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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY! — Swift River 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
*sigh* keeps changing, if this isn't going ahead I'll get it deleted :)

<blockquote>The drizzle had been almost constant for several days now, and while she enjoyed the reminder that spring was on its way, coupled with the melting snows upstream, she watched with trepidation as the river swelled and threatened to break it's banks. Grumbling to herself, she set out to gather all she would need to make sure her herbs didn't come to any harm with the rising of the river. What a waste it would be have them washed away with the water.

She still had the scrap of hide she had collected when she had met the lady Nina, and diligently began to collect the scattered flowers, herbs, roots and branches, piling them neatly into the scrap, with the wilted remains of the little yellow buttercup on top. She gathered the pile in her mouth and raced to higher ground. Digging a reasonable hole, she dropped the skin in and covered it over securely. They should be safe there for now. Racing back to the banks of the river she watched as the water raised higher and higher. No point in delaying the inevitable. She threw back her head and let loose a long howl of warning.

The river was going to break its banks, they needed to get out <i>now...</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2012, 03:58 PM by Corinna.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Though the rain proved to be something that provided change and a perfect excuse to get all muddy, today the seemingly constant downpour seemed... well, boring to the youngest Swift River pup. On yet another cold, gray afternoon, he lingered in the den a while longer. Rihael and Kisla had long since left his side and he had scooted up against a den wall to keep warm. He buried his nose in his tail and let out a deep sigh. No one had explained to him yet why everyone was on edge.

Through half-lidded eyes he stared at the den entrance, watching as the raindrops continually fell and dripped from the tunnel ceiling outside. A howl sounded out somewhere nearby. His ears perked up but he simply huffed. It wasn't Corinna's voice and it was more than likely Finn or Naira who had called out urgently. Whatever she needed, Fen was certain he didn't need to get up. Closing his eyes and nestling his muzzle against his limbs he tried to go back to sleep.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
There just wasn't any end in sight to this rain. It kept pouring down, reducing the world to a constant damp mess - soggy footing that froze in the night, soggy fur that chilled him whenever a breeze drifted through, fog, fog, fog, and every creek swelling. The river near bursting. The only reason Ice hadn't bolted was loyalty - and, perhaps, a bit of respect for the gurgling masses of water that separated the Swift River territory from the rest of the world. Loyalty, however, was not enough to keep him calm. He'd been stalking around like a restless beast the past days, occasionally flinging himself down in a bush only to find he was too restless to sleep; back on his paws, twitching, chewing branches, nearly snapping at anyone who as much as looked at him.

If rain was vernal, he hated spring.

With an edge to his step he stalked across the entrance of the main den again, grinding his teeth in frustration. The noise deafened him to the sound of rain plopping down on leaves and branches, but it couldn't drown out the river's roar. Pausing, still grinding his teeth against each other to produce a jarring, unpleasant sound, he fixed his hard eyes on a tree. His fur was damp, sodden, but the incessant downpour promised no relief; on the other paw, it seemed to threaten to increase into a hellish torrent. Shuddering, he could very well imagine the feeling of wet water sluicing over his shoulders - so, he steered his mind away from that, and had just resumed his pacing when Naira's voice broke through. The large male stilled so abruptly, even his jaws ceasing their grinding, that he nearly toppled over himself. That wasn't just a whimsy. Eyes narrowed, ears flat, he sought for her form through the haze of a drizzle.

"Gods, Naira!" he barked in the general direction of the noise. "Is it that bad?" Unless he was talking to a rock, she was standing pretty near - too near - the bank of the river. She could be swept away... And either she was howling to warn them of the river threatening to break free, or of something as stupid as a bear floating downstream. As far as Ice knew, bears seldom did such things, and even if it did, it didn't merit a warning call. A floating bear was no harm to anyone, really. It'd just float past. But the prospect of the river flooding... He'd prefer floating bears any day over living elbow-deep in muddy water.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>A relieved look crossed the face of the tawny second as Ice came into view. He seemed to be on edge and she suddenly remembered his aversion to water. They needed to find a way out, or up. At least one of her pack mates had heard her call, for all she knew the others were out hunting. It was completely by chance that she arrived home when she did.

Moving a short distance away from the banks of the river, shaking for what good it was worth with the constant rain, she approached her pack mate to reduce the need to yell to be heard over the roaring of the still quickly rising river. <b>"Is there anyone left at the den? What about the young ones?"</b> she questioned the latter with a little more anxiety, at their age, they could be anywhere.

Eyes squinting to see through the haze, she tried to catch sight of any other movement, but there was none to be seen. Whining a little anxiously she decided to check the den, just in case, but as she went to move, the unthinkable happened as the water, in a sudden rush, broke its banks and flooded down to the den. Ankle deep on the large wolf she quickly launched into action, racing to the den, poking her head inside to see if any had foolishly stayed, despite her clear warning. The water was still rising.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
hope you guys don't mind me jumping in? ._. reckless hael here to save the day screw everything up
<blockquote>Fat raindrops plopped down on Rihael's flattened ears as they perked, a shrill howl commanding his attention. It didn't sound like anything <i>good</i>. Naturally, Hael couldn't pass something like this up, so he picked up a smooth trot toward the source of the noise, the River. As he approached, the rain became more serious about drenching everything in sight, and soon, he found himself peering desperately through sheets of white, rainy haze. The odor of the moisture in the air dulled in senses, and he fought back a whine, pushing his nerves out of the way with an intense, determined growl. And then, through the mist, he finally glimpsed the figures near the water.

Leaps and bounds later, Rihael skidded to a halt beside Ice, the male he had come to respect as one of Swift River's own. His fierce orange gaze moved quickly between Ice and the female second, Naira, who he didn't know so well yet— it was she who'd sent the call. And now he could see why. The River was swelling, and the way it flowed violently on its course seemed almost <i>angry</i>. Naira's question was all he'd arrived in time to hear, but it made his jaw drop as he stared at her. And then the river broke. And it hit him, eyes wide as he stood, stunned, for a split second. "—Fen."

As Naira raced away, Hael followed at her heels, youthful limbs pumping as his mind let his instincts take the wheel, wasting no time in what he was about to do. Fenru, Fen was still in the den. Rihael couldn't be absolutely sure, but he had to try, had to find out. He knew what he needed to do— there was no question, and he had to do it <i>now.</i> His large paws shredding the soggy ground, Hael burst into the den, speeding past Naira, not caring whether he knocked her out of the way. "Fen?!" He barked, his voice escalating to a yell as he felt himself collide with the body of his brother, "FENRUUU! Get up, c'mon, get out, we have to go NOW! It's flooding!"</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2012, 05:05 PM by Rihael.)
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Stupid rain. It was about time it stopped. He who enjoyed a mild sprinkle, and didn't mind water was feeling his past high spirits dampen with the ground. Shaking his coat for the umpteenth time, he gritted his teeth, and briefly tipped back his head staring at the grey sky. Something about the damn grey clouds he didn't like, and his blak muzzle wrinkled in his displeasure. Could it just STOP!

Licking a taste of his muzzle he flicked his head, and let his ears press even tighter to his head. He was a wolf not a soggy lump. Though he'd been out hunting he could not settle himself down enough to work for food. All the creatures were tucked away from the spring showers, and part of him didn't think it kind to disturb them. He having his fill of wetness was headed back to the den. What was so strange was the river. It was roaring a different song. This unsettled him. It never did that, not this bad. When he glanced to his right he could see it was getting bigger, and his jaw dropped. Bloody hell!

Gathering his limbs he bounded, his paws splashing along the way when he heard Naira's call. The river was flooding, and a good part of Swift River would to. Tilting his head he let out a loud call while he ran saying he was coming. He was much more worried about where Hael,Kisla, and Fenru were.

Becoming breathless he saw the river make a new path, and the small tide reach for the rocky outcrops of the den. His eyes narrowed trying to see what else was going on. He saw Ice who could possibly be ready to have a conniption, and then saw Hael blur past Naira to the den. Oh no, someone was in there, and he could only guess who. With his strength he sped past Ice, and caught up to Naira arriving the mouth of the den. The water was rising, and he heard Hael screaming at Fenru. Triell let out a harsh woof, but he did not enter. He hung near the opening ready to take action if it was required.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
( listening to Take That - The Flood .. so ironic, somehow. also, I thought it couldn't hurt if I posted again since Ice isn't interacting with the den/Fenru anyway ^^ )

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Naira came bounding towards him, and Ice was marginally relieved. He hadn't been talking to a rock, then, but.. she reeked of worry and water, anxiety lacing her every word in the same way the moisture laced them. He ground his teeth together, opening his maw to reply - he wasn't entirely certain, but as far as he'd been able to see during his many turns around the den, only Fenru was in there - but no sound came out. His already wide eyes widened further, lower jaw dropping open and ears falling flat.. behind Naira's back, he could see the hazy outline of the river, swelling, growing, and with a roar not unlike thunder it forced the banks.. rocks and rotten logs pushed aside, the water rushing out, rushing out of the river, towards them... And as Naira abandoned him and Rihael - damn, where had he come from? - ran past, Ice yelled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Cold muddy water slapped against him, spraying his chest with dark stains as he backed up impossibly fast. Rough bark put an end to his retreat, and as Triell raced after the other two towards the den, Ice's mind locked down. Cold, his paws told him as the spring flood rose higher and higher, scaling his legs and licking up towards his hocks (standing on low ground certainly didn't help either). It had a noise of its own, a whisper and a sigh, here and there a gurgle or a muted roar, but Ice didn't hear it - he only heart the boom of his heart, the rush of air through his lungs. It rose, frantic, until he grew lightheaded. The world slipped away, the boundaries blurred; every nerve tingled in a most disconcerting way.. and it grew darker. His field of vision narrowed. The world tilted sideways - impossible.

Then cold water hit him in the face and he gasped in a lungful of air before bolting to his feet again. Damn! He'd really fainted into the water. Gritting his teeth, he still saw the forms of Naira and Triell outside the den - Hael must be inside, with Fenru then. One pup unaccounted for, and who knew about the rest of the pack? They were adults; they could hold their own. Spitting out water and coughing, Ice stepped gingerly out of his hole and leaped up onto a rock. He could think better with his paws dry. Fainting was very counterproductive. Through a raw and aching throat he called out. "Kisla!" He barked at first, in case she was near; last, he sent out a long and ragged howl. They needed to know where she was, damn it.. And damn again, why wasn't Fenru out yet? Or maybe he was.. Ice squinted again. It was hard to keep your eyes open long enough to actually be able to make out forms, the rain lashing his eyelids mercilessly. Coughing again, Ice dropped off the rock. Splash. He'd frayed his nerves when he fainted, he was done with that shit now. He'd told Indru he'd swim for him, and if he had to swim across all of Relic Lore to find Kisla, by the stars, he would.
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2012, 02:47 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<i>Gonna help move this along, if it's all right. ._.;</i>

<blockquote>Fenru had just nodded off to sleep when something cold swept around him, making him inhale a wave of water as the river found its way into the den. His eyes flew open and he lifted his muzzle to let out a harsh cough, ultimately cowering to keep the rest of his body from getting soaked. Had the rain finally had it with his hiding? Was it even possible for rain clouds to conjure up so much water to floor the den? Apparently, to the youth, it had and was... His fight-or-flight reactions gripped him hard, rendering him motionless with shock. If he didn't get out... he could... <i>drown.</i>

His eyes sought the two tunnels leading out of the burrow but he found he could not move. He let out a panicked cry, a whimper that ended with a very loud and pained yelp. It seemed he had not gone unheard; shortly after the sound had left his throat, it was answered. <i>"Fen?!"</i> His ears lowered and a feeble shout replied, <b>"Hael?!"</b> His brother's rugged form crashed into him with a yell of his name. The younger Tainn staggered back into a wall. After wobbling about to regain control of his limbs, he eyed Rihael and shakily lifted one of his forelimbs in question. Instinct told him to run... but with water steadily pouring in from both entrances, <i>run where?</i> <b>"I-I'm scaaared!"</b> he mewled, continuing to whine as Uncle Triell's bark came from outside. He could feel the water rise up along his forearm; only seconds ago he could have sworn it had only been up to his wrists and ankles.

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
She had heard the coming of spring was also known as ‘the thaw.’ Of course, the youth was highly excited for the oncoming warm season, when the grass would once more grow to its lush emerald hues and the sun would warm her fur the moment she stepped out of the den each morning. Even more so, it brought the season she and her littermates would become one year of age and become a part of the hierarchy. Of course, only until she had turned two years of age would she truly be considered among the adult ranks, it was far better than sitting as a whelp.

The sloppy day had found her only a few moments from the main den area. Her paws were slick with the mud from the slush and mud, while her tawny pelt remained slick to her slender figure. If anything at all, she felt like a drowned rat, but the youth refused to seek out the shelter and warmth of her old den, her eyes casting a frustrated glare at the bush where the opening to a rabbit warren rested just within sight. Had she been more experienced and a little more careful with her time, Kisla might have realized that the rabbits had long since abandoned their home many days before when another one of the pack members had come across their haven.

With a lash of her tail and a loose growl escaping her jowls, Kisla was about to prowl forward and stick her snout in to the small enclosure when the River erupted in to a swell of shouting. Such behavior was easily ignored by the tawny girl, yet a voice was sternly calling her name. Perking her ears in interest, s sardonic snort that would befit any of her more caustic natured relatives escaped her nostrils, and soon the she-wolf was on her paws, her lope quickening as another bellow released for her.

As she came closer everything happened so fast – annoyance stirred her ears down as she rounded the corner to where everyone was. “WHAT?!” Her own holler lasted only a second as her eyes fell upon the devastation that was becoming her home. Surprise flitted through her green eyes and as she came further, she did not see the slick patch of mud that awaited its victim. Slipping, Kisla’s paws flew from beneath her, her weight pushing her over the edge of the flooded embankment. Sliding part way down, just before the tawny girl’s head went in to the river water’s did her eyes widen, catching sight of the few wolves that had gathered around. And then she saw nothing but the murky waters as she met their depths with a sickening wave of water.

sparking up my heart

Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rihael Tainn
<blockquote>A vengeful crash of thunder shook the earth as Hael found himself ankle-deep, then forearm-deep, in muddy water. Horrified, he watched Fen stumble backwards, orange eyes wide with panic as his brother regained himself. Never mind that he had knocked him over, at least he was awake, but— why was he just <i>standing</i> there? Didn't he realize they had to leave <i>now</i>?! A glance at his paws told him the water was steadily rising, and if they didn't climb out of the den right away they'd— drown, die, right? Staring at Fenru, he noticed suddenly that his brother had realized the exact same thing.

His response to his brother's worried words was a distressful woof, soft at first, then repeated, louder, as he realized that they might need the help of the adults outside the den. The shame of foolishly having endangered himself to "rescue" his brother stabbed the back of his brain, but he ignored it with a growl, frustration and instinct kicking in. "Fen, we gotta get out of here! Climb!" Unable to wait any longer for his brother to move, he eyed the den entrance he'd come in through, dirty floodwater pouring down its slope. He'd test the exit, get himself out, then help pull Fen out— that was the only way he could see out of this. With a fiery glance at Fenru, he barked, his voice escalating in a vicious snarl, "Come on, NOW!"

Rushing to the den entrance, he started to climb the slope, barking a distress call as loud as he could manage. The storm roared outside, and he could see only gray fog outside the den, but he <i>knew</i> they had to be there, right?! His barks becoming louder and more frantic, Rihael's found, to his terror, that his paws were becoming stuck in the mud of the den entrance. Without someone to pull him up, or Fenru to push him from behind, he was going to be stuck if he continued trying to escape alone...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2012, 11:31 PM by Rihael.)
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