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Please Let No One See Me Like This
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Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
50 ° F, 10 ° C, Partly Cloudy
Random Event: Ace , you fell into a body of water.
For {Capella} <3

Silence. All except for the small animal standing directly in front of him. The grey male hadn't seen many small animals, and was just barely stopping himself from leaping at it. In doing so, he would scare away the creature, and there was no way he could catch it once it started running. He was simply just too slow and heavy to run that fast.

His long, muscular legs took slow strides, each paw placed carefully and silently on the ground. His dark grey ears flicked in every direction, searching for anything dangerous that may harm him. But his light grey eyes were locked onto the small, furry body that was half-covered in the mysterious, silver fog.

As the grey male got close enough to pounce, he paused briefly, checking around him. His eyes looked around, but there was nothing but the trees and the fog. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he looked back towards his prey, ears pricked forward and eyes glued onto its furry body. Bunching his hind muscles, the grey male leaped out of the shrubbery and into the air, before pouncing on the small, furry body. Or where it had been.

Growling to himself, he leaped forward and broke into a sprint, chasing after his prey. The grey male was so intent on his prey that he didn't realize that there was a body of water up ahead, but the animal he was chasing did. Just before they both reached the water's edge, the small animal he was chasing suddenly swerved to the right, and he found himself scrabbling to make the tight turn.

It was only then that he realized there was a body of water up ahead, and scrambled to try and stop himself from falling in. But his large frame hindered him, and he fell right into the water, creating a huge splash.

Coughing and spluttering, the grey male climbed out of the water and stood at the water's edge, his coat completely soaked and water making a pool where he was standing. Grunting, he shook out his thick coat, sending a wave of water in every direction around him. Once every last bit of him had shaken out most of the water from his pelt, he craned his neck to look at his body. His thick fur was fluffed out and fuzzy like a pups', and he had to hold back a groan. It would take ages to get his fur to dry, and until his coat was dry and perfectly groomed, he would try and let no one see him. If someone did, he would die from embarrassment.

453 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Placing her paws in the shallows, Capella dropped her head to drink. The cool water felt delightful on her throat, but still it didn't compare to the liquid at cold water creek. The body in front of her now wasn't nearly as cool or clear as the creek had been, but she had a sinking feeling that there wouldn't be any trips up there very soon. Taking a deep breath, she allowed he water to lap at her legs, taking care not to get any more of her pelt wet.

It wasn't long before she heard an awful ruckus coming from the woods. Soon after the noise, followed the scent of Ace. She still wasn't sure about him, which was quite unusual for Capella. Most often, her first instinct was to find the good in everyone. With him though, it was different. Unable to place the exact reason for her suspicions, she tried to let it go. Maybe it was the fact that he wasn't with Shade when he needed his pack mates the most? She just felt he hadn't been around enough, but was that the reason? As of late he actually had been there more, she had to give him that.

She knew Ace was approaching quickly, and so she awaited his arrival. If he were hunting she would probably follow him in the chase, and if not, she needed to find some way to talk to him. She wanted to befriend him, really she did. It just seemed like she hadn't had the chance. Her flaxen eyes peered into the treeline as his form became apparent. They widened when she realized how fast he was going. For a wolf of his size, he was running at a much faster pace than she would have expected.

Capella watched as the large wolf missed the turn by a landslide, only succeeding in splashing through the water like a drowning animal. Concerned, she took a step forward ready to help if need be. Watching as he pulled himself out of the water, dripping wet, she finally let herself relax. It was then that the first wave of giggles emitted themselves from her throat. She felt horrible and immediately tried to make them stop. It was of no use though, and through laughter she managed to say, "Are you.... Ok?". She took note of his coat, fluffed out in every which direction and another fit of giggles erupted. "I.. am so sorry. I can't stop." She honestly was, but she needed that laugh.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace almost jumped out of fright as a burst of giggles came from behind him. He whirled his head around and came face to face with Capella, one of the two of the females that he considered his pack mates. A look of horror came onto his face as he realized that she was seeing him with his fur all fuzzy and poofy. His ears heard her words, although they were slightly mixed with her giggling. A look of despair covered his face as he stood there, his mouth gulping like a fish out of water, at a loss of what to say. It seemed like a few minutes before he finally composed himself enough to speak. Coughing softly to clear his throat, the large grey male opened his jaws to speak, with the look of despair still on his face. "I'm fine. Though the same couldn't be said for my coat." He nodded his head at his side, which was all poofy from his fur standing on end.

As the creamy fae spoke again - her words still mixed with giggles - Ace couldn't help but smile himself. Even though he hated the fact that someone saw him with his fur all poofy, he still found the funny side to it. "Don't apologize. It's alright." Though it was only partly true. He was fine, but the situation was not. It was always embarrassing to be seen with his fur all fuzzed up, but being in Capella's company like he was now, it wasn't as bad as it was with others who always laughed at him.

Shaking out his coat again, the grey male made sure that none got onto Capella's coat, he didn't want to make her all wet like he was. Looking off into the direction that the hare went, an almost saddened look came upon Ace's face. He had lost his prey, and it was very hard to find small animals in this gloomy place. There was mostly larger animals, such as deer which took a minimum of two wolves to take down. Sighing softly, he turned back to the creamy face and smiled. He didn't feel at all embarrassed in her company, not like he did when he was around his family or others that he knew. Maybe it was because she was much younger than him, barely a year and a half old, so it didn't seem like she was an adult laughing at his stupidity. More like a friend laughing with him, instead of at him. Sitting down on his haunches, Ace valiantly tried to make his fur lay down flat by grooming it with his rough, salmon pink tongue.

456 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2013, 02:46 PM by Ace.)
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
The cool water continued lapping at her feet as she stood watching Ace. The male was hurriedly running his tongue along his coat, probably in an attempt to pat down his hair. He was obviously a little self conscious about being seen in such a state, and Capella felt bad for giggling. She certainly didn't mind if his hair was all fluffed up and out of place. In fact, her own pelt could probably use a good grooming session. She wanted to tell him that everything was alright, and she didn't mind if he allowed his puffy coat to show, but the words weren't coming out. How could you tell someone that you were sorry for laughing at their misfortune? Dandelion eyes caught his attempt to keep her dry, and an idea formed.

A mischievous grin played across her face, and before she could think too much about what she was doing, she waded into the water. Only going deep enough to soak her sides, the fae made her way back to her much larger pack mate. One last impish glance told him that he should run, or suffer the consequences. Letting lose, she shook her fur, throwing water in his direction. "I think you look fine. Not to mention were in the same boat now." The playful smile on her face remained, and her sopping wet tail flung side to side behind her.

She hoped he wouldn't be angry, and hadn't even considered that possibility. Of course the off white female meant nothing malicious by it; just a lighthearted bit of fun. Sunny eyes fell on the male, curious as to his reaction. Was he going to think it was as fun as she had?

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

As Ace tried to groom his coat and make it lie flat on his muscular body, he saw Capella give a mischevious grin at him put of the corner of his eye. Lifting his creamy head up, the grey male watched as the creamy fae waded into the water until it lapped at her sides. A thoughtful look crossed his face as he tried to figure out what she was doing, and his poofy coat was all but forgotten. As Capella walked out of the lake, water dripped down from her soaked fur, and she gave him an impish glance.

The grey male didn't realise what it meant until she started to shake out her fur, and he desperatily tried to back up and only succeeded in walking into a tree. The droplets of water sprayed out from the creamy fae's coat, landing on the shrubbery close around him, although some of landed on his thick coat as well. Gazing in her direction with light grey eyes, he saw the playful smile on her face and couldn't help but laugh at her words as she spoke.

Capella wasn't like others that he had met. She was funny, curious and didn't mean any harm when doing something that involved others. He found that he liked to be in her company, no matter what the situation was. Even if his fur was sticking out in every direction and made him look like an overgrown, fuzzy pup. Looking into her dandelion yellow eyes with his light grey eyes he spoke, laughter in his eyes and voice. "Yes, we are. Not to mention that when we walk into camp Shade is going to be in for a surprise when he sees our soaking wet coats."

291 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
Relief washed over her as she found he hadn't taken it the wrong way. Honestly, she had been a little afraid of his reaction. Her dandelion eyes met his, finding no challenge from the male. His eyes even held a smile, which was mimicked in his voice. A laugh poured out of her mouth as she stared at him. There he was, dripping wet and puffed out like an overgrown cub. Whereas she was soaking wet, with hair clinging to her body so tightly she looked almost half her size. They were really a sight to see.

Another fit of giggles erupted at the thought of walking back like this. Shade would probably assume they had gone mad. "Maybe we should dry off before we head back." Finally remembering he had lost his prey she scented for it. The hare was probably long gone at this point, and tracking it would be no use. Shaking her coat one more time, she took care not to let any droplets hit his coat.

With eyes wide and full of excitement she spoke. "What should we do in the meantime?" For he certainly could think up something fun for them to do. It was about time she bonded with this future pack mate of hers. After all, the only facts she knew about him had come from Shade's mouth. Capella wanted to hear things from his maw. She had the gift of never ending curiosity, more of a burden really, but she wanted to know more about him either way.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

Ace saw relief wash across the creamy fae's features after he spoke, and a thoughtful expression crossed his face briefly. Did she think that he would have been angry with her? He would never get angry, at the most displeased, or if it was for bad intentions then maybe. But he knew that she meant no harm and was just playing around. The grey male let a smile show on his face, wanting to let Capella know that he was perfectly happy with what she had done.

As a laugh escaped from Capella's maw, Ace chuckled. Being with her made him feel younger, like he was with his family again, with Jasmine. They had always laughed and had a good time, like he was now. But, would he ever see his sister again? Looking back at the creamy fae that reminded him so much of his sister, he refocused his mind just as she shook out her soaking wet pelt again; this time making sure no droplets of water landed on him.

When Capella suggested they dry off before heading back to camp, Ace nodded. "Yes, that would be a good idea." He gave a slight shake of his own pelt, mainly just trying to dry it instead of shake the water out. His light grey gaze wandered back to the creamy fae as she spoke, and saw that her eyes were wide and full of excitement.

The grey male thought about what she had said for a few moments, before speaking in a suggestive tone. "Well, we could always try and see if we could hunt something. Get more prey for the food cache." Especially since I just lost mine from running into a large body of water. Ace smiled as he looked at Capella, a hopeful look in his eyes. He wanted to spend time and bond with her, and provide more for the pack at the same time.

321 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
A small shiver ran through her body as the water continued soaking through. It had yet to reach her skin, but the icy water was trying it's best. She smiled as Ace agreed with her. Returning home now would only offer them a curious look from Shade, and perhaps having to explain how the water got there in the first place. Although she adored Shade, she didn't want him to think less of herself or Ace for finding themselves in such a childish situation. In all honesty, he probably wouldn't look down on them, but she absolutely refused to find out.

His suggestion tore through her, setting every instinct she had on overdrive. Both of them were creatures built for hunting, and she was excited to test their compatibility. The spoils from the hunting trip her and Shade had went on were all but gone, with only a few bones remaining. She found herself wondering what role he would take on. Whether one would begin the chase or bring down the final bite to make a kill said a lot about a wolf. "Sure! Maybe the two of us can catch something larger than a hare."

Excitement bristled through her coat as she looked toward the horizons. While scenting the air she noted the most predominant aromas were that of herself, Ace, and his lost prey. However, there were also traces of other animals within tracking distance. She knew that the creatures would have to be close, as she wasn't a fool who planned on tracking a heard for days, but she couldn't lie and say she didn't live for the thrill of a chase.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

When Ace saw a shiver run through the creamy fae's body, he resisted the urge to cuddle up to her body; to stop the coldness from soaking ito her fur, and lend her his warmth. But what would she do if he did that? Cuddle him back? No. She would most likely pull back; stare at him with disgust on her face and think of him as a lunatic.

The grey male was so deep in thought, that he didn't realize that Capella had spoken until a few seconds after. He blinked multiple times before giving a quick shake of his creamy head. His light grey eyes found Capella's dandelion yellow orbs, and hia maw widened into a sheepish smile. "I scented deer before, you know, I started to chase the rabbit and fell into the water. Maybe we could track them down and see if we can bring down an old doe or a fawn?"

He could feel his muscles flexing in anticipation for the hunt, and could tell that Capella was ready too; he could feel her excitement coming off of her in waves. His black nose twitched as he lowered it to the ground, turning himself in circles to find a scent trail. The grey male paused for a few seconds, his brow furrowing slightly. There was the faint scent of deer, but he couldn't tell if it was fresh or stale. His eyes flicked to Capella, and he gestured with his creamy head for her to come closer. "I smell deer, but I'm not sure if the herd is close by."

265 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

Her bright eyes stared in excitement as she clung to his every word. The promise of a hunt was never something she could pass up. Her paws seemed to tingle with the anticipation and when he spoke of the heard he had scented before his unfruitful endeavor, she remembered that a herd had passed through not too long ago. There were a few fawns, born sometime in the beginning of spring, and they were always promising. She hadn't scoped it out too much as she had been alone, but now that she had a partner, she was pulling at strings trying to remember the information. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"If it is the same one that passed through here a couple of hours ago then there were a few fawns. I wasn't paying too much attention though, so I don't know about the elders."

The cold of her fur was completely forgotten as she too dropped her head to the soil. The scents here were muddled and stale, but unmistakeable. She lifted her nose a bit and set off in the direction she had seen the hear move in earlier. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"I know they went this way, but after the tree line it will be up to our noses." The smile that crept upon her face was fiery and full of life. She was just too excited to bring down a kill with Ace, were they successful at least.

She looked up at her companion with sunny eyes, and waited for him to catch up. They had to move together if they were going to hunt together. In her mind she was taking time before the hunt to get in sync with her partner. She needed to note how he moved. She knew her own body well, but she knew nothing of his.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3