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Say you'll always be mine
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

I feel like it will be one of the smaller waterfalls that she falls from, and possibly washing up against the banks of one of the small pools? Feel free to PP lach saving her though if that's how you see it playing out, since she blacked out! c: @Lachesis

The passing of winter had already signaled the beginning of spring as new life began budding through the forest. Everything was beautifully green, spare a few splashes of brown. Sunny eyes soaked up each and every image the Earth had to offer, as pale paws subconsciously led her in Lach's direction. With the sun high in the sky, and all traces of snow gone from the Earth, it was almost easy to forget the last few months. Almost.

Enjoying the sun, Capella took her time following Lachesis' trail. Knowing the spider-legged male couldn't be too far ahead of her, but she still didn't want him to spend the day alone. It was far too nice, and she had some things to share with him. Still unsure, she had spent the better part of her days since his birthday in a whirlwind of questions. There was so much she still didn't understand, and without a mentor, maybe she never would. Of course the girl knew she loved him, but the type of love remained a grey area. It was different somehow, not the same as she'd felt for Karpos or Shade.

Just the thought of his name had visions haunting her once more, dancing through her mind with the same ill intentions they always had. It started with an itch in her paws, screaming for her to run. Why did this keep happening to her? It was the same each time. Her lungs refused to fill; Drowning, begging for just a little more air. Broken sobs flung from her throat, as she searched for an answer. The outside world was lost to the fae as she ran, barely dodging the obstacles in her path. Luckily she was still traveling towards her companion, as she could just make out his form over the horizon. Dutiful as ever, it seemed he was picking plants for his stores.

Somewhere the sound of roaring water was muffled by her panic, and then the Earth below her vanished in a splash. It was already too late when she realized that they were above the falls, far too late to do anything but accept what was happening. Kicking against the rapids, she tried to call out for him, only to swallow water. Now she truly was drowning. Her joints were burning from the effort, but try as she might, there was no fighting the current. Struggling to keep herself above the water, she had a strange moment of deja vu. Hadn't she been here before? Just before her entry into Relic-lore? It seemed strange, how she could go out the same way she came in. Fitting even. Eerily enough, a sudden calm consumed her.

Flung over the edge, her paws grasped at air. This was it. Closing her eyes, she awaited the rocks to catch her, hoping it would be quick. Poor Lach. Who would care for him now? How would he take it? She'd never even gotten to tell him how she felt. Then everything went black.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
poor lach ;_;
Now that the weather had begun to grow warmer Nineteen was almost always searching for herbs to stock his inventory. He wanted to show his pack, especially his leaders, that he was a dedicated healer and that he would be prepared if anything was to happen. Puppies would be arriving soon – within weeks – so Lachesis needed to gather plants quickly. Most of what he had used during the winter had already been replenished, but it didn’t hurt to be over-stocked. With daylight on his side, the slender healer set forward in the search of something – anything – that could be added to his inventory. He had left without waking Capella, as he did not want to disturb her, and mentally promised her that he would return swiftly. Although he was gradually getting better XIX knew that his sunflower-eyed friend still worried frequently about him; he also worried just as much, if not more, about her. Together they were getting better, slowly but surely things were looking up for the pale duo.

He snaked his way through the trees, determined to get to the Falls in order to collect some hellebore. While it not a plant he used often, it was still useful when there was nothing else available; the yearling would much rather be safe than sorry.

His long legs carried him quickly over the terrain, maneuvering his slender frame with a peculiar grace. Lachesis wanted to reach the falls and return back to the River before the sun fell from the sky – and hopefully with some food along with the hellebore. As soon as the sound of crashing water reached his rounded ears the boy quickened his pace, his toes digging into the moist soil as he moved. He expertly started to hike his way down the length of the falls in order to reach the damp base where hellebore preferred to grow. Just as he was about to reach the middle of the falls a familiar voice called for him, snapping his attention away from his thoughts. He paused, long legs frozen as his head turned to the sound, pale eyes widening as he realized what had happened.

Capella! He called, voice frantic as he realized that she had fallen into the water. His call was wasted, however, as the water had already consumed her. Panic set in, devouring the slender male as he watched her pale form beneath the surface. Without a second thought the youth plunged into the water, unconcerned about what the consequences may be.

He didn’t care. It was Capella – he was not about to lose her to. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. He needed her, more than she knew.

The water was cold as it splashed against him, biting frantically at his body as he splashed toward his friend. He had to get to her – he wanted to rapids to take him, not her. She deserved to survive; he needed her to survive.

His long legs moved expertly in the water, and with a few quick motions he had reached her limp body. Grabbing the scruff of her neck between his jaws the boy found some hidden strength released by the adrenaline coursing through his body and pulled her to shore. His legs pushed as hard as they could against the current, his thin body cutting through the water as he struggled with her body. Once his paws reached solid ground he began to pull Capella up onto the bank as quickly as possible. His heart, and mind, was racing – he was not prepared for this. His entire healer knowledge seemed to have vanished from his memory as he frantically looked over her unconscious body.

How much water had she consumed? Had she hit her head on the way down?

No… there was no blood… that was a good sign. His body collapsed on the ground beside her as he began to frantically lick her face in a desperate attempt to wake her. She needed to be warm, but the water had stolen his own warmth as well. No… this wasn’t happening… this wasn’t real. He couldn’t lose her, too… “Capella, please, he called desperately, his voice laced with panic as he continued to lick her face, words spilling out in between licks. “Wake up, please. You h-have to wake up. You c-can’t leave me here, you c-can’t. I need you, P-Pells… wake up.” He was sobbing, his chest heaving as he pressed his lanky frame against her as his pear eyes searched her face for any sign of life.

It was the blizzard all over again… first Anastasia had been stolen from her, and now Capella was about to be taken. He couldn’t let it happen… he wouldn’t. He needed her to be okay; he needed her to wake up.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2014, 05:26 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

Drifting in and out of consciousness, she lived solely in this dreamlike state. Her body was numb, unable to comprehend the inflicted pain. Were she of sane mind she would have cursed herself for being so stupid, but right now everything was fuzzy. Angelic even, as she felt herself slipping away. It would be so easy now, to just close her eyes for good; To escape this hell, and wander with the stars.

The first clear thought found it's way through the fog via Lachesis' voice. "“Wake up, please." No. She had to fight, if not for herself, than for him. Capella refused to leave him all alone, couldn't bare the thought of being separated with her ghost. Struggling against the waves that threatened to take her, she could have sworn she passed death. They greeted each other with cold stares; His fingers reaching for her throat. Then she was forced back into consciousness for a moment, just long enough to register the ashen pelt of her rescuer, before being thrust back into the darkness.

There was a figure there, standing beside her. It spoke, but the meaning behind it's words were lost as she tried to fight her way back to the banks. Nothing was more important. Pleading for her eyes to open, the girl felt a soft movement against her face forcing reality to seep back. However, this time the searing pain was not numb. Unimaginable in intensity, and she feared the worst. If anything was broken beyond repair.. Then the coughing began. Water coursed from her lungs, allowing air to replace the empty space. Her throat was raw, but it paled in comparison to the rest of her body, and so it was forgotten almost instantly.

Shaking hard, all of her muscles felt the strain. Was it the pain, or the chill of her close encounter with death? Finally, a feeble whine escaped her lips, as she begged for relief. The sickly smell of water still caked the air. As far as she was concerned, it was the last thing she wanted. Managing what little strength she could, the soaked girl lifted her head. "'m here." It was all she could say, past the burning in her throat. Exhaustion threatened to take her once more, but she pushed it away. This was her chance. The stars had let her live another day, and she couldn't waste it. Leaning towards his touch, she felt warmth spread through her body. Everything was ok. Surely it had to be. Lach was here, she was alive, and they were together.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
(This post was last modified: May 01, 2014, 05:51 AM by Capella.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
He was losing her – he could feel it. As a healer deaths were sometimes unavoidable, like it had been in Shade Slayer’s case. Try as he might, even with all of his healing knowledge, sometimes there was nothing that could be done. Coming to terms with death was something that XIX had not gotten acquainted with. He wanted to save others – it was why he had chosen to pursue the role of a healer – and watching someone die felt as though he had done something wrong; that he had failed.

Nineteen had already lost Anastasia – whether she was dead or alive, he didn’t know, but she was gone regardless – he was not about to lose his sunflower-eyed friend as well. He had just begun to recover from losing his china doll, losing Capella would destroy him. He would have no will to live; he needed her. She had become his rock, just as he had become hers; without her, he had nothing. There was the pack, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t her, and he needed her. The comfort of the pack could only get him so far; Capella was forever. She would always be there. She had to be.

As the thoughts raged on inside his head Lachesis continued to lick her face, his pleading hiccupping through his sobs as begged for his friend to wake up. He was terrified – perhaps more terrified than he had been when he had gotten separated from Anastasa. XIX was panicking. He didn’t know what to do… he didn’t know how to save her… He felt so helpless. Flashbacks of him calling out Ana’s name resurfaced, the memories so vivid he could practically feel the snow against his pelt as they fogged up his mind. Nature was slowly taking away all those he cared about most… it wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair.

He had just started to get better… for her… and now she was being stolen away from him. He didn’t deserve this. Lachesis needed her, and she needed him. Together they were supposed to be moving forward; things had been getting better…

It was then that the pale female began to cough, water sprouting from her mouth as the convulsions rattled her thin body. He leaned back in order to give his friend some space, his pale eyes wide as he searched her body once more for any injuries. She seemed to be physically fine… but how was she mentally? Once the water had escaped her lungs he returned to his former position, his slender body curled around hers as he brought her soggy body in closer. He continued to apply more licks to her face in order to calm her – or himself, at this point he wasn’t so sure anymore – as she mumbled a faint response.

Relief flooded his body as he signed into her familiar scent. “I thought… I th-thought I was going to l-lose you…” he stuttered into her fur, his own body trembling against hers. “Are you okay?” He asked suddenly, his head pulling away once more so he could meet her brilliant, sunflower gaze. “You’re not hurt, are you?” The stuttering had diminished as he observed her, his eyes searching her face as he waited for a response. They were going to be okay. They had to be.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

Each sob that left his throat broke her a little more. This time there was no room to doubt that his pain was caused by her. If only she would have paid attention; Forced the panic away. Capella could only wonder how this was going to effect him; Especially when she had been so sure they were getting better. Would all of their progress be voided? She felt positively sick. Why had she let this happen?

Feeling his body return to her side, she snuggled closer, soaking up any warmth he had to offer. Although it was admittedly less than expected, it felt nice. The worried rise and fall of his sides, along with the gentle licks to her cheek did more than calm her, as she felt her heart skip a beat. A feeble smile graced her lips.

Until the fall, she'd thought herself invincible. Assumed death would greet her late in life. Her quick brush with the unknown however, was enough to satisfy her thirst for danger almost indefinitely. It also brought her to think upon death itself; How simple it was to lose everything. Her life had flashed before her eyes, pouring over the smaller details she had missed the first time around. There weren't enough minutes in a day, nor hours in a year. Some sort of revelation his her square in the chest, as she remembered why she had been seeking out her ghostly companion in the first place.

Still raspy from the events, she attempted to voice a response. "I t.. told you, I was always gunna be here, didn't I?" For once, they were both trembling. Managing a nod, the girl met his gaze with a reassuring intensity. "Sore, but I d.. don't think anything is broken." Of course she hadn't bothered to check, too afraid of what she might find. Craning her neck towards him, she planted a gentile lick of her own against his chin.

In that moment, there were a million things she wanted to say, but how? What would happen afterwards? Even after being so near to death she was afraid of being rejected.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
She was okay… she really was okay… Everything was going to be okay. With Capella at his side he truly felt unstoppable; everything fell into place when they were together. As he felt her body tuck into his a sigh of relief rolled off his tongue, pale eyes closing briefly as he embraced her. He wasn’t sure what had caused her fall – he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know – the youth was just glad that she wasn’t seriously harmed. Aches and bruises he could mend, but he could not bring a wolf back from the grave. Losing Capella… he could not imagine his life without her in it… She was everything, and without her he was nothing.

Emotions that the slender male had never experienced before surfaced, causing his head to grow foggy as he struggled to make sense of them. The thought of losing the pale female made his heart ache and his head hurt; just thinking about it left him feeling wounded, he could not fathom what actually losing her would feel like. Unable to get enough of her warm, comforting scent the lanky healer drew her in even closer, his chin resting in the dip between her shoulders as he listened to her speak once more, voice hoarse as she managed to spit out a few strained sentences. A soft smile formed across his maw at her first response as the tip of his tail wagged faintly.

Instinctively the boy glanced over her small frame as soon as she mentioned she was sore, his brows narrowed in concerned as his healer eyes swept her coat for any blood. His search was halted by her brief show of affection, his gaze softening immediately once he met her bright pools. He needed to grab her some hellebore, but his thoughts had been temporarily wiped clean – he couldn’t focus on anything but her. “I was so scared…” he admitted in a soft voice, his pale gaze holding hers as he spoke. “You’re okay, though… we’re okay.” And that’s all that mattered.

“I-I…” he started lamely, unsure of what he was trying to spit out as he quickly adverted his gaze, his nose brushing against her damp coat as he tried to compose himself. “I c-can’t lose you, Pells. I n-need you.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

They were ok. Not just her, or him, but both of them. Smiling into his fur, she wished that they could last forever. Allowing herself a private smile, Capella contemplated it, but found the answer difficult to bear. Someday Lach would find someone special; Someone to share a den with, to have cubs with, and he would lead his own life. The question was simple though, did she fit into his future? After her encounter with Bastet, she was sure that he had no room for a broken girl with silly dreams. The dark wolf would have been good for him, bringing joy rather than painful reminders of loss. Their cubs could have been beautiful, painted with white, black, and everything in between. Maybe he loved her.

Love. Simple; A four letter word, describing a special bond, but what was it really? Capella knew she loved him, but was she in love? And if so, what could that mean for her; for him? It was then that she noticed how his sides seemed to rise and fall in time with hers. Each shared breath had her asking if this was it.

Brought back by a familiar voice, she nuzzled against him. "I can't lose you either, I.." But the words stuck in her throat. She what, loved him? If the words fell from her tongue, she could never take them back. The sheer finality of the situation towered over her, adding more weight to her shoulders. Lachesis could very well reject her, force her away from the den. How could she ruin whatever they were? Especially when his feelings remained as distant as her own. Finishing, with a quick "I need you too." her dandelion eyes returned to his own gaze.

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
This was where he was supposed to be – always. They had been through so much, both together and apart, but had remained there for each other when the time came. As much as he still cared for and missed Anastasia, the healer was slowly realizing that he didn’t have to continuously grieve her loss. She would want him to move forward with his life and return to being happy… there was only so much sadness the youth could handle; anymore and he was going to fall apart at the seams.

XIX focused on his companion’s breathing, his eyelids heavy as he relished in the silence that surrounded them. It was strange to think about how long he had known the sunflower-eyed girl for – a year had flown by since their first encounter when she had guided him out of the foggy forest. Although they had been strangers at the time, the awkward youth had felt an instant connection with the pale female. She had been the reason why he had been so persistent with Anastasia about joining Shade Slayer’s pack – Capella had been one of the first ‘feral’ wolves Lachesis had come across that he wasn’t completely terrified of. She possessed an innocence that reminded him of Anastasia, yet separated her from the blue-eyed female as well. While the two females were similar in their demeanor, they were also complete opposites – which was why he cared for both of them so deeply.

Her familiar voice steered him away from his thoughts, causing his pale orbs to blink frantically into focus as he nuzzled into her warm fur. A frown creased his pale maw as her words faltered, hitching in her throat as she struggled to finish her sentence. Confused, he pressed a reassuring lick to her cheek before her voice appeared once more, echoing what he had previously said as her bright gaze held his. While the four simple words made his heart throb, Lachesis knew that wasn’t what she was attempting to say before her voice got stuck.

Love was a fickle thing. Nineteen didn’t understand what it was, and he didn’t know how to tell if he was in love. Capella was different. She made him feel things he didn’t even know he was capable of feeling – his heart thumped feverishly whenever she crossed her mind, and every time she spoke his attention was focused solely on her. Nothing else mattered when she was around – even if he was surrounded by their packmates, she still held his attention. Was that what love was? What that what it meant to be in love?

The thin healer remained silent as his thoughts consumed him. He wasn’t sure what to say – he was frightened of saying the wrong thing and disrupting the comfortable silence that engulfed the pair.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae

Time passed each day, unforgiving in the way it had taken so much from them. An entire year she had known the pale boy, who took her life by storm, quickly becoming a staple she couldn't thrive without. It seemed like just yesterday he appeared through the fog, all turned around, and searching for a way out. Back in those days Capella had known every inch of the woods, could have ran through the trees blind. Jokes of puppy-eaters, and various conversations filtered into her mind. Things were different now.

She felt so at home there next to him, so safe. It was something she hadn't noticed before, or something she had quite possibly ignored. Most days there were more important things to worry about than herself, yet now, without the usual distractions, she came to a realization. It forced her eyes away from his face, searching for an excuse to look anywhere else. How could she have missed it before, for surely she had known all along.

Terrified, Capella returned to his gaze. She couldn't go on after this, not knowing what she did. Things would be different, regardless of the outcome, but it was a chance she had to take. Knowing that he very well might turn her away, the awkward girl nuzzled against his neck, hiding her face. Taking a few deep breaths, she wanted to remember his scent, knowing full well that he might push her away for the last time. Once satisfied, she began, feeling more vulnerable than ever. "I don't know how to tell you." Barely a whisper spoken into his fur, she knew he could hear.

Breaking the silence, she allowed the rest to pour from her mouth. "I think.. I'm.. I.. love you." But that wouldn't do. She had said those very words to him before, because truly she had loved him, but this was different. "I'm in love with you." Her muscles tightened as she waited for him to push he away. Would he look at her the same after this?

worlds are ruined this way, and we've all been there time and time again.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
While his head felt as though it was spinning, everything seemed to be falling into place. This was where he was supposed to be, and who he was supposed to be with. He knew that, deep in his heart and in his gut. There was nowhere else he would rather be.

The fear of possibly losing Capella had been so real – a fear the slender male never wanted to experience again. She was too important to him; he desperately needed her in his life, and at his side. He had cared for Anastasia in a similar way, but it had not been as intense. What he felt for Capella was impossible to ignore, as it burned so furiously within him that it threatened to spill out with each word that fell off his cherry tongue. These feelings still confused the awkward ghost; he didn’t quite understand them, but he knew they were right… and that’s all that mattered.

Capella was all that mattered.

His thin maw nuzzled into her now dry fur, his pale eyes closing briefly as he concentrated on her breathing. She was okay, they were okay, everything was going to be okay. The pain of losing Anastasia was still present, but it was becoming manageable – thanks to Capella’s aid. He would never stop missing his blue-eyed china doll, and he would always love her, but he could no longer constantly grieve.

Her voice broke him away from his thoughts, worry consuming him at her softly spoken words. Tell him what? Panicking, the slender ghost pulled away from her shoulder, his pale gaze holding onto her bright, sunflower yellow orbs as the silence settled once more. His breath hitched as he waited, impatiently, for what was coming next. “I think… I’m… I… love you.” Wait. What? He blinked slowly, dumbfounded by the words that stained the air between them. Another pause came, this time much briefer, before she clarified her words: “I’m in love with you.” He continued to blink, looking rather stupid as he struggled to digest what Capella had just confessed.

Of course Nineteen was happy to hear those words – they were what he had secretly always wanted to hear. He had just wanted to say them first. There had always been something about the pale, sunflower-eyed girl – he had known it since their first encounter. She was almost always on his mind, and when they weren’t together he constantly worried about her. Even when Anastasia had been around, it had always been Capella – he loved Ana as well, but it was different. There was also Bastet, the shadow-coloured female who doted on the slender healer. He cared for her also, but it would never compare to the way he felt about Capella. He loved her; so passionately and furiously that it made his head spin.

A soft smile began to form across his maw, breaking the solemn expression he had been wearing as he leaned forward to press a quick kiss/lick to her cheek. “And I’m in love with you,” he finally responded, his pale gaze not once wavering form her bright pools.

(This post was last modified: May 21, 2014, 06:11 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you