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Still Learning — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Backdated sorry!
Dated 7/5/2013

Nari was tired but so far her supposed "uncle" had done well the past few days. He wasn't doing anything abnormal and the man honestly did seem very interested in she and her family. The only she was put off by was the fact that the gray man had not sought out his new pack mates to get to know them. After agreeing to let him into the pack she would have thought that he might begin learning about everyone of Whisper Caverns and not just have interest in herself. Unless he's just not interested in the rest of the pack at all... She guessed knowing already that the elder wolf was interested in the other packs around Lore. Tokino had said it himself that he wanted to see all of the packs and it was growing clearer to her that she might have to let him leave to see the rest of Lore if he did not get used to her family and subordinates.

For now the she wolf was near the birthing den. The pups were getting bigger and already causing a whole heap of trouble. Malia especially with her recent escapade out to Fireweed Rise had nearly given Narimé a heart attack. She had been busy looking after little Yuka when the girl pup had disappeared from her sight and no one else had been near to watch Titan and Yuka while she went to get their adventurous sister.

It had ended with Malia back in the den safely and an annoyed upset mother almost to tears. After then the silver wolf would keep a much closer eye on her pups. Although she was recently having to scrape out the den to make it bigger. Nari didn't realize just how fast her three little one's were growing. I may have to move them to the caverns soon. Though I was hoping to wait till next Spring... Obviously the young mother did not plan on a long term place away from the main pack for the pups to grow.

Shaking her ruff at the memories and glancing back into the den the young mother sighed. All of the pack by now knew of the pups spare for the gray man Kino. It was about time she talked to him anyway. Twitching her muzzle into a crooked smile Nari looked into the den just before calling for the man. Titan didn't seem well lately, and she'd wondered if Simaea might be able to tell if he was sick or just being lazy and not coming out of the den. Yuka was much more energetic and Malia was being her happy self.

With her head raised to the heavens Narime called for the only uncle she'd ever met. Maybe I'll learn a little bit from him... She thought hopefully..

(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2013, 10:51 PM by Narimé.)

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
With an annoyed expression the gray wolf padded out from the cavern leaving whatever wolves who slept behind him. He wasn't too interested in learning about them. Though the silver man had met two of Whisper Cavern's ladies already. (Not including Narimé) Mostly he kept away from the other wolves only helping out when he was asked to. Today was probably going to be just like the previous few days. Patrol, hunt a little on his own, report back to his niece if he could find her, then explore around the territory for a while.

The silver coated male was impressed with the packs main den. It had been hard for him to find a few times without resorting to tracking his new pack mates scents through the patchy undergrowth. The Lagina wondered just how the wolves had found the cave with its endless tunnels. Even if it was a new pack they did have that one good thing going for them. Even so though Kino was sure that there were other better organized packs out there that could actually use his skills. This one didn't seem to really need him.

Her call reached his satellite dish-like ears. They swiveled determining her direction and with a short returning call to the young alpha Tokino was off running through the forest towards her call. She was close but this was the first time he'd been called by Nari so Kino kept a high pace to get there quickly. As he slowed to a halt scenting her odor strengthening around the area, Tokino padded cautiously forward. His icy gaze caught hers as he walked out into a small clearing, and the male quickly averted his gaze. Glancing around at the area he could tell that the mound of earth with a dark hole in it was a den hidden by long grasses and protected by the silver she wolf.

Excitement grew in him. Narime was finally going to let the proud Lagina see his grand nieces and nephews. How many are there I wonder? He scented the air and was surprised. Only three? His family was usually known for slightly larger litters. Perhaps because it was her first. the man shrugged inwardly then sat down calmly ignoring the urge to wag his tail at the pup scent that tickled his nose.

Young one I'm here. Is there something you want me to do for you? He asked kindly hoping that she was about to finally give him the information he'd wanted. The pups lineage, their father's side of the family and perhaps a little looksy at them.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Her call was soon answered. It appeared that Tokino was close by, and Nari was glad to hear his call come from the direction of the caverns. Maybe he's meeting some of the others after all? She placed a small smile on her maw then yawned and stretched before the elder male arrived. Her blue eyes turned upon his icy one's just before he dropped them to look at the place just behind her. She regarded his look at the den thinking it mostly as curiosity. He'll see them after we get to know each other a little better.. She told herself allowing her fur to relax upon her squared off shoulders.

Apart from the man's earlier remarks about her father he seemed kindly enough. Always acting in a sort of noble or perhaps honorable way. She was sure Sloane would appreciate the older man for what he was. However Nari desperately wanted to know just why this man seemed to hate her father.

"I just wanted to talk to you a bout some things. You know the family related stuff you said you could teach me about? All I know of family is within this pack and of my deceased father." She answered truthfully giving the man a calm stare as he continued twitching his nose scenting her pups. She would not allow him near them without first getting a good lesson out of this "uncle" of hers.

"Specifically I would like to know about my father and his family for now. Perhaps why you seem to dislike him so much..." She reached a long foreleg up and swiped it over her muzzle dislodging a fly that had latched on. Then the silver wolf waited wondering what would happen next. She kept a calm mask upon her muzzle and hoped that the man would not get too disrespectful of her feelings for her father. Though her patience may very well be tested by Tokino Lagina.

(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2013, 11:52 PM by Narimé.)

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
@Phineas - Tagged you just so you can see where I'm going with this. Or if you want me to change anything. :)

what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
His ears flicked sideways listening to the calm tone of Nari's voice. She didn't seem particularly angry at him anymore, but something still told him that he had not earned her trust fully yet. She voiced herself openly asking about the family stuff that he had promised to teach her and he nodded slowly both to himself and to the girl. It is a good thing... Curiosity. Running deep in our family. I will tell her everything I know.. Hopefully she takes it to heart. He thought quietly to himself then glanced towards her face quickly to see her expression.

Oooo.. A shiver went down his spine as she stared directly at him. Wondering just what he was doing to offend her Kino flicked his gaze to the forest beyond and ceased all other actions. An annoyed snort came from his nose as he lowered his head appropriately. Then as if he'd appeased her the young woman continued. Her voice still calm and collected.

She asked about him...

Well... The only good thing I can really say about your father is that he gave you your height. He glanced upwards at her tall stature although she held herself comfortably and not straight up held high with confidence. But yes.. I can tell you about him and his family. I'll tell you about the better half of his family though. Not the cheating bastard half. He snarled then straightened up a little allowing his lungs to inhale more air so that he could talk for a longer time.

As you now know.. I am the history keeper of our great family. Chosen out of my many siblings specifically for my memorization skills. I remember everything... While I was away from the rest of the family I looked up your fathers history for I was merely curious, as all Lagina wolves are. He started his story with an explanation of his job; unsure if Nari really knew what his role was as an adviser.

Your fathers father, Flei RiverRunner is where the treachery starts. He was a full Mackenzie valley blooded wolf with a family of rats always trespassing on other packs lands, stealing food and whatnot. Your grandmother, or fathers mother was perhaps the only wolf in your fathers family that I respect and honor. She came from a pack farther to the north an honorable proud pack. The Argyris family. Her birth name had been Aella Argyris, but upon stealing her from Asphodel Meadows pack her name was changed to Dancing Cloud. Your grandfather Flei changed her name so that when her family came looking for her he could hide Aella and tell them he'd taken Dancing Cloud as a mate. Of course they don't know a dancing cloud eh? So Flei boy wouldn't get into trouble.. He was getting fired up by the story which had been passed down to him by Dancing Cloud herself.

He paused looking expectantly at Narimé waiting for her to ask him to continue. Or to see if she had any questions that he could answer.

(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2013, 01:07 AM by Tokino.)

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Nari stopped staring at the gray man after he stopped needlessly scenting her pups on the air and started talking about his role within his old pack. A pack which she still knew nothing about. But I'm not learning about him right now.. I'm learning about Da.. She let an image of Sibo intrude on her mind while she listened to the old mans jabber about her getting her height from her father. She snorted softly at the male showing displeasure but said and did nothing more. She would be patient and listen to his side of the story first. She completely ignored the next bit about the cheating bastard part of Kino's comment and waited for him to actually tell her of this unknown family she had.

Once more she sighed annoyance as he spoke of his "awesome memory skills" which she didn't care so much about. Narimé wasn't even sure if she would be able to trust his word about these strange family names the young alpha would be learning about.

Finally the silver male began talking about her family. He spoke of her grandfather Flei RiverRunner as if he was a virus plaguing the land. She wondered if Flei's pack were forced to live the way they did or if they did it just for the heck of it. The way Tokino made it sound was that Flei's pack did bad things just for the fun of it. Nari wondered where he'd gotten his information from. Certainly having the bad business with the other pack meant that he couldn't have gotten information directly form them? So how does he know all of this? That Flei wasn't just desperate to keep his pack alive and had to do those things to survive? She wondered to herself realizing that her uncle did not have the open mindedness that she had.

Then he spoke of her grandmother who had been mated to Flei RiverRunner. The first name of her fathers mother that Kino had given her was something that rang a bell in Nari's mind. Aella Argyris. Argyris? Aella Argyris, was my grandmother... but.. how.. Phineas what? She was instantly confused. Though Narimé listened on as Tokino explained how this Aella wolf had been taken from her birth pack and mated to her grandfather Flei. Asphodel Meadows pack? the young mother wondered what the "Asphodel" in Asphodel meadows stood for. Something to do with a meadow for sure. While thinking of the last name Argyris and this northern Asphodel meadows pack Nari almost didn't catch Tokino's further explanations. How Aella's name had been changed to Dancing Cloud. She was extremely curious now as to how one of her grandparents had a last name that she'd already come across in Lore before. Is Phineas somehow related to me? She thought with a mixed look of wonder and confusion.

"So.. okay.. Flei RiverRunner is my grandfather, and Dancing Cloud was my grandmother? Do you know anyone else from Ael- I mean Dancing Clouds family?" She was finally able to speak after the male paused looking at her expectantly with his silvery blue gaze.

(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2013, 02:01 AM by Narimé.)

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
He coughed unhappy with his nieces apparent lack of interest in learning about her family. Although I don't mind if she doesn't listen about her rat bastard half of the family. Just as long as she learns about our Lagina line.. He shrugged inwardly ignoring her annoyed sigh while speaking of his history keeper role.

After finishing about her grandparents Tokino was surprised to see the young one looking so confused. Surely it isn't so hard to remember simply your grandparents names? He couldn't figure out exactly what she was confused about. Not until she voiced a question however.

Yes they are your grandparents on your father's side. He answered watching her expression turn from wonder, to confusion, and then back to curiosity again. What is she thinking about? He wondered what his little silver replica of Marianna was thinking. Then she continued with a second question which caught him off guard.

About Dancing Clouds family? uhh.. I know her brother was a Barak Argyris, but I don't know much else about the family. She didn't tell me much of her old pack in Asphodel Meadows. Just that they were a noble family full of strong warriors.. He answered truthfully hoping that his lack of information in this area wouldn't put Nari down too much about learning more on the other parts of her family.

So may I continue miss? He asked glancing at Nari but looking through her not directly at the young mother. The silver man placed his tail over his paws keeping them warm as he sat comfortably waiting for her answer.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She hadn't gotten enough of an answer to help satiate the young alpha's curiosity. Now she was burning to know more about that distant family. However Nari knew that she might have to ask someone else who knew more about this. Thing is she didn't know where across the mountains Phineas had gone. I may never find out about them, and I have pups to tend to. I can't just leave whenever I feel like it.. The way I used to. Indeed the silver she wolf was missing her freedom away from her packs territory.

Tokino had his head cocked curiously awaiting her order to continue perhaps. Sighing at the old man's lack of historical knowledge she nodded her head for him to continue.

"So I know my grandparents.. Who else is there?" She decided to think further upon her extended family later. The gray female was beginning to trust his words more and more. The sheer amount of information he seemed to know astounded her. Nari couldn't believe how long it took him to learn about the whole family. Just keep an open mind to what he says though. There's a chance some of his information is still off. She told herself and gave her gray uncle a swift smile waiting for his continuation of the story.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Now that he had Nari's attention again, and even a nice smile to boot, Tokino felt that he was ready to continue the lesson. Though in order for her to remember everything he was only going to teach her about her fathers side. Since she only asked about them anyway... His tail swept to the left and settled comfortably atop an unsuspecting beetle.

Your grandparents eventually settled together and had two litters. Within the first litter was your father Sibo RiverRunner, his brother and your uncle Swift RiverRunner, and their sister or your aunt Lily RiverRunner. Sibo and Lily sported mostly white coats like their mother. Swift on the other hand had an appearance very much like his father before him. All three bore the lofty height of their parents Mackenzie Valley wolf heritage. The males voice paused watching to see if young Narimé held any confusion. If she did the girl didn't ask anything and withheld her questions, perhaps for later.

Your grandparents second litter consisted of three males and one female. Your aunt and uncles names were Fawn, Wokay, Oak, and Qarro RiverRunner. If I remember correctly Oak and Qarro held white coats whereas Wokay held one like his father. Fawn on the other hand was a strange one with a light coat but very rusted in appearance. However you may not want to imagine them that way. I might have gotten their coat colors mixed up. It's been years since I'de seen any of your fathers side of the family. I do know that two of them from the second litter held white coats though. That's for sure.. He didn't want to make him self sound like a know it all (though he was far past that) and made sure that Nari knew that he could have things a little messed up.

I swear though if she says one thing about my memory not being good.... He waited for the young woman to chastise him after saying from the beginning that he held a good memory.

Anyway.. From there on you should know the rest. Your father Sibo RiverRunner mated to Marianna Lagina and gave birth to you and six other pups of varying shades of grays, whites, and silver. Though you were the only survivor and thus none of those other pups actually had names. He finished giving Nari an appraising look. What did she think of her large family after all? And that was only the latter half of it! He smiled a crooked smile to himself.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
A part from learning about her long lost relatives Nari couldn't see why Tokino had such a hate for her father. Maybe yes his father Flei had done something wrong by stealing a bride, but that wasn't any reason to hate the whole family! Nor her Da...Did Da maybe steal food and trespass a bunch like Kino says the rest of his family used to do? She wondered about what her fathers life had been like. Had their pack had a section of land with bad hunting between other packs? Did they starve through winters? Were they only forced to steal in order to survive? The young mother had so many questions that probably could never be answered. Not unless Sibo walked out of the grave right then. Da...

Ceasing her erratic thoughts the young mother listened once more to Tokino's river of words and names. Now it was starting to get hard for the silver female to remember everything. She ignored the first and second litter instead to lump all the siblings of her grandparents together. It was easier for her to just remember that she had four uncles and two aunts. Silently she repeated the names trying to make them stick. A memory trick she used for other things such as Lore's other packs and their members, and also for the few herbs she now knew of. Oak, Qarro? CAR-RO... like that.. yeah.. Oak, Qarro, Swift, and Wokay RiverRunner are my uncles...then.. then my aunts are Lily and ..uhh.. Lily and Fawn RiverRunner..that's it. She struggled repeating the names at first, but it became easier after the fourth or fifth repetition.

With a low whine Nari edged out a complaint after Kino tried excusing himself for not remembering her aunts and uncles coats correctly. What!?

"I thought you were "specifically chosen as history keeper" because of your great memorization skills?!?" She spoke all sarcastic-like until the last few words where Nari gave the male a roll of her eyes. Maybe I really shouldn't trust his word! She growled softly to herself. Though she had to give it to the male that he was really starting to amuse her. He was kind, and patient. Just a little stubborn it seemed at times.

"Okay okay.. So. Flei RiverRunner and Dancing Cloud are my grandparents. Their children are Sibo, Swift, Oak, Qarro, Wokay, Lily, and Fawn RiverRunner.. right? I got them all?" She wondered why her father's name back in Dnakinna pack had been Sibo Lagina instead of RiverRunner. If everything Tokino said was true, then I should really be Narimé RiverRunner right? She put a somewhat concerned face on her light gray muzzle. She didn't want to change her name after having it for so long. That was the reason she hadn't changed it when taking Sloane as her mate. For her father; for everything he'd done for her she kept what she had thought was his last name, Lagina. Then Lagina is my mothers maiden name? She smiled realizing something. Her father had chosen to keep his mothers name, and to give it to her. Was it to honor mom? She wondered silently tracing the weeds branching leaves with her blue gaze.

Picking up her head Nari looked to Tokino who'd been sitting silently since she went into deep thought. "So.. Marianna Lagina.. That was her name.. She was my mom, but she had seven other.... pups?" She couldn't call them brothers and sisters. For some reason she just couldn't. "What about her side of the fami... no.. wait.. You still haven't answered one of my original questions. Why do you have such ill feelings towards my Da?" She asked no longer keeping a calm composure. Instead the silver womans body was tense and almost brooding. This was something she really wanted to know...

(This post was last modified: Jun 04, 2014, 02:17 AM by Narimé.)

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
She'd gone and said it of course. Denoting his memory and making him seem like a fumbling idiot. Well I'm not all that acquainted with your fathers family. Now your mothers I know every inch, nook, and cranny of. I could tell you anything about the Lagina bloodline your share. He defended himself with an annoyed snap of his jaws then quickly lowered his gaze once more and lay himself down onto the earth showing her he wouldn't do anything more to offend her.

Yes you got them all. he answered her after the silver girl repeated her family names to him. He hoped that she was really absorbing all of this information and not just going to forget it in a few days time. It should be easy enough, although Kino, not everyone has a mind as smart as yours... he chuckled quietly to himself and watched a play of emotions roll over the silver she wolf.

Yes Marianna was your beautiful mother and my hot headed sister. He affirmed the younger wolfs comment and watched somewhat amused as she tried asking him about one thing but stopped herself. It was clear the gray female was divided between learning one piece of information or asking about another. Finally Nari asked him about why he'd hated her father so much, and he was happy to tell her why.

Your father was stupid. I didn't at first have much of a problem with him. Although like his brothers and sisters the white man stole food and often trespassed other packs territories. I thought of Sibo more so as following his fathers orders at the time. I was happy and glad when another rival pack took out Flei and his bastard family. Sibo was less than honorable however, he didn't fight with his family to protect them. Instead he submitted almost immediately. I suppose the coward was so weak looking that the opposing wolves didn't see him as much of a threat. They accepted him as the lowest ranking male while our pack simply watched it all occur at our borders. I do feel bad however for Dancing Cloud. She was my friend and her death was unnecessary. He paused giving in to silence for a few moments remembering the pretty white she wolf from across the border. He would never tell even his young niece of their meetings. Of his secret feelings for the stolen crying bride.

I'm not sure how many, if any of the RiverRunner wolves survived. As far as I knew they were all killed spare for your father. Then the new pack took over renaming themselves as Dnakinna pack. All that time Marianna and myself watched from our borders as the new pack settled in their now extended territory. To put it simply you Da.. was a coward who wouldn't fight for his family, nor for his mate and pups. Whats worse is when he did decide to stand up for himself he decided to take you with him when you were perfectly safe within Dnakinna pack with the new alphas. He let a canine show raising his black lip slightly in anger. He was the reason Marianna was dead.. Tokino had always blamed Sibo for all that had happened to his beloved sister.