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Black Thorn Downs Pack Thread — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
JUNE 22 Morning
-Anyone join in on this? @Regem ? @Ryka ? Other members welcome?

Kova had woken up before everyone else. Or at least that's what he thought. His mother wasn't there and his father was sleeping outside the den someplace. Kova could hear the old man snoring away the morning someplace outside.
Outside... That was where he wanted to be. Not stuck in a den where no one was around to play.
The young child stepped forward more confident about his paw placement than he had been only weeks before, and trotted to eh very mouth of the den to peer out into the world.
The sunrise from here was wonderful even though a few scattered trees and bushes did block much of his view. Kova could still look up to the sky where large red streaks of golden yellow and orange colors melted into deep reds that colored the heavens. The clouds were a brighter yellow as the sun slowly rose and painted the sky a kaleidoscope of colors.
Kova's attention span wouldn't hold out for much longer though as he stared at the pretty sky. Eventually something was bound to catch his attention.
Played by Amber who has 16 posts.
Inactive III. Guardian
Regem Rakkair
As the sun finally pierced the man's resting place at the outskirts of the clearing bordering the communal den, sleep stalked away from his mind, and his eyes blinked slowly open. Movement immediately caught his eye, causing the startled guardian to leap defensively to his feet, a growl ready and waiting should the need for one arise. His eyes roaming the area, he noticed that @Kova had stumbled to the edge of the den. Immensely pleased that it was simply one of the pack's newest additions and not a threat to his newfound family, Regem lowered himself into a long and luxurious stretch, wondering how long he'd been asleep for.

A minute or so later, memory came flitting back to him, and the stone furred wolf recalled with a sigh of relief that he'd woken up around midnight to run the borders as most everyone else slept peacefully. Nothing had particularly caught his attention, except for a deer scent a little way inside the northern border. When @Minka woke up, he'd have to let her know to see if she wanted to call the pack together for a hunt. Or, as snoring reached his ears, perhaps he would let @Tokino know.

Stepping into the morning sunshine, he stood off the center of the clearing, head lowered and tail wagging to let the grey pup know that he was a friend, not an enemy. Although, if the youngster came running at him, Regem would merely dismiss it as play and roll onto his stomach to invite the young boy to play with him.
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

The energy that zipped through his paws when another wolf appeared gave Kova a thrill as he whined happily quickly trotting up to greet the stranger. His gray crown was bowed low and his tail tucked under his belly to appease the older wolf and make friends with him. However when the male rolled onto his belly in clear invitation Kova barked happily. Kova paused one moment to smell the man. His wasn't one of the regular smells that graced the outside of his parents den. Though he could smell a trace of his mother on the stranger, and Kova knew whoever had mother and fathers smells were good the good guys.
His tail wagged slowly as Kova registered once more that the man was willing to play. A few seconds later he dashed forward to body slam the mans leg and belly, though Kova barely had enough weight on him to make the adult flinch, then dashed back out of range. His tongue lolled happily while that silver tail beat at the air.
"TAG YOUR IT!" The bark was followed by Kova's skittering paw steps as he ran as far away from the stranger as he could and tried to hide at the base of a thorny black berry bush. He could barely fit under the hiding spot, and although the prickly stems sometimes bit into his fur Kova knew that it was the best place to hide. The bush was taller than his parents, with its arching stems growing widely around the base. Half ripe and fully ripe blackberries hung from practically all of the branches which draped over the boy in a hiding place just the right size for his little body. A big adult could only try to paw him out unless they were willing to get thorns in their fur extracting him.
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2014, 01:13 AM by Kova.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino wiggled his haunches settling his gray behind down into the cupped nest of soft scratched up dirt and leaves. His back leg was slowly getting a little more bearable each and every day. He could now put a bit of weight on it though dull pain nagged at him to rest his leg.

The problem was that Tokino sitting there all day long wasting away as everyone else did his work for him. Now with the leaves beginning to change color he was really getting impatient as the older wolf realized that all of his summer was gone. He hadn't been able to do much of anything, but what irked him most was that his pups were now allowed out of the den on their own.

Tokino knew that it was time for them to start looking around and doing things for themselves, but now that they were gone every day he was constantly alone. The old wolf had nobody to share comfort with until the pack came around the rest for the night or during a storm.

Aching for company, Tokino shuffled to the other side of his comfy resting place to look around. A short "woof" was uttered from his maw as a kind of soft greeting to anyone nearby. Hell I wouldn't mind Inali's brash behavior as company either. he whined within the confines of his mind before setting that bored gray crown upon his front paws once more.

The regal now lay there quiet and sad.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Days passed, all seeming to blur in just one long, endless day. She was constantly busy, and if for some reason she wasn't scouting, you could find the chirpy she wolf doing odd jobs around the territory. But she ached for a companion. She missed @Naia, her lover, since they hadn't been able to meet up in some time. She missed @Tokino as well, for with her constant movement in and out of the territory she couldn't meet up with anyone, let alone her injured best friend and king. So today she had sworn to change that. She had made a quick border patrol once she had awaken and hunted a little for something to add to the caches, then she set out on the mission to find her old geezer. It didnt take long to track the male down, and her graceful form weaved through the blackberry bushes heading straight for the pack den. As she slipped through the foliage, her blue orbs connected on Tokino's familiar form.

Immediately a smile overtook her features and her tail wagged like an excited pup's. "Kino!," she called out warmly. That was until she moved closer and saw his despondent form. Her smile immediately dipped into a worried frown. The light usually present in her orbs dimmed considerably. "What's wrong?," she called out in a slightly lost tone, for she had never seen Tokino so...sad. What was bothering the usually fierce male?

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

His sad gaze fell upon the earth and slowly moved across the floor. Those icy orbs looked upon the molding leaves and stiff broken stems that littered the ground. Musty smells of dead plant material filtered through his muzzle while the light breeze pushed the scent of brisk air, and wolf.

The familiar smell of Inali had his tail wagging delightedly. Just before he brought his head up to greet her, Inali trotted through the undergrowth into view. Her bright face smiled happily while the girls tail flicked back and forth in giddy way. Though her smile turned to a frown as she saw the depressed emotions over Tokino's face and body. She was worried for him. Her question had him tilting his head in confusion as the gray wolf tried to lift himself up to greet his best friend.

I'm just missing my family and friends that's all. He gave her half the truth leaving out the bit where he also felt insignificant while everyone else did their jobs and worked.

Now standing weakly on three and a half legs, Tokino measured the strength he still had. Much of the muscle in his legs had been lost due to how non-moving he had become while that broken leg healed. It would take another month of exercise before he would gain the muscle back again. However since the would inside still pained him, Tokino would make sure to keep the exercise light as things healed.

So what have you been up to Inali my girl? Kino asked joyfully glad that he finally had someone to talk to and hang out with.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

At the sight of her, Tokino's countenance brightened and he partially soothed her with his words. She had a feeling that Kino wasn't telling her everything, but then again it wasn't like they were the type of wolves that held their heart completely on their paw. Though the woman knew she could go to Kino for anything if she so choosed. Her worries shifted from his emotional wellbeing as the man tried to stand up, and they switched to his physical wellbeing. Why was he standing? He shouldn't be standing. Inali fretted inwardly but kept the smile on her maw as he questioned her. Kino was a stubborn old man but she was also a stubborn individual. If she fretted over him like he was some crippled he probably wouldnt even listen to her. Maybe...

Her eyes brightened with their usual glow, but held a touch of mischeif in them. She sat on her haunches, curling her slim tail around her. Opening her maw, Inali spoke. "The usual, hunting, scouting. Though more and more I find myself running after your wild brood." She laughed and nudged him playfully with her paw, her blue orbs twinkling.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino couldn't help but smile as he lay himself back down comfortably. Unfortunately he had to readjust himself once he plopped down on the ground due to a shifted rock that was poking him in the side, but a part from that the older male was able to get quite comfortable. Then he resumed listening to Inali as she spoke about his children. To be truthful he actually worried about one of his little ones.

His little girl was healthy, yes, but Tokino only knew that from the once in a while appearances of her. Generally he didn't see his little princess which worried him a bit. Although he could be over complicating things. She could just be roaming around by herself. Perhaps she likes being alone? His thoughts echoed as Tokino tried to figure out why he didn't see her as often as he thought he should.

Or maybe she doesn't... He shook his ruff. How could she not? He was her father.

Looking to Inali quickly Tokino gave her a worried half smile. Say, do you think Noble likes me? It's just that I almost never see her anymore. Not like Kova who won't stay out of my rump half the time. He asked genuinely curious as to what Inali thought of the situation. Maybe she would have noticed something else about Noble that Tokino hadn't been able to see. Especially since he couldn't really get up and keep an eye on his children like he used to.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Inali hid her grin as Tokino sat down beside her, glad that he had not hesitated in getting comfortable. She didn't know how his leg was fairing him, but she did know that she didnt want him on it. Not that she was some trained Healer, but she still held the right to worry for her best friend and father figure. Her blue orbs watched atentively as Tokino lost himself in his thoughts, and reading the concern and worry in his eyes, she wondered if he would speak to her of it. He cast her a quick glance and spoke his concerns. She almost snorted in disbelief, and then did a mental double take. He was actually being serious. Her blue orbs narrowed as she opened her maw. Don't be stupid, old man," she said with a scoffing tone, wanting to get that ludicrous idea out of his head as fast as possible.

" Of course she likes you, Kino. You're her father. You're like a hero in her eyes." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Noble seems like a curious girl. Its true, I run in mostly with Kova, but I always catch a glimpse of her roaming around. And don't worry, I keep a sharp eye on her. Maybe she likes to be by herself. Or maybe she just wants her daddy to approach her sometimes." She shrugged. It was just a thought to place in his head. "If I had a father like you..," she trailed off. "Your a great man Kino, and an even greater father. You have nothing to worry about, trust me." Then she chuckled. "Old age has made you think ludicrous things my friend," she teased, hoping that her words had eased his worries.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina


Tokino rolled his eyes in response to Inali's own eye rolling. However her words did calm his fears, and perhaps some truth was held within them. He could seek her out himself. Though the man couldn't keep up with the lively pups at the moment while his leg still ached. Eventually though, he planned on talking with his little princess one on one and getting to know her again. Perhaps to even let her wrap him around her paw once more.

I take it your father wasn't the best? he asked carefully noting the way Inali had trailed off at the mention of it. He didn't want to force her to talk about it, though his inborn curiosity drove him to ask.

He smirked at the red womans name calling, quite used to her sharp tongue and ready to fire back at her with his own. I keep telling you I'm not old. He huffed lightly before reaching over to nip Inali playfully. I've had family live over ten years! Hell my mother was older than that when I left home! He said quickly before turning his gaze back to the forest. He could imagine his mother being proud of what he had accomplished. Though he couldn't hope for her to still be alive. Her advanced age before he had left had been taking a toll on her, so there was very little cha nce that she still lived.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you