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Upon This Hallowed Ground — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: This takes place the night that Jaysyek invites her back to live with dem. 8D Vlar hasn't had any interaction with the other GH wolves yet.. 83

It hadn't quite sunk in yet that..she had a pack, a home. Vlarindara had thanked Jaysyek, but wasn't honestly sure if it was simply a 'spur of the moment' offer by the white wolfess, or if it had really meant something. The white female had waited until it was dark to show brave the borders of Grizzly Hollow. In fact, it had taken her the rest of the time after the meeting with Jaysyek to gather enough courage to do so. Vlarindara was sure she'd stood at the precepice of the borders fifty different times before turning away in fear.

Finally, after the sun had gone to bed and the moon had come out in force, she'd garnered the courage, aided by the security blanket that was the night to cross the borders. Memory of this place hadn't failed her, despite the additions and changes to the pack - she moved unerringly towards the main den site. The limp of her front legs gave her some trouble, but she managed so far to refrain from falling upon her face. Finally, standing just outside the invisible ring that made up the packs denning area, Vlarindara let her single amber eye roam the space.

Memories flooded her thoughts, bringing a wistful smile to her lips. Her times here hadn't honestly been ..bad. Only her thoughts of being alone had. Knowing full well that her newest rank of 'lowest' entailed anything the pack desired of her, she hoped to get a halfway decent nights rest before tackling the following Day.. And she..hadn't yet seen Raigo since their last meeting, and was hopeful that she'd see him first - be able to speak to him. After all, it was his approval as much as any that she..desired.

Quietly, with careful steps, Vlarindara made her way into the denning area and prowled the circle, looking for a place next to a tree to sleep comfortably. She didn't wish to intrude upon the den itself, knowing that as the lowest, she'd probably be exiled out of it to sleep alone anyway. So to save the marks upon her hide, she sought a bed herself. Paws scratched lightly at the surface of some fallen leaves, rustling up enough of a barrier against the roots of the trees that she could lower herself down to the make-shift bed.

It was growing warmer, though the nights were still colder..so she turned to look once more around the denning area before circling in the leaves a few times, then lowering her hind end to the ground gingerly, followed by the front. Once curled up in her leaves, Vlarindara shifted as carefully as she could before tucking her nose near her hind legs to atempt sleep. Sleep, however, never came thanks to the roots at her back digging into her thin sides and she was forced to her feet once again to hunt a different place to sleep.

As quietly as possible, Vlarindara moved, her head to the ground as she snuffled about, instead taking her time to figure out the scents of the pack. Jaysyek, Raigo and Elettra were still among those she recognized. Bordens.. the three remaining pups. A scent that was.. slightly familiar though she didn't truly recognize Alexanders smell. A plethora of other scents that she had no idea who they belonged to. Lifting her head, Vlarindara looked towards the den, a slight smile upon her lips. Jaysyek had done a beautiful job with caring for the pack.. Even if she herself hadn't thought so.

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
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Elettra Archer
Vlarindara: like Borden (and unlike Kiche, with memories only of disdain) there was good memories of this wolf. Memories, which pained her in ways worse then a wolf who had her ill-interest for from the beginning. Where trust was hardly gained, when it was so carelessly and easily broken, there was little chance (if any, as it had yet to happen) of trust's return. Vlarindara had been the very first wolf Elettra Archer had met in the lands of Relic Lore. Tired and sore from her travels, the woman had offered her shelter, rest... She was a gentle giant. A woman whom didn't allow her strength to lead her to arrogance. She was a powerful ally, but all was faltered with her leave and shattered with her ill decisions.
Vlarindara had left and returned, only to challenge Elettra's placement as second within the pack- and lost, resulting in her leave once more. Unknowingly, had the woman come again, only to strike out and attack her alphena, an unforgivable act, on El's count. Though Elettra was distrusting, questionable, and weary of the woman, she did not have malice for her in the way she did with Kiche or Borden. Still, Vlarindara would not go without punishment...
The scent of Vlarindara wafted into her nares and smacked her in the face. Her irritation rung high and the woman, tucked away within the pack's den (checking up on the children no less, due to her distrust for Kiche with them) would creep towards the den's mouth. Without a doubt, the woman was here. Not only trespassing (or so El thought) but in the denning area and dangerously close to the pups. Little did Elettra attack without thought, not in the way she would tonight. Quick snaps of furious warnings, demands of leave, or submission, yes. But in this very moment, every once of rage, irritation, and worry would be tossed with her weight, as she charge out of the den and into Vlarindara's direction.
It was with pure mercilessness that she came to her (not even bothering to take a look over to view her poor condition) as she came head-on, hackles raised, head scrunched back and agape. A wild fury echoed the lands with her feverish growl and as she came to attack, she sought nothing less then the unprotected throat of her victim.
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 01:47 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: ...Annnddd Que Vlar making it *worse*

Had she not been looking towards the den, musing over the strength in Jaysyek, Vlarindara would have missed the charging onyx bulk of fur. At first, Vlarindara thought it might be some other pack wolf that she didn't know - but when she realized that it was *Elettra* she froze, ears folding tighter against her thin neck when those jaws snapped towards her. The white wolf dropped instantly to the ground in an effort to protect herself - but Elettra's jaws still closed around the thin scruff of her neck near the top left side, sinking easily into her thin fur and nonexistent muscles.

A pained yelp screeched from her muzzle as she curled her tail closer under her abdomen, trying to both hunker down and twist so Elettra wouldn't be able to rip her throat *out*. To keep the delicately protected vital spot away from the onyx ladies jaws. Panic set in and Vlarindara felt her breathing pick up as she whined constantly, hoping to appease the wolfess who outweighed her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I hadn't intended to hurt her! Please don't kill me!" The ivory she-wolf could hear the panic in her own tone and to her ears, she sounded nothing like herself.

"I'm sorry for attacking Jaysyek! I shouldn't have done it and i'm sorry for it. I'msupposedtobehere!" She doubted that the irate female would hear her pleas, however.. and simply tried everything to show the Grizzly Hollow Second that she honestly didn't intend to fight back - after all.. Physically, she didn't think she was *able* .. and she didn't have the rank to even think about doing so. So instead, the white wolf struggled to both escape - and protect herself at the same time with what little she could do. Attempting to lower herself to the ground, keeping her ears and tail tucked tightly against her fur.. and her eyes closed as tightly as they could possibly go. The constant, panicked whining occasionally evolved into a pained yelp as her struggles further injured the bitten hide of her neck.

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn
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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The sounds of the night spilled over into his nightmare. Or was the nightmare the world of ferocity and pain and screams that he woke up to? Kiche awoke all at once, suddenly on edge as he pressed himself to the floor of the old bear den, cowering like the terrified child he was. Disoriented by the blindfold of sleep, he was all but convinced that the world was ending, ending tonight, ending <i>now</i>. On the verge of pissing himself, he scrambled backwards until he felt the dirt wall pressing up against his hindquarters. In horror, he listened to the demon cry of the monster, the the piteous squalling of it's victim. <i>I'm next.</i> He was sure of it. The demon would come for him next. Terrified, unable to do anything but shiver, he listened.

And he knew that voice.

In an instant he was back in reality. <i>Vlar!</i> That horrible, apologetic voice could belong to no one else than that poor woman with whom he had reconciled and clumsily nursed back to health. What she was doing here, he could not understand. Although he knew nothing of the animosity several members bore against her, he got the feeling — well, no, he <i>knew</i> he was not a welcomed sight. A strange, paternal instinct woke in him. Perhaps Kiche was still a child himself, but he thought of Vlarindara as... Abruptly he tossed his head, confused as to what she really <i>was</i> to him. But he knew one thing: he had to protect her.

Without a second thought —which, perhaps, would have been a good idea— the ginger man flung himself from the dark belly of the den, erupting into the moonlight as a gold and silver saint. He was not surprised to see that Elettra stood over the emaciated, dirty Vlar... It appeared that part of him had known that she was the monster all along —because she was <i>always</i> the monster. Listening to his instincts, his great, earthen head lowered and his ears folded backwards as he fell into a defensive stance. Surprisingly, his tone was even, "<b>Let her go, Elettra. Vlar has been through enough.</b>" And wouldn't he be the one to know? He had put her through half of it. He had been the spark that lit the flame, and it shamed him. Vlar didn't need this. Vlar needed help, protection... Vlar needed to be <i>loved</i>.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 06:38 PM by Kiche.)
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She falls, in an instant, flat to the ground, her ears pinned, her tail against her belly and out of reach- just as her throat! She screams, she squeals! For a moment, Elettra might question if this is really Vlarindara at all as her voice echos, nothing of herself, to match her thin body, her patch-work of showing skin, her blinded eye, her torn ear, her heavy scars....
Her jaws loosen to the woman's clear sign of submission, ready to release and snap at her backside to get her fleeing from the lands as fast as possible- until she continues! The words catch Elettra and after she hears them, her ears pin back, her eyes into slits and her hackles raised with her tail higher- higher! Her shoulders remain forth to help aid in protecting the sides of her neck and her head is down, pressed into Vlarindara's scruff as her jaws clamp around folds of flesh.
In an instant she is thrashing wildly as one may do prey- her head tossing to the left, the right and back and forth again, aiming to yank and pull, rip and tear into the flesh she obtained- to make her pay; pay for everything! Kiche's body is not seen, but his words are but a distant echo in her rage. He had not an ounce of rights to tell her whom, when or how fiercely she dealt her punishments against. Mainly against a wolf whom not only hurt Jaysyek emotionally, but physically. Against a woman, Elettra assumed was a trespasser. But Kiche's loyalty for Jaysyek had seemingly always been fickle, with more interest to snuggle his way up to the children like a pedophile and lick at Borden's balls. Tonight was not about vengeance, it was about annihilation!
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Sooo... We'll see how this goes, but I'm down with whatever outcome happens.

The pain that shot through her neck and spine told her that Elettra's bite had severed the skin from the fur where her fangs had been - laying open the ugly white hide. There was a moment, where her heart froze as Elettra's jaws loosened, that she thought she could perhaps slip away, to await the dawn so Jaysyek could clear things up.. But no. Her words only fueled the fire and the dark wolfess began in earnest , and the wounds upon her hide grew with the flashing of the onyx wolfs teeth.

Even as the panicked cries left her parted jaws, Vlarindara wondered why. Did Raigo hate her that much that he'd lay in the den and allow the Grizzly Hollow Second to kill her upon their pack grounds? She could only assume that he and everyone else within the hollow saw one outcome - her demise. Aside from Kiche, but even he was powerless to stop the female Second from rending her pelt wide open.

There was little she could do against the onslaught, even being as submissive and unimposing as possible, Vlarindara knew that it would be Elettra's jaws that ended her life. Is that what she'd survived the winter for? To meet her death at the jaws of one of those in Grizzly Hollow who'd suffered the most from her Betrayal? Raigo's anger towards her weeks prior had cemented within her heart that he, to felt nothing further towards her. And now, she understood. He also wished her death.

The high pitched cries of an animal on the edge of death ceased suddenly as if a switch had been thrown, and Vlarindara just.. Gave up. She felt Elettra's ripping attack jerk her head to and fro, felt the fire that told her that the ivory fangs had gone through more than just her pelt, and had embedded themselves in the shallow muscle of the back of her neck. Perhaps it had been the fact that she'd gone completely compliant that caused the skin to tear as it did, but whatever it was, the white wolfess felt herself dropping to the ground, freed from Elettra's jaws.

For Now. Instinct to run had her legs flailing, trying to gain purchase even with the left side of her neck hanging in a rather large gash of skin that had been cleaved open. She'd promised Jaysyek that she would stay. She'd promised the white bi-eyed leader that she would attempt to re-earn her place within Grizzly Hollow.. but was it worth her life? Broken promises and empty dreams. That was all she had anymore - then, why was she trying to get up, to get away from the beasts jaws? Some misplaced sense of self-preservation, she assumed.

Table by Katsuma. Coding by Ryn
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>The night was in full force and she had had no luck finding Raigo. If anything she hoped he was home already, and had seen Vlarindara himself. Surely he would not let any harm come upon her? She would be some half dead stranger looking about, and a number of members could chase her off. This time she wanted steady advice upon the matter. If she could not trust in her own judgement, then who was she? Half of her expected Vlar to be hanging around the borders, or maybe where Jayse had left her. Actually when the thought had occurred she went to Jasper Rocks to make sure. In Vlar's state she could probably thought she had had some wild dream, and be sitting there trying to decide what next to do. It was a miracle she was still alive, walking even, and though Jayse did not know her home in Riddle Heights she would assume any where would be a long, hard walk. Best she could hurry from one end of the forest to another she knew she needed to be there when Vlar returned.

Her legs pumping hard beneath, she began to swept from one brush of dirt to the next tracking Vlar's very messed up trail. It weaved from the hollow, and back again. It would almost seen away, when last it boldly broke forward in the direction of the old bear den. This placed a partial smile on her face remembering the beginning. The same time it only brought on all that had followed, and she had to breathe in a fresh taste of air to keep her mind on the present. Kade or Valiant could be just a good of threat as Elettra. Kiche she had no way to know how his mind worked, and if Vlar would be friend or foe. What a mess. She cursed herself in the slow releasing of her breath. Why couldn't she just ban those who hurt her, and forget them? It sounded so simple, and sweet. She could not, and why her life was nothing more than a sick cycle carousel one rough spin after the other.

She moved faster welcomed by the landmarks of home she did not mistake the commotion, nor sounds of pain, and anger. <i>Lovely.</i> She she most had not wanted, and had to deal with first hand. An a growl began climbing in her throat, the burn of heat raising up her white, and silver hair in dangerous pointed waves. This was the last straw, and if Elettra saw fit to leave her position so be it. Jaysyek had made up her mind she would have no part in Vlarindara's death one way or another.

Mismatched eyes were narrowed, her ears flattened against her head she strode into the hollow ground with a high rolling snarl of command. It would likely not be enough. Elettra had suffered much, and was ripping into Vlar like a fresh cut of meat. Who knows if she would stop until the anger had made it's coarse. Jaysyek would not utter a word, but rush forward to come to Vlar's aid, again telling herself Vlar would not die because of her. Fluid motion, making her a white blur amongst the dark of night she brought herself over Vlar's head where most the striking was taking place. She did not have time to wonder if she was already dead, she loosened her lips, baring all her teeth, and growled while viciously snapping the air near Elettra's head. If that did not get her attention Jayse had ever intention of prying wolf from wolf. </blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
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Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The night after bonding with Jaysyek had seemingly fine-tuned Borden's senses to be synchronized with her whereabouts. As the male Second of Grizzly Hollow, he had yet to find his ground, where he truly stood and how he would continue in his quest for leadership with a higher rank to fortify his incentives. Though the fading scent of his beloved still drew up a frenzy within him, he paced quietly along his normal patrol route... until the sounds of a disagreement shattered the air and the steady rhythm of frantic footfalls darted past him a good distance away. He stopped in his tracks to assess the situation but ultimately presumed if something like a dispute had erupted among the ladies Jaysyek would be there to be the judge of such a spar. Peacekeeping, he now knew , was something she strived for more than anything else.

He broke into a run, trailing after Jaysyek to stumble into a rather startling scene. At first he had thought the lithe ivory figure on the ground before the dark lady had been Jayse, but upon closer inspection as he leapt forward to Kiche's side, Vlarindara's amber eyes identified her as she struggled to place a good amount of distance between her and Elettra. Borden quickly crept up alongside Jaysyek's right side, raising his hackles and holding his tail highly over his back. If he had not been very aware of the circumstances at hand, he might have openly charged the female Second; but he realized that if any reprimanding was to be doled out, it was Jaysyek who held that privilege above anyone else. Borden watched as the pale lady asserted her dominance, not at all fazed by her display of power. His muzzle wrinkled as he too bared his teeth, taking up a protective stance to block Vlarindara from Elettra's path. After what they had all gone through as a pack, Borden was convinced that no one under Jaysyek's reign ought to suffer any more than they already had to.</blockquote>
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>oh dear. I hope this doesn’t get confusing. Short and crappy to keep this going.</li></ul></span>
He should have known that any words he spoke would be wasted. This creature was a monster. She nursed her wounds and let them fester in her soul. She held on so tight that she could let nothing else in. Elettra was beyond forgiveness, beyond the law –she had <i>become</i> the law, it appeared. And there was no convincing this monster of the law that she was wrong, and thus his diplomacy fell on the deaf, distracted ears she had folded up against her head as if to barricade herself in her own boiling anger. Every jarring motion that ripped and tore at Vlarindara cut him just as deep.

But to just stand here and watch as this tortured soul was punished and torn would be blasphemous. In an instant, he understood what God had put him on this for. It was a singular duty: defend the innocent, protect the weak. Vlarindara <i>needed</i> him. Suddenly, his soul that had been so broken and so frozen for so long burst into life. The fire that had been ignited in his heart flickered in his eyes as he rocked back onto his haunches, shifting his weight in preparation to lung at Elettra. Before he could let himself go, however, others arrived –Jayse, with Borden in tow.

Leaping backwards swiftly, Kiche allowed his pale leader all the room necessary, wondering if perhaps he should just let her handle it. Neither Jayse nor his liege lord said a word –they were merely two imposing figures of one mind that loomed protectively over Vlar—and a flicker of surprise stirred in the saint’s soul. Had the broken couple reconciled? These questions, however, were out of place on this battlefield, and Kiche shoved them aside. Given no direction, but not wishing to fuck anything up as he did so often, the red man merely added his thunderous growl to their own rumbling harmonies as he swung around to stand on the other side of his pagan angel.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She was wild, she was dominant, angry and hungry, but she was not a murderer- not in such a gruesome way, not against something so helpless, so pathetic. As Vlarindara had screamed and tensed in a slightly defensive posture, scrambling over the ground to get away, Elettra had attacked, and attacks still. But the moment Vlarindara went slack, seemingly giving up and accepting her fate, Elettra's thrashing stopped, her victims skin tearing and pulling, falling from her jaws and the white wolf was freed. Blood soaked at the chest and throat of Elettra, guarded by her defensive posture. There was a thick, metallic taste in her mouth, mixed with fur, skin and flesh which she spat back down upon her victim. When silver eyes focused from their otherwise fury, she would not see Vlarindara, whom left and attacked her leader. She would not see Kiche, whom promised to care, guard and teach the children, only to leave them. She would not see Borden, whom proved himself an unfitting mate, father and leader by the death of his two sons. No longer even, would Elettra Archer see their faces, hollowed eyes as dirt would befall them to cover their corpses....
What she saw was only a broken, battered woman of missing patches of fur, rashes, heavily scarred and skin and bones. Surely this was not the woman whom accepted her into this pack long ago. This was a shell, a disgrace of the creature whom once harbored the vessel, which had seemingly died long ago.
Broken from her reverie, was the growl of her leadess, her head moving to lower around the neck of Vlarindara, otherwise maimed by Elettra. Her snarl was feverish, demanding- hateful. Already (though it had been merely seconds as El thought to herself) El had stopped her attack and now looked down upon Jaysyek in protection and, found herself stepping back away from the woman she had only just moments ago been tearing into. Her 'course of anger', as Jaysyek, was done- Vlarindara had suffered her punishment, and survived it, much as Kiche, Borden, and even Raigo (though he had gone willingly) before her. Still, she would not trust them, but her vengeance had been laid down and she was done. However, the look upon Jaysyek was an obvious sign of her distrust in Elettra. Though she had been ever-faithful from the very moment she had entered these lands, it would seem she would never be enough for her. Apparently, the woman fed off her own misery and Elettra was far too proud of herself (and protective to Jaysyek) to sit back and allow this to happen. If Jaysyek got off on harboring those whom harmed her closest to her heart, then it was obvious Elettra did not belong here.
Fury had her silver gaze pasted upon Kiche, her jaws snapping into his direction in warning, her tail arched over her back, her hiss seething from her jaws from his display and as quickly as she responded to him, did she respond to Borden with another growl, her eyes narrowed upon him with utter malice. What the fuck were they even doing here? Lastly, did she turn upon Jaysyek, taking another step back in regards to her snap. It was clear Elettra had done wrong and Vlarindara did, in fact, belong here- as sickening as it were. “My mistake...I just didn't think-” ..You would be foolish enough to yet let another wolf who has harmed you back into our pack. Her last held went unsaid, and she bit her tongue at her unspoken words. The things was, this wasn't their pack, though they lived with one another as family, this was Jaysyek's pack, and it was obvious she could not put behind her the past and those whom been a part of it with- Borden, Kiche, now Vlarindara...
Before her alphena, she was submissive. Her ears remained back, but her head, otherwise tucked back and leveled with her spine, fell lowly, her tail twitching as it came down with her body, slightly made to crouch then it had been. Her eyes shock into Kiche's direction, acid in her tones as she offered a quick "Fuck off" into his direction. Elettra had no intentions of going against her own alphena and the very thought she might was a disgrace to her nobility. Kiche's 'back up' wasn't needed here- he wasn't needed here. Eyes went fleeting to Borden and his dominant stance before befalling on Jaysyek once more. "What's happened, Jaysyek....?" Her voice in a near whisper, pleading for the privacy with her leadess, her friend, where else she had none. "What have you done?" And if not obvious before, then it should be obvious now, as she questions, her eyes shifting between her and Borden before remaining firm on her leadess. Vlarindara was no longer the issue now.
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 01:58 AM by Elettra.)