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A Little Morning Jaunt — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Narime' bumped into him and then seemed shy and nervous about it. To be honest, he hadn't minded the brief contact at all. Sloane enjoyed the bit of innocence that Narime' showed. It was a part of her particular charm and he found that he was fast becoming addicted to said charm. She was sweet and innocent and looked at the world in a wide eyed wonder that somehow brought a bit of it back to his oft too serious heart. She made him wish for the adolescence that he had been denied, but that could never be. He was an adult, young, but an adult nonetheless and she still so young. She needed to be able to enjoy her youth and grow up in a normal fashion. That's why when she spoke of a forming pack that she had been invited to, he was genuinely pleased for her.

He would hate to be parted from her, but she needed space from him, whether she knew it or not. He had some growing of his own to do and it was of a much more serious fashion. It was time for him go his own way and he was much relieved that she would soon have a place to call her home. All of these thoughts whirred through his head and he wondered if a sweet young lady such as herself could truly care for a big lug such as himself. He liked her immensely, to be sure, but the more time that they spent together, the more possessive and protective of her he became.

She seemed so nervous and excited at the same time when she shyly spoke of meeting her leader. He had to smile at her and wag his tail for her good news. She would finish out her youth in a pack, growing and learning under their protection as a yearling should. She seemed nervous about his reaction to her news. How could she think that he would begrudge her such security and happiness? Anything that made her happy was all right by him and he could tell that she loved the idea of her future pack.

His happiness for her showed through in his amber eyes as he said, "That is wonderful, Blue Eyes! I am happy for you. I am not sure what I am to do now, but I find that I have much to... think on." That was certainly the understatement of the year! He didn't want her to think that he didn't want to stay with her though and struggled to find the right words as his heart pounded in his chest. "I have loved every minute that we have spent together and I'm so glad that we met, young Narime'. I will have to go soon, but I promise that we shall meet again. Wherever your pack ends up, I will find you and we shall go for another swim!" His nerves jangled as he wondered what she was thinking.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Narimé sensed that Sloane was struggling with some sort of emotion
that she couldn't quite identify. He did seem genuinely happy for her when she
spoke about Elettra's offer of a pack. But he also seemed confused as to how to
speak with her. She could see that he was having trouble with something,and for some
reason she felt bad just because he felt bad. If he was happy she was happy. That's
how the young she wolf saw it. But right now she felt as tormented by Sloane's own
inner struggle as he must have felt. She wanted to comfort him in some way.

Surprised at her own bravery Narimé stepped forward and sat right next to him.
The fur all along her silvery side mixed with his as she leaned on him for support.
The female reveled in the warmth that cast off his body and snuggled next to him
putting her nose into his long mane. She looked up shyly with her blue eyes and smiled
through his thick fur.I like this feeling. He makes me feel warm and safe. She glaced
downward again and removed her nose. Closing her eyes and sighing she knew this good
bye was going to be a hard one,but hopefully they would meet again someday.

"I liked being with you too. I didn't think I could ever like being with someone so much,
and I wish we could see eachother more often. I just... Don't know how. Well... To do that." She
licked his shoulder wondering if she would ever see him again.

Her mood brighteneing again she jumped up wagging her tail and smiled
at the wonderful man. She would definately see him again!
" Well you can always come around Iridescent Lagoon. My pack will not be far
from there, but it will be far enough away from the border that you won't get into trouble!"
She play bowed in front of Sloane tapping at his paws with her own.
"Then we can definately go for a swim once in a while." Narimé quickly stood up again
waiting for his response. She wanted him to be happy. To have the hope that
they would meet in the future. She didn't like seeing him troubled like he seemed to be now.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Sloane saw her concerned look and was sorry that all of his concerns had somehow made their way to her. She didn't need to fret now, she needed to rollick in the flowers and be a carefree yearling, yet her obvious concern touched him. When she moved over to his side and shyly snuggled into his side, his heart melted. He needed to push his worries to the back of his mind so they could enjoy their last little bit of time together.

When she licked his shoulder affectionately with her delicate pink tongue he felt his neck warm in a pleasant manner. Her display of feelings and her following words showed him that he wasn't the only one that was developing deep feelings for the other. Then, in her own carefree and positive manner, she spoke brightly of meeting at Irridescent Lagoon, where they had spent their first encounter together in the cool crisp water. He couldn't help but smile at the memory and return her carress with a gentle swipe of his one large tongue on her silvery cheek.

"You are absolutely right, my sweet Blue-Eyes! We shall most certainly swim together again. It is a memory that I will cherish along with every moment since we first met while we are apart. We'll add many more in the future, I have no doubt." His tail wagged and his mood lightened. How could it do otherwise in the presence of his sweet Narime'? She had such a positive outlook, despite her worries. It seemed like she saw the silver lining in a situation easily and he loved that about her. Her sweet innocence.

"You said that you were soon to join a pack. What are the name of your leaders? That way I can be sure to keep an ear out for their names as well and I will surely know where to find you. Although the moonlit visit to the lagoon sounds absolutely wonderful." Of course, anywhere would sound wonderful with her at his side. Perhaps as his mate, come spring when she was older, if she felt the same. The thought of not ever being by her side was a truly bleak one. He hesitated to voice his thoughts, fearful of ruining the moment with serious thoughts. There would be time between now and then for them to see each other and get to know each other even better. Although they had both been a bit shy and nervous at times, the time that they had spent together just felt utterly natural to him. He could only hope that it had felt the same for her. All he knew was that walking away from her soon would be the absolute hardest thing that he'd ever have to do.

Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/230/6/f/6fdf36f22e24f95e36c07739cb8591a2-d5bkwky.jpg) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #003377;">
Narimé hesitated when Sloane asked her of her alpha's name. She knew
that it was bad to speak about her pack, but... If she could see him again..It
couldn't be all bad.. She knew that he wouldn't ever try to do anything to her new family.
<b style="color:#FFFFFF"> "My alpha's name is Elettra Archer." Her tail had
stopped wagging only because she was unsure if she was doing the right thing. The girls
head said to keep pack stuff secret but her heart told her that it was better if he knew.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"Our pack is near Drooping Willows too..." She added
while looking up to his handsome face. Why did she feel like she could talk to Sloane
about anything? Narimé had a bit of a clue why. She liked him. She knew that. But what
came after liking someone? How did you know you've gone pasting liking someone
to something further? What was love? The young she wolf couldn't answer these
questions by herself.

Love was something she only had experience on one end of the scale
Love for her father and her family. Love for her close packmates and siblings, but not the
other type of love. The silvery girl knew that her father had once loved another. Shw wished
now that she could ask him what love really was. Even so, it seemed to her that she was
finding that out slowly by herself.

The tree's swayed at the edge of the meadow. The smell of the carcass hung sweetly
in the air as the two wolves stood near eachother. She knew the time to say good bye was
nearing. She really should be getting nearer to the willows and waiting for Elettra's call, but
Narimé had such a hard time even imagining him walking away. She felt almost like she
could cry.

<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"I guess it's bye then huh?" ..." She looked down to the ground and shook her head.
Her blue eyes focusing blankly on a tiny insect trying to crawl over her paw. How could
leaving someone whom you'd just met make you feel so bad???
She smiled trying to
make a brave face. Then looked back up to him. <b style="color:#FFFFFF"> Howl for me sometime..." She half
smiled then turned sideways and took a few steps away. She watched him waiting for
a response. Only when he responded would she begin to sprint away. Let her legs carry her
far away so he wouldn't see her crying and get sad. Narimé wanted him to stay happy.

OOC: You can rap it up now. :Dwith.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)
code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Sep 07, 2012, 08:29 PM by Narimé.)

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/SloanTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 255px;padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">Sloane could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to decide whether to give him information about her future pack. It was often frowned upon to discuss pack details with outsiders. She seemed to decide that she wanted to tell him more than she felt she should not. With the name of her future Alphess and the general location of her pack to be, he would find her again and that was the important thing to him. He knew that he could not walk away without knowing in his heart that he would see her again. He'd met many nice wolves in his travels, but somehow Narime' stood out. His little Blue Eyes had stolen his heart with her special brand of innocent confidence.

His bright amber eyes caught hers and he knew that she was as reluctant to part ways as he was. It was a bittersweet realization. He was heartened that the feelings were not his alone, but he would never wish sadness or heartache on her. He would do anything in his power to prevent her sadness. When she stepped away from him, he felt invisible ties tugging at his heart and he marveled at how hard he'd fallen in so short a time. It did drive home the reality though. Somehow, someday he would be back for her. He wouldn't be complete without her.

He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and gave her a smile. He moved closer and gently nuzzled her cheek, closing his eyes to hide his sadness. "Yes, goodbye ... for now. I will find you again, because you owe me a swim, Blue Eyes!" He did his best to inflect a lighthearted tone in his voice, with only partial success. "I will think of you every day and sing to the moon for you. You do the same. One day soon, I'll be back for our moonlit swim!"

He didn't want to see her leave him any more than he wanted to leave her, but he hoped to make this parting easier on her by being the one to leave. Hopefully, she understood when he gave her another nuzzle and a gentle lick on the side of her muzzle before turning away from her. His strides came longer and faster as he hurried from the only thing that mattered to him right now. Heat flowed over his neck and his eyes burned before they watered with emotion. He refused to look back because he didn't want her to see his tears.

There was one thing that he knew without a doubt. No matter what, he would be back for her...

Knight of Honor