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heirloom — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
@Abadeer "Abadooadoo" Roman Alexa.
Not close to the border but not far. If any BTD wolves kinda wanna jump in then they could probably catch the scent and follow it. @Chulyin wants to mysteriously find her maybe?

May 28th, 20143 = 3am = Dark, clear, new moon

Anstice had been feeling the pains worsen every day for almost a week and she knew that the time was near. Small tears of pain swept through her and overcame her as she knew she had to find shelter. How was she to survive with children to care for. She could not leave them unprotected in order to hunt! Nevertheless she was in an open field, the mother making her way towards a small cave only to be paused. The cave was a little ways from the border to a pack.... no, she couldn't. The woman made her way in and lay down. Another wave of pain coursed through her, another contraction causing her to close her eyes. After almost an hour of the pain she delivered her first child. She licked his pelt clean and nudged him towards her stomach.

Almost fifteen minutes after she delivered her second pup and licked her clean, trying to get her heart going only to find that her second born was still. She did not live and Anstice almost cried out. "No. No, this can't have happened." She murmured out painfully as she determined that even the unborn needed a name. "My sweet Delilah, second of her name." She whispered, nudging the black pelted pup. She looked like her father had; black fur to contrast her white as well as that of her son. She would bury her when she next could, probably within the den as she could not leave Abadeer by himself and she had no one to trust. She nudged her white-furred boy and whispered his name. "Abadeer Roman Alexa, first of his name. You will be cherished and I would fight armies to keep you safe." It made her smile. Nothing could beat her down. She watched over her boy protectively as the newborn nestled up against her fur and suckled. He was so sweet, so innocent.

She wished she could say the same for herself.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
[Image: hashtags-gbachdontcha.png]
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
In my heart I just know that there's no way
the Guardian Chulyin
to light up the dark in his eyes.

The Guardian would be no boondoggle. When the caches seemed low, he would hunt. Though assigned a specific task, there was nothing he would not do to ensure the continued prosperity of his pack. To the outsider's eye, the man was cruel and silent, stoic and deliberate. He had little tolerance for those who did not share his scent. But to those within his family, as it were, he might offer a smile if he had the strength to, quietly leave a meal at the den door. Today, he was hunting. Occasionally, he would stick to the twisted wood that the Keep kept, but typically he preferred to stray further, so as not to startle the prey in the wood. If danger was about, there was no need to go too far, since they had not picked cleaned the woods in which they lived.

Northward he moved, and slightly west, eventually finding himself in Blackberry Fields. It was a large open area, certainly a prime place to pick rabbits from their warrens. Though the sun was gone, he was sure that, even if there were no rabbits about, there would certainly be a deer or two with large glowing eyes, betraying their positions. The inky black shadow moved about the brush, always thankful for the night. He did not sleep much anymore, his mind too muddled and heavy to allow him, so he found the night time to be most beneficial. It felt longer than the waking hours did, so there was more to accomplish.

Unfortunately, what Chulyin found was neither rabbit nor deer. As he nosed about the blackberry bushes, his scenes were suddenly overwhelmed with the scent of blood, and if his ears did not deceive him, the faint sounds of pain. He bared his teeth, following the scent which began to be picked apart in his brain.

So familiar...So...

Chulyin stopped in his tracks, realizing the severity of the situation that he was about to move headlong into. The demon woman...And though it was her blood that he smelled, its pallet did not indicate death, as he might have wished, but instead life. Immediately, his hackles rose, and he moved forward again, snarling audibly as a warning. He knew full well of the protectiveness of mothers, and he was more than prepared to challenge her. The children she now harbored were his and he knew this. They had to be. And though he felt nothing towards them (perhaps he could), something in him knew that he could not leave them with her.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

She was quite fine, curling protectively around her living child and her stillborn as she caught the scent. No, he was supposed to be gone, to never see my children. She convinced herself as a growl grew in her throat. If he came anywhere near her then she would tear his throat out! Her eyes held that protective glare as she covered them as they nestled against her stomach. He could not take her children if that was what he sought to do. She could feel the fear taking her. She had to protect Abadeer for he was her heir, her survivor. She almost started to freak before simply closing her eyes, carefully guarding her child while not suffocating him at the same time. Silence.

She needed silence and for things to be calm. If she could control herself and her surroundings then she could control situation. She was exhausted but pure adrenaline pumped through her as she prepared for the weird ideas she formed in her mind. That bitch of an alpha he served probably told him and he probably came to get rid of any evidence of his involvement with her. Bizarre conspiracy theories formulated in her head and it only made her more protective. She was going off a scent and a scent alone. It worried her, making her panic about losing what she had carried for a month to gain. He had no right! The woman was a very suspicious one; yes indeed she was very suspicious.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
In my heart I just know that there's no way
the Guardian Chulyin
to light up the dark in his eyes.

With the scent she emitted and the growl that alerted him, it was not hard at all to find the cave in which she'd settled. But it also let Chulyin know that she knew he was here. But he had done little to disguise himself anyway, so this fact didn't bother him. He was not afraid of her. But if the woman was wise, she might fear him. Tail held high over his back, Chulyin bared his teeth as he approached the mouth of the cave. It was darker within than outside. His eyes adjusted, though it was not hard to see the white female laid out just beyond.

"I've come to take what's mine." He said, stopping, still many feet away from her. There was clear aggression in his voice. No, no, he could not leave such innocent souls in the care of this beast, to be sullied or die in the wild. His tongue passed over exposed fangs, and another deep growl rumbled within his chest. His nostrils flared, trying to identify the scent of the children among the fading scent of blood. Though two scents were evident, only one seemed...Live. Chulyin growled again. She'd already failed. Her punishment for her cruelty. His tail lashed at his back, eyes never leaving her as he waited to see what she might have to say, as though he might have some regard for her words.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

Anstice hissed as soon as she saw the jet black fur present itself. Her eyes filled with a fierce and protective anger. "NO." She demanded as soon as he had stated what it is that he had wanted. "You will not take my children away from me. You have no right to Abadeer and you have no right to see Delilah before I bury the stillborn girl." She hissed at him, her eyes locking with his. They would not survive without her and after meeting his alpha she knew that they would have no milk from her. "You have no right to them. They are mine and you did nothing to help me through my pregnancy nor when I actually delivered them." She hissed again, her ferocity continuing.

She leaned down nuzzling Abadeer as he continued to suckle. He was her child, not Chuylin's child. He couldn't take him away and he would not see Delilah either. She could already feel the pain in her heart as she looked at her son. No, she'd fight to the death to keep him away from the monster whom was his biological father. "You will not touch my precious children." Her eyes further narrowed. He would not dare attack her because he would risk damaging what he wanted. He would risk hurting Abadeer. "They will not survive long enough for you to get back to the Keep and even then your alpha would not care for them! She seems a little.... reluctant... when it comes to pups that aren't hers." She hissed with bitterness in her voice as she recalled being attacked. Anstice blamed Naira for losing Delilah. It probably has to do with the near hit from the alpha that caused her to not breathe when she was born.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet
In my heart I just know that there's no way
the Guardian Chulyin
to light up the dark in his eyes.

He was unphased by her rage, his own hackles rising as he crept closer. The children were clearer now. The stillborn child was nearly invisible in the cave, and the pale body of the living wriggled at his mother's chest. "No right?" He answered, his voice oddly quietly now. Jowls twitched, though there seemed to be no hint of aggression in his voice. "Without me, he would not breathe in this world. And what about you? Will you watch your child starve in the wild." He tipped his head to the side, almost pleading with her in his expression, though not with his voice. "Give him a life."

Of course, he dared not inch closer, at least not yet, not until pushed to his limit. His ears twitched as she spoke again, still aggressive which angered him to no end. She was a foolish woman, determined to damn her only surviving child. "My sister would welcome my son with no hesitation." Chulyin spoke with confidence, though he was not truly certain what Naira might say. However, she spoke the truth in the fact that the newborn would likely not survive his slow journey home. Snorting, the dark man bared his teeth again. "Heed my warning than, woman, I will come back for him. You will not ruin another life." With a threatening snap of his jaws, he backed his way out of the cave, before turning tail and running back to the Keep where he might bide his time.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

As of late Minka had been waking in the middle of the night, mostly to check upon her pups and ensure they were in fact safe and sound. As the days came and went they grew more mobile, more curious, they wandered further and needed to be chased back to safety. They had yet to wander very far in the dark, their eye sight still to blurry during the night and usually the new mother would readjust her position before drifting off to sleep, but tonight was different. Something nagged within the back of her mind as she laid awake, @Kova and @Noble pressed between her and @Tokino, both sleeping soundly. Unable to shake the eerie sense that something was wrong the cinnamon she wolf stood, using her muzzle to press Noble closer to her father for warmth before exiting the communal den.

The night was darker than most as the moon hid in the clear sky and it took Minka a moment to allow her golden eyes to adjust. The air was chillier than during the day, it caused the alpha to shuffle her fur back into place to maintain her body heat. Taking not of her surroundings the Lagina woman was ready to return within her sleeping chambers when she finally realized what had caused her internal panic to begin. The scent of blood, faint, so faint in fact it was barely notable danced on the slight breeze. It was not the smell of a hunt, or an injured prey and it caused the fae's heart to still for just a moment, her own memory of birth was still so strong.

Without hesitation or really much thought at all she abandoned her position at the entrance to the pack den, following the scent that could mean only one thing; birth. Arriving into the clearing of the meadow just mere minutes after the male left Minka could still smell him on the air, though the thought of strangers birthing to close to the territory caused her hackles to rise. Muscles tensing beneath her light tawny coat she moved forwards in the dark, letting out a growl of warning as she approached the small opening of a cave, presumably the birthing den. There was no time now to go back and alert the pack, or to call out for them without risking being attacked by the new parents though she suddenly wished desperately she wasn't alone. Growling again Minka edged another inch or so closer, "You have chosen a den much too close to our borders, I suggest you remove yourself by the time day breaks." Her voice was strong, it did nothing to reveal the inner fear that she felt, or the turmoil; what sane wolf birthed so close to another pack?

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

The father made a point but she wouldn't buy into it. "He would not exist without me either. I carried him, I cared for him while he was in my womb while you sat in your pack and did nothing to help." She challenged him before he went off and said his sister would take his son it. That bitch is his sister? She asked herself while not breaking her glare. He charged off with the threat to take Abadeer when he was old enough to travel and she responded with a snarl. The man would not touch her son. She had to get them into a pack as soon as possible but the puppy would not be able to travel to a new pack until Chuylin was old enough to take him. She was not going to beg the pack that had lands nearby either for that would just look of desperation.

Instead the woman sobbed.

She cried for she knew she couldn't pull it off alone. There was no physically possible way without giving up her child. Perhaps she should had he might be the sire but he was no father. She looked at Delilah's dead body and cried more. She had already failed; she had already lost one child and so how was she to protect the second child? How was she to keep Abadeer safe in the outside world when she could not keep Delilah safe within her own body? Anstice didn't know who to point fingers at anymore. "Oh my baby boy, my sweet child, he will never take you. I will do anything to protect you."

There was another warning growl as a female stood outside the den. It was one that she had never met so instinct to protect her young kicked in as she curled back around them. It was demanded that she move before the break of day. The woman revealed her distress with the risk of being attacked. "I would it I could ma'am but I'm afraid I've no where else to go and I cannot move my child without him dying." The fear of losing the other pup clear and deep in her voice. Never did she think she'd be in the situation she had found herself in.

Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2014, 12:51 AM by Anstice.)
[Image: hashtags-gbachdontcha.png]
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
You can fade out and pp Minka leading them into the territory if you would like :D

When at first her demand was met with silence Minka felt her muscles tense but still she nodded her head, sure that someone had at least heard her. Turning to leave she faltered as a voice rang from within the cave, sounding broken, defeated. Freezing in place with one paw raised in the air she was sure to look foolish and her heart pounded within her chest. It was moments like this that could tell the true character of an alpha, who would be selfish and see only the needs of the pack, or who could be compassionate and see what the pack was capable of. With a heavy sigh the Lagina woman turned back to the cave, slowly peering her head inside, though she was wary enough to not enter with more than her muzzle so she could see.

Golden eyes focused on the light coloured mother, cradling two forms to her chest protectively and it only took a second to realize that only one form was moving. Instantly the new mother's heart splintered, remembering her own little Whisper, so small she had seen nothing of the world. Voice cracking she looked upon the small black body, "I lost one of my own this spring, the winter..." Then for a time she said no more, just letting grief once more roll over her body, trying to defeat her. Closing her eyes Minka took a deep breath, before bringing her gaze to meet that of the stranger, with a soft voice she handed her a holy grail. "My name is Minka Lagina, I lead the pack whose borders you stumbled upon. For the time being you can stay with us, at least until your child is old enough to travel, longer than that if you prove you can earn your keep and are happy there. In the morning I will send our medic to come and check upon you and your young one, you may use my old birthing den as my children are old enough now to use the communal one." Then she said no more, just retreated from the cave and waited for the stranger to follow as surely she would, a mother would always chose the life of her child over her pride. This is what made you a mother.

Vinyonga @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief