew where the both of them stood, perhaps then Junai could be a little more personable... Though, Junai's definition of the word and Estella del Universo's were bound to be quite different.

      At the compliment to her name, Junai gave a dismissive flick of her tail and replied coolly, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Er, not really, but it hardly mattered. The other seemed amicable enough, willing to go along with whatever came her way with a polite (or, in Junai's mind, stupid) smile... She was kind of like Kenai. Flicking her ears backwards, she amended lightly, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“I guess your name's nice, too... It's kinda weird, though. It reminds me of rabbits.” Her offhand comment was hardly meant to be an insult, though it wasn't necessarily a compliment... The name Estella brought to mind fluffiness, sparkliness, and girliness; the traits weren't necessarily welcomed by Junai, but they fit the pale lady in a peculiar way, a way that made Junai grin childishly. Perhaps this Estella del Universo character was okay... Easily manipulated, if nothing else, which was always a good quality in others. Reassured that she was a-okay to be as curious as she wished now, Junai inquired, <b style="color:#333E4B; font-family:georgia;">“What're strawberries 'n' blueberries? I've never had any. And where're you from?”