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Is this where I can buy a bride? — Poison Path 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( Yeahh, minor hiccup... back to your regularly scheduled posting order :P )
Treena's words hit her ears like sharp stones, stabbing her every time she vouched for the lunatic. For the most part Ava remained still, staring at the sick boy though every whine from Treena gave a little further rise to her bristling coat. We're <i>just going to end up killing him.</i> We're <i>torturing him to suicide</i>. We? There was no we of which to speak. Fire in her gaze she turned to stare at the mottled female and snarled, "<b>You give me the blame of his mental sickness? You forgot your place, Treena.</b>" She didn't have an interest in showing it to her, either. Why was everything such a fucking <i>effort</i> now? Why didn't stupid wolves stay on the other side of pack borders? Why didn't subordinates obey their superiors? Why didn't imbalanced wolves stay far the fuck away from Ava? She needed to calm down, yet she couldn't go anywhere. This was her place. <i>She</i> held the highest rank. It was her jurisdiction, her duty, her right. Ava would not go anywhere.

But Treena did not make it easier for her. It was not her next plea that bothered her so much as the emotions that entered her tone. Each snapped word felt as though it were raking down her spine and the black female turned upon the lower-ranking female and with a low growl would snatch the other's muzzle in her jaws. She would not be gentle with her bite, not today. Ava did not intend to draw blood but the pressure was hard, and her eye contact was severe. Could she communicate telepathically she would, thinking to herself while glaring at the female up close, <i>You do not speak to me that way.</i>

Of course there would come another voice, demanding authority as he boomed the question: <i>Skittles. What are you doing within our pack territories?</i> Ava released another growl along with Treena's jaws and immediately turned her back on the female. It was wise for neither Treena nor Ava to be so tempermental, but there was no helping the coal-coated female. Not now.

Tlarx's presence ended up showing to be of some good at all, for it forced more quaking words from the pale intruder's throat... though as his words stumbled over one another Ava was quick to realize the male's arrival hadn't really helped at all. He was still out of his mind, for there had been no howl, and he hadn't been careful about anything, and especially the whole 'going to eat me' bit. Any problem with his back legs had been none of <i>her</i> doing, and she held the male within her glare heartlessly. Then he confirmed his insanity by falling heavy, as though he desired a <i>nap</i> - a motion which set the black wolf off again, lips curling to reveal her teeth once more. Finally he did something of sense and began to drag himself out, which gained nothing more but an impatient snort from the Second in command. About fucking time- was that blood? More panic, and all motion fell from his body.

No pity sounded in her sigh as she exhaled hard, only relief. Her amber eyes were uncertain as Tlarx leapt upon the male. Was he going to kill him? Ava truly couldn't find it in herself to care, if he did... but he didn't. His jaws grasped the scruff of the male's fur and took him away from their lands. <i>Finally</i>. Quickly she removed herself from her seat and went to assist Tlarx, wedging her muzzle in an open space and dragging him along as well. Outside the borders she allowed him to position the male, and Tlarx would prove himself to her again. He made sure the yellowish wolf was well away from their packland rather than right outside the markings. Even more so did she feel comforted by the black-backed male's comment, whereupon he agreed with Ava. "<b>My sentiments exactly,</b>" she muttered, and paced away from Skittles to seat herself. Her eyes found the tufts of fur that grew over the scar tissue on her forepaw and she asserted, "<b>The ill of the mind are dangerous. If anyone's interested in playing caretaker, do it off these lands.</b>" Ava did not look for Treena, though her scornful words were clearly meant for the girl. "<b>And thank you, Tlarx, for having sense. Poison Path wolves protect Poison Path wolves, not intruders.</b>"

A moment of silence and a few breaths would ease the tension in her muscles. The threat had finally been taken care of, and though she was not immediately calmed - for the boy's very presence still had her heart beating quicker - she was at least no longer justified in her rageful behavior. "<b>I understand you meant well, Treena. But this is how a pack works. You must abide by these rules.</b>" Ava truly did not figure her apology would mean anything to the girl - after all, her actions had been downright awful, however justified they were. </blockquote>
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote>I didn't want this thread to die, so I was hoping we could finish it off with Skittles still knocked out~</blockquote>

Treena’s red tipped muzzle hurt like a bitch. It wasn’t as bad as it had been with Marsh, the male who had demanded she whimper in pain, but it was mental pain which made it throb to her heart-beat. Having to stare into Ava’s golden eyes and knowing fighting back wasn’t an option, but wanting to as badly as ever. If she fought back things would be worse, the grip would get even tighter and blood would appear to drip down her face. Fighting back would get nowhere, but that voice only grew louder and louder in the back of her mind. Treena’s spot in the pack was a place she could not defend herself against higher ranked wolves like Ava. She had never felt rebellious of this law. She had never spoken back to Athena. Salamander Man was for poking fun at only. Tlarx was to be listened to. Though he was dominant and a leader, he was also the same loner Treena had met before, and she knew both sides were for different moments. Never had she fought against an order. She had to sit still and endure it. Her butt hit the ground, but never did her muzzle move. She would not tug it away, or refuse this treatment. She looked like a fool, and felt guilty. Her self-esteem dropped, like a pup being scolded. Her tail didn’t fall between her legs, but her eyes finally broke contact. She had stepped down, admitted defeat.

When it was released the female had pulled back and snarled, not viciously, but out of instinct. It was a pointless noise she sub-consciously made, showing how much she disagreed with the resolution of the fight. It was similar to thunder, deep and throaty, like a lion warning off hyenas. She only took two steps back, ears pinned down and black nose wrinkled. Treena loved Ava. The bond in the pack was strong. That moment though, it took everything in her power to let herself be pushed around the way she was. The way lower ranked wolves were. This mind game was cruel, her voice wasn’t being heard, because she didn’t have to be listened to. She wasn’t ranked high enough to be heard. Her voice was pointless in this situation, and the muzzle-grab had proved it. No one wanted to be beat, especially in a family. No one wanted to go home guilty and sore, like they had lost. Treena felt like she had lost.

Her mottled fur didn’t bristle, but it seemed to jag out strangely. Her paws were covered in dirt, nails digging into the dark brown soil. Her entire body tingled and her gleaming white fangs flashed out for a second or two. It was instinct to submit, and instinct to fight back harder than ever. Right now was the time to submit, so her trembling lip fell back down and her stomach touched the floor with a thud. The female had been born with a dominant streak, and having someone overpower her felt terrible, but it was necessary. The argument had to be settled, and it had been, just not in the female’s favor. She smelt of anger and denial, but her body language proved she understood. She didn’t agree, but that meant little. She didn’t have to. She just had to take it. Her tail almost twitched like a cat’s, the very tip crawling like a snake. She was too angry to feel hurt or embarrassed, knowing an alpha had watched the scene unfold. Her mouth was dry, and her stomach flipped inside strangely. She was too stubborn and shocked to help carry out the unconscious Skittles, sitting where she was patiently.

The next words heard from Ava sparked anger once more in the female, her golden ears twitching forward. She wanted to pull them back and pretend she had not heard anything, almost childishly, but couldn’t find it in herself to do it. Instead she stood, as if to gather up her pride, and glared at Ava with no intention of forgiveness. Her breathing was soft, but if looks could kill. There was no need to stay, and she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to discuss how she felt, like on some cheesy talk show. She felt no need to bring Tlarx into this pity aggression. Though, it was almost too late for that. He had experienced most of it, seen the climax of awkwardness. It was natural in a pack for there to be moments like this, where two wolves did not agree, where one did not submit instantly to the other. While Treena showed no signs of further aggression, it was clear she was unhappy. She did not challenge. She did not threaten. Instead she looked hurt and completely miserable for another long moment, until she stood and turned. It was an unexpected and sharp movement, her fur and scent blowing in the wind. Her tail dangled limply, her back exposed. She walked away at a normal speed, not stalling, or making things dramatic. She wanted to leave and get to Lost Lake, where she could sit upon her boulder and watch over the territory once more. Yet, half-way, her legs seemed to stop, and without turning to face Ava, she lifted her head and cleared her throat. <b>“I must abide by <i>your</i> rules.” </b>

It wasn’t sarcastic. It wasn’t a bark of anger, or a lash. It was almost empty, as if correcting her, a simple and pointless grammar correction that she had caught. Taking another two or three breaths she started walking again, until she was fully embraced at the border and resting upon her trusty platform.
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Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Last post for Tlarx. Dead muse :P.
Tlarx stood over Skittles now, the fur upon his neck prickled as he panted to regain his breath. He nudged at the unconscious wolf, and snorted aloud when there was no reaction. Whatever. Lifting his head upward, he listened as a small scene of dominance unfolded before him. Ava gave Treena a small lesson in Poisoned rules, in which Treena wasn't taking too well. He could sense the waves of aggravation flowing off of the mottled woman; her magical eyes taking on a more serious look. As the words were exchanged, he turned to look at Skittles. Poor man. Well...sort of. He was crazy, and therefore a threat to his family.

Padding away from the borders, he dipped his head in thanks to Ava. "We are done here. If he appears in our territory once more, I expect aggressive eviction of this wolf to occur." Looking at the two woman, he sighed, soon beginning a casual stride back to the den site to check on his wonderful mate and the pups.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
<blockquote>Treena's body seethed with anger. If the girl thought she was doing right by any means, her barely hidden demeanor was not of any help to her at all. Even though the female had accepted her punishment, Ava had doubts that she had learned anything at all. Was she so stupid that she could not figure out that her steadfast dominance was to be used against intruders, <i>not</i> her superiors? Even when the female's aggression finally fell and was replaced by a damp air of misery Ava did not forgive the female. <i>Learn your lesson,</i> her cold amber eyes told the female, never leaving her dejected form as she scuffed the ground and growled and put up a general fit like a child. When the female stomped off with one last simper of a comment, Ava was only slightly relieved. Tlarx, too, seemed not to care anymore for the male and announced they were done and meandered back to the den.

Only Ava was left, staring at the pale yellow wolf while his blood stained the ground outside their lands. Leave a crazy wolf this close to the borders? Refuse to follow the laws of a pack? And yet <i>she</i> was the one in the wrong? A hideous snarl ripped from her jaws, fur bristling. And though her fiery stare was set on Skittles as she black woman growled, "<b><i>Fool</i>,</b>" she knew her comment was intended to each of those packmates who had been there to attend the event. Still, not wanting to be <i>close</i> to the crazy male when he woke up, Ava retreated with fierce steps into the poison path to watch his recovery and, hopefully, retreat.</blockquote>