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pretty lights, take me home — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Random Event - The northern lights are particularly brilliant tonight.

Night fell over the wolves of Darkwater Rapids with a graceful, scrum-free peace, a hush taking over the lively forest within which they made their home by the water. A familiar ache set into the matriarch's bones as she approached the den; she could hear the restful breaths of five dark wolves. Her heart yearned to join them, but her toes itched to take a walk with her thoughts. Rarely one to fail her impulse, Ava turned her gaze for the treeline and smiled softly. I'll be back before long, she decided, and set off into the darkness.

Her pawsteps took to matching the song of the rapids, gently moving with the rhythm laid about by the white water's dance. Ava did not stray too far from her home, no more than an hour's worth of time, and approached the Pass that separated the Vale from the Edens. It was nothing more than a night time jog around the neighborhood, at least it was until the light streaming through the cracks in the canopy began to change colors. The silver moonlight shifted into shades of yellow and green, glittering on the dewdrops that had started to appear on the grass. As the trees began to fade away and ascend Ava picked up her pace, thoroughly enjoying the sting of her muscles as she put them to good use and eager to see what was causing the strange light.

When the canopy broke Ava stepped out on to the stone surface of the rising peaks, tilting her muzzle to the sky. Awe cloaked her expression when she found the most dazzling display hanging overhead. Caverns of green light ribboned through the clear night above her, illuminating the trees and boulders that dotted the mountainside. The stars sparkled blue behind the grand display while the night sky took on a purple hue, complementing the world in an array of cool bliss. Her movement began to slow as she stared up ahead; never had she seen the aurora borealis quite so intense. It would be an absolute shame to turn her back on such a show.

A cluster of large rocks just ahead gave her the perfect vantage point. The night quickened and the colors intensified as she bounded forward, one strong push of her hind legs propelling her swiftly on to the rock tops. As she she-wolf sank to her belly upon the cool stone she never once moved her eyes, vibrant amber depths trained diligently on the cascades. Content to enjoy a moment of beauty, the dark Queen let her chin rest upon her crossed wrists, reflections of the heavenly splendor dancing in her gaze.

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2013, 03:43 AM by Ava.)
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Maksim peeked through the canopy, his eyes captivated by glimpses of a wondrous light show. He knew what this was, he’d been told a few stories about it as a child when it danced above Tall Trees: the Aurora Borealis. Some of his pack, his mother included, said it was the spirit of a great snake that tried to devour the world before being slain by a brave prince. Whilst he was far too old for such nonsense, a little part of him cherished the days when he and his siblings would huddle by their mother as she recited the tale word for word. Maybe one day he’d weave the story for his own children … maybe.

Deciding to get a closer look and a full, vivid display, he took off in a slow jog. No one would mind if he stole away from the Darkwater Rapids for the night, would they? He had to muster the will to step over the borders and charge off into the night, occasionally glancing upwards to see if the dancing lights were still twisting and turning. He hoped he wouldn’t miss it. Still, his paws thundered across the ground kicking up dirt, leaves and moss. Maksim ran onward, desperate for a good view point.

When his paws hit stone he slowed, panting heavily. He was never a fast runner so pushing himself as much as he did just to see some pretty lights in the sky was, in hindsight, a foolish idea on his part. He sat, briefly, chest heaving as he tried to compose himself. A few minutes ticked by before the Darkwater subordinate finally felt stable and he trotted onwards. Something unexpected caught his attention, however. Lowering his nose to the ground and sniffing, the Baranski was surprised to find the scent trail of Ava. Had she come to see the aurora, too? A brief wag of the tail—some company would be wonderful—and he was off after her.

Finally, green eyes spied her dark form, blended perfectly into the stone. “Ma’am,” he briefly called out as he approached, pulling to a halt beneath her rocky thrown. Sitting comfortably, he gazed upwards at the twisting, winding green. She’d picked a lovely spot … “You know, my mother used to tell me stories when I was younger. They spoke of how this aurora is actually the spirit of a serpent that tried to swallow the world.” A small smile pulled at his lips. Perhaps he was being silly, sharing something as pointless as this with his alpha, but it felt somewhat right. “Before the snake could sink his teeth in, a brave prince slew the beast.” Maksim chuckled a little at the unlikeliness of the whole thing. “Have you ever heard it?”

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

Maksim's voice found her in the darkness; it was the only distraction that prompted her to remove her gaze from the sky. She sought his swift-approaching form as the trees receded, easily finding his green eyes as the lights from above seemed to catch his stare, and gave him a demure grin pending his arrival. She'd known plenty of wolves who had little heart for imagination or fantasy, abandonning childhood most absolutely. Some glittering lights in the sky were pretty, sure, but nothing to gape over in awe. That Maksim was not one of them was a pleasant discovery. His fortitude in duty was nothing less than outstanding; how well they two got along was an excellent bonus.

Stories. Her dark ears perked forward at the word. In all truth Ava loved them, more than she'd realized she had when she was growing up. The thought of Vafri, the weasel of a bard, brought distaste to her mouth - but his tale of the first hero had been absolutely captivating. As he briefly outlined the tale - the serpent and the savior - Ava wondered if he'd humor her enough with the full version. "No, I've never heard such a tale." When she glanced back up she saw the serpentine grace of the twisting lights, the undulating patterns of blue and green not unlike snake trails woven into the grass.

She tried to remember, then, the only one she knew. "I've heard a story about the great snake who guarded the black sea, and ghosts and heros, but it was about the falling stars..." That didn't make any damn sense, she realized as she trailed off. In her defense, it had been a long one and she'd last heard it a year ago and immediately after Naira had gone in to labor so her memory of the tale couldn't be exact. With a bashful snort she shook her head, going back to reiterate what the actual point had been. "You think perhaps it's the same snake always terrorizing the sky?"

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
The male nodded when Ava said she hadn’t heard a tale. Perhaps it was a fairytale passed down through the Baranski family. Hell, Maksim was sure that the hero of the tale was some sort of Baranski. It’d make sense, honestly, as the family definitely liked to glorify their name. The black leader went on to talk story she knew about a great snake. A black sea. Ghosts and heroes. Falling stars? Maksim hummed, wondering if he’d ever see falling stars someday. An aurora was a relatively regular occurrence, though it varied in intensity, but he couldn’t imagine the stars falling straight from the sky. What did they look like up close?

Ava asked if, maybe, the snakes were the same. “Well, it wouldn’t surprise me,” he chuckled. “Most stories start from the same person but can change with each set of ears. Maybe somewhere along the way the story broke?” Like grabbing a pair of shed antlers and pulling as hard as you could so you can each have a trophy for later. They were suddenly two very different things. Maksim found it strange yet oddly fascinating how stories passed on that way, from one mouth sounding one way and leaving another sounding entirely different. Each had their own interpretation of a tale, too, be it literal or metaphorical. Stories were interesting. Maybe the first evil snake ever in a story was a rattlesnake that got swiftly removed by a wolf who was as foolish as he was brave.

“They say a great snake once ruled over the land. He could wrap around a mountain twenty times and eat entire herds of prey and vast packs of wolves in one mouthful. So insatiable was his hunger that he came to the ludicrous conclusion that the only thing that would fill him would be the world.” Maksim snorted at the idea, half way between a laugh and a scoff. “Anyway, the great snake made his way to the tallest mountain in the land and stretched up to the peak, ready to open his mouth and begin his feast. A wolf, however, appeared from nowhere. He claimed he was the prince of a pack the snake had devoured and had come to seek vengeance. The battle was very much once sided and it wasn’t long before the snake was squeezing the brave wolf. The prince saw his only chance at freedom and tore his way into the belly of the beast. With all his might, the prince tore away at the veins connected to the great snake’s heart. Needless to say, the serpent was done.”

The Darkwater subordinate paused to look up at his leader to gauge some form of reaction. Perhaps she found it as ludicrous as he did. “Since that day, strange colours can be seen in the sky. The spirit of the wicked snake waiting for the day he can return to once again attempt to satisfy his hunger.” Casting his gaze skyward again, Maksim stared up at the swirling tones of blue and green. He chuckled again, shaking his head. “Funny how such tales can captivate you at one point in your life yet completely amuse you at another.”

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

Her smile failed to wane as she turned her eyes up to the green lights in the sky, her ears turned toward his voice as she pictured the story he spoke unfolding on the black canvas above. The twisting lights became that great insatiable serpent while the stars above seemed to connect into a great wolf Prince. For a moment her mind wandered as she wondered if it was Rowan or Mace who would become such a hero - perhaps both? - and if Maksim had pictured himself as the youth with a righteous vengeance when he'd heard the story himself years prior. Never the less she abandoned her thoughts to heed his words and watched as the stars and lights battled, until the twinkling lights consumed the shimmering wraith in a saving act of valor.

Ava blinked almost reluctantly and let the night sky return to reality. There was no wolf made of stars dancing with the devil above, but she was happy to note the lack of imagination didn't make the sight any less spectacular. She grinned at his remark about the differences in stories at times and countered, "What, you don't believe you're seeing a ghost at this very moment? Revenge is powerful. Perhaps powerful enough to cast the sparkling remains of your soul into the sky." Her voice portrayed a deep wisdom, but the twinkle in her amber eyes made certain that he wouldn't perhaps mistake her for an overgrown child.

Returning to sincerity she let her golden gaze fall from the sky, readjusting her wrists so as to better comfort her jaw. She glanced upon her subordinate, curious for friendship. "Had you always pictured your life like this? Or were you ever hoping to be the Prince savior of the world?" As the words left her mouth she realized they weren't as silly as they sounded, truth be told. Wasn't everyone the hero of their own story? Maybe their lives, perhaps a little inflated and embellished in some places, were the stories of the future. Would pups some day learn of a great and prosperous pack, lead by shadow wolves across a treacherous mountain to seek the great paradise? Maybe she'd start the tale herself with those four back at the den.

(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2013, 12:48 PM by Ava.)
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
This is ... long. Gosh, Maksim can blabber on!
Maksim had often pictured himself as the hero when he was a boy, even going as far to adopt the role of ‘Prince’ in games. He’d battle his mother’s tail, giving a muffled cry of ‘vhctree’ when she let it go limp as if it were dead. Sticks were also given the title of World Eater, after which he would promptly wrestle and snap in half to avenge his dead family. The bushwa of being a pup escaped him, though, and he could no longer be the serpent slayer from his beloved childhood story.

When Ava questioned him about not believing in ghosts, the Darkwater subordinate had to turn to look at her. He caught the little glint in her eye, however, and smirked briefly. Pushing up so he was sat on his hind legs, Maksim kicked his front paws in the air, feigning digging at the aurora. “He’ll have quite a match if he rears his scaly head on this side of the mountain.” A chuckle shook him as he lowered onto his paws and, from there, his belly. He considered himself a seasoned fighter and survivor; a fat, ugly snake wouldn’t pose any problem for the likes of him, even if they were big enough to eat mountains and didn’t actually exist.

When the black lady raised her voice he hummed thoughtfully. “When I hit my first birthday,” Maksim began, “my homeland was promised to me: Tall Trees. It lies far north of here, on the shores of the clearest lake you’ll ever see.” He frowned; it hadn’t crossed his mind just how much he missed his mother and father until he reflected back on their faces. “However, when I became a man, I decided I wanted more than what was handed to me from my father’s jaws. I wanted to make my own pack, make my family’s name stronger elsewhere.” It was odd for him to speak so openly about his family, but he trusted Ava. She was his friend and his leader. The one he swore loyalty to.

He thought, briefly, back to the day he was promised the pack. Did the offer of returning to the crown still stand? Had one of the wolves from the second litter taken the spot of king—or even queen—of Tall Trees? Still, if Maksim ever did return home, he would be stronger. The first born boy had not been coddled by his parents and he expected the same applied to the recent litter but he had travelled. He had fought. He had learnt. Could they have done the same in the boundaries of their own home as much as he had done outside of it? Arrogant as it seemed, he highly doubted it. Regardless, if he returned to another leader then he would challenge and he would rise.

“So, I suppose I did not receive what I longed for, but I do not doubt the path I have followed thus far.” No, he did not have second thoughts for following the Attaya couple across the mountain … at least, not yet. Who knew what he would end up wanting a year from now? And what his position in Darkwater Rapids would even be! The second of Darkwater Rapids? The leader, maybe? He sorely doubted the latter. If he were to become a leader, he would have to move elsewhere. “The only thing we’re allowed to do is believe we won’t regret the choices we make.” The Baranski looked up to Ava with a smile. “Words my family worked under.” Shifting a little on the cold rock, he returned his gaze to the dancing green above them both. “Forgive me for my unnecessary rambling. So, what of you? Did you expect your life to end up the way it has?”

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

A lopsided grin adorned her face as she watched Maksim box with the glittering lights, chuckling at the image. Of course she didn't doubt him. Of all the oaths Ava had ever heard, his was certainly shaping up to be the most genuine. If a giant snake ever descended from the heavens to swallow the world, Maksim would be there at the front of the line. His history attested this fact. As this was the first time he'd ever really spoke of himself the dark Queen was certain to listen intently, though it helped that she was honestly curious to know where her strongest member had come from. The more he revealed flattered the woman, honored that he'd chosen to lay his roots down and grow a tall tree of his own with them.

Though she hadn't known him she felt a quillet of pride for his accomplishments on his noble quest. Ava had certainly gotten lucky that he had stumbled upon her border; they could use more wolves like Maksim but it was evident that the man was one of a kind. The short histoire was over, though, and so was her time to mull it over as he directed the question on her. She dismissed his apology, "I'm happy to hear you ramble," and wondered with a cheesy grin where she ought to begin her story. Feather Valley was long a place of the past, and though she would be overjoyed to see a sibling of her own once more she didn't long for them, or for a home that once was. Her home and family were here now.

Finally she answered, "Yes, and no. I had always wanted this but I was never sure if it would really happen to me." Ava flicked her ears, hoping she could keep herself from running her own mouth. Her story wasn't so complicated, but the erroneous details were scorched into her mind and it was difficult to pick apart what was actually necessary and what was an irrelevant memoire. After all she had briefly mentioned Poison Path to the male once before, so she didn't want to bore him with repetition. "Once I held a high rank in Poison Path, my former pack nestled by the Lake up there," she turned her head to motion up the mountainside. "Kade was always Guardian of Grizzly Hollow. I always knew I loved him, but the time was never right. I thought I might stay up there forever. Then things in that pack went south, quickly, and so did I. So I left the Lore completely." Admitting the fact left her voice soft and dry, certainly not proud of herself in those times.

Thankfully she found it easy to block reminders of that miserable time from her mind. After a moment's pause and a wry grin she continued. "I came back, when I realized what a fool I'd been. When I ran away from the bad I left behind a lot of good and I had to return for it. I sought Kade. I left the Poisoned behind. That's when I knew I would have this, one day." Hope was evident in her bright stare as she surveyed the twisting aurora, an unsaid prayer of thanks for the way her fortune and hard work had converged. Then she considered what he'd said once more, that he hadn't gotten exactly what he longed for. She pursed her dark lips in thought and wondered if there was some way she might help his legacy as he had helped the Attayas. Suddenly she found an idea. "Could I ask a favor of you?"

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
This is ... long. Gosh, Maksim can blabber on!
He couldn’t help but smile when she expressed she was more than happy to hear his memoires. Maksim was never really one to open up but he was glad he had found the ability to do so with Ava. Whilst he had a rather large family, he knew that his upbringing was relatively standard and his family would hold the way they were brought up close to their hearts. Maybe his siblings were parenting pups now, teaching them the same morals Vas had? And what of the siblings he had never met? There was so much he was proud of yet so little he knew. Maybe, one day, he’d go back … maybe.

He listened intently and remained silent when Ava spoke, of pack and of love. Poison Path, a lakeside pack too? Curious, though he was biased to think his lake was much better. A silly little thing to think but completely justified in the eyes of the Baranski. Tall Trees stood above all others! Well, maybe Darkwater Rapids was a little shorter than it, but it did not best home. Not yet. He tilted his head in a rather curious manner when she mentioned things ‘going south’, though he dare not pry. No, if she felt comfortable enough to tell him then she would. For now, though, it was another little mystery about this land to add to the list. Problems with the Poisoned.

So, she had disappeared from her home and Relic Lore entirely? Perhaps he would understand one day why she made that choice but, regardless of whether or not he would ever know why, he would not judge his leader. She was a strong leader and his belief in her only doubled when she stated she returned. Of course she had, else she would not be here with Maksim now, swapping memories under dancing green and blue lights. Returned to Kade, returned to the things she knew she would have missed. It made sense. He smiled at her final statement, that she knew she would have what she had some day. She was certainly deserving of it.

A favour? “Of course, ma’am.” He turned his head to look up to her, ready to accept whatever she threw at him. Ever diligent, the Baranski would do his best to complete her request.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya

The pitch-black female was pleased though not surprised to hear his immediate acceptance of her inquisition, though she suspected he might himself be pleased though not surprised about what she would offer in return. She let her gaze drift away from the glittering light show to fall upon her subordinate, hoping to convey her sincerity. "As I understand you're not much into being handed undue spoils," she grinned somewhat sheepishly, as though her words were spoken in blatant ignorance of his earlier sentiment though this was false, "but I'm sure you'll find you're much deserving of this. You are a commendable protector of this pack and your efforts should be honored. I'd like to name you the first Guard of Darkwater Rapids."

The first. There would be more, she hoped, though she preferred each of her own be as dedicated and capable as Maksim. Truly it was quality members she sought to share her table. She had a social heart and in the past it had been easy for her to slip away from her territory at night, delving into new lands and making friends wherever she could. That was still her intention, but she was not a girl anymore. She was an adult proper, a lady Leader, a mother of four. There was no where her presence could be but here. Therefore all those friends she yearned so smartly for had to be close to home. This, she found, was not only manageable but even easy sometimes, so long as she tried.

So she did what she could in her power to make her friends, to keep them safe, to keep them happy. After all she was only so strong because they enabled her, so Ava saw it fit to return the favor as much as she could. Give them credit, reward their efforts, be their friend too. Maksim was even overdue for such things, as his surety had been unwavering since the moment he came across their border in the Cedarwood. Ranks were left to the individuals, but she could imagine him scaling them should he prefer it. Perhaps she'd mention that later; after all, she had just offered him a further burden - one step at a time.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Maksim wondered, briefly, what sort of favour she’d ask of him. Perhaps she’d want him to travel somewhere, find someone for her. He was certainly willing to, simply because he was raised under the rule that superiors must be obeyed. Not only that, but because she was his friend. A good one, at that. One he could trust and one he would protect. It was the reason he couldn’t help but chuckle at her first comment, ears twitching slightly—a habit of his—as oddly soft laughter escaped him. Ava was a strange one, strict but also kind; one paw was iron, the other was silk. The only thing it seemed that she sought from wolves was loyalty, something that Maksim had almost limitless amounts to offer to the dark leader.

She continued, complimenting Maksim’s dedication. It seemed she had noticed the effort he put into making sure that Darkwater Rapids was a safe place and it caused a flicker of pride to appear like a spark his heart. And then, suddenly, she said she’d like to name his the first Guardian. The Baranski’s mouth almost dropped at her words, his tail beginning to wag to and fro, sweeping across the rocky floor on which he lay. The tiny spark of pride suddenly burst into a cyclopean flame that licked at the edges of his very being. The newly named guard smiled at Ava. He would wear the title of ‘Guardian’ with pride and perform all duties tied to the role rigorously. Such was his way and such was the Baranski way. “Of course,” his voice was laced with the subtle tones of joy, “it would be my absolute honour, ma’am.” The thing he was born to do, raised and trained to be was finally in his grasp. He’d make sure not to lose it.

The words buzzed through his mind, almost stuck on repeat: Maksim Baranski, first Guard of Darkwater Rapids. Yes, he liked that. It never lost its charm on the male, it seemed. Sitting upright, suddenly feeling as if he should display a little more class, Maksim looked to the dancing lights. He wondered, briefly, if he had been blessed by the winding trail in the sky. He would certainly connect every occurrence of the aurora that he saw with this night; the night he was promoted from subordinate to guardian. It had been a very, very good day for the Baranski indeed. “Thank you, for putting your trust in me. I won’t disappoint you.” Not her, not Kade, not the pack and not his family.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue