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A Surprising Encounter Indeed — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali wondered through the thick vegetation with a slight smile. She had wondered far from her temporary den and had no idea how to get out of these huge woods and head back, but that really didnt concern her. She had needed to escape from her previous surroundings desperately. It was almost a yearning, really.

The same atmosphere and terrain day after day had finally gotten to her. She had felt trapped, so she decided to just go off and explore.

She didnt know how many days it had been since she had left Drooping Willows, but once again, she didnt really care. But what did annoy Inali was her craving for companionship. How much longer did she have to be alone? It wasnt even that she desired a mate. She just wanted companionship.

A friend, more specifically speaking.

Inali scoffed in disgust. It looked like a year of being on her own had turned her into something she never thought she would act like.

A sappy moron.

She really needed to fix her mood. She was not content at all with the thoughts running through her head. A rustle of leaves made her ears perk up and her body turn suddenly alert. The hairs on her neck stood up and her lips curled into a snarl. It also seemed like a year of being on her own had also turned her into something else.

A paranoid fool.

Her eyes and ears now taking more notice of her surroundings, her body immediately crouched into a defensive position.

"Who's there?," she asked, a small growl escaping her lips.

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2013, 02:22 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Time seemed to be rolling over everyone’s head in the Secret Woodlands. As much as things tried to get back on track, sometimes it was extremely hard to forget some of the things that went on within her pack. For one, Ashanti, one of her highly trusted members was now pregnant, leaving Nina slightly on edge with the situation. Not wanting to hurt the young woman, who had nothing to do with her impregnation, the alpha had decided to stay away from the young girl for as long as possible. She knew that now that she too was expecting her nerves would be on edge and the last thing she needed was to get into an unwanted fight within the pack.

Now a days, Nina found her movements becoming slower, her belly now plump with little creatures growing inside of her. It was a thought that struck her odd now though, she never thought she would be at any points in her life where she would be ruling over a pack, have a mate, and be having pups. Things were just going her way this season. She had not been paying too much attention when she was walking around her borders so when a sharp voice caught her attention, her tail instinctively raising high above her back and head resting high above her shoulders. Her single emerald eye flashed in the direction of the voice, her ears twitching, her voice cool and icy, but friendly none the less, "I should be asking you the same question." She flicked her tail behind her, her jaws opening once again so that she would speak, "I am Nina Reinier."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

As the other female wolf spoke, Inali caught her scent. That scent was everywhere, come to think of it. She mustve been really out of it if she hadnt noticed she was walking onto another pack's territory. By the other wolf's stance and posture, Inali could tell that was her superior in some way. How superior?, she did not know.

Inali bowed slightly, her head bent. The small wolf wasnt totally submissive because she wasnt anything to this other wolf, but she knew she had to show her respect either way.

As she stood upright once again, her eyes raked over the wolf, Nina, as she had introduced herself. Her voice was icy, but had a friendly tone to it. I dont think she will attack since she is obviously expecting, Inali thought. But with one howl, I could easily be dead in minutes, probably seconds, she continued thinking.

Inali took note that the wolf must have been waiting all this time for her to answer and she swished her tail slightly, her body out of the defensive position it was in earlier but still alert since she didnt know what would happen next.

"I'm sorry, I did not realize I was about to enter your territory. My name is Inali Wayha. I see you are expecting, congratulations." Inali made sure her tone was less sharp than before. If she didnt know herself any better, she would actually think it sounded nice. She mentally chuckled. Her tone was less sharp, not quite there at friendly since she was still weary of the wolf, but definitely corteous and intrigued.

(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2013, 07:37 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Her tail swayed above her back calmly as her emerald eye took in the area quickly around her before settling back onto the woman in front of her. Lips pursed and head high, she waited for the answer that she was expected. When finally it came, a graceful smile played on the woman’s lips. She was indeed expecting, her stomach plump along with her hips starting to round more. She found herself being much more careful when walking through the thickets and trying not to harm her pelt or belly. Even though the loner was being kind to her, she still had the feeling of needing to protect herself…it felt like natural instinct. Usually, she would have comfortably relaxed and perhaps even settled down to be comfortable, but now she stood, her waved above her, and her single eye was sharp and observant.

Tilting her head slightly, her voice remained the same, "It‘s quite alright, as long as you didn‘t wander in." Curiosity always got into her interest quickly, for she liked getting into conversation with others that she did not well enough. Clearing her throat, she spoke once more, "So are you new to the lands?" Flicking her tail behind her she awaited the loner’s answer, her ears pricking back every once and awhile to check to make sure there was not any movement behind her. She decided to blame her hormones on her different attitude for the time being. Even though the pull for @Koda pulled at her constantly, she quietly waited, not wishing to alarm the woman in front of her. It was something that Nina didn’t want to do and didn’t plan on doing.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali took the superior she-wolf in with her eyes as she waited for her response. Her eyes ran over her posture and physique, taking it in for the first time. Before, she had been too weary and cautious to chance a second, deeper look. Her one eye gleamed, her tail high and erect, her posture not exactly defensive but.....protective almost. She is expecting, she thought. She is bound to be more on the protective side now with her unborn pups to think about it, she continued thinking.

As Nina spoke and asked her a question, Inali shook herself out of her thoughts, again. Her jaws opened and spread as words came out. "I have been traveling alone now for about a little over a year, but I only recently have arrived to these....." The brown wolf tilted her head slightly to think of a word to describe the lands that she had recently ventured in. "..unique lands. In my young two years I have never seen anything more beautiful than these various lands of Relic Lore," she continued. The small, thoughtful smile gracing her lips slowly widened as she spoke once again.

"Of course the fact that I am only two, counts in that factor. I still have much to see and learn." Inali barked out an amused laugh and looked at Nina expectantly.

(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2013, 07:38 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

An emerald orb stared right through Inali, wanting to know more about her and waiting to let the information sink into her brain. A small smile emerges on her own lips when the lands were mentioned, her head bobbing up and down along with the loner’s words. The lands of Relic Lore were indeed an unique place. Many things were to learn from each area and you would learn much from it as it would with you. There was no other place Nina would imagine living besides the place she were in now. A variety of different places were in the area, and it was close to impossible to reach any other paradise like it. At least, that was how she viewed her life for the time being. Besides the obvious disappointment of Durai and Kashikoi, everything else within the pack seemed to be going just fine. She could not have asked for a better family. Laughing slightly, she replied to the female’s earlier remark, “Yes I can understand that. I believe I have lived within the Lore for just over a year now!” Unconsciously, she flicked her tail behind her, letting her small smile grow into a grin.

When she thought about it enough, she knew she would have never thought of being here as long as she had stayed. And even as she thought about it she knew that she did not regret it. When the loner’s voice came across to her again, a small laugh escaped Nina’s mouth, her lips pursing as she stared at her, “Trust me when I say there is plenty to see within the lands here.” She nods her head along with her words as she usually does, as if agreeing with herself. Taking her time to glance back up at the sun, she knew that soon @Hollow would be joining the pair. The yearling was surely dedicated to his work and this was quite obvious for all of the pack to display. Flicking her ears, she turned her attention back towards Inali, “So what skill do you specialize in?”

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali's dark brown eyes stared right back at the emerald eye that seemed to scrutinize her. Not in a mean or demeaning way, but in a genuine curiosity to actually take time to know her better. Inali smiled back at Nina and flicked her tail in a friendly, relaxed manner. She listened intently as Nina spoke of only being in these lands for about over a year and agreeing with her statement of the true beauty that went with it. There really was much to learn about these lands.

As Nina asked what skill she specialized in, a serious expression crossed her features as she thought how to answer. What did she specialize in? She wasn't a very good huntress, though she could hold her own if she had to. That also went with fighting. She had grown to love how to fight and she learned quickly to defend herself as a young pup and yearling. Before her father's resentment for her spread through her birth pack, she had many friends and adults who were glad to teach her. She grew to be skilled at it, but her small stature and lack of brawn was a big disadvantage. That left limited choices.

"I think that I would be skilled in Scouting actually. I have always loved to run and it doesn't hurt that I'm quick on my feet. I have taught myself to have good stamina ever since I was a pup, running absolutely everywhere. I can run for long periods of time without becoming tired."

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
At the moment the two females had met, Hollow had been on the far end of the border,. The process made all the more annoying by the fox he had met along the way. Ceaseless chatter, garbled words. Hollow approached the little nuisance and barked "Leave my lands at once!" But apparently the devil decided not to and responded with what sounded like "leave when I feel ready, shove off." Or maybe the last words had been a little less pleasant. In any case Hollow let a youthful and devilish smile play across his face, though not particularly violent in nature he had pent up energy and was just looking for a way to expel it.

"Very well fox, prepare to die." The last word became a snarl as the dark male lunged forwards. The fox, of course turned and fled. The yearling gave chase only until he felt it was sufficiently far enough away from the pack. Once he returned to the borders, he continued the patrol un-bothered by any other chattering little creatures, foxes or otherwise.

When Hollow did finally happen upon the conversation his ears pricked yet he stayed hidden just as Nina began to question Inali about her skills. Before Hollow revealed himself he listened intently to the tone of the conversation. Well it doesn't sound like this female is hostile. But still the yearling did not wish to assume someone was better than they really were. So he stepped from his hiding place with his tail neutral, a bow of his head in Nina's direction and an offered introduction. "Hello, I am Hollow Nite, I see you've met our great leader. I normally would leave matters like this up to Nina unless I was called for but she is expecting and one can never be too careful." Though it was almost uncharacteristic of the yearling he had a very slight edge to his voice and his upper lip raised a fraction opposite where Nina could see. It was not a challenge or ill meant, yet more of a warning, Do not get any ideas, I do not know you and I will kill you if need be. Though from what the male saw in front of him he was still fairly sure such a warning was unnecessary for the she wolf seemed to be peaceful and friendly. Better to be on the safe side still, Hollow would absolutely not risk his Nina's life on a petty border fight.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Koda skimmed along the edges of the thicket, eyes and ears tuned for any sign of game in the area. While the thicket afforded superior protection to the woodland pack that dwelled within it, it blocked the larger ungulates from traversing through the tangled undergrowth. Day by day the gradual changes of pregnancy became more apparent in his mate, and an ample supply of food needed to be secured to ensure Nina would keep her strength throughout it. It excited him that soon they would have pups of their own, but it also set him at a lingering sense of unease, with all the things that had to be accounted for before their arrival. Small creatures like squirrels and woodchucks weren't enough for the caches, at least, they weren't up to Koda's standard of a plentiful reserve for his pack and his love.

The lead male was met with some success, finding the cloven hoof-prints of a mule deer pressed into the earth, trailing around the thicket where they were likely avoiding both the dense forest and the scent of the wolf pack. A small satisfied smile curved along his creamy white muzzle, having a solid intuition that they were headed for browsing grounds in the blackberry fields. There was no hurry, and likely the herd would remain there for long enough for a couple packmates to be gathered to pick off a deer weak from winter.

Satisfied with his findings he turned back towards the thicket, head lowering and nostrils flaring inquisitively over the recent path of an unknown wolf heading in the same direction. He huffed as if to clear the scent from his olfactory system, and with narrowed eyes he followed the trail. He didn't like to imagine the wolf had ill intentions, however with Nina's delicate state he wasn't willing to risk being overly optimistic about things.

The sound of voices came to him through the forest, Nina's sweet voice and that of an unknown female. The lower timbre of Hollow's set Koda a little at ease, yet still feeling protective and on edge he moved briskly. Koda made no attempts at secrecy, letting his large paws crunch loudly over leaves and debris to announce his approach. His thick tail curled upwards, large head risen authoritatively as he stiffly strode past the unknown female, scrutinizing her as he passed to join at Nina's side. He smiled to his golden mate, glad to see she was safe and sound before brushing his neck against her's in a quick embrace, then standing close at her side to face the loner. Appreciative for Hollow's haste in guarding Nina he glanced sidelong at the male, before returning his honeyed gaze to the brown woman before them. With a quick assessment of the situation it didn't seem like anyone was in any danger, and his stiff limbs relaxed a little. "Koda Reinier, of the Woodlands." He introduced himself quickly to the wolf, his brows flicking up curiously and head canting the slightest to the side as he hoped someone would fill him in on their visitor.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Listening intently to what the female had to say, she smiled and bobbed her head up and down, not even realizing that Hollow had come up from behind her until she had heard his voice. Snapping her single eye towards him, she was slightly surprised by the tone in his voice and the look in his eye. Listening to his words, she had to control her jaw from dropping with what he had said and instead settled to keep her gaze on the woman in front of her. Wagging her tail, she let her voice flow towards Hollow, "Hollow, it’s alright! Inali is no harm to us!" She laughed slightly, her golden brown ears twitching in amusement. The female was certainly no threat to them, it was obvious in her stance and her laid back nature. Anyone could see that.

It never occurred to her that her Guardian would very likely be concerned over her well being and not the “threat” in front of them. Twitching her ears again, she let her gaze turn towards Inali, "So what’re your plans from going on from here?" She was generally curious as she asked the question. Nina was not much of a nosy wolf, but when it came to knowing how others were doing, and possibly giving them advice on where they could go if they did not know, she would gladly help them out. Smiling at the loner in front of her, she swayed her tail above her back, awaiting the answer that was soon to come. No sooner than she had relaxed herself once more, did her mate come to her side, introducing himself to the loner, and all Nina could so was roll her eyes in slight annoyance. Why were the guys being so overprotective!?

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.