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lift your eyes — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
OOC|| For @Falcon, perhaps another CRR wolf can jump in later. FYI, Karina's estimated human age right now is four years old. ||

Karina was five weeks old now, and she would proudly tell any adult who listened (as long as he wasn’t a stranger) that she had seen one whole moon. It was an important age; she was now allowed to roam the territory around her family’s little den as long as she was in eyesight of one of her packmates. Though adults told her in the beginning how she had been afraid to venture from the den, she couldn’t ever remember a time when she preferred the dark and the stagnant air to the beauty of the open sky. The pup trotted along a familiar path, smelling her favorite flowers and dirt spots and occasionally barking at a passing insect. She was having so much fun that it was easy to forget that she had an escort, always trailing their princess unobtrusively-- a constant presence in her peripheral vision. Karina didn’t mind adults watching over her though, it made her feel safe. Secure. Carefree.

A deafening crack caused Karina to freeze in her tracks, her blue eyes roaming wildly for the source of the sound. A few more ear-splitting cracks followed, and the pup’s gaze finally landed on a giant, trembling cedar tree a few wolflengths away. The tree gave a lurch, and then it came rushing down toward her in an evil attempt to flatten her. Karina howled in terror and dashed away, running faster than she ever had in her entire life... even faster than when she was racing Orren or Aleksei. She had been warned about strangers, and badgers, and mountain cats, and poison mushrooms.. but how did the grown-ups forget to tell her about falling trees? Speaking of grown-ups, Karina looked over her shoulder for her escort, slowing her pace as she peered through the trees. There was no one following. She was alone. She slowed to a walk, taking in her unfamiliar surroundings through wide, frightened eyes. Was she even in Cut Rock River anymore? The little princess sat down and started to cry pitifully—it was the only way she knew how to solve such a difficult problem.

 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Vet who has 27 posts.
the ghosts of cedarwood forest know my name

OOC here!

Falcon was having problems of her own as well. She was old enough to know better than to poke around that badger set. But curiosity, mischievousness, and a bit of fun resulted in the tawny female racing through the forest with her tail tucked while an angry mother gave furious chase with every intent to shred her. Thankfully, the she-wolf was plenty fast enough to evade those thick claws and snarling mouth.

Of course, she couldn't just stop there. Once she was well out of harm's way, Falcon circled back to harass the animal for the sheer fun of it. As Jackdaw had less patience with her antics than normal, she was having to turn to other animals for her pleasure. The she-wolf barked and yipped, enticing the badger into chasing her again. It wasn't long before it caught on that she was only teasing and grouchily decided to quit wasting energy to go tend to her babies instead.

With her fun effectively ended, Falcon panted with some disappointment. She shook her fur out, dislodging a few leaves that clung stubbornly to her fur, though the tawny female had to reach around and tug out a bramble tangled at her side.

The she-wolf's grooming was interrupted by sharp whimpers that were some distance off. Falcon's ears perked and she stood taller, trying to catch the source of the sound. There was no doubt it was a wolf in distress, and the voice sounded young enough to cause a bit of panic in her chest. As far as she knew, there were no pack lands here. She'd been told the borders of at least one pack, but still was becoming used to the surrounding territories. Either way, it made no sense to be hearing a pup out here alone.

That badger would surely come back and make a meal of the little one!

No way was Falcon letting that happen. Whether the little one was pack or not, pups always deserved protection. The she-wolf took off, kicking leaves and soil behind her with the force of her start. She was grateful the pup was so very vocal in its distress, for she was quickly able to locate her.

The sleek little female looked so very frightened that Falcon couldn't help but whine in response. The adult got to her belly and crawled a little closer to the pup so as not to make her terror any worse.

"It's okay, little one! Don't be scared. I won't let anyone hurt you," Falcon promised, wagging her tail in a welcoming manner. "My name is Falcon. What's yours? Do you live nearby?" Oh, she hoped so. How had she even gotten herself lost out here? The she-wolf didn't want to overload the little one with too many scary questions and instead focused on smiling and looking as harmless as possible.

Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski

It was like magic; she cries, and the grown-up comes. Karina couldn’t even remember ever having a problem that crying didn’t solve. The grown-up whined sympathetically, and Karina stopped crying immediately to cooly survey the newcomer. She was a stranger, which under normal circumstances would terrify the pup (she had been warned about strangers) but today attack trees were much more of a concern than any strange wolf. Karina bolted for the crawling female, cuddling herself up between her forelegs directly under her chin. There. This was remotely safe, should another tree decide to come for her. ”Look owt for twees,” she warned. ”They’we evil.” She typically spoke with a clarity that was accelerated for her age, but fear had her slipping into a more babyish dialect. She began to tremble all over as she thought once more about the attack tree. It had been so sudden.

The stranger—Falcon—started asking her questions, but Karina was distracted by a familiar smell that had enveloped her since she crawled into the woman’s embrace. The smell may have been familiar, but it wasn’t comforting… it was a smell she was supposed to fear, she knew that much. Badger, Karina placed it at last. Falcon smelled just like that swatch of badger fur that her family had brought her during that last lesson about the dangers of the forest. She had been warned about badgers. The pup darted out from under Falcon’s chin, stopping just out of reach to turn around, a suspicious expression on her face. ”Awe you a badger?” Falcon looked like a wolf to her, but what did she know? She had never actually seen a badger. She backed up a few more steps, refusing to take her eye off the badger but wanting to get away as quickly as possible.

Played by Vet who has 27 posts.
the ghosts of cedarwood forest know my name

Dunno if you wanted to invite someone in specific from the pack to join in, but all are welcome! <3

"For trees?" Falcon asked, her tone soft and sweet. "Have brambles been catching at your poor fur, then, little one?" The tawny female's amber eyes ran along the pup's length since she was so helpfully stuffed between her forelegs. Unable to help herself, Falcon ran a comforting tongue along the pup's head. She could feel her just a'trembling! Poor thing!

The she-wolf wasn't at all prepared when the pup wriggled from her protective paws and a tail length away. She blinked, her not-quite-matching eyes showing concern, curiosity, and alarm. It was the little one's question that had Falcon giving a sunny, bubbly laugh. Her tail thumped proudly behind her as she regarded the pup. She was absolutely darling!

"Very good!" she praised immediately. "I'm not a badger, but I was chasing one! That's a good little sniffer you've got there! I bet you make your parents very proud.

"I bet they are worried sick about you." Falcon stood to hover over the little female, her eyes darting around for any sign of her pack mates. Surely no one would leave her out here on her own. But the she-wolf detected no one nearby and clucked her tongue with disapproval. Perhaps they'd lost her then. She definitely seemed too young to be out wandering already unless things had changed much since last she was in a pack.

"I'll just have to call them, then, won't I?" Falcon asked, speaking mostly to herself. The she-wolf leaned down to nuzzle the little one. "You'll help, won't you?" The female smiled sweetly. "Can you howl yet?" she wondered, and decided to find out simply by leading the way.

Falcon lifted her muzzle to the sky. Her howl was loud enough to be heard by any nearby packs, but a little warbling and nervous. To face an entire worried pack on her own would be quite a daunting feat...

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
daddy's here. @Falcon @Karina

Where was she? Where was his beloved little princess? Maksim could do naught until he found her, except pray that she was safe. What had happened could not have been predicted, after all.

The falling tree had surprised—perhaps even scared—him, as well as his daughter. He hadn't expected it, nor had he expected Karina to dash off in fear and into the undergrowth of the forest, though how could he blame her? Maksim called after her, his voice loud and booming, but the crackling and rustling must have drowned him out because she did not return the call, not did she appear after the chaos of the brief, terrifying incident. His heart hammered in his chest as he watched the cedar crash into the ground and he leaped backwards almost comically, his eyes wide as debris and flora flew up at the impact. For a moment he remained silent, gasping for air as the shock began to burn up within him. And then … oh gods, no. She was gone. Had she been crushed?

He stumbled forwards towards the tree, sick to his stomach, as he sniffed almost reluctantly. He thanked the stars that there was not a single trace of blood. At least, not a fresh scent. That meant one thing: Karina had scurried off into the forest. Alone. Another wave of dread washed over and faded slightly as the River king as he inhaled, analysing the smells in the air. There! He doubled checked. Yes, he had caught a whiff of his blue-eyed baby in the breeze. Without missing a beat, Maksim leaped over the fallen cedar before thundering after the scent of his daughter. She had to be fine—she was a Baranski, damn it! They were strong, capable wolves … and yet, this fact did little to soothe his now fried nerves. She was a cub! The agouti male stopped occasionally to sniff, following the scent of his only daughter. Like hell he was going to let her become lost.

The sound of a wolf howling caught his attention and his head snapped up, ears swiveling as the information in the tones whirled around in his head. Lost pup. Karina. He didn't even think to return the call, as he was already running. When Maksim did burst onto the scene, his fatherly instincts kicked in. The lone wolf who had called was just too close to his daughter for him to be calm or comfortable. He raised his lip, a rumble sounding in his throat, as he stepped forwards—his tail raised dominantly—and over his daughter protectively. “Much too close,” he explained with a monotone voice, waiting for the loner to back off somewhat before he allowed himself to bend over and double check his sweet Karina was safe. He inspected her thoroughly, sniffing away and nosing her gentle, his tongue flicking out to offer her a sweet kiss before he looked up to the stranger again.

“Thank you.” The words felt strange on his tongue. “She could have run into another wolf—a cruel one—and … by the stars, I dread to think what could have happened.” Maksim shuddered at the thought. If any wolf harmed his child—any of his offspring—he would most certainly return the pain tenfold. The agouti king looked at his princess again, inhaling deeply. Guilt chewed him up. Just how scared had she been? “Karina … daddy's so sorry he lost you. I had no idea that the tree would fall. Beavers are tricky little bas—” Kisla would not be happy if he returned home with his daughter saying bastard in her sweet, sing-song voice. “—so and so's.” Bah-so-and-so's would have to do.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
OOC|| Welcome back, Mimi! Let me know if you want me to change the pp in the last paragraph.||

Karina’s nose wrinkled as she was deciding if she could trust this stranger to her word, but the flattery won out in the end. Her stance relaxed, and she panted as she received the praise. ”It’s better than Owwen an’ Lekki’s!” she boasted, excited that she could do at least one thing—smelling-- better than her littermates. Falcon’s appeal to her pride had worked. She took a step closer, wagging her entire rear end along with her tail. ”I’m Kaweena Bawanski. I’m one moon!” The Cut Rock River princess had taken to informing every wolf she came across of her age, and it was a rare treat to find an adult that didn’t know the information already.

The little one’s brow furrowed when Falcon spoke of her parents. She had forgotten them in all the excitement. She hoped that they were okay.. and she also hoped she wasn’t in trouble. Never, never go off by yourself. It was a rule. Falcon clucked in disapproval, and for a moment Karina thought it was in response to her rule breaking before she realized that it was her parents being clucked. ”They’we fighting the twee!” she insisted in defense of her family. Come on, the evil tree! Didn’t she remember? They had just been over it! Adults could be astonishingly forgetful. They were constantly reminding her to be patient, but then they themselves always expected immediate results. Jeez, her family was fighting the attack tree, and they would get here when it was safe!

”I can,” she claimed when Falcon asked her if she could howl. If there was something she could do well, it was calling for adults! Karina joined in the call with high-pitched puppy whines, but her contribution was drowned out by Falcon’s beautiful howl. Karina carried on with vigor, imagining that the music was emerging solely from her. They didn’t have to call long—soon after they began, Karina heard someone very large crashing through the woods. There was only one wolf who made a sound like that when he moved. ”Daddy!” the pup cried happily as the largest, most powerful wolf in Cut Rock River emerged from the undergrowth. Before she could move from her seat he was looming over her, canines bared at the stranger.

She wasn’t afraid exactly—he was her father after all—but the expression that Maksim was wearing certainly wasn’t one of her favorites. She shrank in toward his chest, curled under his throat where she wouldn’t see his snarl. ”Falcon’s nice. She finded me. She said I sniffed good,” Karina told her father from her spot below his chin. Perhaps he had heard her, because the threatening rumbles in his throat stopped and he began sniffing her all over. She giggled as his snuffling nose roved across her body, tickling her as he checked her over for injury. His tongue flicked out in a sweet kiss, as she licked him back on his nose before he pulled away to address Falcon.

When he looked back at her, Karina thought it would be to admonish her for running off. She flattened her ears in guilt, and her bright blue eyes widened with worry. Instead he apologized, and Karina blinked in surprise. He started talking about beavers, and Karina wrinkled her nose in confusion. Tree? Beaver? She didn’t understand. Did beavers look just like ordinary trees, except when they attacked you? That must be it. It wasn’t an evil tree after all—it was something entirely different. A beaver! ”It attackted me! The beaver! The Bah-so-an-so! I thinked it got you and it chased me! Did you kill it?” The pup was babbling almost incoherently, and she only stopped when she ran out of breath. She gasped a few times, clearly having more to say but too wound up to actually get the words out. After a moment, she calmed enough to speak again.

”Falcon is a Cut Rock River wolf.” The phrase would probably confuse Falcon herself, as she was certainly a loner and in no way affiliated with their pack. Maksim would know what she meant, though. As long as she could remember, her father had worked to instil a sense of pride and identity in his pups. He often spoke to them of what a Cut Rock River wolf was—A Cut Rock River wolf is strong, a Cut Rock River wolf is loyal, she always does her best, tries her hardest.. She never gives up… If you do not fight, you cannot win. Her father would know that by calling Falcon a Cut Rock River wolf, Karina was paying her the highest compliment. It was her way of calling Falcon a hero.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2014, 05:34 PM by Karina.)
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Vet who has 27 posts.
the ghosts of cedarwood forest know my name

OOC here!

To face this particular worried father was perhaps more frightening than an entire pack! At least with a pack, Falcon could perhaps appeal to one and thus earn the favor of all. But not with this one. The tawny female immediately skittered a few feet away, her tail tucked and belly dragging along the ground as she prepared to roll for him should he feel the need to come after her. Falcon hadn't even the time to respond to the pup's sharing of her age before he'd arrived in all his furious glory. She was grateful her brother wasn't here to make a tense situation worse; he always hated seeing her roll so readily and was always chastising her for it.

'One day, some wolf is gonna tear your throat out and you'll just be on the ground letting him!' It was an old argument and one she was relieved not to be having in front of what she assumed to be the very strong, capable Alpha of the nearby pack.

Falcon looked only long enough to reassure herself that the male was indeed the pup's father and not some rival looking to rid the world of the little one. For that she wouldn't roll. As soon as she was certain, the she-wolf averted her gaze as he thanked her and thumped her tail nervously against the ground twice.

The tawny female listened in as father apologized to daughter and couldn't quite hide her smile as he recovered his foul language to spare one so young from hearing it and repeating it. What a lovely family they must make! Her own father had never been so caring. Oh, and to hear little Karina go on and on! It was far too endearing. Falcon had always had a soft spot for the little ones.

As the pup had suspected, Falcon was confused by Karina's statement. "Oh, no, little Miss Karina. I'm just a loner. My brother and I have no pack," she told her sweetly, amber eyes flickering up to meet her father's for the barest of moments before focusing on the ground. "I'm just glad you're safe and your father has found you." The she-wolf's tail began to thump against the ground again in a steady beat; this wasn't so bad. He could have been crueler, for certain! Her own father would have been.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Maksim couldn't help but smile at his daughter's words as he nuzzled her gently. Her puppy fur was soft and fluffy against his nose and he rumbled a chuckle at her “bah-so-and-so”. The River king missed the innocence of childhood, the ability to say words and not quite understand fully what they meant. Then again, learning had been a wonderful thing, too. Karina had so much to look forward to. “That's not quite right, my sweet. You see, beavers are little furry things that eat the bottom of trees and cause them to fall over. That's why the cedar fell earlier. You don't need to worry about the beaver, though. It's long gone.”

He paused for a moment before offering another smile and a laugh. “But, you were very smart to run from danger! But, listen: try to remember if something scares you again to run towards home, hm?” Maksim offered Karina another lick, his salmon-hued tongue sweeping over the fur on her head lovingly. Her next statement caused him to raise his brow quizzically. This female … was a Cut Rock River wolf?

Falcon did not have the marshy tang to her fur that Maksim's followers did. He understood, though. What Karina was trying to explain was that the female who had kept her company held all the traits of a River wolf. That she was trustworthy, with a good soul. Yes, the agouti leader could see that clear as day. After all, she hadn't attacked his daughter in order to secure an easy meal …

The loner tried to explain that, no, she wasn't a pack member; that she and her brother were loners. “I believe that my daughter's trying to say you're an honourable, respectable wolf.” Once again, he lowered his head to nose at Karina lovingly. “She's a good girl, so I have no reason to doubt her.” After all, his sweet little princess was good at telling the truth. Maksim looked to Falcon—who was, thankfully, displaying correct submissive behaviour—with a blink. “You have no pack, correct? Perhaps you and your brother would be interested in perhaps considering ours? It's not too far,” he gave a quick bob of his head in the direction to the border, “and I'm intrigued to meet your sibling. I think Karina's fond of you, too.”

He kept his tail arched over his back and he squared his shoulders slightly. “Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself. Maksim Baranski, leader of Cut Rock River. And, of course, you've met my daughter, Karina.”

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2014, 05:19 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
OOC|| Feel free to skip Karina's turn at this point-- she's exhausted and isn't going to be much for conversation. ||

Karina was spitting out questions and exclamations just as fast as she could think of them, and it was clear that she had been overstimulated by the recent series of events. Her father’s affectionate touch grounded her somewhat, and she fell silent as he explained the Beaver to her. The child’s cloudy blue eyes widened, especially at the part about eating trees. She had never tried eating a tree—they didn’t really smell that appealing, you know—but maybe she would give it a shot. Better yet, she would tell Orren about it, and he would try it for her! Once she described the Beaver to her brother she knew that curiosity would devour him until he had a chance to take a bite of tree.

Now that she had settled down, her head was starting to feel very heavy. She slid onto her belly with a soft thump as her father finished speaking to her. ”Towards home,” she repeated, closing her eyes just in time for her father’s tongue to swipe across her head. The pup blinked her eyes back open wearily as Falcon addressed her, clearly confused at being called a Cut Rock River wolf. Karina found that she didn’t have the energy to try to find the words to explain, so instead she looked up at Maksim for help. Thankfully her father took over for her, and Karina laid her head between her paws as the grown-ups talked. She let their voices drift over her head as her mind wandered; she simply didn’t have the energy or the attention to try to follow their conversation. Her gaze fell on the massive foreleg of her father, and she started nibbling around his ankle. Yum, yumm.. I’m a beaver!” Every now and then her ears flicked forward as her name was mentioned, but her attention remained on flea-biting her father’s leg.

(This post was last modified: Jul 05, 2014, 04:57 PM by Karina.)
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Vet who has 27 posts.
the ghosts of cedarwood forest know my name

;3; Not sure how long until Hachi can get his computer fixed and working right. But maybe I can copy and paste this thread and somehow transcribe for him if he wants to join?

It warmed Falcon's soft heart to see a father so kindly educate his daughter. She would grow up to be strong and intelligent and confident! Already, the female could tell. In a safe home, wolves grew their best! Perhaps if Falcon herself had come from as loving a pack as this one, she may not have been satisfied with being the lowly omega to be picked on. But there was no use whining over a past already gone. This was her new life! A chance for a new beginning. It brought her hope.

If seeing father and daughter interact hadn't been enough to soften her, the male's explanation of his daughter's confusing declaration left her heart as mushy as detritus on a boggy river bank. Falcon longed to snuggle up to the pup and lick her as tenderly as her father had moments before in thanks.

The female hadn't the chance to properly thank the pair of them for such a compliment before the Alpha was speaking of packs. Falcon found herself struck dumb, her mouth slightly ajar at such an offer. Her heart leaped for joy, but the tawny wolf worried over her brother's opinion. He preferred the food benefits that came with being pack, but Falcon felt anxious about any potential first meeting. Jackdaw had the tendency to come across as very...dominant. Belligerent, really. He so loved to growl and carry on with insults.

Falcon dropped her head again upon his introduction, her tail swishing with nervous happiness. "Alpha Baranski, you honor me with more than I deserve," the she-wolf said kindly. "I would love for you to meet my brother. But I should discuss it with him first."

Though Falcon was clearly an intelligent adult capable of free thought, she really did defer to Jackdaw when it came to such big decisions. As a whole, Falcon knew she could handle wherever they ended up. She was adaptable and well used to falling in line as was expected. Her brother was a bit harder in his ways.

"I don't mean to sound ungrateful!" she rushed to say. "Though it is only the two of us, he is the only family I have right now. It wouldn't feel right to make my decision without him." And truly, Falcon felt sorrowful for it. Had she been on her own only, she would have joined in a heartbeat. "Would you mind waiting until then?"