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surely, surely — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
This place was truly something else! Having escaped the minefield that was Blackberry Fields, the petite female was on her way to drink away her sorrows, the key word being on her way—for never had she imagined it would be quite this difficult, quite this impossible, to find water. She had caught the scent of at least one pack in what she had learned was called Relic Lore, and she thought it rather unreasonable that a decent source of water could not be found within an hour's time. No, it was far worse. It was tantamount to an injustice, and feeling agitated by the past's weeks events, she felt the outrage beginning to swell once more in her little chest. Surely, she would die of a heart attack in this unfamiliar land, where she had no family, no friend to count on. Surely, she would collapse in this unbearable summer heat, which seemed to grow heavy in the thicket. Surely, surely all of these things...

But she had to admit that it was cooler here in the shade of the thicket, where the trees clustered together to form a relief-providing canopy of leaves. Creatures unseen chattered without fear, and she would be a fool to believe that she was unseen, unheard. Knowing this, she forced herself to retain features appropriate of her status, though inside the turmoil stirred and stirred. She felt the acute pain of regret grasp at her heart, and she believed for an instance that she should have never left her home: as if such was how it had played out. By the slight frown that creased her black lips, it was by so-called subaudition that one could infer there was a lie lurking about. But the smile that hid this frown, followed by a neutral line, was one lie after another, another and another, until all the lies became a sort of ultimate lie and truth. Her face was blank at this point, and she pressed deeper into the thicket. Her pace slow, but not out of deliberation.
(This post was last modified: Sep 12, 2010, 07:47 AM by Jaune.)
Played by Jolee who has 10 posts.
<blockquote>OOC: I’m placing this a day’s IC time after my other thread. Hope that’s okay!

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>This land was filled with intrigue and suffering. It was the first time that a lack of water had ever graced the brute; his home abundant with lakes, rivers and an ocean-side view from the woodlands edge. Never had he imagined the concept of such few water sources. If he would have known, he’d never have traveled away from the water’s that he had found since arriving. For now he would not worry for he knew how to return back to the creek he had encountered the day before. Instead he turned to what lay ahead; a land untouched by his paws. He longed to run; to stretch his legs and feel the wind against his face. Yet the land was unrelenting as thick tree’s turned into a dense thicket. The scenery was rather gorgeous. Autumn began to turn the leaves from lush greens to lighter shades of yellow and fiery oranges and reds. There was energy here where the decrepit fire ridden woodland had none. Songs of birds could be heard through every corner of the thicket as well as the scurrying of rabbits across fallen leaves as they fled from his presence. He could only offer a light chuckle as he shook his golden fur; golden strands appeared to be set alight as rays from the sun hit his pelt from in between the canopy of branches. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Familiar scents of his own kind were found riding the subtle breeze. Nostrils flaring, golden ears swiveled forward with interest. He stood still and listened to the crumbling of leaves beneath paws. Composure was that of being relaxed and neutral; despite the regal air that seemed to permeate from his presence. Unsure of exactly where the fem was traveling from or how close she was to his location, he tilted his head back in song. Orion’s father had always said he’d inherited his father’s gift of song. Ringing out across the thicket, melodious tenor vocals sang a song of greeting to the unknown fem. It was considerate and inviting should she wish for some company. The brute was always keen on meeting others; especially if they were from this unfamiliar land.</font> </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 14, 2010, 11:56 PM by Orion.)
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
Had she known his thoughts, she might have had the impudence to correct him. For while she may have deceived herself otherwise, there were none too many who were too keen on meeting her, let alone to a depth that could constitute a relationship. It wasn't her fault. It never was. It was just--everything was so new, so alien to her, and while this newness might have seemed attractive to her while she was still coddled by the familiarity of her old pack, it now struck her as increasingly unmerciful.

Perhaps it was this feeling of oppression that kept her lingering to those melodious notes, that drifted through the air. They were ambrosial to her senses, and she thought they tasted like rays of sun, bright and cheerful. Too good to be true. Head swirling about as she searched for the voice, she hesitated. Though it was an invitation, almost considerate, it certainly couldn't be meant for her. She sniffed the air, which seemed thicker and heavier than before. It seemed to be only her. She had not been mistaken. Shadows dappled across her uneasy features, mocking her dilemma. <i>He knows your secret</i>. Unseen above, a cloud momentarily covered the sun, and sudden darkness engulfed the thicket, along with unmoving female. She shivered, before suddenly yelping aloud. With that she began to run away from her imagined pursuer, her paranoia getting the best of her. She had been protecting herself for far too long.
Played by Jolee who has 10 posts.
<blockquote>Stillness followed once his song faded from the surrounding woods. He listened for a song in reply, but found nothing in return. A brow rose curiously as he took a few steps to each side to look around for the other wolf. Not a sound could be heard other than the birds and the scattering of squirrels foraging for nuts. Nostrils flared as he inhaled the feminine aroma once again. She was near, but just out of his sight. Intense golden eyes glanced to the sky as darkness fell upon the woods; a passing cloud sending an uneasy tension whispering through the trees. Head tilted to one side with uncertainty. Odd for a wolf to refuse a potential greeting. Most tended to be friendly as the concept of being isolated was a frightful one.

Sounds of crunching leaves beneath paws shattered the silence that had engulfed the woods. She was running; running away. Instinctively he wished to pursue to see what was wrong. Yet in her panicked state she must not have realized which direction in which she ran, for the sounds were growing louder instead of more distant. She was heading right towards him and he found himself frozen where he stood. <b>“What’s wrong?”</b> He inquired nearly shouting to make sure she could hear him. Tone remained calm despite the building adrenaline in his veins and the increased beating of his heart. All he could think to do was remain calm in order to try and still her nerves. If it failed, he would have to jump out of her way to avoid colliding in to one another.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 18, 2010, 09:09 PM by Orion.)
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
Isolation. Yes, it was this that now drove her mad. For while she had loathed the place she once called home, with all her annoying family members, extended or otherwise, there was something more unsettling, more disturbing, about the loneliness of a pack-less wolf's life. She was not cut out for the ranks of pack life, and yet she was even far more unsuited for the life of a loner.

Unable to hear his shout above the panic issuing out in her breath, she spotted him before she had stopped. A collision of two stars, one bright, one dying, and she wondered how much it would hurt. Instinctively, foolishly, she closed her eyes, and hastily prayed that he would be removed from her path. He needed to move out of her way, and suddenly she was shouting out at him to move, to move, but somehow her direction became gargled in her general scream of fear--but her scream continued on, it did not stop, but rather stopped a second later than she had predicted. She had missed what could have been a soft-cushioned, though bony fall, and was instead greeting the back of an unsuspecting bush. Crash! Into the sharp branches, ridged leaves. Into the bush went the upper half of the body, the lower half, including her rump, displayed for the male to see and hopefully admire.
Played by Jolee who has 10 posts.
<blockquote>Ears flattened against his head as for a split second golden eyes grew wide. The fem was coming quicker than he anticipated, straight for where he stood. A second’s hesitation would have created quite the collision. But Orion’s reflexes were extraordinarily on par today as he quick side stepped to get out of her way. He did not anticipate the fact that there had been a rather large bush behind him for her to become caught in rather than running frantically away in the opposite direction. If he had not seen her previously, the yearling might have thought she only had half a body with her front half consumed by the thick branches and leaves. Screams had left him a bit deaf at first; the ringing of her shrill cry still echoing in his head. Had he startled her that terribly?

Quietly he moved towards her, his paws silent on the forest bed with each step. Slender frame turned with feline elegance; his tail swaying gently from one side to the next behind his tall figure. It was rather embarrassing to be staring at her hind end; how un-gentlemanly of him. <b>”I’m sorry if I startled you, miss. Do you need assistance getting out of there?”</b> He asked with utmost politeness just as his mother had taught him. </blockquote>
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
How un-gentlemanly of him, indeed! Wrestling herself from the clawed bush, who seemed far too eager to cling onto her beauty and grace, she came out with a yowl hissing through her gritted teeth. In an outrage, she quickly turned on the male, partially because she was embarrassed she had displayed herself so, partially so that she could take out her frustration on yet another innocent victim.

<b>"You did startle me,"</b> she said. <b>"You did not assist me, but look, it is too late because I 'ave already assisted myself."</b> She did not look at him as she explained these two facts, instead licking her scratches with a self-pitying pink tongue. When she deemed herself presentable, and it took a good minute of grooming, she quickly snapped her gaze onto the older male. He was far more attractive than the other male she had not met long ago, though for one reason or another, she found herself desiring her less graceful companion. This male, on the other hand, seemed to be all gentleman, all poise, and even his fur, which reminded her very much of hairs successful in their mimicry of brilliant suns, radiated good breeding.

She hated him. <b>"Please, do not go about singing as you did. You might distract travelers--and that would not be good for trade."</b> She was making thread-bare sense, and she knew this. She frowned, her face growing hot. It must have been the sun shining on her face. <b>"Oh, and you also have a leaf stuck in that marvelous hair of yours."</b> Her sarcasm was light, and she sniffed before walking a bit sidewards in hopes of evading him as she continued her journey on the high seas.
(This post was last modified: Sep 18, 2010, 10:47 PM by Jaune.)
Played by Jolee who has 10 posts.
<blockquote>OOC: I'll leave it up to you where it goes from here. =)

IC: Reaction had not been expected as she came out hissing through clenched teeth. He couldn’t help but watch her with curiosity. So peculiar! She was upset with him for merely singing. Nobody had ever responded in such a manner before. This new land was full of oddities he was not accustomed to. Maybe the wolves of these lands did not enjoy singing as his family did. <b>”My apologies.”</b> It was all that he could offer in the current situation for fear of making it worse. For now he remained quiet and watchful, his slender figure remained relaxed and quiet. Tail had quite with its monotonous swaying, remaining still as could be. A few seconds passed by as he watched her quickly preen herself of all the brush caught in her fur. While she did so, he chose to sit down. Hind legs lowered to the earth, his tail curling around his front paws to conceal them from view. Shoulders drew back and proper, giving him a regal appearance. Golden gaze never wavered from the fem though he made sure not to stare in a rude manner.

Ears swiveled forward as she spoke once again in a haughty tone. <b>”I see.”</b> Came a short reply, unsure as to how his singing could be so distracting. It was a natural reaction for him; a gesture of courtesy to let others know of his presence so as not to be alarmed. Yet this fem had the opposite reaction. Stoic features made it difficult to read what he was thinking on the exterior; his eyes with the same intense burning gaze as his grandfathers. Head tilted to the side as she spoke about a leaf being caught on his fur. He turned to glance at his back before turning up towards the trees. It appeared a leaf had fallen from an overhead branch and gracefully found its way to rest upon his golden back. All he could do was offer a smile before gently grabbing hold of the leaf and placing it on the ground. <b>”The ground suits you better, friend.”</b> He spoke idly to the leaf, not caring if the fem thought he was out of his mind.

Her sarcasm had been noted, but he chose to ignore it. By the time he had turned away from the leaf she was already traveling away from him. Normally he would have followed, but it was clear that his company was not wanted. Instead, he rose from where he sat and shook his fur out gently. <b>”Fair well on your journey.”</b> He gave a simple bow before turning to begin heading in the opposite direction. With stillness he moved without his paws making a sound; he traveled as a sunlit ghost gliding through the forest. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Sep 19, 2010, 12:51 AM by Orion.)