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I didn't ask for this — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah laid watching the snow-melt drip from the mouth of her shallow den.

All winter the snow had been accumulating. Piling thick on the ground and plastering the trees white. Every week brought inches and feet of more snow and ice, while taking every bit of warmth from the wolves that lived here. Today, however, the temperature had finally climbed high enough to melt some of it off. Iopah drew in a careful, rattly breath. She could just barely smell the coming spring. Under the thinning snow was moist earth and decaying vegetation. It would have been a beautiful day.

Iopah put her head back on her out-stretched forelegs and let her eyes blink closed. It still was a beautiful day, she relented internally. It's just that I can't enjoy it. Her rest didn't last long. The now familiar tickle was building again. It felt like something caught in her throat. She coughed weakly, exasperated with the whole situation. Her pathetic cough did not help. It rose further in her throat, nearly to the back of her throat now. She rose to her feet again, stretching out her neck in an attempt to facilitate the process.

She couldn't help but cough now. Every breath threatened to send it down into her chest. Her great hacking coughs echoed in the small clearing. Every rib ached and her stomach was tense, feeling like it was going to fly up her throat with each attempt to clear it. With a last cough the bit of phlegm loosened and her stomach rebelled. She retched noisily onto the ground. Wearily, she eyed the small foamy pile, then sank back down.

The water continued to drip and Iopah watched it, too tired to do anything else.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: @Iopah, Sorry for the wait, muse has been kind of iffy lately... And now it's overflowing! Seems things are at their usual xD
Anyways, I took the liberty of ascribing some symptoms to Iopah, if you want me to change anything just tell me and I'll do so right away :)

Aideen Smoke

It was a beautiful day! Finally the sun had regained enough power to start breaking through the frost, and it's rays were a pleasant warmth on the back of the orange wolfess, as she trotted through the thickets of Secret Woodlands; SPRING! She rejoiced. At last the snow was beginning to melt, and soon the chartreuse of new leaves would cover the branches and flowers would be budding all around. There was a bright, almost silly grin on the young, fox-like lassie's face while she made her way amongst the trees, thin body weaving in and out between the trunks with great ease.

Before long, hopefully, her frame would once more start to fatten, padding with fresh fat reserves from the food that was bound to return to The Wildwood; Though not with anything else... A small chink shrunk her smile, and she tried to shake the thought, but she couldn't help but feel a small pain contract her heart. As warmth returned to the forests, and the wind was filled with the scent of spring, feral impulses stirred in the, now 3 years old, dame. Coal and she were growing ever closer, and she couldn't help but wish for... But it's not allowed! Nina will be having pups... There was joy in Aideen's heart at the prospect of helping to raise the new litter, though Nina would be the physical mother, in a way the pups would belong to the whole pack! But the feeling was a little hollow.

A vociferous noise dragged her out of her thoughts, ears first flattening back at the loudness, then twitching in the direction where the retching sound came from. The tri-colored girl stood frozen for a second, listening to the racket with wide eyes, then she quickly followed the noise; Someone's CHOKING! A mild panic laced her steps, and when she saw the den opening, the dark shape of an outstretched figure faintly visible within its shadows, she had half a mind to throw herself right through it to help. She restrained herself though, stopping right outside the opening, copper eyes narrowed to small slits in an effort to see the wolf within. Slightly breathless, she barked: "Are you okay?!"

Her sight was beginning to adjust to the dark, and she recognized the figure in the den, remembering her vaguely from the pack meeting; Iopah..? And just as she thought it, Iopah coughed up what looked like the rotten leftovers of a day old rabbit carcass; Jeez! Aideen wrinkled her nose, but she didn't recoil. Rather, she found herself studying the small pile, trying to identify exactly what it consisted of, in an effort to determine what remedy would be best to treat the patient with; she had begun thinking that way lately, always looking for ails and how best to cure them.

Finally, the flame pelted lass lifted her gaze to the lighter wolf's face, sympathy glowing softly in her eyes; "That's quite a cough!" Her mouth formed a small frown, and as she waited for the other's response, she continued to study her face, noting the mild redness of her eyes and the dryness of her snout; Some sort of infection... Viral I think..? Her knowledge was still minor, but she recognized the signs of a cold; Now the question is just how to treat it...

Word Count: 556

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
I'm attempting to depict a case of kennel cough, so besides her terrible cough, there aren't many symptoms (though what you have seems fine).
Also, she has no sense of smell, so Aideen will have to notice the deer :)
One more hint: Once Iopah realizes Aideen is a healer she'll be (a little bit) nicer.
Iopah had little time to feel sorry for herself, her violent cough masking all sound of Aideen's approach. Keeping her breathing purposely slow and shallow. She was learning that rough, deep breaths made her throat itch. Each slow measured inhale, held for as long as she dared, was released carefully through her nose.

Aideen's voice was wholly unexpected.

Mentally, she flinched. But her focused control on her breathing kept that shock from manifesting physically. Her form did not shift and her breaths continued as before, but her eyes opened instantly. Gold searching out the unexpected visitor. The question seemed almost to answer itself. No, definitely not okay. And a spoken answer would have upset throat, so she kept silent, letting her dejected appearance speak for itself.

Her ears swept back as Aideen continued her inspection. Iopah only distantly knew her. Poignant unfamiliarity and the intense scrutiny made irritation flare inside her. 'What did she think she was doing?' When attention turned to her little pile of throw-up Iopah finally stirred. Despite her self-misery a sense of responsibility was still present. She would protect the thicket wolves, even if she herself was the current danger. She was contagious, there was no doubt. This cold had been contracted during a brief encounter with Sagacity. It could just as easily be spread to Aideen.

Now awkwardly crouched in her den, Iopah fixed her golden state directly on Aideen. Ears cast forward in dominance. She wanted there to be no misunderstanding her message, 'Stay back'.

The concern in the second statement made her blink. Suddenly unsure of where this conversation was going. The sarcastic retort she wanted required too many words. Even the heavy sigh she issued ran the risk of setting off a coughing fit. It was not phrased as a question, but still, it deserved a reply. "Yes."

Her voice was the sound of a boulder skidding down a gravel bank. Worn and deep from frequent coughing.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: oki-doki ^^ The dear will be smelled in the next post.

Aideen Smoke

The pale wolfess' breathing was almost painful to listen to; every intake of air wheezy and shallow. Aideen continued to watch her with empathy, copper eyes wide and soft, even when met by the steel of Iopah's golden gaze. Only when the older fae flipped her ears forwards and displayed her dominance, did the subordinate retreat slightly, body crouching together and head sinking low; she just barely stood her ground, her concern for the sick dame and strong desire to help, keeping her from turning completely. If I'm gonna be a healer, I need to learn to handle patients! It was only understandable that Iopah should feel uncomfortable with an, almost stranger, intruding on her like this, especially when she was ill.

Slowly straightening herself out, the tri-colored lass kept her tail and shoulders low, looking at the sick wolf without directly meeting her eyes. There was no fear in Aideen's coppers, she was to focused on her task as healer-in-training to have time for concern about herself; but she didn't want to disrespect the second, no matter her state.

Cringing ever so slightly at the horrid sound of the creme pelted woman's voice, ears twitching to catch the words, Aideen lifted her head to respond with another question; "How long have you been sick like this?" The first step on the road to finding a proper remedy was getting as many details about the illness as possible. There was a slight spark of excitement in the younger girl's eye as she met Iopah's gaze briefly, then quickly looked away, almost shyly. She was so deeply fascinated by the world of healing, and eager to learn about it, that she almost forgot the circumstances; She's sick! Don't look like you're enjoying it! The fae scolded herself, before looking back to her patient, a more businesslike expression now on her face.

"I ask because I've been learning about healing, and I might be able to help." She then explained, offering a small smile. Her eyes now fixed on a point near the middle of Iopah's muzzle, the young healer continued to wonder about the possibilities, sighing internally; There are so few herbs in our stores... But she would come up with something, she had to help!

Word Count: 375

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
omg... Io is a terrible patient! This is an apology on Io's behalf.
Her position was awkward. The den was nothing more than a shallow depression in the earth sheltered by the dense root mat of a huge fallen tree. Perfect for sleeping, but it was not meant for standing in. Aideen receded and Iopah immediately settled down, letting her pale feet stretch out before her. It was much better without those roots scraping against her back.

She had hoped, and expected, Aideen to completely abandon Iopah to her private misery. No such luck. She continued to narrowly regard the rust female, watching as she seemed to steel herself. Iopah kept her ears pricked, wanting to maintain her slim semblance of control in this confrontation. If Aideen had a notion of taking her rank Iopah would not let it go quietly. She shifted her weight subtly, pulling her legs more evenly under her. Aideen had turned back to her and Iopah wanted to be ready in case she needed to provide another display of dominance.

Eye contact never came and Iopah continued to stiffly watch her. The intention of Aideen's question was lost on the suspicious Second. What was the point of asking th-- Eye contact! In an instant Iopah was revealing her yellowed teeth for Aideen's viewing pleasure. Her patience was nearing it's limit. She had nearly had enough of these roundabout questions.

Finally, finally, the reason for Aideen's interest was stated. Iopah let an ear flick back as she considered the admission. Oh? The thicket had always seemed to attract a good number of healers. The younger woman smiled. Iopah had been nothing but miserable. If Aideen was going to smile despite Io's foul mood the least she do was not make like she planned to eat her. Both of her gray-tinted ears flicked back as she let herself relax. The slicking down of her pricked hackles and turned away gaze was all the apology Iopah could muster. "The cough started last night." If only her cough would ease, Iopah could sleep and her raw throat could start to heal itself.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Ooc: Sorry if this post makes no sense, my brain's a bid fogged because, get this, I have a cold! Is that what irony is? IDK, but here, have Aideen trying to be a doctor without upsetting Io xP

Aideen Smoke

She was happy to see her patient finally relax, at least a bid, laying down in her small den. The young healer was eager to move back forwards - she needed to get in close to properly exam the sick wolf - but for the moment she stayed put, Iopah was still, clearly, agitated and eager to remain in control. Aideen let her, staying still in her, visibly submissive but not timid, pose; if she wanted to make headway with the pale woman, she needed to reassure her that there was no question of rank, she didn't want to dominate, only to help.

So when the older woman mistook her eye contact for challenge, the flame-pelted dame swiftly cast her gaze down, lowering her ears to the sides. Only her smile remained, as an intimation of good intentions; I only want to help. And Iopah did look to calm further, especially after hearing that Aideen was a medic trainee; Should have opened with that 'Deen'! Well, the important thing was that she was relaxing now.

Aideen flicked her ears forwards as the cream pelted dame answered her question, nodding slowly, mouth puckering in thought. In her head, she was slowly forming a list of possible remedies. Lowering her ears a bid, she slowly stepped towards the sick wolfess, eyes studying her face once more; "Any other symptoms?" She asked softly, eyes still busily examining Iopah's light pelt; Hm... She's shedding, but it looks like it's just losing her winter coat. She could administer something to relieve the cough, so the woman could get some proper rest, but she would need to make sure the infection wasn't serious first; "May I look at your eyes?" She asked, voice still kind, but firmer; she needed to look closely at Iopah's irises to check that the redness she had noticed earlier was just mild agitation, but, especially after seeing the pale wolf's reaction to her earlier eye contact, she found it common courtesy to ask first.

Word Count: 333

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah forced herself to trust Aideen. As the younger woman approached, she fought to maintain mild interest. Quietly observing without trying to catch or avoid her gaze. There was no rational reason to distrust her now, and Iopah knew it. Knowing something and feeling it were two different animals. She had been abandoned and tricked before. There was no mystery in why she had turned out like this. But Aideen didn't deserve this.

She pulled in a deep breath, air whistling down her throat. It tickled. Aideen had asked something and Iopah jerked her gaze towards her. She was distracted and it took a second to remember the question. Did she have anymore symptoms? No, she shook her head emphatically. Aideen had seen everything. The cough that was strong to trigger her gag reflex was enough. She swallowed hard, trying to force the feeling down. The next breath caught in the back of her throat and she staggered from the den. It was an itch she couldn't scratch and every cough lead to another. She stumbled to her feet and from the den, brushing against her packmate in her hurry.

Her stomach was empty now, so despite her great whooping coughs her stomach did not fly into her throat. Finished she sank to her feet, catching her breath before she turned to Aideen. Her ears flopped wearily at the medic's request. Iopah was too tired to care what she looked at. She pushed herself into a sitting position and looked quizzically at Aideen. Her eyes scrunched in confusion, but she didn't break her even gaze.

"Why?" She asked after the few moments of quiet; Aideen studying her eyes and Iopah trying to figure out what exactly she was looking for. Aideen certainly had a reason, but Io knew nothing about healing. She sighed, gently this time, "I shouldn't have put off meeting you."
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Smoke

The orange healer nodded as her patient denied any more symptoms; Only the cough then... The list of possible remedies was narrowing. Casting another gaze at the pale woman, she tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes and sniffed at the air - though she didn't know Iopah's scent too well, it carried the same notes as the rest of the pack wolves': moss, pine and deciduous trees, and the musky scent of dirt, along with the markings of Nina and Hollow, and fainter traces of the other pack members - and Aideen was able to separate it from the sour smell of the sickness. She wrinkled her nose, suppressing a sneeze, the reek of illness was repulsive, even when it was relatively weak, like here; I'll have to get used to that.

Suddenly the huntress stiffened in the middle of a breath, Aideen's eyes shooting to hers, wide with concern. But Iopahs attention was elsewhere, as she rushed past the young wolfess, shoulders brushing. She staggered out of the den and hunched over, a violent coughing fit shaking her body. Aideen watched in silent empathy, lips tightened into a thin line; Poor her... Part of the girl wanted to rush to her pack mate's side, to console her, reassure her that it would all get better; but she held back. The light pelted dame was older and of higher rank, and, from what Aideen had experienced so far, would not appreciate her pity. So she simply waited for the coughing to pass, looking at Iopah with a carefully neutral expression; compassion and warmth in her eyes, but the rest of her face a professional mask.

The sick lady sat up and allowed Aideen to investigate her eyes, though with a wary expression. The training healer slowly stepped closer, careful to make her every move transparent so as to not give Iopah any reason to mistrust her. She stood before the woman, entirely aware of the intrusive closeness between them, and inspected the other's eyes; keeping her posture submissive as she did so. Like she had hoped, the redness was faint, in all probability caused by simple irritation. Iopah was looking back at the medic with tired, questioning eyes, and as Aideen was finishing her examination, the woman asked about it. The reddish female smiled gently, stepping back to allow the other some space as she replied: "I'm just checking for inflammation, some wolves can have bad reactions to some plants, especially in spring," She explained, quoting one of her newest lessons; "Your eyes are a bit red, but it looks like it's just irritation, from coughing and lag of sleep, most likely." She hurriedly continued, reassuring the poorly wolf, her eyes seeking Iopah's again in a short, sympathetic glance; with fits like that every other moment, the lady had to be exhausted.

She took another moment to silently consult her knowledge, confirming her diagnosis, and then gave her verdict in an encouraging tone; "It looks like it's just a bad cold. It's stuck on the lunges which is causing your cough, but it will pass in a few days as long as you get plenty of rest." The healer paused for a second, brow wrinkling as she thought, then she added: "We should have something in the stores that can soothe the cough, so you can sleep better." Sending Iopah a cheering smile, Aideen took another step back, feeling a warmth swell in her chest, though she hadn't been able to help much, she felt good in this role, caring and examining; Yes, this is my place!

Now, done with her consultation, she finally noticed the scent on the wind, faintly surprised she hadn't detected it sooner; Seems I might have been a little TOO focused... Her smile grew to a grin for a short moment, then she composed herself and turned her head in direction of the smell, sniffing in deeply. The carcass was extremely close, in fact she could see it between the trees just a few steps away, now that her attention had been turned onto it, she felt slightly embarrassed she hadn't noticed before; Healer might be the right spot for me, scout it certainly isn't! Ears flopping in her embarrassment, The girl turned back to Iopah, smiling sheepishly; "It... Could be good if you could eat something," She waved her head in direction of the deer, signaling its direction to the huntress, knowing that her nose was probably too clogged to smell it herself; "I know you probably don't feel like it, but it will help you recover faster..." She waited for Iopah's response, smiling her friendly smile, hoping the dame wasn't too tired to eat a little.

Word Count: 784

Dawnthieves.de, Kiwiaa-Stock @ DA & ShawnaMac @ DA
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
There were only inches between Iopah and Aideen's face. Her gray tinged shoulders twitched, the muscles tensing involuntarily. A healer, Iopah repeated to herself. She is helping me... just as I help to catch prey for her. Aideen's eyes were searching, Iopah's questioning. Certainly there must a reason for such thorough exam, but Iopah had very rarely seen a healer in action, much less ask questions. She finally had a front-row seat.

The younger wolf mentioned plants and Iopah's head angled away as she thought. She hadn't remembered getting into anything new. Her days were spent tracking prey with her nose only inches from the ground, she got a face-full of everything that grew in the thicket. She had been living here for over a year, plenty enough opportunity to come across something she would have a reaction to. Nothing stood out in her mind. Distracted from Aideen's inspection she shook her head lightly. Marsh plants had once caused some soreness. She hadn't been in the area in well over a year and had nearly forgotten the incident. Remembering she turned back to the healer, but Aideen was pulling away. She gave a diagnosis, Iopah listening politely.

It was everything Iopah would agree to. She knew that Sagacity had recovered fully only a few weeks later when they had the elk hunt in the field. But she was still waiting for more. Did Aideen have a remedy? It was well and good to hear reassuring news, but still.... " We should have something in the stores".... Iopah allowed a lazy tail wag at the words. She watched curiously as Aideen seemed to pick up a scent, supposing she could smell the medicinal plant growing fresh. The healer explained the scent and her idea, and Iopah's tail stilled.

No. Her stomach was tight, the mention of food causing it to growl audibly. Despite the hunger, her ears pinned back at the idea. Until her cough could be stopped, she was likely to bring the meat back up if she coughed hard enough. She was hungry, but so were all the thicket wolves. It was her responsibility to bring meat to them. She refused to eat a meal that would go to waste.

"No." She said firmly to Aideen's hopeful expression then trailed off, gold eyes flicking to the ground. Her eyes narrowed, not in anger, but consideration. How could she explain her refusal without setting off her cough? "If I cough..." She shifted to a cold pile that had been brought up earlier and indicated it with a nose jerk. Her eyes lifted belligerently to Aideen. It would take too many words to explain that she would refuse until Aideen had managed to soothe her cough, so she didn't try.

Pointedly she sat down, close enough to the pile for it to serve as a constant reminder, and looked at Aideen with an air of expectantly. There was no mistrust any longer, Iopah was perfectly willing to go along with Aideen's recommendation. Aideen herself could eat with no complaint from her.
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2014, 01:04 AM by Iopah.)