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The Silver Dagger — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
Courage and strength brought Sagacity back to Nomad's Pass. Fueled by the love for her son, who could never again be her son once she set foot in Nomad's Pass again, Sagacity left her makeshift den in Dragonfly Fen and began the long trek home. Traveling with a pup was difficult- she could only travel when it was sunny and warm, so that her infant would not suffer the cold chill of morning, evening or night. She herself was tired and felt her energy sag, but with the unexpected help from a stranger Sagacity had kept herself and the pup alive.

The pup was almost as black as soot; wiry silver hairs dappled his pelt here and there, though his points were the darkest. He looked nothing like her yet, though at such a young age, the pelt of a pup was hardly a marker for who the parents were. Sagacity took pride in knowing, however, that she had looked the same when she'd been a babe, and expected that he too would grey out as he aged. Perhaps not as much- her parents told her that her sides had been silver, but the rest of her black, so it was an indication to the sterling female that he might look more like his father- something else which was stripped away from the young pup as soon as she breached the borders.

Feet curled to his body he endured the trip with patience, mewling only now and again to remind his mother that he needed to be fed, or that he was growing weary of being carried. She did her best to shelter him during the night and was relieved to find that the warm weather crept in earlier than she'd expected. Nature was kind to her and her son. To her and the boy she had found.

In her mind, as she traveled, she imagined it all so vividly that by the time she began the ascent up the mountain, it felt as though it was true. The scent of the female, her blood on the air. The sight of her- a tiny slip of a wolf, just two years old though hardly more than a maiden. Pale, icy blue eyes glazed in pain, and two other pups by her side along with this one. She'd given birth alone in the wilderness- something which Sagacity had known was very dangerous. It still surprised her to know she'd survived...But she reminded herself, then, that it hadn't happened. She wasn't the mother. The mother was a grey wolf, with no black markings. Tiny. Underfed. Not ill, though- no scent of disease. But the birth had been too hard- she suspected the poor thing had been starving, unable to feed herself while pregnant. Her body had been worn away and the birth had stripped her of her strength. Sagacity hunted for her, but when she returned, the female's body was still. Warm, but still. She made herself feel the guilt; she hadn't been quick enough. Maybe if she'd gone for a partridge rather than a rabbit...But who was to say the female would've survived even after eating.

The best Sage could do was nurse the pups with what little milk she had, having been stimulated to produce milk after being around Naira. It was natural; now nature forced her to nurse the babes, but she didn't have enough for them. She felt guilt easily, imagining herself trying to nurse three pups. Then only two. And then only one. One, the male, the strongest, the little dark crowchild. Nature had been merciful; the longer he thrived, the more milk Sage had for him. And so it was settled. And so she brought him back.

When she reached the pass she sat down and set the dark little boy down onto the ground to nurse. Once he'd had his fill, she would need to speak to Naira. Only then would judgement be passed and he boy's life be taken or spared.

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot
Time for Asta to meet Sagacity I suspect. o_o Asta, who has no idea she isn't actually Second. xD But she will here shortly I think! If you'd rather wait for Asta to encounter Sagacity later that's fine too, just lemme know. But I remember discussing just having Asta intercept the scout so... yeah. Plus, I can't resist jumping into this thread anyway. ^^

The weather was warm, the pack was fed... the pups were well. Ah yes, it was a good day. The young hunter had slipped away to the borders (something she found herself doing every now and again) to check for scent trails: prey and otherwise. She'd been dutiful since speaking with @Mapplethorpe a couple weeks ago and doubts about just how useful she was to the pack were dwindling after that last hunt. She was becoming a proper pack wolf again and she loved every second of it. To top it off, she'd caught the scent of another she-wolf at last in the pack! For the longest time, it was only she and @Naira - it'd been rather a strange affair, being the only females in the pack. But that was changing - would change. Naira's precious daughters would add to the feminine numbers. Asta couldn't wait to see the young wolves they would turn into... to think, she'd get to watch those darlings grow up!

As she wandered further from the territory's heart, Asta became more alert, her yellow eyes scanning her surroundings. It was scent rather than sight that first alerted her to the presence of another; another woman, past the borders... an intruder! Her instinct upon smelling a wolf who obviously didn't belong to the Pass this far within the borders was to tense: her step paused as her tail went straight behind her and her hackles rose. She angled toward the smell until a silvered woman came into view. She was on her side, nursing a pup... but if it disarmed Asta at all, it showed only for a brief moment before the young wolf bared her fangs in a vicious snarl.

"Stop what you're doing stranger! You're tresspassing; explain your presence, or face the consequences!" barked Asta, startlingly fierce for those who knew the good-natured girl. Face the consequences? Oh, there would already be consequences, surely. Asta had good enough reason to be so brittle: no stranger had any right to be here, especially this time of year. How had this woman found the pass? Chance wandering? Unlikely... but Asta wasn't taking chances: this was an intruder and should be dealt with accordingly. Had the other woman been any bigger, Asta would've immediately called for help and fled. As it was, the other was only a little larger than the hunter: Asta thought she could take her on if a fight broke out. On the other hand, Asta remained aware of the thing at the other's breast: a small child, no older - possibly even the same age - as Aponi and Nova. Asta advanced no further as she waited for her command to be followed and an explanation to be given. All the while her tail was held rigid behind her and her fur bristled: the threat was obvious. The other woman should never have ignored the markers...

(This post was last modified: May 16, 2013, 12:21 AM by Asta.)
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
YASSSS!!! I was hoping you'd join :D BABY SOON LOVE!!!

She watched as her son the infant fed gratefully at her side while she relaxed. She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing herself a bit of peace, knowing that a storm could rise any moment should Naira refuse to allow the child to live. She'd done what she could to prepare herself for that decision, though she was banking on Naira taking pity on the child, especially having pups of her own. Sagacity's eyes snapped open- Naira would have had her children by now. How many, she wondered- had Rhysis fallen back in love with his mate upon seeing them? She felt a pang of jealousy, but felt herself more inclined toward hoping that Naira's birthing day had gone well.

The silver woman's eyes narrowed when she caught the scent of a female she did not know. Her hackles raised but she relaxed when she realized that the female smelled of the mountain and the Pass- the wildflowers that were specific to their region and the high, cool air which reminded her of the scent of eagle feathers. Soon enough she saw the female, a cloudy, greyish woman with a sharp gaze who bristled and advanced toward her in an authoritative manner. Sagacity's eyes narrowed and while she didn't move from her position although commanded to stop what she was doing- which was sitting while her ward fed. She remained motionless, eyes boring into those of the woman who approached her.

She had to give it to her- at least she was defending her pack. But Sagacity was a proud creature and defensive of the child at her side. One foreleg was all that moved- to place itself directly in the woman's line of sight to protect him. Her ears pricked and hackles raised. "I am Sagacity," Sagacity began, and drew herself up slightly. "The second-in-command." She allowed the words to sink in. Her teeth bared, should the girl choose to challenge her. While still suckling the child, she would not hesitate to detach the pup from her side and give the girl a good arse-whooping should she challenge her. "I've just returned from my scouting mission which was slightly extended due to- well," She said, and tipped her head toward the pup. "An unexpected travel-buddy."

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot
I can't wait! Mere DAYS! -babybabybaby!- -squee- Ooooh! And in this post Asta will be assuming relationship stuff. You shall see. xD But don't worry. She won't "know." Also! I need either @Naira or @Mapplethorpe please....? :)

It was somewhere between pity for the small child and uncertainty that she really could take on the other wolf that had kept Asta from outright attacking the stranger. As the young woman would soon find, however, her choice not to attack outright may have been a smart one.

The silver female shifted, clearly to defend the allochthonous pup. Fine, Asta supposed she had asked a little much, to separate the little one from... his mother? That seemed likely. At least until the other woman spoke, giving a name before Asta could even ask for it. She had asked for an explanation, not a name. Asta watched, her gaze steely, but faltering toward curiosity the more the other woman said, and finally, her last phrase: travel buddy. Okay, so... not her pup? If what the woman said was true, then... that would make sense. Naira had her own puppies to worry about. She didn't need some stray!

"Oookay. That would explain why you don't smell like us and how you found the Pass," growled the young woman slowly, puzzling it out. It didn't make sense. "No one's even mentioned you. I've certainly never heard of you," she continued, not quite certain what to make of this situation. If Sagacity had said anything else, Asta could've attempted to drive her away. But this... this was a little different. Complicated. Asta couldn't judge if the other woman was lying or not. And it was, she supposed, possible Sagacity had been part of the pack before Asta came along. ...which would make the other wolf her superior, she grudgingly admitted. But until she knew for certain, she wasn't going to give.

"Don't move," Asta said, hardly sounding authoritative as she eyeballed the other woman long enough to make sure she wasn't going to lunge while Asta lifted her muzzle and released a long, high note: she required the help of her own superiors: the Lady @Naira or @Mapplethorpe - someone in a position to handle this conundrum. When she was done, Asta fixed her gaze on the other woman again, her posture still a little rigid. "If what you say is true... then I'll acknowledge you are my superior. But you've got nothing to back that up but your own word. I've called for my leaders," she informed the other woman evenly, just in case she hadn't already figured it out. Asta left her own name unspoken for the moment, preferring to remain silent until she was certain of this other wolf and her... travel-buddy. Asta's brows furrowed as she pointed her muzzle toward the suckling pup, "Whose...?" she asked, softer than her prior words - gentle even. She left the whole question unsaid, but it was clear she meant to ask if the child belong to Sagacity.

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
To be questioned by an inferior wolf who did not know her was forgivable. This female did not know who she was, so Sagacity could only assume she'd joined the pack in her absence. There was no doubting she was in the pack, though, as she bore the scent of the Pass and traces of scents from familiar wolves. Sagacity had not leapt to her feet to discipline the female because she had been doing a good job of guarding the pack. But after having introduced herself, Sagacity expected respect; she demanded it. Instead, when the female spoke, a few words caught Sagacity's ears and caused her to growl. No one's even mentioned you. So she assumed that meant she wasn't a part of the pack? If this female hadn't been given the second-in-command rank, then how hadn't she had the sense to know someone else had it?

Sagacity gave the female one sour look before she turned her head. The female had yet to show Sagacity respect, and it had worn thin immediately. Sagacity turned her head to gently nudge the pup, distracting him with a soft touch so that he let go. With the speed of an otter in water, Sagacity stood up, tail arched over her back. Only a fool would have been so bold as to assume a dominant position if they did not hold a claim to the rank; she would see that the female showed her proper respects from that moment on- and then some, if she could get away with it. She did not like being doubted.

"Stand down, and show respect. Even a fool would recognize a beta they saw one for the first time; I am who I say I am." She commanded in a low tone. Sagacity was still very calm and still, commanding the authority she'd been given by the leaders even while having a sooty black pup nuzzle one of her hind feet quietly. "My scouting task was not your business; neither is this. I will speak to Naira, or one who will speak for her. I expect she's whelped by now." Rhysis had been scarce before she'd left, and she could not smell him on the borders. The one scent she recognized strongly about the place was from @Mapplethorpe who she expected might have been given a promotion, especially with the queen's state as mother to newborn babes.

Table by Tyrant <3
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2013, 11:34 AM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot

It wasn't as if Asta really desired to keep a rank that was never hers. But with no direct word from Naira - the only other female apparently (at the time anyway) - it had been easy for Asta to assume a "normal" placement in the pack. That is, she would outrank newer females. But Sagacity presented an interesting wrinkle in Asta's presumed blanket of knowledge, and now the young woman was paying for it embarrassingly. The other woman rose and Asta's pelt prickled nervously. Her tongue darted out to wet her nose uncertainly as the other woman drew herself up fully. Asta could feel her courage waning, shrinking away from the fierce glare of the other woman.

Sagacity did carry herself like... like a superior. Confident. Like she should be here. And she did know where the Pass was... things Asta could cast aside if she really wanted to be blind to the truth. These were things that kept Asta standing firm in her place for what seemed a long time. But as Sagacity spoke, the younger woman began to visibly shrink to match her fleeing courage. Asta had suspected she'd be in trouble if Sagacity wasn't lying (and it was becoming clearer and clearer that she wasn't) and came into the Pass; she'd be in worse trouble if she'd allowed a stranger to traverse any further into the Pass. But now it was clear Sagacity knew Naira. Oh Lupus. Asta had made a mistake. As the realization dawned on the young wolf, her eyes widened - a tad fearfully perhaps - and her body began to curl and become like a stone dropping to the earth as she crouched. Her tail tucked and her ears flattened, though she couldn't quite get her fur to lie flat again.

When Asta spoke next, she nearly whimpered, like a child who knew she'd done wrong and would have to pay for the consequences, but wanted desperately not to sound like a fool, "I-I'm sorry," she managed initially, fighting to keep too much shame from slipping into her voice. "My name is Asta Fleetfoot; I came here a few months ago. I- there were no other females in the pack and I-" why was she explaining herself? No, she didn't need to do that. Promptly shutting her mouth, Asta changed gears, "It was a mistake." The young woman looked ready to flee if Sagacity should strike out at her, ready to flinch if she was to be harshly punished for this - an honest mistake. All the same, her yellow eyes betrayed a touch of bitterness at the other woman's harsh words: how was Asta supposed to know she was the beta!? That was hardly fair! But then, Asta should've known better than to think in terms of "fairness" out here of all places. Life had hardly been fair to her thus far.

Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
It seemed as though the information about Naira and her pregnancy served as the clencher to make the female sure of who she was. Finally respect was shown and the girl wilted considerably, appeasing the silver scout whose eyes still stayed trained on the subordinate's pretty features. She apologized, stammering slightly- she'd ruffled her feathers, then, and had made her point. Sagacity saw no need to advance and physically establish herself as the dominant one between them, though had she not had the babe to shelter between her legs and a little more anger, she might have done just that.

Like a rabbit cowering but ready to leap away should she be given the slightest chance to escape from the predator's jaws, she asked for forgiveness and admitted she'd been wrong. Sagacity, not one to lord her rank more than she needed to, nodded and sat back down, mindful of the child who she nestled between her front paws protectively. "You were right to stop a stranger to defend the pack," She said. "And a mistake it was and I doubt it'll be repeated. At ease, Asta," She said calmly, forgiving the female of her error. "It is good to be suspicious of some who come here; I'm sure you are aware by now that we don't want any unwanted company here." She said, referring to the secretive ways of the wolves of Nomad's Pass.

"Can you tell me how the Lady is?" She asked. She didn't bother asking after Rhysis- right now, she'd answer only to Naira who, as a mother, she felt might take pity on the young child Sagacity had brought back with her. "I had intended to be here for her whelping."

Table by Tyrant <3
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The high-pitched note, which undoubtedly belonged to Asta, reached Mapplethorpe's ears as a loud, echoing sound as it reverberated through the Pass and against the high cliffs that towered on either side of the pack's territory. He had been just about ready to make his way towards @Naira's birthing den when she called; and, it was with quick steps that he clambered down the rocky slopes to traverse the borders in order to find the ashen subordinate. The reason why he and his Queen had been summoned came as no surprise. A decent amount of time since he and Sagacity had first met and it was in due time that he laid eyes on her again. Slowing as the females' perfume grew stronger, even mingled with one another in his flaring nostrils, he crept behind a tall boulder and listened.

Sagacity's voice came to him first as he stood silently by, "Stand down, and show respect. Even a fool would recognize a beta they saw one for the first time; I am who I say I am." The Advisor's face wrinkled with a frown, especially after Asta apologized and Sagacity continued to pardon her and apologize, herself, for not being present for the arrival of the Aquila heiresses. The words were lost, however, as the rugged man - now the highest ranking male above Rais in Rhysis' absence - burst forth from his hiding place. His ears, though not yet turned forward, were still naturally positioned skyward, but his tail proudly curved over his back as he stepped to the Hunter's side.

While he had noticed something dark and rather out of place by the Scout's hind legs, Mapplethorpe first addressed the shaken subordinate. His tawny fur bristled into hers as he drew protectively close to her, "Up, Fleetfoot." The command was harsh between his teeth, but it was said, demanded of her, with good intentions. While he was officially considered something like Naira's equal, he would not allow any Nomad to shy away or crumple under cowardice under his watch. Even more so on the borders of their packlands. He fought to keep his golden eyes off the wriggling ball of fur at Sagacity's side, but was able to stare back into her own like-colored irises.

"You..." he half-greeted, half-scolded with a growl for being absent much longer than expected). "What business have you here? Figured you would have abandoned us by now... Were you even aware of how long you've been gone?" In all truthfulness, he was not going to reprimand her further, but he was going to collect some answers whether the Scout liked it or not. He raised his head in a condescending fashion, lifting his upper lip to expose his clenched teeth to express his authority over the situation, and cupping his ears forward to show that he was anticipating some hasty answers. "If you're here to report. Make it quick. Then you will tell us why you have brought that here..."

In this world, only winter is certain.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

I have a tender spot in my heart
for cripples, bastards and broken things

It was a pure stroke of luck that @Datura and @Taima had been nearby when the call went up. A momentary stroke of frustration lanced through her gut but she pulled herself up, squalling daughters tumbling to the floor in her wake. She gave both a nudge of reassurance before exiting the den, a simple glance enough to let her son and his wife know that they would be required to linger a little longer. Perhaps a bit of a shock to the system at worst, best a bit of practice for things to come? she thought to herself with a small smirk. While she knew that her advisor would most likely beat her to the scene there had been a note of confusion in Asta’s call and Naira couldn’t help but wonder if one of their absentees had attempted to return unannounced. She kept her steps light and fluid as she moved down the Pass, bottling the frustration within. Would she care to listen to excuses offered? She guessed it depended on who it was that demanded her attention.

Approaching from the gatherings flank, concealed by errant boulders, it didn’t take long for the voices to come to her ears. Sagacity. There was not so much anger directed towards the girl as frustration. Her memory of their encounter after her attack, while a pleasant one, now left an odd taste in her mouth after such a lengthy absence (although admittedly, she did have need of her services again - almost urgently for she did not want to leave Borden in the dark with regards to the location of his missing daughter who now resided amongst their ranks).

Observing from her obscured position she spied the dark bundle at the scouts feet and for a moment, her lip drew back in anger. A million different scenarios sped through her head, each shot down as quickly as the last. When she had seen the woman last, there was no trace of scent on her body that would betray such an atrocity, and with the child being of a similar age to her own there would have been no hiding the tell-tale scent of children to come, had it been her own. But if it was not hers, then why was it here?

For a moment, the small blue eyes fell on hers and slowly her lip drew down. Even the commanding voice of Mapplethorpe was drowned out as she stared the young child down. In those tiny blue eyes she saw Adonis, thrown to the back of a hollow tree and left to what little chance he would have on his own, she saw Datura and Belladonna, left to fend for themselves in an empty den, and she saw Lily, her poor tiny daughter - lost somewhere on the far side of the mountain, never to be seen again. She even saw Taqqiq, her smaller red cousin, by all but blood, taken in by her aunt Blood and uncle Dash, after her aunts pack tried to kill her for desertion - and she knew that although the child was a stranger, that she would not allow any harm to come to him in her presence.

But she would hear Sagacity’s answer before making her own intentions known. Moving forward from her cover, her face as stony as the land that surrounded them, she brought herself to Mapplethorpe’s side, staying just a step back to indicate that he would be answered first. It needed to be established quickly that he was now her equal and she had every faith that he had the situation well under control. She did not look at the child again, merely waited to hear her scout’s answer.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot

The other woman sat, apparently appeased for now. Asta, however, suspected that she might come to pay for her insubordination later in some way, shape or form. She didn't get a chance to consider further or to answer Sagacity's question before she was aware of scrabbling on the rocks behind her. That was likely to be one of their leaders, come to the hunter's call. Asta turned her head to look and, sure enough, locked her gaze on Mapplethorpe. It was his command she responded to first and foremost, after acknowledging his presence with a polite lowering of her head towards him (as she was already crouching), gave a quick, grateful wag of her tail, then straightened again. Her gaze returned curiously to Sagacity again. Asta supposed Naira herself could answer questions later. Mapplethorpe's questions would surely take precedence here.

Asta's part here seemed to have been played out, but she hadn't been dismissed. So she remained exactly where she was and listened with interest. She too wondered at the little, fluffy pup the other woman sheltered. It was, as Sagacity had said, none of Asta's business. But it was odd wasn't it? Did wolves just take in stray puppies? Then again, Asta supposed... she might've done the same thing if she could. It wasn't long after Mapplethorpe's arrival that Naira showed herself. Asta lowered her head again submissively, though it seemed the Lady's eyes were more for Sagacity than the young hunter. So, slowly, Asta lifted her head again.

Well, at least she wasn't being... scolded. She did have to wonder if she wouldn't hear about this later. Or if... well, maybe she should speak with the Lady later. Were there other wolves she'd yet to meet, wandering out there beyond the borders? Oh she felt stupid. As if she'd assumed too much. And here she'd been feeling so confident about herself lately! Her confidence may have been a little shaken for now, but she'd be back to herself soon enough in any case.
