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Against All Odds — Poison Path 
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Played by kree who has 9 posts.
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Shentai Lian Burvio
(sorry for my inactivity... i've been having computer problems and library where i live is sooooooo far away v_v)

<blockquote>Shentai wasn't really involved with much of the pack activities. Being a subordinate and still at a younger less experienced age then the others, she can tell why. But Shentai was use to being spoiled and treated a certain way from her brother that not having to do anything for herself became a bit of a habit. But during all the chaos, she decided to look around and search for her brother. For some reason she had a feeling that she wasn't going to find him or he was going to find her. Could it be possible that he wasn't looking for her anymore? No, that wasn't possible. He loved her too much to stop looking for her. Maybe it was one of his mind games he tried to play on her, by trying to get her to worry. She snorted at the though. No way was she falling for it.

Moments later a howl swung through the lands. She's never been in a pack before but this howl seemed rather important, like a calling almost. Perhaps it was a meeting. Shentai took her time heading towards where the howl was centered. She started with a light trot as she moved through what was called her home. But she didn't feel like this place was home, it wasn't as comfortable as it could of been if her brother were here. A light sigh escaped her maw as she thought about it. <i>"Jonny... What are you doing.. Do you honestly want me to worry?"</i> She thought to herself.

Soon coming into a clearing, by the number of wolves that have already arrived, she could tell that she was a bit late. Well, it was better than not arriving at all but she didn't think for a moment that she wasn't going to get a scolding. Lowering her head she moved to a spot where she could sit, a bit away from the crowd but still near enough to be present. She made it just in time to hear, who used to be the second in command's, speech. She spoke about the other leaders leaving and how she would now take command. No way! Really? Jeez... Shentai was more absent than she thought. Guess she surrounded herself with her own worries that she didn't pay much attention to what was going on around her.

Shentai made herself known when the new alpha female was done speaking. <b>"E-erm..."</b> She coughed lightly. Stepping forward and bowing her head lightly. <b>"Shentai is present Ma'am.. Sorry for appearing a little late."</b> She said, a innocent yet unsure smile on her face. She then looked towards the male at her side. She doesn't believe she's seen him before. <b>"Uhm.. Greetings"</b> She said, giving him a nod of acknowledgement and then turning his attention back to Athena.</blockquote>
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis
Chantille's careful eyes flashed over to Shentai as the woman appeared late to the meeting. Dipping her head in greeting, she was a bit upset that she had to divulse her attention away from the new leaders. Kegan seemed a bit surprised by his new crown of leadership; this concerned the creamy woman. After Ava and Shent spoke, she stepped forth confidently, yet submissively.

"Athena, Kegan. I would take great pride in serving as the pack's healer." She smiled softly; that typical Chantille smile. As soon as she spoke, she dipped her head respectfully to the leaders before stepping back into her family. Seating herself comfortably, she awaited the voices of the other wolves. A lot would change, but she was ready for it. Everyone was a bit upset and unsure of what to do. She cautiously peered at Tlarx once more before gazing back to Athena and Kegan.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Treeena watched attentively, her face giving away nothing. Listening to Athena, gaining a little more courage, Treena wanted to know where she stood in the pack. Of course, she knew where she stood. She had no dominance more than Ava and Athena. She had met every wolf in this pack except Shentai and Chantille, but that was enough to confuse her over the details. Ava was first to step forward, and the timber female didn’t move an inch. Her paws scrapped the ground, golden eyes spinning. She was still quite new, vulnerable. She was sure to be one of the first to be kicked out, if it came to that type of decision. Athena was now in charge with Kegan. All it would take would be one misunderstanding, and the rigid female would be let in the dark once more.

Treena wouldn’t let that happen.

Ava showed the most dominance under Athena’s orders. There was no way Treena was going to be one to deny that. She’d never rebel against the ebony she-wolf, Ava was trusted and respected. Her words were short and sweet, minus the Swift River threat. Had some idiot crossed the border, was that why Mist was no longer here? The question was easily forgotten once Kegan began to speak.

Treena had little to say about Kegan, she’d probably fight him for his rank had she been male. Of course, she lacked the parts. There was no way she could rebel against him without rebelling against Athena, and that she’d never do that. Instead, she watched as Chantille spoke, curiously raising her tail. Everything was changing, the pack’s leaders, ranks, yet Treena stayed the same. She wasn’t too thrilled about that, but here wasn’t the place to challenge. Not when everyone was bonding together, working things out. She wouldn’t be the one to make this about her, or at least, not in that way. There was always a little spotlight above her head as she danced on the spot, her chest rising and falling with each enchanting breath. She’d try and steal Chantille’s dominance later. Eyeing the she-wolf from where she stood, Treena wasn’t sure who was more cut out for third. She only knew independently, she was not one to follow so many wolves.

The list had to be cut down.

Not bothering to catch the pack’s attention, she merely raised her head a little and spoke. <b>“I’ve been getting in more,”</b> A dark sarcastic smile pulled a corner of her mouth up, as if reminded by some inside joke only the morbid understood, <b>“<i>conflicts</i> than normal lately, but with the reputation comes experience that I can serve this pack with.”</b>

The words seemed to put things together, her hurting back-leg, deep scars upon her ghostly fur. <b>“I’ll watch the borders, nothing will get past, and <i>nothing</i> will enter.”</b> Her body wasn’t tense. Instead the cutesy female’s words were so dark and twisted, yet her body stayed the same innocent creation as before. She was a <span class='word'>mignon</span> flower, like the wind could blow her over. Closer looked proved something more, and those words showed it.
(This post was last modified: Jun 10, 2012, 08:00 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
(Ver: We did away with the title "second", but it IC we can still think of that way. More like second-in-command.:D Kree: It's fine. I had it happen to me, so no biggie. At least you posted, so it's fine. Excuse Athena's irritation, though. She can be a meanie sometimes)(Last Round. Post freely. Dead line: June 15th)

The first to speak and as she predicted, the angelic voice of the ebony lady voiced out from the group. She wanted to become her loyal Second as she had with Naira. She was right. She did know her, more than anyone in this group. She did trust her, with her life even. She loved her with all her heart. So couldn't possibly turn down her plea. With a nod of her head, she spoke proudly, "You may be second-in-command as I always wanted you to be." Her smile was apparent as her second-in-command furthered her Swift River threat. The Lady Gang may be missing on wolf, but they will still thrive and trudge forward. They were mountain wolves for heaven's sake. You have to be tough to have the honor of naming yourself a poisoned wolf.

To her surprise, one of the three wolves that were missing in action sauntered up to their little group and her irritation rose dramatically. Her teeth bared slightly more in irritation and dominance than aggression. Her voice no longer had the delicate, harmonious feel that it had moments ago. In it's place was venom that threatened to strangle then poor girl in front of her. "You appear a 'little late' again, you won't be coming here at all." She let her fiery eyes linger on the girl's maroon ones. Excuses weren't going to cut it around here and she was sure lucky she didn't continue on with on. Or else, Shentai would be seeing a much nastier wolf.

Her attention was then caught by Chantille, the pack's only healer now. Indeed, Ava had been training with Naira before she left, but she wasn't fully trained. Perhaps, Chantille could take her under her wing and further her training. She had noticed Ava taking a liking to her herbs and caring nature. "And take that pride you shall." She smiled and nodded towards the creamy woman, the pack's official healer. The last to speak was Treena, the girl that was showing a lot a potential in her eyes. "I do hope, however, that your 'conflicts' will not be causing trouble for us." She said, sternly like a mother advising her child not to eat too quickly. They couldn't afford a pack coming after them right now. They were vulnerable, far too vulnerable. "If you prove yourself to be a loyal protector of this pack. Your status may change to Guardian." She smiled lightly and looked towards the group once more.

With no more additions, she spoke once more. "If none of you have any further questions or suggestions, you may all take your leave. We will be meeting again soon for a pack hunt." She finished with a smile towards the overall group. What fun they will have.
(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2012, 12:50 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
Ava bowed her head to her leader's approval, Her ears twitched to the sound of approaching pawsteps, swinging her head to look upon Shentai as the fair-weather member sauntered in at a leisurely pace. Ava bared her teeth and glared at the young wolf - how <i>dare</i> she? Luckily Chantille's gentle voice would take her attention from the latecomer as she requested their position as the pack healer. It was true; Ava's training was incomplete. Her bare skills would suffice for typical trials and tribulations, but it was best that Chantille was acknowledged for her expertise. A gentle smile would pass along her dark lips as she eyed the cream-colored female. Faithful, loyal, she would do them well.

Treena's voice rang through the group next, clear and concise with a hint of the female's dark humor. She tossed her experience casually in her words, perhaps as a reminder of her strength or just a way to back up her further claim that she would defend their borders. Either way, Ava believed it. She had to agree with the notion that her incidents might be detrimental to the pack's safety, yet the actual verdict of such a belief was yet to come. Ava trusted the mottled-hued girl to prove herself without their prompt.

Now the meeting would adjourn, and she considered herself satisfied to hold her silence. Yet the statue of a man begged her to speak as he stood stoicly beside Athena for the entireity for the meeting.

<i>Tlarx</i>, he called himself. Ava had to hide the emotion from her eyes as she stared at the male who took up Athena's side as if he always had. Preventing the narrowing of her gaze, she wondered how long <i>that</i> had been going on. It was a youthful impulse; just jealously. She'd been Athena's right hand the same way she had been Naira's and it didn't feel right to be completely ousted by a random loner. For a moment she tried to justify the negative feelings - what was their <i>second in command</i> doing cavorting around with outside males? And then, of course, she would quietly recall that she, their new second in command, had been... perhaps... cavorting around... with an outside male. Whoops. Besides, who else would Athena have? Vafri - pft, Vafri. Ava still wasn't over his little snipe at her and the longer she pondered on it the most she was sure he'd been lying. He was, after all, their storyteller. Telling lies was practically their profession. His lack of appearance right now could only further her distrust. And Kegan, while he would take up the lead for now as the longest standing male in the pack, was not suitable for Athena's heart. If someone were to take her place, best it be someone of Athena's utmost approval, which Ava found within her white friend's eyes as they glanced upon Tlarx.

Swallowing her pride and misgivings, she dipped her head politely toward Tlarx and would then straighten her spine, giving notice that she was to speak. "<b>It's lovely to meet you, Tlarx, and I am grateful that you have come here to help not only Athena, but all of us.</b>" Then she flashed him a winning smile and, to her surprise, she felt within her chest that she'd meant what she'd said, no matter what silly girl feelings had fluttered about just moments before. He was a strange new toy in their midst, but she figured in time perhaps she could come to know him better than she had known Rhysis.

Then she would rise and turn away from the gathering, head held high as she poised herself toward the path of nightshade. Her strength was waning; soon her porcelain veneer would crack. Before such a weakness would appear she took her leave, a shadow gracefully floating away.

(Ava out)
(This post was last modified: Jun 12, 2012, 01:49 AM by Ava.)
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
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Kegan Richie
Kegan peered up at the white male. The boy had every right to think that this male would challenge him, of course for the boy's new role. The grey male wanted to keep his duty as a pack leader, but of course Kegan could see how much Athena and Tlarx loved each other. Kegan decided he wouldn't just give up his role; if the white newcomer would challenge him, he wouldn't go down, without a fight. The male got a hold of himself, and had tried to move on from Naria's and Rhysis's disappearance. So much chatter was going on, though the boy was concentrated and had heard that they're soon would be a pack hunt.

Then, Kegan had finally said hello to the pale stranger. <b>"Hello, Tlarx, welcome to the family. I hope I get a chance to meet you a bit more later."</b> Kegan said peacefully and calmly. Anybody could tell, that Kegan wanted to find out lots more about this male. He noticed the silvery female waltz in, with lots of excuses for being late.

<i>"You appear a 'little late' again, you won't be coming here at all."</i> Athena had said, with that, Kegan nodded in agreement. If Shentai wanted to be a proper pack member, she should be there on time for meetings and hunts, being late didn't help.

As Ava, the coal black second-in command wandered out of the meeting like a shadow, Kegan followed on quietly. He wanted to become friends with the woman, not acquaintances, or even worse, enemies. <b>"Ava, could I please have a talk with you."</b> He said kindly, waiting for a reply.
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
As the wolves greeted him and welcomed him to their family, Tlarx smiled gently and dipped his head in thanks to the Poisoned wolves. Before the shadow called Ava disappeared for the night, he managed to slip in a response to her words "Thank you, Ava. I will work my hardest to help everyone here." As she drifted away, he looked to Kegan who now spoke to him. "Thank you; same goes to you."

It would be interesting to get to know each and every wolf within this pack. One of the wolves, Shentai, approached and apologized for her tardiness. He had watched as Athena grew irritated at the wolf, scolding her like a mother would with her young. Good. There were no excuses nor pardons that would pass the ivory woman.

After the meeting had ended, Tlarx nudged his mate gently. So these would be the wolves he would be spending the rest of his life with. They seemed like a good bunch; he was confident. Strict guidelines would have to be created and upheld in order to get the pack back on its feet, though. He knew that Athena would be more than willing to abide. They also had pups to take care of, which was a whole other story in itself....

[{Exit Tlarx}]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis
Excitement whirred through her creamy coat as Chantille was approved as the pack healer. Oh, an actual role! She felt a second wind pick her up; she wanted to bounce around like a pup. She remained calm, though, and tried to shoo away the tingling that proceeded from her paws up to her body. With goosebumps showering over her flesh, she dipped her head to her leaders, turning away to go and continue her duty of patrol.

Although the Path was going through a hard time, Chantille did not let it crush her excitement. Her tail swayed merrily as she exited the area, returning to the gray of the mountains. She bounded along the rocks with ease, her mind in the clouds. The wind ran through her fur, making her goosebumps even worse. She did not care, though. She was an official healer. Oh, how her mother would be proud...

[{Exit Chantille}]