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Strength of the Hunters — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Set right after this thread First round is due on 2/3/13.

Not much time had passed since the Secret Woodlands family had been brought together. Fate seemed to be on their side for the most part, though Nina had let the fact of her mate’s memory loss slip past her lips. It was nothing that the pack as a whole had to be worried about as of yet. Their newest edition to their pack, Azariah, had just joined them and now it was time for them all to gather for a pack hunt. It would help bring unity and team work on their side. Attendance would be mandatory if they wanted to get something to fill their non-existing caches.

With once glance to Sloane and Azariah, Nina lifted her head to the blue cloudy sky and howled, summoning all of her friends. Hopefully all would answer her call, for she would not wait long for all of them. Her tail swayed high above her back, waiting patiently for them, her fur brushing against Sloane and Azariah’s side as they all quietly sat with one another. She was not sure of everyone else’s hunting skills, but she was certainly go out of her way to help however she could…though she hadn’t been on much of a hunt since her injuries, there was definitely no harm in trying.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti heard Nina's call and figured it was either a pack meeting or a pack hunt. Being that the members had just met for the founding, she figured it was a hunt. She ran from her place she was storing herbs that her and Ecco had found back before the pack was formed. She'd been storing some Ergot she found near by. She had just finished it up as the call had been released. She arrived at the scene and looked at Nina, Sloane and another she could not identify. "Nina. Sloane." She said with a bow of submission, her tail flat to her belly.

She looked at the third wolf with curiosity, emerald green eyes to the ivory and white frame the yearling had. The scent of herbs on her pelt. "Another healer?" She asked, she was a healer and so was Nina, what did they need another healer for. Sure Ashanti wasn't officially a healer yet, but she was so close to being one that she already considered that her main job. She waited for the others to arrive, perhaps there was something more to this? What would be the point of half the pack being healers?

She shook her head, she had to focus on other things. She hoped Ecco would arrive soon, she got along well with her. She hadn't really talked to Iopah. The rest of the pack was guys. Then there was this new girl, she assumed that she was a pack member because she'd gotten the Secret Woodlands scent. But was there more to it? Perhaps she was just staying for a short time. Or was she staying as a full pack member? Who was she?
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2013, 11:37 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was glad to add a new member and more than proud of his best friend and partner. Nina was falling into her role as leader fairly easily, despite the worry for her mate that followed her like a cloud. Her earlier tail wag for Azariah's benefit heartened him that his friend was not becoming hard. He knew that she had to put on a strong face for the pack, but he never wanted her to lose herself. Whether she knew it or not, her compassion was one of the things that made her so strong.

He raised his own deep voice with hers, their very different tones blending nicely to call for the rest of the pack. Hopefully, Hollow had managed to find and warn a few of them of the upcoming hunt. Now that things were settled with Azariah, they numbered seven, although three were only yearlings. He was a good hunter, but the largest hunt even he had ever been on was only three wolves strong. He, Narime' right after they met and the old Grizzly man Follko. They had managed a deer, but Elk were far larger. He had faith in them, but this would truly be the first real test for their fledgling pack and now, time was of the essence.

Knight of Honor
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah had been unable to fall back asleep. She had woken in the pre-dawn light to explore the forest. Slipping through the trees in search of a more permanent sleeping spot. Somewhere the previously lone wolf had some privacy. She was unused to close pack life as yet.

The space under the uprooted tree was perfect. And she had spent several long minutes rolling in the earth in delight. This little hole in the ground was hers. There was no hiding anymore, not here in the thicket. She wanted them to be able to find her if her presence was needed. The gray wolf stood and studied herself, not unhappy with what she found. Now no one would be able to mistake her for anything but a Woods wolf.

She had heard with curiosity Sloane's call for Nina. There was no urgency and her attention shifted to the scent of small mammals in the area. There was little snow cover in the dense thicket and as a result all the mammals found shelter within the trees themselves.

The second howl made her turn sharply. Her hind legs dug into the ground as she pivoted. That call was meant for all of them. She gave a shake and the bits of thicket fell back to the ground in a small shower. Satisfied that she was clean once again she set off in a steady trot towards Nina. She allowed herself a smile of satisfaction that she was already learning the lay of the land. To do her job she would need to learn every inch, and what lay just beyond.

Nina was not far off and Iopah quickly found her. Upon coming into sight Iopah lowered her body in deference to Sloane and Nina. Her ears flattened and her smokey tail waved gracefully behind her. She let her muzzle gently touch Nina's side before backing away to eye Azariah curiously. There was one more confirming glance to Nina. Reassured by Nina's relaxed posture Iopah dipped her head politely. "I'm Iopah."
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2013, 11:28 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah stood quietly between her two leaders, feeling quite dwarfed by the two adults, but happy to have been accepted into the pack. She was still a bit amazed that she had actually met the green-eyed wolf from her dreams. She knew that somehow her leadess would regain the use of her damaged eye, but she didn't yet know how. All would eventually be made clear to her, she knew. For now, it was time to focus on the upcoming hunt. It would be the first time she had ever hunted with any wolf and she was a bit on edge as to how it would all work out, but she had a feeling that it would turn in their favor.

It didn't take long for another to show up, a light tan fae a couple of years older than herself. It seemed that she truly was to be thrown into pack life and she couldn't wait! The other wolf greeted the alpha pair and then turned to her with a friendly greeting. "I'm Iopah." She gave her a shy smile and wagged her fluffy golden tail as she offered her own name. "I'm Azariah." The woman seemed nice enough and perhaps they could become friends. The idea of having actual friends for the first time in her life brought joy to her heart.

After giving the golden eyed female another smile, she found herself looking back towards the trees and bushes. When she realized why she why she was looking so intently, she blushed beneath her thick pelt. She hoped to see Hollow again. They young male made her feel special somehow, although they each only managed a single word to each other on the way back to the Thickets.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow had run back through the thickets and began to range fast, looking for his pack mates. All the while the young male couldn't seem to find is paws, or his tail for thoughts of blue eyes swelled within his mind. He had crossed Ecco's scent trail and began to trot along it still dazedly stumbling over things he would normally cross right over with no problems, when Sloane's first howl split the air for Nina, he stopped and waited no longer able to keep searching, he knew only one direction at the moment. Back so he stilled and began to organize his thoughts, he could not dwell on things when they would soon be hungry if he couldn't hold himself together.

Whatever the warm fuzzy feeling he had in his mind, he still had duties and he resolved to them and shook his head, took a breath and cleared it. Just as he poised himself to dart towards Ecco's trail Sloane and Nina called. It was time. He turned hoping everyone would have heard the call if someone missed on his behalf it would not be good. He raised his head and let forth his own hunting call so as to best alert the others and to tell Nina and Sloane he was on his way. He slowed to stop just before anyone could see him and breathed deeply. He knew already he would see Azariah again and he needed to be able to hold himself from being lost or to not hear an order.

Hollow emerged from the trees, Iopah and Ashanti had beat him there, he gave them both a respectful nod. He made his face the best mask he could muster, though his eyes which continuously flicked towards the golden girl belied his feelings. He approached Sloane and Nina and let himself give them both a respectful bow of his head, he then settled himself beside Iopah but facing Nina so he would not be tempted to just gaze. This was not a time for matters of the heart he needed to be his sharpest for his family.
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2013, 03:50 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi was spending his day resting in the small hollow he had dug out shortly before the cold winds came. Despite the brisk cold air flowing past the den he was warmed by the surrounding earth and his own fur. His eyes slowly began to drift closed as the welcomed sleep came in the form of a nap. Nina however seemed to have different plans for the day as a faint but close howl of summons resounded in the small hollow. Ear twitching to the sound he groaned a bit before forcing himself from his den. A quick glance about himself as he stretched he was able to tell he had regained some of his former weight but was still unpleasantly thin.

He quickly dismissed the traitorous thought from his mind as he set off to join the group. As he approached the scents of multiple wolves was a pleasant one to be had again. Approaching the two leaders and founders of the pack he tucked his tail and lowered his body and ears in a quick show of respect. It seemed like it had been quite some time since he had done that last. All around him were wolves, most of which he still hadn't learned the name of yet. Was it odd to feel like an outsider in your own pack? "It's good to be back, Nina, Sloane."

Stepping back he shook his paws of the clinging frost trying to keep them warm. Something that had become apparent was how many females were in the pack right now, not that he was complaining. One question that came to mind that he would have to ask Nina about was where his place in the pack now stood.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Alright. Thank you to those of you who had time to post. <3 Next round is due 1/10/13. If you get them up sooner, then awesome! :) Note that there is no posting order. <3

Her call was soon merged with the one that Sloane sent out soon after hers and she was happy to have the feelings of happiness and family surrounding her once again. She had worked hard to keep the wolves around her safe and she would admit, the thickets was not the easiest place to navigate. They would all make due though, for if they did not wish to live within the thickets then they wouldn’t have joined up with her. The ones that had stuck with her, which ended up being everyone expect for Isen, were loyal. Trust was something that needed time to be earned and it was quite obvious that the trusting bond between Sloane and Nina was strong. Nothing would be able to break their bond…they were best friends and had stuck together ever since Sloane had joined Copper Rock Creek back in the day. The only thing that struck odd to her was how neither of them knew of the others past…but no questions were asked about either, and to an extent, Nina had to respect that. Her past was something that she didn’t like to speak of with many and so it remained.

The presence of Azariah was still by her side and in truth, Nina was excited for her to meet the rest of the pack. She gave the yearling an encouraging bump on the shoulder, before her head turned back towards the empty place in front of them, that would not remain empty for too long. Soon enough, Ashanti arrived, not wasting any time in evaluating the younger female and introducing herself. It seemed as though she also had scented the earthly smell of herbs clinging to the golden female’s coat. Nodding her head to her subordinate she turned her attention back to the area, noting how the newest member of their family happily spoke to her other friend. Hopefully, everyone would get along and socializing would not be a problem. Nina didn’t have to wait long to see another creamy form arrive, and a small smile graced her features when she saw Iopah. She had met the girl on the edge of the Creek’s former borders and had invited her to the pack, before going to check up on her again to see a large mountain lion in the area. The woman had handled the situation well, and the golden brown alpha found herself liking Iopah more and more.

When Iopah touched her side, Nina automatically licked her cheek in acceptance, happy to see that the female would be coming on a hunting trip with them. The girl also went to go get herself familiarized with the other yearling. With a sigh, she went over to settle next to Sloane, waiting a tad bit longer for more additions of their family to arrive for the hunt. In the meantime, Nina gently nudged Sloane’s shoulder, knowing full well he would get the meaning. Hunting wasn’t exactly Nina’s strong point as it had once been. Her sight gave her some troubles when it involved hunting and occasionally the leader would need a shove of direction so that she knew what to do. It was this, where Sloane came in. He was a wonderful hunter for a man his size and he did particularly well in aiding her during the hunt. It seemed her time in dwelling in thoughts would come to an end, when Hollow and Kashikoi joined them. With a twitch of her ears she smiled at them, glad to see them once again.

When Hollow first arrived, Nina didn’t miss the continuous glances towards Azariah, and to that, Nina lifted an eyebrow, before watching as he bowed towards his alphas, and took a position near Iopah and facing her. She nodded towards him happy that he had joined them. Her true happiness came when Kashikoi came through the thickets. It seemed as though her spirits soared more and the wag of her tail ensued it. He had been down in the dumps for quite awhile and had grown quite thin, but he seemed to be doing better now and to that Nina could be overjoyed about. She snorted a greeting to him, a small smile planted on her face before she turned her attention to the rest of the pack, addressing them with authority and happiness, "Sloane and Hollow have found an elk trail, and I believe it is time that we have our first pack hunt!" With her words in place she nodded towards Sloane, as if telling him to lead the way.

(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2013, 11:14 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane watched as the others slowly began to appear, responding to their leaders call quickly. His eyes took in every detail of there behaviors and reactions, trying to learn a bit about each wolf. The first to join the leaders and their newest addition was young Ashanti. She greeted he and Nina respectfully and looked at Azariah curiously. "Another healer?" she asked no one in particular. The odd, yet thoughtful look made him wonder at her feelings. He knew that she sought to be a healer. Was she jealous? That would not do and he could only hope that was not the case. They were far too new to have drama developing and there was always the possibility that Azariah would not stay past the winter in any case.

Next came Iopah and after reassurance from her leaders, she greeted Azariah politely and the golden girl shyly returned it. Good. Those two were off to a good start, at least. Then Hollow showed up and though he tried valiantly to not stare at their newest member, his unusual eyes drifted to her repeatedly and he barely contained a smile at the boy's expense. Her blue eyes also returned to the black yearling. Hardly a word exchanged between the two and they'd both been bitten and good! He was happy for the youngsters, but he reminded himself that he and Nina would have to have a pack meeting soon where they would talk more about rules and expectations. A major one being that only the alpha pair bred. By the time breeding season would be here, so too would Koda... Nina's rightful and proper mate.

The last to arrive was Kashikoi. Sloane was glad to see that he had regained some of his weight. The life of a loner had not been easy on the kind young man. What felt strange to him was Kashikoi submitting to him. It wasn't so very long ago that their positions had been reversed and it was Sloane who was under the smaller male, who was Second of their former Copper Rock Creek pack. He sighed t himself. Such was life... and ever-changing circle.

He eyed each member for a moment. Today would be a defining moment for the fledgling back, whether they succeeded or not in the hunt. It would be the first time that they acted as a pack together. Hopefully, it would be the foundation of a truly solid pack. "There is a small herd of elk to the east of here, in Blackberry Fields. If we hurry we can take up the trail and fell and elk to fill our food cache. I don't think that I need to remind everyone how important this hunt is this time of year. So when we get there everyone must play their part to a 'T'. Does everyone understand?" Again, he met each pair of eyes with a firm look before he turned and moved into a lope, leading the pack at a ground-eating, but energy-conserving pace towards their goal.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2013, 05:15 PM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
I saw your maintenance post Jen. At the risk of going out of order I'll post now
Iopah was not put off by Sloane's close scrutiny of her and of the rest of the wolves filing in. Everyone would naturally have different talents and weakness. Some would have the speed and small frame to chase prey; others would have the weight, sheer pounds, to hold the prey down. If Sloane was to successfully direct them he needed to know what each would be capable of. She was pleased to see him already studying them. It was reassuring to Iopah that he intuitively understood it.

She waited quietly, ears flicking occasionally as the forest awoke around them. Another wolf slipped from the thicket, and Iopah was happy to see Hollow. She still felt slightly guilty about losing her temper during their first meeting. Sometime soon she would have to catch up with him and apologize, make sure there were no hard feelings between them. He sat down next to her, and it took her a moment to notice he was trying not to glance at Azariah. And failing at it.

She watched him for a few moments, mildly amused by it. Daring a glance to Azariah she found the same thing. Abruptly she turned, putting on a show of grooming her side. Her mild amusement had blossomed into a wide smile and she needed a cover while she smothered her grin. Kashikoi arrived and Iopah hit her tail eagerly on the ground. He had been the one to stop her back in Secluded Springs, she was grateful for that.

Sloane spoke and she turned back to him. Her heart rate increased, she was eager to get started. This she could do, her past had uniquely prepared her. Confident in her physical abilities and keenly aware of her limitations. When his gaze landed on hers she held it. She was not backing down or turning away. She understood the importance and accepted it.. Sloane rose, starting toward the field. Iopah stood and with a reassuring smile to the rest she followed Sloane and Nina.