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where i want to be — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
RE: There is a freak storm

Since his return, the male had changed; the change was not drastic, neither was it in a bad way, these changes came with age and the experiences that continued to shape him. Despite these changes, the aging male knew that he would continue to remain true to himself, his love and respect for his pack had not changed, neither had his love for those that had given him so much in exchange for his friendship; no his personality would not changed in this way. Instead, he had grown to view the world as an obstacle, a challenge that had sought to place him in a box, label him as a liability more than an asset and Koda had grown more determined to show his worth, not only for the pack but to himself.

Nina had chosen a younger male to bear her children, although he was not a fool in assuming this was her primary reason for choosing Hollow over him, but he knew that the dark male's physique, stamina and adaptation had given him the push he needed to win his queen over. He had noticed also that so many younger males had joined their pack, and took up ranks that were both above and below him--though there were a significant more above him. He was determined to put himself at an advantage to win back his home, he had to, whether Nina saw him fit to rule alongside her or not, he would once more become king.

Though he was not on a rank pull today, instead he was taking this time since Winter's departure to enjoy the pleasant weather and the opportunity to stretch his legs--the heart had become a favorite destination of his. Having spent the night in the lands, Bramble Falls in particular, he intended to head home later in the day to see that Secret Woods did not need anything since his absence; his confidence in their newest male leader was small, if not non-existent. Miccah was not equipped to rule the Woods alongside Nina but he would allow the male his moment of glory, there would be time, very soon, before the male would make his slow ascend toward the top.

Traveling Bramble Falls, his nose occasionally coming to the ground to sniff at a path he'd found was a short cut back home, this path shaved off at least 30 minutes from his traveling time, he was content in walking back home when a crackle in the skies signified the approach of a storm, a wild one at that. Before the elder male could react, a downpour drenched his pelt and sent him in search of shelter from the rain; he found one beneath the outstretched branches of a pine tree. Chills suddenly overcame him as he licked his coat clean, watching and listening as the storm intensified around him, he thanked the heavens that lightning had not accompanied the rain, but he was not completely sure if this storm would transform into one with time.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The pregnant, depressed and rather hormonal wolf had pushed away from the pack where the father of her children was residing. She knew that she could not allow him to taint her offspring with the ideals of being a nice wolf. No, she had a specific way she wanted her children raised. what bothered her is that since she wasn't stupid she knew she would need a pack if she wanted any hope to raised her children correctly and safely. Every day they spent as loners {as right now she is assuming she has more than one} would mean another day their lives were at risk. She drew a deep breathe as she pushed through the falls in looks of another pack that could take her in so she could raise them properly. She high doubted that she would find one though, they didn't look too kindly at pregnant loners.

The scent of a man caught her nose and a small frown reached her, she hated talking but she had to put her acting to the test once more. She slowly let her head gaze around the clearing and at the man. "Hello?" She asked as she stepped out of the bush. She had a swollen belly and no scent of a pack as she scraped at the ground with her front left paw. She was hungry, though she had managed to find enough food to keep her alive. What would happen when she was stuck in a den with no way to get food without risking leaving her children alone? She really should have thought it through before seducing Chulyin on the mountain but she hadn't and she now had to deal with the repercussions of her actions.

Part of her thought about getting rid of them, leaving them at the borders to some pack and leaving to see if anyone cared enough to take them in and raise them as their own but she refused to do that. She wanted to actually accomplish something and they were her children or it was her child. She hoped for only one child with the conditions she was currently in. Her dark amber eyes held a curious look at the male and there was a frown on her muzzle.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Okay, this post sucks. Sorry!

Goodness, the heavens were angry. He watched without a word as the droplets formed into puddles along the earth, and still the rain continued on, haven done so for the past half hour or so; Koda had begun to lose count. Though drenched, the male was relatively fine and the chill that had previously shook him dissipated the moment he had begun to lick his coat dry; already his coat had begun to fluff in certain spots. He shifted, growing uncomfortable while waiting out the storm that continued on despite the previous sign of sunshine and warmth, he hoped that as quickly as the storm had come that it would go, but judging by the signs he had witnessed, it would be at least another hour or more.

Content alone, the male turned his head only when he heard someone approach, they were stealthy as they neared and only when she spoke did Koda notice her at his side, her innocent greeting produced in himself a smile that spread the length of his black lined lips. She seemed friendly enough, and he acknowledged her swollen belly as no threat as she neared him, coming to settle near him and from the wrath of the rain. He supposed he could use the company, nothing else occupied his time, and before long the male had given his own greeting, backed by a friendly wag of his fluffy tail as he stood to approach her, taking in her scent. She was very much pregnant and without a pack, what a pity he thought, her pups would not survive without the protection of a pack but what was he to do, his ex-mate was expecting and would surely not take in more mouths to feed; the least he could offer her was temporary relief. "Hello." he responded with his ears pulled back to his skull, and attentive to her every move, "the storm caught you off guard too? he asked, making small talk as he waited out the storm beneath the pines.
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
<3 Your post was lovely @Koda
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The woman had determined that the only way she was going to find her way into a home was to lie her way through the explanation as to why she was pregnant. She had gathered herself next to a male, who reeked of pack, as to get away from the fierce storm that had torn through the area. He asked her if she was hiding from it and she bit back a snide remark. She was trying the whole nice thing out after meeting Kite just a little ways ago. "Yes sir." She said rather shyly, which was completely unlike her and possible cataclysmic towards her 'bad' life style and the example she had set for future generations by being considered 'evil' or 'crude' and perhaps even to go as far and say 'vile.'

"I hate the rain. I like it a lot more than snow but the rain always seems to bring pain and suffering." She stated sadly as she tried to play another role from that she had tried at the Hollowheart Keep borders of being attacked. No, she was going with a much more... appropriate story. She didn't like the whole idea that she was weak and was forced into pregnancy nor did she desire to tell a fake story about it with the risk of being a very visual wolf to create mental images in her head. No, as far as the world was concerned her mate and her pack had disappeared. Her mate had abandoned her, taking all his followers with him. She hadn't been alpha but he had and she had intended to take the role as soon as she turned two years of age. She was only eligible if she was two years or older, which she would be soon enough.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Her reply was different then he expected, both polite and acknowledging, and he gave her another smile that grew wider when she decided to come beneath the pines with him. Despite the fact that he felt no threat from the woman, and that her growing belly could mean illegitimate mating since she bared no scent of pack on her pelt, he assumed almost automatically that Anstice was quite the respectful wolf. With his feeling of security strong, he watched her carefully and when she spoke he felt a sensation of discomfort from having been called "sir", the term made him feel older than what he was, but he would not say anything beyond a simple nod of his head. His age would not show today, and neither did Anstice's as he allowed his eyes to linger into the dark amber of her own, seemingly lost within the mystery and innocence of her gaze, before he shook these thoughts from his head. He would not allow a woman baring children overpower him, no matter how lonely he'd become since joining the Woods; how long had it been since he felt a woman's embrace? far too long though he fought back the urge to protect and guide her, he would not need to play superhero today--there were many other lives to save.

"You look as if you've only seen but one or two winters, probably as young as my own children," he hadn't seen much of Danica or Ashton since his return, in fact their scent seemed to have disappeared since the beginning of spring, sitting here with Anstice made him wish he would have been around them more. When she mentioned her pain and suffering he felt his ears pull back and the muscles in his jaw tighten with disbelief, since turning six he could feel the slight pain in his joints, and a very faint limp was developing in his limbs she had no room to complain, her life was just beginning, "there is plenty of time left for you to complain about life, doesn't do much besides bring about temporary relief," he should know, he'd had his own run mishaps during the course of six months and was just recently beginning to accept his future, "look forward to the lives you're going to bring into the world instead, and teach them to become obedient adults, that's the best thing any parent can do." and he finally grew silent, his honey colored eyes boring into hers expecting a witty remark.
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

The man went off suddenly into the tangent of how young she was and how she had the rest of her life to complain about things and she sat down with an emotionless expression on her face. There was nothing smart she could do other than listen to the man rant. When he finished she parted her maw to speak. "Are you done with your chatter yet?" She asked as she gave him a quick, soft gaze, though she did not meet his eyes. Part of what he had said rung true in her heart. Look forward to the lives you're going to bring into the world instead, and teach them to become obedient adults, that's the best thing any parent can do. It slightly irritated her, that was what she was trying to do.

"Do not tell me how to parent my child(s). I will raise them how I want to raise them and they will become whatever they are shaped to be. Guardians, leaders, hunters, scouts." She said defensively as she backed up slightly. What was the man even playing at? She gave a small snort as she laid down and watched the rain patter down into the earth. There wasn't much she could do other than put up with the man's presence until the rain was to stop. A small frown as and a sigh as she kept her constant gaze on the rain, her paws splayed out to her right side as she laid on her left side. She appeared to be in a catatonic state as she fixated on the rain.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2014, 01:01 AM by Anstice.)
[Image: hashtags-gbachdontcha.png]
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Her words were stern, and unemotional; a sign that Koda took as teenage boredom. His head turned in her direction, eyes narrowed as he gave Anstice a once over with a temper that began to flare over in the white woman's company. He knew that his words had come off as too directional, having been older than her and a father he felt the urge to guide her and yet she shied away from this advice with a sharp tongue and a tougher defensive wall, in fact she had even began to back away from him.

He had done nothing to help quell her insecurities, in fact he feared that he had made them worse, and despite his urge to overpower her and put her in her place as a loner and younger canine, he allowed her the floor if only for sake of her child. Once she had finished he promptly cleared his throat, feeling his temper began to dissipate, "My apologies, I did not mean to intrude, you are right, they are yours to raise them as you wish," he paused, thinking momentarily of the father but did not bring forth the question for fear of angering her further. He was not in the mood for fighting, especially with a woman, and thought it smarter for him to simply nod and agree, that had worked for him in the past anyway, and he couldn't help his constant glances in her direction as she laid fixated with the rain.

"come now, I didn't mean to upset you." he started, having felt himself intrigued by her and the predicament she'd been dealt, winter had been hard on everyone and he could only imagine how she had managed to survive bearing a child, "where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" and the elder male fell silent, waiting with anticipation for the young woman speak; perhaps she could also become his listening ears?
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

The woman who was only months away from being out of her yearling years pushed herself up into a standing position after she had been in a sitting position. He apologized, not meaning to upset her and she knew that she had been overreacting. She was simply a protective mother over her young. He had admitted that she was right to have her own right to raise her children as she wished and she nodded. That was all she asked from him. Her white fur was dirty from weeks of travel and trying to stay alive while protecting her children. She felt no need to wash it as she did not have the time, not even now when she was sheltering from the storm. She exhaled softly through her nose, her eyes closing the slightest bit.

He asked about her home and she supposed she couldn't keep running from the truth anymore. "I apologize too, I'm just a little off I guess. All I can think about for weeks on end is how I am going to stay alive and raise children." She admitted to the man as she stared at the dirt ground and her paws, which were dug into the ground. It was something she often did while she was bored. "I am from a country very distant from here, a kingdom which is no doubt still under the ever watchful eye or my parents. I care not talk more about the subject nor do I wish to discuss other details of the Old Country." She admitted because she had been banished when she was merely a pup. It wasn't her fault her brother had tried to maul her. She hadn't meant to kill him, it was in self defense. That was where it all went wrong. That was where she had turned evil.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Her attitude seemed to change the moment he became quiet and less judgmental, he knew that this woman would probably not listen to his badgering either way but it pleased him to know that she would remain in his company, that's what he wanted anyway, and while the rain raged on he listened to her story. She did not give much detail but Koda had always been an imaginative creature and spun an idea of what her country looked like; it seemed cold, wet, cruel and unloving, but that was his own interpretation, it could have been lovely for all he knew, and she gave it very little justice.

She addressed her swollen belly, hinting on how she was an emotional wreck and was concerned about finding a place for herself and her young and the male felt his heart lurch for her; it amazed him how quickly his mind about her had changed. He feared for her child and wondered what had happened to the male who had gotten her in this predicament as well but again he would not voice it, he remained silent a second or two, mulling over his thoughts before an idea came to light, "There may be room where I live but there is traveling involved." perhaps a day and a half at most. He knew that traveling could be hard on the body, especially one bearing the weight of a child but if Anstice wanted a new life for her and her child she would be wise to gain friendship with another who could help her in the long run, "what kind of skills do you have?" he began, wanting to be sure the woman would fit in before bothering Nina with the request.
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
@Koda - Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I meant to get this done a months ago but it didn't happen :( One more post from you and we should be good!

There was a small silence before he started to offer her a possible solution to her issues. She knew better to be hopeful because he made it sound like he was no leader and there was no way a female would let another pregnant woman into a pack when the leader would be expecting children of her own. She had always assumed all the lead females got pregnant when it came to be spring. Wasn't that one of the roles or whatever? When he asked for her skills she was hesitant. There was only one skill she had ever known to have to use. It was a skill that was constantly being praised by her old pack... in the old country that was. She sighed as she looked to him.

"I... I can't. I just..." She was at a loss for words as she debated leaving and finding another place to stay until the storm passed. The outside had already gotten lighter and soon there was only a small pitter patter of a soft rain. "Killing." She responded harshly as to confirm her skills before he left the den. She didn't even stop to watch his reactions. She had to change but she didn't know how and it was quite possible that she turned down her only chance of survival for her child and herself. Sometimes, she was pretty thick for a woman who tried to trick all of the masses. The white woman just had to leave despite having no good reason to do so.

-The Devil's Leave-

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice