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Dancing with the Sun
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Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Assuming she left Seria Hills on the 22nd of May and just arrived today [27th of May]. @Rayne)

She had promised @Ace that she would return after she got a few errands done. She had to seek out two wolves. Rayne and Miss Narime. Rayne was on her first list though. Somewhere deep down she held a soft and special spot for the large, redish-brown male. So there she was making a travel through the lands once again. Looking for her friend.

As she made her way down to the not-so-obvious water source the sun was getting ready to hide. It was settling on the horizon, though it barely made it's presence known through the trees around Silver. The only real way she could tell was by the orange tinge settling across the cloudy sky. It was a relaxing really. Seeing the settled sun and coming across a water source. For once in a long time she felt as if she didn't need to worry. Making her way through the trees too the water she took a drink. It's cold, refreshing, burst settled her dry mouth.

Laying down she watched the fiery sky settle into purple. It seemed she was frozen in time. The world around her moving but she was stuck like stone. Tonight she would let all her worries go. No worries of the former Pitch Pine trail, no worries of finding a home soon, and certainly no worry of former loves like Ace. Although she wanted to be concerned her mind forced her not too. She simply laid there, accepting the scene of nature.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Rayne had no idea what had come over him when, for whatever reason, he strode away from the pack borders and wandered in an aimless direction, only stopping when his leg become too much to bear. Only to start all over once it had settled enough for him to walk again. Where he was heading he wasn’t sure but he had simply wanted to get out of the thicket for a while, after weeks on not truly being about to move or when he could, not very far at all. The urge to stretch his legs without another wolf worrying over him whenever he moved, the want to have open sky over his head to clear it for a short time...

Was this what Senka felt, when she wandered far when they were younger? To move and not look back, even though Rayne knew he’d return once settled enough? He had no idea as he never truly asked his sister and the odd times it came up, Senka would go silent. She wasn’t fond of speaking about how she felt at all, unless it became too much for her to bear and she just blurted everything out but that was generally to their mother.

As Rayne stood up from his latest rest and went on his way, his mind wandered to the woman who brought him to the Secret Woodlands. She had vanished shortly after taking him to her home, in the winter, thus making him worry for her greatly. Over the months, when she never returned, Rayne slowly gave up hope that she had survived the winter. Or if she had, simply wasn’t coming back. Which hurt him a great deal more than he thought. Silver had been kind to him, sweet even. She teased him but not in a mean way. It wasn’t easy for Rayne to say but he know he had grown fond of the dark woman.

So when he came to a spring hidden by vines, to say he was shocked was an understatement. Sitting by the bank, in all her beauty, was the very woman he had just been thinking about. For a moment, he was speechless. She was alive! His heart sang happily.

”Silver?!” He eventually croaked out, stepping towards her as his leg begun to throb slightly from the strenuous task of taking Rayne’s weight for too long. "Silver, is that you?"

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Though this time the devil was an angel. And the angel was @Rayne, the one she had been thinking of. Quite strange that he would be here at the same time but Silver didn't question.

"Rayne! Rayne!" Her voice showed her excitement in seeing the male. Bursting up from her spot on the ground she ran straight toward him. Tail wagging furiously and a wide grin. "Yes it's me!" She couldn't stop smiling. Even when her tail calmed down her face held the glimmering smile. As if it was instinct she put her face to his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Rayne." She was almost hundred percent sure Rayne would know what she was apologizing for. It was for her sudden disappearance. Though if he wanted to know more or not was up to him. She wouldn't say anything if he didn't want to know.

Breathing in his scent she still smelled Secret Woodlands on him. "How is the pack? Any pups this year?" Silver knew she had also done wrong to Secret Woodlands. She had left the word without giving Nina or Hollow a word. Stepping back a space to give him some room she looked over him. Just when she was about to lift her eyes from his body she noticed his left front leg. She could tell it was injured. He held it a certain way that made her concerned. While it didn't look as bad it may have once been it still concerned her. "And what exactly happened to your leg?"
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Still struck with surprise, Rayne found he couldn’t be mad at Silver, not at all. Not when she leapt from the ground and ran to him, excitement clear in her voice as she buried her face into his chest. Rayne stood stock still for a moment, unable to comprehend what was happening before throwing caution to the wind. She was back and she was safe. He rested his chin on her shoulders, closing his eyes and breathing in her comforting scent. She felt and smelt real beneath him. He wasn’t going to let her out of his sight any time soon.

”It’s fine. I forgive you,” He rumbled in response to her apology, knowing exactly what she was apologizing for. She was here now. That’s all that mattered. ”I forgave you long ago, because I thought you were either dead or just didn’t want to see me. I’m just glad to see you again.” There were no questions as to where she had been, even though dozens had rocketed through his mind upon spotting her. They no longer mattered.

Drawing back from her slightly, Rayne smiled warmly at her first two questions. “The pack is fine. It’s grown so big! And Nina has had three healthy pups!” However, at her last question, Rayne stilled, eyes going down to his leg. Should he tell her? He had told Miccah about it but that had been at the leader’s unwavering questions. Finding he couldn’t lie to Silver, he nervously shuffled. ”I, uh, got into a fight with another wolf.” He mumbled tersely, hoping she wouldn’t press any further. He wasn't comfortable talking about it.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver was pleased when @Rayne didn't push the matter. Though his next set of words pleased her. "Three healthy pups? That's wonderful!" Secretly she wished for children but she wouldn't bring up that matter now. Not while they had some catching up to do.

Quickly a tinge of anger surged through her. Pulling back her lip she hissed. "Who was it?" Flicking her tail she couldn't think of anyone who would just up and hurt Rayne. Especially damage his leg enough to put a limp to it. Silver hoped the other wolf had a good reason. Other wise the criminal of the case would have to deal with a scorned woman. Honestly she didn't like causing drama and fights but things got personal when someone hurt one of the only true friends she had left.

"Come, come lay with me." Stepping over a few stray vines and roots she found a soft place to near the trees but still with a view of the sun and water. Laying down she scooted over a bit making room for Rayne to lay with her. She could only hope that Rayne would take the offer and lay down next to her. "Rayne, I have something to ask you." Her voice trailed off allowing him to say if he would like to listen to her words or not. It was truly up to him if he wanted to hear what was about to be said. Besides, this was something that took thought. This was nothing to be taken lightly.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

“Yes, she had three boys.” The larger wolf was glad that the three were born without any complications and would do anything to keep them safe. Yet as he looked over to Silver as she snarled at the mention of his getting into a fight, Rayne wondered what life with her would be like. To stay by her side and see their own pups grow...A flush overtook him at his thought. What a brazen thought! Silver couldn’t feel for him like he did so he said nothing. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship by coming out with his feelings. Yet when she invited him to lay beside her, there was no stopping the butterflies in his stomach.

Rayne went to lay by her side, settling down and arranging his side so it was brushing up against hers. His sore leg was stretched before him, reminding him of her question. ”Truthfully, I don’t know his name. I meet him once before, we got into a fight but nothing came of it other then him becoming unconscious by his own paw. We saw each other again in Secret Woodlands and he attacked me there, in revenge.” He made no mention of his sister or the duos’ sinister beliefs. He didn’t want her to worry more then she already was.

Then her tone became serious, any anger disappearing for a short while. ”What is it Silver?” Rayne prompted her, smiling kindly over to her. ”You can ask me anything, you should know.” He waited patiently for her to ask her question, wondering what it could be. Did she want to come back to the pack and wanted to know if it was alright for her to do so? he wondered.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She was upset that @Rayne did not have a name for her, but she wouldn't push the matters. Instead greater things lied ahead of them. Swallowing down a nervous lump she prepared herself to say the words drifting around her mind.

"I want you in my future Rayne. I want my future to involve you and only you." Her voice was soft. Almost like a whisper as if she was scared someone would hear her talking. "I know this is a lot to ask for, but I want you to leave Secret Woodlands to follow me. I know of a pack that would gladly take us." Pausing for a moment she took a deep breath. "I understand if you don't want to go though. I know it's a bit silly for me to even ask such things." Setting her head down on her paws she looked out towards the water. Soon the sun would disappear. It was obvious it would be setting very soon. Though for now she would enjoy that purple color in the sky.

Staying silent Silver could only hold her breath in hopes of a good answer from Rayne. Part of her wished she hadn't said that, though the other part cheered her on for saying such a thing to the male. Besides, what was the worst that would happen? Silver knew Rayne was a gentle giant. She couldn't see him being angry for asking such a thing, though she knew he could possibly be upset with such a thing.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Rayne’s breath caught in his chest painfully when Silver’s words tumbled over her tongue, to rest in his ears almost pleadingly. Her voice was so soft, it was nearly like she expected rejection from him. And truthfully? Rayne’s first reaction was to say no. It was her own doing that made her leave and it was her own doing that made her think she couldn't come back to Secret WoodLands. Rayne had settled comfortably into the pack, with the exception of the attack and his leg. Silver was asking him to leave that behind, just for her? What if she ran off again, leaving him like last time and never came back? It hurt him last time when she left, thinking he had been the cause.

But as his amber eyes slid over to her, with her head resting between her legs and her eyes staring out over the water, Rayner realised he couldn’t imagine a future without her either. Even when she was gone, he still thought of her and often thought about her return. Hoped that she would come back and stay with him, even in friendship. How could he say no to her? He could barely think to imagine never her again.

Shifting closer to her, her placed his chin gently on her shoulder and pressed closer to her. ”It’s not a silly question, not coming from you,” He murmured softly, eyes looking over the water as well. ”It’s just...How do I tell Miccah and Nina that I have to go with you? That without you, I’d feel all alone and hollow if I can’t see you again?” His chest was a bundle of emotions, rolling into one big ball. ”But I just have to ask Silver, why me? Why now? What’s so special about me that you can’t see a future without me?” Rayne had no idea how she’d answer but the ball in his chest simply tightened as he waited for it. Burying his face into her shoulder, Rayne whispered against it.

”Why do I have to love you so much?”

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She smiled lightly happy to know he would go with. "Tell them the truth. Tell them you've found love in someone and you want to follow where your heart goes." Her voice cooed out to him in a soft tone. She couldn't help but to allowing her body to press into his. He was everything to her right now. Not even Ace could provide this comfort.

"You really wanna know why you?" Wagging her tail so it tapped lightly against his rump she chuckled. "I thought I had love once Rayne. Though now that I'm here with you and I think about everything you've already done or will done for me I realize my heart lies with you. Part of me still loved my old partner but now I notice that it's you. You Rayne, you."

Nuzzling him softly she didn't want to move. She was here in his grasp and that's all that mattered. This time she wouldn't be foolish with her love. If her heart wanted to but trust and loyalty into Rayne than so be it. But she would be careful this time. She would keep Rayne close and make sure to never loose him. Silver could only hope that he would do the same with her.

Smiling lightly she liked his words, "Why do I have to love you so much?”. This was the thing that made her heart race, her stomach feel like a pot full of butterflies and her mind melt like ice after winter. "I don't know Rayne, why do you love me so much?"
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

He couldn’t believe her words yet he knew them to be true. He couldn’t deny his feelings to Silver and he wouldn’t explain them to anyone who crossed them. He couldn’t. He loved Silver and he wanted to shout it out to the entire world. It didn’t matter if her old mate came back into the picture. He’d defend Silver’s choice to be with him.

Lifting his head from her shoulder, with theirs still connected, Rayne gave her bright, loving look and returned her tail tap with his own. ”Because you came back. Because you make my heart flutter like no one else has before. Because I can speak with you and feel at peace. I think-no, I know it’s because you make me feel whole.” His heart was both soothed and sent flying like a bird by her presence as they lay there, side by side over looking the spring. Even with his leg like it was, Rayne felt like he could run a dozen miles if Silver asked him to. It felt like he could even fly and pluck the stars from the sky.

”Please, don’t ever leave me again.” He begged her, as he stared her right in eyes. please. Or at least, take me if you leave. I couldn’t take it if you left again without me.” His tone was so pleading that it nearly broke as he begged her, eyes shining brightly. ”I couldn’t lose you again, not so soon after finding you.”

(This post was last modified: May 28, 2014, 05:50 AM by Rayne.)