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Walk Alone — The Wildwood 
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Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
(Posting Order: Shadowstorm, Jessie, Cali. If more come then we will amend the order)

Shadowstorm continued hunting, attempting to stay alive, her ankle felt like it was burning, <i>I should have let Follko help me.</i> Thoughts rushing around her as she scented the air. The thoughts mixed with the scents, they battled fiercely as she swore she scented a wolf, but she figured that it was probably nothing. She continued forward after calming her mind and almost completely clearing her brain. One thing was left, one simple thought, finding food. She kept scenting the air, the scents of her surroundings hitting her mouth, still nothing. She continued forward, scenting, and scenting and scenting. Nothing but <span class='word'>motes</span>! She was frustrated, then she remembered a small cave near-by. She stayed there for shelter, maybe after she found a rabbit or another piece of prey then she could rest there. But for now, she had more important things to focus on.

<i>Where is the bast place to find prey?</i> She wondered, practically sleeping on three or her four paws, she had injured one when she was talking with Follko, a Grizzly Hollow wolf, in Ghastly Woods. She had refused help and headed south. She met a pack leader, Athena, and still refused help. Now here she was, The Wildwood. The vast forest should, logically, be full of prey, but she couldn't find anything! Then just her luck, she scents a fat rabbit. She crouches, stalking it carefully and leaps, aiming to land on it's neck. Landing on it she crushes it's neck and kills it. She headed for the small cave she remembered so she could eat in piece. But it seemed wherever she went, there was always another wolf.
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2012, 01:47 AM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali panted lightly as she chased after the young buck. She and Jess had headed out for a hunt earlier that day, looking for something to break up their steady diet of rabbit. She was beginning to think that she was going to grow long ears and develop a love for vegetation. Although injured, this deer had led them a merry chase. She and Jess had been taking turns harassing it to the point of exhaustion. Although she was larger than her tiny sister, neither of them needed to come home injured, so they put their speed and stamina talents to work. There would be less danger from a deer half dead from exhaustion.

A hungry glint came to her emerald eyes as she saw the beast falter, but he recovered and ran on in panicked bounds away from sharp canines that had scored dozens of small wounds over his tattered hide. Cali saw a large fallen tree in front of them and worried. The deer would easily be able to clear the thing, while she would have trouble. As the animal bunched up for a final bid for freedom and launched itself into the air, exhaustion finally kicked in. The leap fell short and he banged his front legs on the trunk and tumbled over it to crash into the ground on the other side.

In the time that it took Cali to scramble up and over the great fallen tree, the deer was back on it's feet, muscles trembling and eyes wide in fear. Not wanting to give it a chance to recover, Cali leaped for it throat with her eyes glued to the thumping jugular. He jerked his head at the last minute and she lost her chance at a firm grip. Instead, she made a shallow slash in the large blood vessel and blood quickly began to drain down it's neck and right shoulder.

Victory was nearly theirs! She and Jess could take their time now. The young buck was done in and it was just a matter of time. Cali was about to go in for another crippling blow when another wolf came out of a stand of trees and startled the beast off. Cali was done, so she watched the wounded beast go, it's stride even slower and more uneven now. The injured front leg had finally broken in the fall and it was slowly bleeding to death from her slashing of it's vulnerable neck. The rest was up to Jess now, but it wouldn't get far in it's current condition, wolf or no.

Panting, she turned a tired gaze on the newcomer who had come along, carrying a rabbit in her mouth. She had obviously succeeded in her own hunt, hopefully theirs would end as well as hers had. She had faith in Jessie. She had a bit more stamina than Cali, so she would be fresher to finish the job. Cali would follow the trail in a moment. "Hello." She didn't have the breath or strength for more, just yet.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
Shadowstorm didn't hear the wolf as her thoughts were jumbled now that she had food and she couldn't smell the wolf due to her destination, a musty cave, blocking her scent. She entered the cave. She saw a disturbing site, the carcass of a young deer, it was completely intact too. Died of disease most likely. She padded out of the cave with a glint of terror in her eyes. She'd never seen anything more disturbing in her life. She came face to face with a younger, bigger fae. The fae reeked of a pack. She was obviously hunting, why else would she be here? There didn't seem to be a pack territory near-by.

“Who are you?” she questioned through the rabbit she had in her jaws. She swore she could scent another wolf besides the one who stood in front of her. Perhaps a pack hunt? Maybe they left a pack? She highly doubted they did so she proceeded with caution, waiting for a response from the fae and trying to think of a rude and vicious remark if they act threatening. <i>If only Shade were here, he was always the diplomat of the litter. He would handle this carefully and would always think it through, he would have been strong, wise and noble about this situation.

Her eyes dulled out, no longer filled with terror or fear of the cave. They focused on the fae. {i}Why <b>Was</b> she here?</i> She calmed her thoughts, they were no longer jumbled, she was slightly confused however. Why were they hunting off their territory? She remembered seeing <span class='word'>motes</span> on the carcass and shivered. She pushed the skeleton out of her mind forever.
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali looked at the other woman with a bit of concern. Her eyes just seemed off, like she was far away or something. Then she asked who she was. They were in neutral territory and there was no harm in a name, so she shared hers with the older female. "I'm Cali. May I ask your name?" Her voice was friendly, but not as friendly as it used to be. Her recent scare with another wolf off territory had cured her of that. But she didn't want the other woman to think that she was being aggressive or forward. Neither of them needed trouble and this was just a casual greeting, right?

With a quick glance at the rabbit she said, "It looks like you were successful today, I hope that it was happy hunting." She was glad that the other would have a nice meal, but the last thing that she wanted was for the other to think that she was after her plump rabbit. Especially another rabbit. Anyhow, she was sure that Jess had continued the chase and soon the pair of them would have a nice small buck to drag back to Swift River. How they would get it across the river, she had no idea but they would think of something when they got there. Then there would also be other wolves to help them with the dilemma of how to get it to the pack cache.

Her ears flicked around, listening for her sister and the buck. She thought she heard some noise not too far off, but she couldn't be certain. With a look at the other fae she said, "I need to check on that deer and my sister." She gave the other a friendly smile and walked briskly towards the commotion, hoping that it would be her sister and that she was not having any trouble!

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
Shadowstorm felt a bit curious, her tone was friendly so Shadowstorm figured that Cali wouldn't harm her. She decided to follow her for a bit, not being able to stand up against the curiousness. "I'm Shadowstorm." She was careful not to show any fear, the cave was behind her and she wasn't ever going back. She followed a bit hoping Cali's sister was nice as well and that she wasn't in trouble. Shadowstorm had heard a bit o a squeal and figured she could help. She had her own food for a bit and wouldn't need to be constantly hunting, those two were lucky to find so much as a deer. They may need help getting it to pack territory and she could help. It wasn't often she did a nice thing. But this day wasn't a usual day. Though she wondered why it was, no mater where she went, there was always a pack wolf. No matter if it was on territory or off it.

"You smell of a pack, if you don't mind me asking a few questions. Why are you off your pack territory? Also, I can help you and your sister with that deer, I mean, it'll be hard for you two to get it to your pack alone." She said this in a friendly tone. She wasn't the usual pack wolf. She seemed nicer then most like Follko. Definitely not like Athena or Ice, but then again Athena had been a leader, responsible for her pups, so she couldn't blame Athena for her defensive tone. Ice, she really didn't have a theory for Ice, he was just too curious for his own good around Shadowstorm and Cessair when they first met.
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2012, 01:26 AM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">The hunt had seemingly gone well between Cali and Jessie. The two had great combinations to capture larger food and it pleased her highly that her sister still had the same skills as they had when she had first left Jessie. Her paws were currently whipping underneath the undergrowth, her lungs working hard to keep up with her own heartbeat and pace. No one could deny the connection she had to hunting. It was one of the best things she did and no one would deny the fact that she was fitting in well enough in the pack. Ice seemed like a nice male as well as Indru and Marsh. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine.

Her nostrils flared as she followed the buck’s trail, her head high. Soon the scent of blood covered her nose, but worry she would not. It didn’t smell like her sister. . .she was sure her sister was fine. . .and so she continued running. It was important to get to where her prey was. It must have been weakened if it was bleeding and a burst of pride burst through her chest at the thought of her sister causing the damage. She hadn’t had her sister around for awhile and it was nice to have both of them together again. It was just like old times, especially without Rat Face there with them. . .though Jess did have to have some kind of heart for him. . .he had defended her sister, and for that she had to thank him for.

Soon enough, her own paws brought her way towards the buck, and her eyes narrowed down, so to the point of it being the only thing that she could see. Her sprint, if anything, sped up and her tail curled in pleasure as she leapt at the buck, her fangs digging into it’s neck, close to where her sister had marked it. And then it was down. . .no longer alive. The life it had instantly faded from its eyes giving it the look of another who was passing. She bowed her head in thanks before lifting her head to the sky. Her own howl echoed throughout the forest. It was only for Cali, so that her sister would be able to find her location easier. She then stood silently, waiting patiently for her sister to arrive.
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali smiled again at the sudden show of friendliness from the other wolf. She followed her, asking questions. For whatever reason, Cali was at ease with her and didn't mind sating her curiosity. She didn't slow her pace as she responded,. meaning that the other lady would have to keep up with her quick trot. She couldn't leave Jessie hanging if she needed her help.

"Nice to meet you, Shadowstorm. Yes, Jessie and I are of the Swift River pack. We are simply out hunting for something other than rabbit... no offense!" Belatedly, she remembered that's what the other's waiting meal was. "I've just eaten enough rabbits lately on border patrol that I'm quite tired of the little buggers!" She laughed at the end. That was the honest reason that she and Jessie were out here hunting this deer. The thought of another rabbit bored her to tears and this hunt had been quite exciting!

A familiar howl broke the air and Cali grinned. Jessie had succeeded! They made a good team, she and her sister. A healthy, full-sized deer might be beyond them, but this catch was certainly nothing to sneeze at. She shifted her course appropriately and wondered about the older woman. She didn't smell of pack, but in her experience, most of the loners that she had met and heard of were considerably younger than this dark woman. In short order they came upon the young buck, lifeless on the ground with her sister looking proud as a peacock!

With a warm affectionate gaze into emerald eyes that mirrored her own Cali exclaimed, "Well done! Swift River shall feast tonight!" She thought momentarily of the young royalty that would possibly partake of some fresh deer meat and couldn't help feeling a motherly affection for Corinna and Indru's three rascals back at the den.

Then, she came back to reality and made introductions. "Jessie, this is Shadowstorm. We sort of found each other at the end of my last leg of the chase. Shadowstorm, this is my wonderful sister, Jessie." The pride in her voice was hard to miss and she was grateful once more that Jess had found her and that they were together again.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Namara who has 148 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shadowstorm Slayer
(I think Shadowstorm is Bi-Polar because she acts in so many different ways)

Shadowstorm kept her pace with Cali. She seemed like a nice young wolf. Shadowstorm envied Cali and her sister even though she knew pack life wasn't for her. "I see, no offense taken, I really only have rabbits to hunt you see, I don't travel with other wolves." She said. Her curiosity perked up as she heard the yowl from another wolf. It sent the slightest shiver through her spine. She knew it was probably Cali's sister that sent the howl letting Cali know she had killed the deer. She scented blood. So much blood, the rabbit still in her mouth she continued forward, question after question. She was trying to see the reasoning behind joining a pack. "I don't quite understand the point of a pack." She said, hoping for answers to the question that had haunted her since she first came to The Wildwood.

Shadowstorm then saw another wolf. She was standing over dead deer, it brought back memories of the cave, the carcass and the smell. She froze just behind, the vision taking over her again. She managed to snap out of it as Cali introduced her. Her sister's name was Jessie, what a nice name. She dipped her head politely and said, "Hello Jessie. I am Shadowstorm, it is true, I had just been visiting a cave I once lived in and after a disturbing site of a completely intact deer carcass I ran out of the cave and nearly ran into your sister here." She had set down the rabbit at her feet she she could speak fully. Both of these wolves were nice it seemed and she felt safe around them. Not like she did with Athena who nearly killed her.

All that the older fae was learning from these two young wolves was incredible. It sent flashbacks to all she learned from her brother Shade. Him teaching her to hunt rabbits. How to fight. How to survive. Here eyes started to water up as she remembered the promise Shade had made to her. How he promised to hunt deer with her. The particular memory brought tears for two reasons. One, it was the day of the attack he had promised. He made that promise the day he died. Second, it could have been Shade and Shadowstorm hunting deer today like Jessie and Cali had. She hid her tears as her leg started to sting and bother her again.
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2012, 06:45 PM by Shadowstorm.)
~ραяαησια ιѕ α tнєσяу, ι'м ησt ραяαησι∂, ι'м ιηѕαηє~

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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/JessieTable.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 290px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">The gray female waited patiently for her sister to arrive through the undergrowth, but when she did, she wasn’t alone. Another wolf, much older than the two of them, exited with her sister, and Jessie’s head instantly raised in defense. It seemed as though her sister had picked up a stray wolf along the way. There was no way that she could possibly deny the fact that the older woman was being polite, and so with every last strand that she had been taught with, she also was well-mannered. Jess was never a wolf to be rude unless she was spoken to rudely first. But the last pack wolf she had met had not been nice, and the gray lady hadn’t been excited to meet any other older wolves.

Her head dipped in Cali’s direction at her words and a sweet smile portrayed itself on her lips. Swift River would indeed have a feast tonight, but whether or not she would be able to participate would be varied. She was one of the newest members of the family, meaning she would not be easily accepted in yet, especially with the pups running around. She was not a trusted member yet, and she would have to be patient with her pack mates until she was.

Jessie had previously discovered that there weren’t that many female’s in the pack, and that she was third, giving her a higher ranking over most of the male’s in the pack. But never the less Jess was still respectful to them, and that was what she would have to do with this stranger. And so, she would reply nicely, “It is a pleasure to meet you. It is always good to see a new face around and about.”
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">She had listened to the older fae as they had traveled towards her sister, but hadn't had a chance to answer her as of yet. She would get to that in a moment. Right now she was a bit concerned about Jessie overreacting to the presence of Shadowstorm. With the older woman's polite words, the small signs of potential aggression rolling off of her sister faded away and she greeted the other with the manners that were ingrained in them from birth. Both of them seemed to be relaxed and she was glad. Despite having taken lessons to learn better fighting techniques, Cali was a peaceful wolf. She would much rather use words than fangs to get a point across. Her sparring had just made her proficient in both.

She gave her sister a loving smile and then stepped closer to her, nuzzling her cheek before saying to her, "Shadowstorm has asked what the point of being in a pack is."

She turned her snowy head back towards tho black pelted woman and addressed her directly. "We were born into a pack. I never lacked for food, love or companionship. For a while, I lived with my mate and while we loved each other dearly, it was harder with just the two of us. Then he was gone and I was on my own, a loner for many months before I joined my new pack. So, you see, I have experienced every end of it at one point or another in my life. The security, love and sense of purpose that comes from being a part of a pack... in my opinion, they make you stronger somehow." She had said a lot, but something told her that this fae was looking for perspective on packs and she had given her hers. She would never be without a pack again. It was even more wonderful now, because her sister had found her and was now a part of Swift River as well. She truly didn't think that life could get better for her than it was right now.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...