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How to Commit the Perfect Murder — Secret Falls 
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Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
I always chose the icicle
Lily Aquila
the weapon melts away

Having traveled north along the other side of the mountain had not been without it’s experiences, but the familiar smells of the Vale bought with them a kind of quiet confidence - this was where she belonged. Her mother had taken the time before she left to remind the young explorer that the Spectral Woods were best avoided, and so once she was free of the mountainous terrain she headed east, and then east again. The ground vanishing beneath her paws easily between the well spaced trees along the fringes of the Red Fern Forest. She was in no rush to return to the Dragonfly Fen and so when the unfamiliar sound of crashing water came to her ears, she was not about to pass up the opportunity to explore and become more familiar with these far reaches of the realm.

The falls were a sight to behold in themselves. She was reminded of the stories old Bel had subjected her to as the only living child of the litter, the feeling of her own eyes widening in wonder at the mention of falls that moved like magic, fleeing those who were not pure enough to lay eyes on their beauty. She remembered the way her mother had chuckled at the claims and simply said that her own mother was simply to senile to remember their location. The edges of her smile softened then, her memories taking a sadder turn.

Once she had stopped to drink her fill from the pool at the base of the Falls she continued on her way, only slowing as the scents of strange wolves came to her, well established paths criss-crossing here and there. Her ears flicked back momentarily, realising she must be drawing near to a pack. Until something drew her closer. She was young, and so very lonely, and suddenly her great adventure didn’t seem so grand with the scent of a family lingering so close. Posed half ready to flee should the inhabitants prove hostile, she called out in hesitant greeting, beckoning the inhabitants forward. Perhaps it was time to try and find a new home. One that she had chosen for herself.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Hope it's okay that Maksim's showing up.

Maksim idled the day away with border patrol, following paths he had taken many times before in an attempt to memorise his new home. He had done so with Grizzly Hollow and Darkwater Rapids was going to be no exception. In fact, he was especially keen to understand the place he had helped to claim. Perhaps a little bit on an emotional attachment to the ground he walked? What he didn’t expect today, however, was the call of a loner to break him from his one man marching band. He swung his enormous head and his ears twitched. Young sounding. Turning his entire body towards the source of the call, he quickened his pace and made his way towards whoever made it.

Upon arrival, Maksim was a little surprised to find a small female—a yearling, as he had guessed—standing in a position that seemed ready to charge off at any moment, very much like the black female he met. What was her name again? Charlotte? The girl before the Baranski had the whitest fur he’d ever seen and eyes unlike any other too: her left eye seemed like it was torn between two colours, blue and yellow. Strange little thing, wasn’t she? Unique. He quite liked that odd eye.

“Hello miss,” he addressed her, his voice calm, as he stopped before her. He’d give her the space she seemed to need, he didn’t want to scare her off after all. “My name is Maksim. What can I do for you?” He had no reason to be hostile and demand a reason for her being here. She was a child who seemed a little lonely and more than a bit scared and, though he’d never admit it himself, the Baranski had more than enough time for young wolves. They were oddly endearing.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
no worries at all! <3
I always chose the icicle
Lily Aquila
the weapon melts away

As the much larger wolf approached, her heart began to thud in her chest. Perhaps this hadn’t been the best idea after all? Her tail flicked up between her legs until she could feel the tip tickling at her chest and her legs began to compress beneath her, but there was no obvious haste of a charge nor hostility to the mans approach and so she allowed herself to relax a little, changing her stance from one of imminent flight to one of cautious submission. Her ears were pinned flat to her skull, her lips slightly parted as she moved her mis-matched eyes anywhere but on his, only tilting one ear slightly up to allow his voice to come to her. Fully expecting a growl of defence or an order to get away from his home, her right forepaw lifted slightly in response, wondering if she should flip to her back, but his voice was kind and so she lowered it back to the ground, allowing herself to breath and the tip of her tail to beat more steadily against her own chest, not quite keeping pace with her thundering heart.

It felt strange, this skin she had slipped on like an old, ill-fitting coat. She knew that it was right - she was a stranger close to their home. She should feel awkward, she should feel grateful that she hadn’t yet been run off. Her mother after all had taught the white wolf manners, but after the relative freedom of her travels respect for another was a foreign concept. Wracking her brain she realised she owed the wolf before her an answer and a small, sheepish smile crossed her face. “My name is Lily... I didn’t realise there was a pack here.” she finally admitted, slowly shifting her feet and easing her tail to a more neutral position between her hocks, easing herself slowly upwards to ease some of the tension in her spine while still keeping her head dipped low in respect.

She could assume this wolf before her was not the leader with his easy demeanor, she could just as easily assume that such benevolent leaders existed outside of fairy tales... for now though, she would assume nothing. Her nose twitched as she inhaled his scent, so different from her own lonely aura. “What are they like? This pack of yours?” she finally questioned, her head tilting innocently to the right.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Maksim’s arrival caused the flighty stance she had to intensify; her tail coiled up between her legs and she lowered herself down. It was like she was trying to fold herself away and out of existence. Luckily, his relatively friendly approach meant she thwarted all efforts to disappear though she remained respectful of his position and dared not look him in the eye. He had a lot of questions about the young girl. What was her name? Where had she come from? Most importantly, what could he do to help her? Perhaps she was interested in joining Darkwater Rapids? Their numbers were small, disregarding the pups, and an extra pair of eyes would be very helpful. He didn’t ask outright, however; he’d rather not appear too forward.

One of his questions was answered: her name was Lily. She smiled, though bashful and small, before shifting a little, standing at a more comfortable position. At least she hadn’t run off, that was a good thing. He took note of her name, nodding his head a little. “Understandable that you didn’t realise, miss Lily,” he began with a slight chuckle, “we recently claimed this land.” A little patch of heaven, perfect for raising young and living a long life in … at least, the Baranski hoped things would be that easy here.

Lily asked about the pack—what it was like—and Maksim glanced briefly upwards as if to collect his thoughts before returning his gaze to the tilted head of the youth. “Small,” he stated, “but we’re close. A little makeshift family, if you will.” Small and friendly. He had no doubts that, as the pack grew, it’d remain friendly. He doubted Kade and Ava would allow it to become anything else. “Our leaders, Kade and Ava, are good people.” He awaited her next questions, if she had any, and if she wanted further information he would happily share what he could.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
I always chose the icicle
Lily Aquila
the weapon melts away

She listened intently to the wolf before her. Maksim she reminded herself. He had given her his name, it would only be polite for her to use it when the opportunity came. As it came to her attention that the land was newly claimed, her stance relaxed even more. It wasn’t that she had simply been ignorant to their existence, it was just that they hadn’t been here long. The tip of her tail twitched and she felt more herself, if somewhat subdued for now. When he went on to tell her that the pack was small, she almost heaved a sigh of relief. Small was good. Small meant that there could potentially be room for a wolf like her. Small and a family, just like the pack she had shared with her mother and grandparents. It was almost too good to be true.

@Kade and @Ava. She tucked the names away. She was sure that the leaders would have heard her call as clearly as Maksim had and if they were to wander by she would need to react appropriately. She was only a yearling yet, still honing her hunting abilities and filling out her small but lanky frame, but maybe there were puppies to care for or some small task that she could be set to? All she wanted was to be useful, and to have some company again.

“Do you... do you think they’d have a use for me?” she questioned, a hint of anxiety creeping into her cheery tone. “I’m... I’m still learning to hunt properly, and I’m not exactly built to be a guardian... but I’m sure I could be useful somehow. Her forepaw began to nervously scratch at the dirt beneath her paws. She didn’t want to seem as useless as she felt but she wasn’t setting herself up with a very good case to prove otherwise.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
The more Maksim said it seemed Lily became more at ease. He was glad she seemed interested in Darkwater Rapids because it meant that she’d at least have protection through the night. The Baranski wasn’t sure how he’d feel if she ran off into the bush. She was small and, with lack of better wording, seemed pretty scrawny. How long would she last out in the Lore alone? He dared not to think of it. It was a bleak ending; an unnecessary one. Maksim definitely would not wish a fate like that upon anyone. Starvation was a cruel and drawn out way to go.

As the white girl pawed at the ground nervously, the subordinate smiled down at her and nodded with hopes of raising her spirit a little. “Everyone has a use. I’m sure you’ll prove yourself to be more than a valuable asset to Kade and Ava.” Whilst she didn’t have the bulky frame a guardian required, she could possibly flesh out into an adept hunter. If that wasn’t her calling there was always scout work or tending to the young or working with flora. The idea amused him; a girl called Lily working with flowers and plants. Then again, with a name that meant The Greatest, you’d think Maksim would be an alpha. Maybe someday … bah, it wasn’t the time for foolish little day dreams. He was attending to a potential recruit and that was what he needed to focus on. Regardless of her path in life, she would have the support she needed to see it through.

Perhaps she’d appreciate some advice to use when speaking to the alphas of Darkwater Rapids? “When they come,” he started (he was sure they would come, else he’d have to make a call for them too), “let them know you’re eager to learn and adapt. They’ll like that.”

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

The youthful cry sounding from the borders was a curious event, one which Ava had practically forgotten about. Motherhood had taken the forefront of her mind along with those existing members who worked so tirelessly beside her. The idea of expanding their group had somehow fallen through the cracks in her focus, although it would be the smartest thing to do. Invigorated in her quest to be a good Leader for those whom she trusted, she picked herself up from her nook beyond the tree roots.

Ava left the den with care not to awake her slumbering cubs, knowing that once she did they wouldn't fall back asleep until after another mischief-prone bender. Oh, those kids. The four of them together was already proving to be a reckoning force. For now they were little and easy to push back into the den - later they would need a little more help than that.

She moved swiftly, though without so much urgency. There hadn't been a loner yet on their borders and Ava would not take their claim to this land lightly, since they were so newly established and still so naive of the rest of this side of Serpent's Pass. Head held high and tail nearly curling over her back the blackened she-wolf approached the scene. A nod and a brief smile thanked Maksim for his interception. She drew off his calm demeanor and fell into a strong stance, but left all threat out of her face and posture.

She'd failed to pick up on snippets of conversation as she approached, though the easiness of her subordinate and lowered posture of the white yearling made it plain to see there was no trouble here. Perhaps it was her maternal instinct heightening the fact but Ava had never wanted cruelty toward innocents - and what could possibly be more innocent than that face? "You called for me?" she started, adopting a delicate tone to ensure her crooked grin didn't look too imposing. "Ava Attaya, Leader of Darkwater Rapids."

Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya

The Leader's dark form cut through the tangled forest with purpose, weaving between the thick, mossy trunks of the trees like smoke through a bundle of burning wood. Since settling in the area, calls such as the one that drew him from patrol to the north were rare, and in fact this was the first that didn't belong to a member of the pack. It was easily recognizable, and he'd guarded Grizzly Hollow long enough to distinguish a neutral summons from any other; the only question in his mind as he drew near to the gathering was who had been the first to discover them here, hidden away from the world in their verdant haven?

Perhaps he was late. Ava's scent was heavy in the air, strewn along the path he now followed, and Maksim's carried in the breeze like a spray of the river as it collided with the boulders that lined its banks. Wide paws sunk briefly into the damp forest floor as long strides propelled him, and in the distance and through spaces that separated the dense foliage he caught a sight of the small group. A steely gaze swept approvingly over the earthen-hued form of his subordinate; Maksim had proven a worthy addition to their ranks, one that Kade was thankful for. In time he envisioned the male to rise up, perhaps even as his own right hand. Gliding to Ava's side and short of catching any of the ongoing conversation aside from his mate's introduction, Kade was every inch the king—dignity emanating from the stoic mask he wore so naturally as his achromatic eyes fell upon the form of the cream-furred girl.

He remained silent and expectant of the girl's response, his dominant posture a wordless introduction as he thoughtfully looked her over. She'd called for a charge, and here they both were.

Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
I always chose the icicle
Lily Aquila
the weapon melts away

Maksim’s kind words fell on eager ears and for a moment she breathed a sigh of relief. A moment that only lasted until a dark lady moved forward and her heart began to thunder again. She could easily assume that this had been the Ava to which her companion had previously referred and so she shrank down, trying to keep her nervous smile from morphing into a grimace, knowing as a loner and so close to their home that she was lower than the lowest amongst them. As suspected when the woman introduced herself with an endearing crooked grin it helped to ease her nerves which were promptly shot when yet another dark wolf emerged from the underbrush, remaining silent as he watched her with those ghostly silver eyes.

She had not realised how low she had shrunk until she felt the cool earth brushing against her heaving chest. Her breaths had returned to being erratic and her tail had all but vanished from sight. It was a far sight from her usual carefree, over-exuberant introduction but this was a very different meeting from any of the others that she had had so far. Given it was Ava who had introduced herself and not the imposing mass she allowed herself to assume was Kade she focused on the dark ladies legs as she addressed her from her crouched position against the dirt and leaves that littered the floor.

“H-hello Miss. My name is Lily...” She knew she sounded, and probably looked quite ridiculous, but it was still clear the white child was young. “I was just asking Maksim about your pack. I-I didn’t mean to intrude but when I saw a pack here I thought it was nicer to let you know I was here. My mother did teach me manners after all.” Speaking of her mother instilled a little more confidence in the girl as she inched her front half up, allowing a gap between her chest and the ground through which her tail could sweep the dirt freely from side to side.

“I... I might not look like much yet, I still need practice hunting and I’m not nearly as scary as these guys...” she indicated with a half smile and a tilt of her head to the two much larger males, “But I’d be happy to learn and help however I could if you happen to have room for me?” She knew her questioning was bold, but she had never tried to join a pack before. She dared to allow a little hope to shine in her unusual eyes as she quietly awaited the judgement of the lady before her, ready to leave straight away if she was deemed unworthy.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
small, but i didn't want to hold this up. not like maksim could do much anyway heh.
Ava grew closer, that much he could tell by the way the young girl shrunk down. Turning his head to peer at his leader, the Baranski returned the smile. Ava was perhaps his most trusted friend in this pack. She had been there to greet him at the Grizzly Hollow borders and he knew he could always make time to talk to her. Kade arrived next, which surprised Maksim ever so slightly; Maksim had not seen him since they arrived in Darkwater Rapids. The Baranski had caught on his scent on the criss-crossing paths of the border patrols but had seen neither head nor tail of the black brute. The subordinate put it down to making sure nothing could threaten the pups, something he too was taking very seriously.

Taking a few steps back, as to respect his alpha’s presence, he watched as Lily spoke her part. She took his advice, which caused a very slight smile to grace the large wolf’s face. He didn’t have much say in whether or not she was accepted and so he merely reflected on the job he had just done. He had intercepted a loner, had he not? Done his job well at that. Proved he could. Maybe he could try for the position of Guardian sooner than he had expected.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue