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storm clouds — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Droplets of water rained down upon his thick brown pelt; a light cascade from the dropping waters of Bramble Falls. The rumble was loud but not bothersome to the male, and as grey clouds toiled in the sky above, Ruiko sought solace from the peace of the River and his siblings. As much as he was devoted to them, the large second needed seclusion from time to time, and that was the very reason his creamy paws had lead him here.

So he reclined to a graceful sit – his pelt bladed in places where moisture had gathered, and his gleaming yellow eyes were cast in to the drifting waters. Every so often a glimmer of silver would appear to the surface, revealing that there was at least one opportunity for a meal swimming innocently about before him. He made no move to strike however, and as late morning drifted to late afternoon the grey clouds above finally broke open, sprinkling him and the ground with promised misery.
(This post was last modified: Sep 13, 2010, 10:06 PM by Ruiko.)
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
He wasn't so very old, really, but his bones ached like a fossil in a museum, growing dusty and stiff from their inaction. He hadn't known how many days he had lived the life of a nomad, but today, like any other, was just an invisible notch on a calender buried inside his mind. Quest Aquila didn't know what it meant to be so still, and the past few days he had spent relaxing in the soothing beauty of the (to him) unnamed falls were doing him more harm than good. He didn't feel rejuvenated as he had hoped to feel; he felt only more worn down, and eager to resume the active life he was accustomed to.

Quest's velvety black ears were kept at an almost permanent sideways tilt, never rising fully atop his head, as he reclined easily in the shade of thick leafed tree, eyes drifting alternately between opened and closed. So far he had encountered many scents in this place, but no wolves. His presence in these regions hadn't been long, and he figured too that it wouldn't be long-lasting. Still, the rich and vibrant greenery was welcoming to his wanderer's heart, and he didn't mind staying here to rest up before continuing on his never-ending journey. He was completely unaware that the natural landscape was changing and shifting, that the water was growing scarcer by the day - for here, under the falls, it was flowing as strongly as any life force.

A splashing sound roused Quest's eyes open in full, and as he peered up through the brush, he couldn't help but gape his jaw in surprise at the figure caught in the cascading water. The gray sky afforded little light to bring out the sparkle of the water, but somehow the regal-bodied male did this all on his own. He was a scene, a spectacle, and hidden by the foliage as he was, Quest allowed himself to stare openly at the stranger as the tawny wolf bent his masked face to peer into the pool at the base of the falls. The urge to greet him rose in Quest, and within a few moments, the weary traveler gathered himself onto all fours. But he did not remove himself from where he stood; for the urge to simply watch and not disturb the peaceful image overwhelmed the need for socialization at this point.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
ooc. I don't think you realize how excited I am that you hopped in to this. <3

Ruiko, his eyes intent upon the small flashes of silver that taunted him from the waters depths, was attempting to push the thought from his mind that this water could potentially evaporate to nothing but a distant memory. The rushing sound of the Falls had always been soothing to him – Indru and he and explored these lands inside and out as whelps, with the rebellious intentions that his youngest sister Borlla now seemed to hold. Many a day Rihael would find them playing near the dangerous waters, and each time they would receive a well-deserved swat to their hind.

One creamy paw lifted, his gleaming amber eyes still intent upon the shifting waters. A hunter’s precision held him there with utmost patience, poised and ready for the opportune moment. Fishing was a task he was not as knowledgeable with, but it did not mean Ruiko did not take opportunity when it knocked upon his door. The stillness of his large figure could compete with a statue, and as the seconds ticked past, it was only then did a flash of ivory cream streak down as the Tainn wolf plunged his paw forward, an agile flick of his limb shooting the prize of a fish that landed upon the solid ground. His jaws were quick and mighty as he leant down to snap at the meal, quickly ending its surprised suffering. With the wind trailing from him, he remained completely oblivious to his companion in the shadows, and instead stole his gaze upon his well-earned prize.
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
<b>ooc:</b> I am excited to have hopped in!!!

Quest's tail swung a few beats behind him, a metronome ticking away the seconds that separated the agouti wolf from the fish swimming below him. The Aquila male felt his body stiffen as the other male's did, the energy in the air turning from pensive to tense in the moments leading up to an inevitable strike. In one quick splash, and a jerk of Quest's head, the tension was relieved much more swiftly than he had anticipated. Victorious, the wolf and his fish traded place from water to land, and finally, Quest felt his limbs shift.

But they did not advance, not at first, at least, for with the other male so much closer to him now, a nervousness seeped into the dusty black wolf which caused him to retreat a step. He didn't know whether or not he could been heard over the din of the falls, but silently, Quest cursed himself for having moved at all. Surely he stood a chance of having given himself away. Rather than remain foolishly still in the bushes, he finally summoned the courage to advance, parting the lacy angel ferns and stepping to the open. He kept his distance, and lowered his body tentatively. He longed to advance, or to remain a silent spectator in the other wolf's presence, but he had no choice. He would not make the mistake of barging in on a wolf with a fresh kill, nor would he disappear like a coward. He merely awaited judgment - a thing he was more than used to in his three years of living.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The large male pulled his muzzle back up, his eyes still fixated upon the still fish that was torn from its environment only seconds ago, it’s life silenced by the fury and precision of his jaws. It was a fulfilling moment – no matter how tiny the kill or insignificant, Ruiko still felt the dominance swell in his chest. Just like any of his captured prey, the creature would fill his or one of his siblings belly, and the tawny giant briefly wondered if the youngest litter had even tasted fish before. Well, he was determined to find out now.

Just as he bent his muzzle to scoop the prize in his jowls and head home, a stirring in the bushes captured his attention. Silence enveloped the area – but there was no mistaking that another creature lurked, and a frown began to darkened his stoical features no sooner than the dark wolf slid from his hiding hole. The male seemed neutral enough, his stance implying he meant no harm to either Ruiko or his capture, and after a silent pause, the River wolf lifted his muzzle back up to a level height. “I see I have an audience,” he murmured, his tone unreadable and his features indescribable.
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
Like clockwork, the other male's ears swiveled in Quest's direction and were quickly followed by his deep gold stare. At the raising of the other wolf's masked face, Quest lowered his further still, his gaze averted, his body entirely inoffensive. The flat voice roused his attention and for a moment Quest allowed himself again to look on the splendidly crafted features of the other male, but shame sent his eyes back downward.

<b>"I didn't mean to intrude. I followed the sound of water, and when I saw you -- I didn't want to interrupt,"</b> he explained simply. He could not read the other wolf's expression, and did not know whether or not it would be better to try and stay and at least leave on a neutral terms, or merely walk away while he was safe to do so. But, pessimistic by nature toward strangers, Quest didn't exactly expect a long conversation today. Nevertheless, he continued. <b>"My name is Quest, and I am a stranger to this place."</b>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The wolf before him was a submissive creature – whether because he simply wanted to keep from trouble, or if it was his nature, Ruiko could not tell. The dark stranger imposed no threat to him yet, and the River wolf’s muscles relaxed visibly, though he did not fully relinquish his guard. The lone wolf’s story certainly seemed reasonable – water was becoming a depleted source suddenly in Relic Lore, and the Falls was one of the only sources.. and even it was far from the grand state it had been in just a month ago.

It would seem his newfound companion was a stranger to the land – one of many, and the large tawny wolf gave a shrug of his golden shoulders. “Ruiko,” he introduced in turn as his bright eyes studied the male before him. “A bit of advice then, Quest, seeing as your new. Stick close to the big water sources if you intend to stay. The water is starting to disappear in Relic Lore.”
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2010, 10:20 AM by Ruiko.)
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
Likely, Ruiko didn't know it, but Quest had just learned a lot of important information in the other wolf's few short words that he had up until this point be completely clueless about. Of course, he had learned Ruiko's name, but aside from that he had learned the name of these lands at large, and a very strange problem that they were facing. His ears flattened in concern at the news, head tilting in curiosity. <b>"It's... just... disappearing?"</b> he asked in confusion. The waterfall behind them was not impressively large, but it seemed to be strong and stable enough, and he had never seen it before when it had presumably been in its prime, so how could he have judged it as anything but impressive?

<b>"I have never heard of such a phenomenon occurring. Water always runs dry in the beginning of autumn before the rains set in, but I take it this is a bit more serious than all that?"</b> he asked. He did not take Ruiko for a fool, and he hardly expected that the whole of Relic Lore could have noticed the regular shallowing of the rivers and mistaken it for the disappearance of the waterways altogether. Any other questions that had surfaced for Quest remained silent in the light of this strange news.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The dark wolf seemed disbelieving to this news – the lack of confidence he inspired in the other did very little to sway his mood, for it mattered very little to him what this stranger took from his warning. What did irk him was the light fact that Quest ushered out. The beginning of autumn usually held little water, and Ruiko gave a derisive snort before shrugging. “It’s hard to say how serious it is just yet, but yes, the water is disappearing this year. It’s never been this way before.”

It was a simple friendly gesture to give the male a heads up, aside from that, whether the dark male took heed to his warning or not did not affect Ruiko any farther, and it was with this that the golden male fell silent, one paw still held protectively before the fish while his bright eyes studied the rogue.
Played by Mickey who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quest Aquila
Quest's haunches sunk to the ground as he digested this news. His eyes had fallen onto the pool at the base of the falls, clouding over as if he was unable to see that which was right in front of him. He could not imagine what would happen if that pool dried up altogether, what it would have meant to see such a change overcome the land. He couldn't help but think in that moment that staying here, in the land that had seemed a comforting change to his weary limbs, was suddenly a bad idea.

<b>"What will... you do?"</b> he asked, finally flicking his gaze back to Ruiko without meeting it. Faced with the indecision of what he would do with his own life now, he found himself asking Ruiko what the other man had in mind to deal with this challenge. He was obviously worried about the warning he'd been given. If he was to stay close to the waters, so were the other wolves here, which seemed to spell disaster to him. But that was probably just his paranoia creeping in. Still, he couldn't help but wonder, <b>"Do you belong to a pack here?"</b> If Relic Lore was the home to a good chunk of predators, forcing them all into the same close territories for necessity of survival worried and distressed Quest greatly.