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Random Event #2 — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Random Event #2 — DELIRIUM

The tree's of the Cedarwood give the bear just enough cover for him not to be in plain site but his scent is not a normal one of a healthy bear in his prime like this Grizzly should be. He seems delirious, perhaps crazed, and his movements are unpredictable making him a danger with his unclear thought and erratic manner. Has he been struck with a sickness? He has no overt wounds yet his scent betrays his weakened state and his dull fur and eyes show that he is dying though it is clear he is still capable of causing serious damage to any threats which, at the moment, is anything that moves within his eyeline.

This is an All Welcome thread. You may react to this however you think your character would and control the bear in your posts realistically.

(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2010, 09:55 PM by Indru.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
He'd been keeping a careful eye on the massive brown mammal for quite some time now. Alexander had no wish to interfere with its actions, in fear that he might walk away a bloody mess. Something was clearly wrong with it. It simply lumbered about in a blind rage, sometimes batting dangerously at the trees as he brushed against them, as if they were mere twigs in his path.

Not one thought crossed his mind that could explain this bear's behavior, and he pondered simply going after it. Perhaps in its crazed state, it would just be easier to take down. Dangerous in strength, but perhaps it had been weakened by something, which could explain the onslaught of insanity. His light eyes traveled around the area, wondering if there was another watching this bear as well. Perhaps they could team up to take the crazy creature down. If it left the forest, it would be a danger to all, so it was really the most prime option.

Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
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Sojourn Ranger Aquila
Ranger's experience with the dead deer had made her more cautious these days, so when she saw the bear blindly fumbling around, she was instantly wary of it. She watched it carefully from the cover of the trees, keeping herself constantly moving out of the bear's path. Her bright gold eyes turned toward the surrounding brush, searching for another, and she finally found a pair of eyes flashing in the shadows. Ranger didn't know if this was a friend or foe, but for now she needed to find out what they thought about the crazed bear.

She approached the wolf from its left side, giving a soft, quiet yip in greeting. She settled herself by his side, glad that it was neither of those idiots with the deer obsession she had met the other day. <b>"How long has it been this way?"</b> she whispered softly, careful to keep her voice low and quiet. She didn't want the stupid bear to hear her and come bounding after them.
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
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Jaune Black
It wasn't that she was an idiot, per se, but she was a bit delirious, stumbling out of the thicket and into the forest with a moan rumbling through her chest. It must have been days since she had her last drink, and it was beginning to wear on her already irritated state. Her nerves were all frayed, as the unfamiliarity of the land began to take its toll on her confidence. She did not like knowing, and though there were many things she did not understand, she oftentimes could deceive herself into believing otherwise. Not here, where she was alone, and the only companion she seemed to have was the voice of desperation shouting in her mind.

<b>"Water! Just one swallow's worth. I cannot believe the service here!"</b> It was deplorable, really, how the valley seemed completely unaware of her needs, her wants. If there was any purpose for nature, it was to service her. It could exist for no other higher reason. It was about this time that she spotted the two other wolves, hiding out as if holding a secret meeting of sorts. Now, this displeased her, for if there was anything that annoyed her more, it was being excluded from gossip and the like. <b>"You! There. Do you 'appen to have--,"</b> but she could not finish. For if she had succeeded in gaining the attention of the two wolves, there was another member of the party who had also been excluded, and seemed equally peeved that he had not been included.

She had never taken on a bear before.
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
eurp. i hope this is okay. >>
The soft bark of another caused Alexander to shift slightly, pleased to see that he wasn't alone in his spying. If he was to take down this bear, he would need assistance, and two was definitely better than one. Ears twisting back in cautiousness, he leaned slightly towards the girl that had joined him, "Hours, I'd say. I'm glad it's making as much noise as it is. I wouldn't have wanted to be in the midst of hunting when I ran into it." A small exhale of breath led to an inhale, and he quickly caught scent of another wolf, not long after hearing her pawsteps. He turned swiftly to silence her, but it had been too late.

A short snarl slipped from between his clamped jaws, and he twisted around again to see the bear's attention grabbed by the sudden loud noise. "Damn." A great roar seemed to shake the trees as the angry bear began to move quickly towards them. Panic grabbed Alexander, then quickly released him as he focused himself. Bears. He'd fought one of these before. If they couldn't kill it, the best they could do was frustrate it until it left. "Scatter! Try to attack from behind." He barked, then ran past the darker female towards the bear. He would act as the diversion, he decided,being the bigger target.

Speed would be key in frustrating the bear.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
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Indru Tainn
-barges in-

Though most of his attention was occupied by the Bear as it shambled around confused and dangerous, snarling and growling at the demons it was hallucinating, he was not unaware of the gathering of wolves on the other side of it. Indru rose slightly from lying on the forest floor and, keeping himself low to the ground and hidden by the brush, headed towards them. The bear was dehydrated, he was certain, as it was not so long ago he had suffered from the lack of water himself and he had not acted so dissimilar to this bear himself. As he neared it appeared that another wolf had arrived, though unlike the others she had an inability to be quiet, Indru dashed forward, a low growl bubbling in his throat in hopes to silence her but it was too late and the Bear loomed over the small group.

He watched as a wolf he recognised jumped up, barking an order to attack from behind, and dashing off to try and distract it. With a roll of his eyes Indru stood up, hoping his sudden appearance in the open would catch their attention and he shook his head. Don't stand in a group! Did this white wolf really think a delirious bear scared out of his wits would ignore a group who were standing their ground to chase after a fleeing figure? Though Indru had been at the side of the bear, almost in his blind spot, he knew his voice could draw the attention and like Alexander he ran, dashing around behind the brown monster and dashing towards the white wolf who was similar size to himself. It's dehydrated. Delirious. He explained, talking loud enough so that the others may hear, keeping his eyes on the bear as it raged at the newly appeared threats. Single attacks may be our best option. Indru offered, trying to vision the most effect approach; it was scared and this made it vulnerable, being attacked from all sides should only help to confuse it more.

Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sojourn Ranger Aquila
<i> Yay! I've been wanting a thread with Indru. :) </i>

Ranger and the other male had been speaking quietly when the small female had emerged onto the scene, gabbing away loudly. Ranger's eyes closed momentarily, cursing the girl for being so obviously stupid, and then immediately snapped back into attention. <b>"Shit!"</b> she cursed, standing. She was used to fighting, but a bear nearly twice her size wouldn't be easy to bring down. Growling lowly at the light female that had caused this ruckus, she slipped past her and began to zigzag through around the furious bear, helping Indru and Alexander to distract and infuriate the large mammal. Ranger hadn't even really fought a bear before, but she understood some basic concepts; 1. don't let it get near enough to strike and 2. never let your guard down.

The white female was probably only going to draw attention to herself, so Ranger yelled, <b>"Hide yourself! Get downwind so he can't smell you!"</b> Jaune was small and no match whatsoever for a bear, whereas Ranger was dark and large and definitely formidable enough to take it on. With the help of the two large males, they would be able to take it down or drive it away. Ranger dashed into the bear's circle of power and snapped at its hind legs, trying to get it to run toward more <span class='word'>quaggy</span> ground. If it got stuck in muck or mire, that would be more helpful for them. At least that way, the wolves would be able to corner it, trap it, and kill it, if they needed to. Ranger jumped away from him, hoping to keep it distracted enough so that nobody would get hurt.
Played by Der who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaune Black
Her scream was shrill like a mother displeased. Frozen in place, she watched as the world around her began to fall apart. What had seemed to be a still moment in her mind, one of two wolves and a bear, began to animate, and it was with growing horror that she watched these lightning-fast figures dart around her. They were mere smears of colors on a canvas hastily devised, the strokes of a painter angry and without plan. Words were shouted, perhaps directed at her, but she did not know, for the chattering of her teeth, and the knocking of her knees, muted all these other sounds until they became an unsettling white noise.

It was odd that she would now notice how crisp the leaves were, and how they were beginning to lose their youthful green to more mature shades of yellow and red, or how the floor itself was a shallow grave of former leaves that had completely ripened to brown, or how it seemed to her that her face felt so hot, despite the truth that the rest of her body was soaked in a wet, cold sweat. She was drowning, she decided, and she had always thought it a dreadful thing to see one's own death, and so with the logic of her current state of mind, she closed her eyes. Lost her sight. Secretly, she wished it would all disappear.
Played by xexes who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The voice of Jaune, the only female he knew in these lands, and only by her scent, had piqued his attention. <i>"Scatter! Try to attack from behind." "How long has it been this way?" "Hours, I'd say." "Single attacks may be our best option." "Hide yourself! Get downwind so he can't smell you!"</i>, the scattered voices inferred chaos among the wolves. No doubt, they were going to try to bring the gizzly down, being both a serious threat, and a vast source of food.

Knowing that a wolf could outrun a grizzly anyday, yet also how exteremely dangerous, powerful, and intimidating the grizzly was, he formulated a plan. Emerging from within the thicket he was hiding behind the others, he began to approach Juane, but then forked off in a different direction. A few of the wolves seemed more prominent than the rest, probably leaders of some sort. He made a beeline for Indru, not knowing his name either. Approaching his side, <span style='color:blue'><b>"I'll lead him. Distraction."</b></span>, he told him.

He left the others now, confident they would know what to do. He wove around the side, away from the wolves and off into the distance. Letting the bear see him, he darted this way and that, barking in a high pitch to attract the lumbering creature's attention. If the grizzy charged him, he would take off, fast enough to stay ahead of the angry creature, yet slow enough to keep the bear interested in chasing him.
(This post was last modified: Sep 17, 2010, 12:52 PM by Indru.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
eep. kinda awkward? it's weird playing a bear. XD

His leadership had been quickly torn away by the presence of another. Frustration swelled up in his chest, but it was something that would have to be set aside. There were lives at stake here. Maybe it was just for the better, two leaders, rather than one, working to fight the bear down. Either way, Alexander would have to decide how he felt when this was all over. Probably relief. Maybe he wouldn't even remember.

The sudden scattering of wolves seemed to throw off the bear, and Alexander barked, trying to regain its attention. It was certainly confused, swinging its head this way and that as the dark form of Alexander's fellow spy went at its hind legs. It couldn't decide who to go after first. Another wolf had appeared, with the same idea Alexander had. Using himself as a decoy. At the shrill barks, the massive bear lumbered around, snorting in frustration, small eyes trying to followed the swift movements of the wolf. They were all too fast. But there was one who didn't seem to be moving at all. An easy target.

The grizzly charged for the small white form of the frozen wolf. How easy!

"Girl, move!" Alexander barked, eyes shifting in fear, hoping that there was a closer being. At this point he wasn't sure he'd be able to overtake the charging beast. He twisted, finding the orange-eyed male that had, Alexander originally felt, usurped his leadership. Now he was hoping that he'd be able to help the girl. If not him, then anyone really would do.