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full moon, fog, friends and foes — Verdant Mosses 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
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Ice Aesir
RE: There is a full moon. Weather: Partly cloudy, foggy, night and cold.
For those who posted in to gather an army, as well as the Aniwaya wolves. This would be a few days later in March, as we've crossed the Serpent and headed south. If the "army" could get their posts up before the 14th, that'd be great, as we can let the Aniwayans in then?

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the ICE breaks.
His breath steamed out of his mouth and into the cold, moist air. He'd never been here before, and now that he was here, he wasn't quite sure he wanted to. It was the middle of the night, and the temperature had dropped rapidly after sundown - fog now clung to the still, quiet landscape, and not even an owl was out. A ghastly silence filled the space between the horizons and the sky, punctuated only by the rhythmic thud of many paws and breaths. Tongues lolled out of open jaws as the Lore wolves jogged south as one army. Ice, glowing in the light of the full moon, was at the front ranks, but not a distinct leader anymore.

They'd crossed the Serpent under his lead, without any incident. Though he'd been shaky at the end of that day, when they'd made it safely down the other side at the narrow section of the range, nothing had gone wrong. Being responsible for all those wolves had set his fur on edge and made him realize while a pack should never grow that large. It was terrifying.

Sleep and a bit of hunting had been in store for them once across, while those who knew the Aniwaya scent - Ice among them - had cast about for any sign of the wolves. Eventually, after a couple of false starts and frustration, they'd found a track south. And south had seemed to be the right direction. His nose was so full of their scent he barely stopped to sniff at the ground or bushes anymore, instinctively knowing that they were going the right way. He would've liked Jessie's expert nose, but the Swiftpaw wasn't with them, and he had to make due with his own senses - and the senses of those around him. They'd traveled throughout the better part of the day, resting in the last of the afternoon sunlight and stirring again at dusk.

And now they were here, in a land that smelled of odd things and bastard wolves. A thin layer of snow still clung to the ground; it was soft beneath his paws, and wherever he looked, more trees seemed to have fallen than still stand tall. It was a strange place, and with the eerie silence and the fog obscuring their vision, it sent shivers down his spine.

He knew that they had to be getting closer, and he couldn't help but ask himself, what next?
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2023, 09:55 PM by Clouse. Edit Reason: repair coding )
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok

They had tried moving as quickly as they all could, some packs helping one another up the mountains, while others went off on their own to help their own pack mates. She was quite thankful that the Poisoned wolves were here with her right now though, otherwise, she wasn’t sure how well she would have managed with the rest of her pack mates. Due to Hollow being a yearling, Nina was sure to keep her eye on the young man, but otherwise had her own work cut out for her, as trying to watch where she was going was quite difficult with only one eye. In the end, they had all managed though, with Ice leading them on through the trails of territories that were unknown to her. Through their journey, Nina also lowered her muzzle to the ground, picking up the scents of those around them, mostly that new scent…the one of the tainted.

Almost disgusted with the horrid smell surrounding them, she continued on, keeping her family close to her, letting her green eye travel among the new land before her. Had she not have been paying attention she would have accidentally bumped into someone, seeing as they had all stopped. Perking her ears forward she tilted her head in question. Where were they to go now? Flicking them once, she then let her green gaze settle on the white man in front of her, before traveling to the rest of the ones gathered. Her eye landed on Elettra though, unsure of which leader would take lead from here. She didn’t even know what they were going to do from here. Letting her tail flick behind her, she waited for someone to say something…anything.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
The rotten, earthen musk lingered beneath the snow, so strong in places that it nearly stung his nose. A think blanket of frost clung to the silvery guard hairs of his coat, which was, at this point, matted and muddied, the end of his snout wet and warm despite the cold. The trek over the mountain had been mostly uneventful, if not taxing. As a group, they were all lucky that Ice had come as prepared as he seemed, and the path he led up and down the icy, rocky slopes had been wide and sheltered enough in some spaces to offer a place to rest for those who needed it. It was not until they had fully reached the other side that he got his first taste.

The air was thicker here, as if the tree giants guarded this place from the winds. In some places not even the moonlight - which was bright this night - penetrated to dance along the tortuous forest floor. Silently he pressed forward, flanking Ice for much of the night and at times veering wide and ahead to investigate without ever letting the white brute from his sight. It was filthy. The scents of the hunted were strung along the fallen trunks, seemingly even frozen into the snow itself in trails both old and new. Although there a select few which he did not recognize, a single signature breathed familiarity. He'd encountered it along the border of Cedarwood Forest; looking back now, it chilled him to the bone to think that a predator had traveled so far to end up narrowly avoiding he and Borden's detection so close to home and to everything that Grizzly Hollow held dear.

I low growl hummed deep within him, and his black lips pulled into the slightest, most menacing sneer. Stepping lightly, silently, the dark guard would look over his shoulder now and again to find satisfaction in the sight of his fellow hunters, the avengers of Relic Lore. Before the end, the Aniwayans would beg for their lives to be ripped from their dirty, yellow throats.

table by mimi
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Thus far the journey had been tiring, luckily the black wolf's young and robust body was up to the task with ease. His constant patrols at home seemed to have paid off and he found himself almost bouncing on his toes still ready to go even while others rested. Youth was a gift and a curse for he knew already his self control would be tested when when they finally met their prey. The mountains had been the most treacherous part and with a small smile he remembered the glances cast in his direction by Nina. I'm still here, haven't fallen just yet! His gaze always smiled back at his alpha, it was his only solace and normality in this rising tide of rage and emotion that seemed to pour unrelentingly from the others. But even so he had been careful to watch over his alpha too, for he could only guess at how hard it would be to cross through the mountains with only one eye to light the way. In truth it made him respect her all the more for he was so afraid of the thought he would not even close one eye just to try and see it how Nina did.

But now to the present, the forests they were plodding through were thick with the scent of strange wolves. It made the yearlings fur prickle uneasily to know he was completely out of his element now. Strange how a thicket that was so dense and difficult to navigate for every wolf whom did not hold the woodlands scent, would be so easy for him, and now it was more open and Hollow felt exposed, vulnerable even. He uttered less than a word to any of the wolves and traveled in silence with his gaze dark and tail low. At any moment the young male was prepared to attack, and even the snapping of a twig made him wince. The evil that had tried to come into his home lived in this forest and he could feel it. The scent trail they had been set on was unwavering. Into the lions den he trod, prepared wholly to lay down his life if need be so that others may live. But oh how he hoped it did not come to that for any of the wolves he traveled alongside for he himself would miss his beloved Azariah and surely some of them would miss their pack mates and their loves.

Not of this was spoken by the yearling however and he began to recite words in his head. This is not the end, this is not the end, everything will be okay, we will win, and we will go home, the evil will be gone. The only thing that could give him away was a very faint and subtle fear scent that would only be detectable by those close by him.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2013, 01:11 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
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Phineas Argyris
Phineas moved after the group of wolves – his paws nimble upon the mountains, despite the ache of fatigue that plagued his muscles. While he remained at the side of Elettra and his pack mates, the ivory male watched the others with a fiery gaze, keeping note of the others that surrounded them and their well-being. It was disheartening to see some so young within their group – a certain dark-furred fellow caught his attention most of all, yet the Ridge male knew there were enough within their numbers to keep everyone safe.

Unless something unexpected happened.

His tongue smoothed over his lips, his eyes drifting back to his leader. Her muscles rippled beneath her dark fur, and the male felt a surge of protective nature stir within him. Acting upon impulse, his muzzle sought out the side of her nape, though not halting in his movements. Pulling away, the touch only so brief, he suppressed his longing and buried it for a more appropriate time – first, he would see the lands he had decided to call home be ridden of the burden that had become their neighbour.

They were a formidable group, and the alabaster male had taken brief comfort to know that the wolves of Grizzly Hollow had found them as well – his message had been sent it seemed through the unknown she-wolf who had agreed to deliver it, much to his gratitude. If not, it was likely he would have bore the wrath of Elettra’s fangs upon him, and rightfully so.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
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Elettra Archer
She was at ease. Each of her muscles rolled with a looseness, a readiness like no other. She bound over the mountains with a determination, she strode the thick, dark forests as those she had in her home land. The Spectral Woods had left her with an awe. The fog that wrapped around the limbs, the shuttering silence, the prickling at your spine. Even large game had been scented along the path, likely driven to the lands out of comfort by the thick forestry and the silence that would tell them of approaching predator. Elettra Archer's movements grew more determined with each step, her stride more proud, her tail high as a banner, waving in the foggy, chilled air. This is where she was comfortable. This is what she was meant to be. The warrior held no regrets in her decision as she pushed her group forth, moving to rise along the head of the battalion not far from Ice's position.
As they stopped within this wasteland of a quite literally broken forestry, Elettra pulls forward slightly, her muzzle high, sniffing. They were in unknown territory, seeking a group of wolves of unknown size and strength. Her body quivered with an excitement, a thrill she had not held since she had left her home and the wars with it. A smirk touched her as her muzzle lowered then, head inching back to create a rolling of protective fat and leveling with her spine. Her hair stood on end, her tail lowering to level with her back, standing out on end. A foot shook, ridding itself of a large bug. The lands were crawling with them. Elettra's voice rose, a gurgling growl to mingle with the melody of Kade's own, a man whom once stood at her side as partner now standing with her once more.
It was Phineas which broke her attention, touching at her ruffled nape. Her silvery attention turns to him, aglow in the moonlight as his burned with fire even in the consuming fog and darkness. She smiles, ever so slight, her muzzle twitching to touch back, though all the same holds back. Her attention shifts away from him, addressing the crowd where Ice had yet to do so. "Fan out." She pauses, only enough to gauge their reactions. Ice had gathered them at the Falls, trailing their direction on where to go. The Poison and Pass wolves helped them navigate over the mountainside and it would be she (and Skana?) to offer what tactic they could now that they were here. "Keep to someone's side, don't allow yourself to get separated." They had done well not to loose someone yet and Elettra was hopefully that they would all keep together still. Let no man be left behind. "We need to be prepared to take them on from any angle." With this, she nudged Phineas shoulder, beckoning him to stay close as she moved forth, slow, low, as though on a natural hunt. If they fanned out, they could arc from the left and right, moving around as they might a herd of deer. If the Aniwaya wolves would not come out, they would snuff them out.
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
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Hotei Tainn
Kasai trudged along behind Guiness who was in turn padding behind some ivory male and the female alpha Elettra. The white male scented like Willow Ridge so Kasai was content to follow for now. At least he didn't resemble Ice perfectly. The Argyris male's orange gaze holding more understanding in them than Ice's cold pale ones.

The Aniwayans scent barreling through his nose made the black wolfs patchy fur bristle in places as he padded along silently. The shadows of this forest seemed familiar to him, but who was he to remember much about different forests anymore? He'd seen so many in his lifetime. Besides Kasai couldn't even figure out how to keep a single name for too long. The names of so many other wolves still ringing in his head after meeting his new comrades that he was to fight beside.

At first the burnt wolf was edgy while being around so many other wolves; all from different packs. However after a while the continuous motion of his legs while they traveled and the excitement of an upcoming fight comforted the male. Even now he no longer was bothered by the presence of so many traveling around him.

The only thing that ticked the male off was the sight of Ice leading the large group to their destination. The logical half of Kasai said this was fine since Ice was the only one who knew how to get over the mountain. The other angry half of Kasai didn't give a shit about the white wolf who had still managed to growl at him when they had first arrived (Referring to previous thread).

The one thing Kasai did do well was to Switch his attention from Ice, where the anger had been piling on, and add that fuel to the blood lust against the Aniwaya wolves.

Elettra's voice sounded, and Kasai was immediately alert. The dark wolf listened quietly then followed suit with the commands she had given. He fanned out padding to the right of Guiness and keeping himself away from the Swift River wolves.

Now all they had to do was find them...

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2013, 08:43 PM by Hotei.)
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

For this trip, it seemed as though living in the mountains would benefit him greatly as they continued on their travels. He did not know the man leading them well but he had faith that the white guard was leading them all in the right direction. He seemed to be the only one gathered who knew his way around the other side of the mountain. Any other time, this would have made Ash highly suspicious, but today and for the ones that would follow, he knew that all the wolves gathered were in a place for one cause. To destroy the wolves that would eventually murder them if they wouldn’t do something about it. Thinking about it now caused him to think about the situation more and more. What they were doing…he was quite unsure if it would be classified as murder or survival. He went with both, considering how they were taking lives, even if they weren’t the most innocent. He sure as hell wasn’t innocent and here he was, fighting alongside some of the wolves he had sinned against.

Through their whole trek up the mountain Ash made sure to keep a careful eye on his sister and the yearlings around them. It still struck him odd as to why they were here and general concern was rooted deep in his core. Every now and then, though he knew she didn’t need his help, mossy green orbs would lift back over towards Athena, making sure to keep her within bounding distance if she ended up needing his assistance. They made their way efficiently over the mountain, even though it took much more time then he would have preferred, and stopped quickly when the rest of the group around him halted. Peering around the new area they were in, he scanned, looking for anything that could be useful to them all.

Some information might have been useful, but all the group was met with was silence…until Elettra spoke. Her orders were clear to them and immediately his body moved towards his lady, the large muscle in his shoulders flexing with each powerful step. Licking her on the cheek briefly, he silently communicating to her. I’m following you and only you. His tail then flicked behind him, nodding his head towards her. It was time for them to separate from the rest of the pack and settle themselves among the land and investigate. He did not like being in unknown lands and would find himself feeling much more settled once he found out what dangers and benefits there were to these lands.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
Many of the wolves around him remained silent, something that the Willow man would not complain about. There were a few of whom decided to talk to one another among the group, but he was quiet, his breath coming in heavy pants halfway up the mountain. Sticking close to Hotei didn’t seem to be the issue with everything going on, for staying near the large man was not hard, but Gui was highly curious about the large white man leading them. If he had not been mistaken he could have almost seen the slightest bit of emotions pass over Ice’s features before they had vanished. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but as he had learned earlier in life, rarely was anything just a coincidence. He had finally decided to push that thought to the side, for he did not wish to get too distracted from the task in front of him.

His large form slowly made its way over the mountain, and finally they all stopped. Pricking his ears for any orders, he watched as the wolves around him slowly halted. He could see Nina, Sloane, and the rest of their woodlands wolves not far from where he was. The Guard knew he could not make his way towards his sibling though, for he was needed by his own alpha. The sound of her voice caused his ears to prick automatically and his body to move towards her slightly. Amber orbs paid her close attention as she spoke to them all and when she finished, lightly Guiness touched his nose to Hotei’s shoulder, a silent message to him. They were to stick together, along with Elettra. And so quietly, the large man strode over to Elettra’s side, dipping his head respectfully towards her and awaiting her directions as to where their small group would be headed.
Pillar of Strength
Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
Paws aching with tiredness, the large male wolf finally came to a stop alongside Kade. The journey had been difficult, and he could tell others were hit equally hard by the journey. Eyes of other wolves were bright and looking forward to the battle ahead, but he could see that there was also a wish for a long rest within almost all of them. The subordinate noticed one younger wolf among them bouncing around, and it brought a smile to his face before changing into a frown as he realized this child would be fighting with them. Thoughts of this filled him with uneasiness as he realized this was only phase one of the journey. The next was to find the wretched creatures that had infected their lands, and the third would be to drive them out and away, preferably with no casualties on their own side. All the wolves around him seemed to be able-bodied and ready to fight however and whenever they could, and thus Destin did not fear for those of Relic Lore just yet.

As Destin stood there amongst the other wolves, he observed the territory around him, blanketed in fog. It seemed the night wished to protect them for now, though the full moon made the night cloak irrelevant. The time for a battle seemed suitable for the weather, however. A chill drifted on the slight breeze, causing his fur to stand up on end. Something about this place didn't seem quite right- and a horrid smell plagued every blade of grass and rock. It reminded him of a mix of that manic fox and something else, something he couldn't quite put a paw on. There was some kind of tension in the air, though Destin didn't know if it was anticipation instead. At Elettra's words he made sure to glance over at Kade, who was the only wolf he really knew in the group. It would be no use to get lost in this cursed place, especially now, with victory so tangibly close.
(This post was last modified: Apr 12, 2013, 01:50 AM by Destin.)
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