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Cut Rock River Pack Thread
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Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

One by one, River wolves trickled into the clearing, as if the call to alert them of food was a Siren song that had captivated them. Naia came first, and Maksim acknowledged her appearance with a brief grumble of a greeting. The Timber was dedicated to the pack, that was a definite, and an excellent representative of Cut Rock River wolves. Should she kick up the game a little further—with some guidance from the Baranski—, the agouti wolf would have no qualms with placing her as the first scout of the pack. Hard work was praised in the Baranski's territory, after all.

It was then that Astra, a trusted friend of Maksim's, entered the area. She strode forward with dominance and grace laced in each step, boldly stating she led alongside the large River king, not as a mate but as his equal—she, too, was a leader of Cut Rock River. The butterscotch female approached him, her tail giving a brief wag as his own swayed in response, greeting him in a way that still placed him above her. A quiet rumble vibrated in the agouti wolf's chest, as he gently placed his nose to her cheek. “Always a pleasure, friend.” His gaze drifted from the pale lady as she took her share of the elk and momentarily he locked his eyes on Kisla. Something was off; she seemed confused at Astra's arrival, as if she didn't quite understand what was going on, but quickly composed herself as the cream leader spoke. Maksim watched the honeyed woman tense and his verdant eyes widened slightly as he realised what Kisla was planning on doing.

She was going to make a challenge.

His eyes remained fixed on the Tainn woman as her hackles raised, her chin lifting and her tail arcing. Why was Kisla doing this? She would be leaving come spring, wouldn't she? Or did this mean she would not go—that she would stay with the River wolves? Was she simply challenging to take her share of food as soon as possible? Maksim's attention was entirely focused on her as his mind churned thoughts, his eyes snapping to Astra as she barked at the lower ranking female to stand down and respect her superior. A snarl rolled from the Lady of the River and, without another word, she made the first move. Her jaws flew open and closed on Kisla's scruff, attempting to force her rival to the ground.

The tawny wolf did not break, though, and their scuffle continued as Lachesis and Lalani drifted silently into the scene of the challenge. The Baranski's eyes were trained momentarily on the carcass the dark yearling had dragged in, wondering how on Earth she'd managed to shift such a gargantuan beast alone. She looked exhausted. Maksim returned his sights to the rank challenge that had unravelled before them all just in time to see Astra forfeit her position as lead female, dropping to her side and pawing at Kisla's chest. A gentle act of camaraderie was offered to the dethroned Sellix from the newly crowned Tainn before the tawny woman approached Maksim. She pressed her dark nose to his cheek, seeking approval, before the agouti male's salmon hued tongue swept over her muzzle. She was his equal, now, and the Baranski welcomed her to the position with open arms.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Maksim and/or @Kisla :) Lachesis wants to b healerrrr :3 we could backdate this if you want? I meant to get this up closer to his birthday ;_;

So Lachesis was officially an adult. A grimace appeared on his maw at the thought, his pale eyes surveying his long legs and over-sized paws. He sure didn’t feel like an adult. It was strange to think of how much time had passed since he first arrived in Relic Lore with Anastasia – he couldn’t imagine ever returning to the Reserve. The life he had there was nothing compared to his life now. It had been comfortable – too comfortable – and there was no unpredictability. The same thing happened, day after day, whereas now Lachesis never knew what was going to happen. At first he had shied away from the foreign territory, unsure of how to act around others and how to act like a wolf, but after Ana’s coaching and his own lessons, XIX felt as though he had finally figured it out. For the most part.

There was a pit in his stomach as he paced the entrance to his den. Now that he had entered the adult ranks Lachesis was able to officially obtain the rank of healer; if Maksim and Kisla gave it to him, of course. While Maksim had witnessed his abilities before XIX wanted to formally ask his leaders for the position – he couldn’t just assume he was going to be given the role. He respected his leaders, and wanted both their permission and approval. With a roll of his shoulders the boy padded over to his leaders’ den, his brows furrowed as worry consumed him. He didn’t understand why he was so nervous; there was no reason to be. Inhale, exhale. Approaching the mouth of their den XIX paused with his body lowered as he woofed a short greeting.

(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2014, 09:40 PM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

It felt surreal almost -- the honeyed she-wolf lay upon her side, her muzzle tilted as she watched the rise and fall of her stomach. Soon, she would begin to show -- life stirred within her, and the revelation that it was life she and Maksim had created together had her in awe. Of course, with this, she also felt the longing stir to make her trip back to Oak Tree Bend as swiftly as possible -- once she was heavier, she would not dare traipse along the mountains steep slopes.. nor would she have her children born anywhere but in the safe den Maksim had lovingly dug out before they were even a thought upon her own mind. Her eyes stole about the dimly lit den, noting the gentle light that filtered through from the outside. When he and the rest of the pack had molded the earth to their needs, had puppies been on their mind? Who, at the time, had been the likely one to bear the youth of the River pack?

It was a thought she did not care to dwell on. Insecurities and jealousy was something that roared within her chest far too often, and only when a gentle woof erupted the silence did she pull herself from her reveries, pleased at the distraction. Rolling upright and to her paws, the tawny female maneuvered to the den entrance, blinking against the sun as she pulled herself out of the smaller enclosure.

Giving her pelt a light shake as she stretched slightly, her eyes befell the young ivory male she had seen from time to time. Many of her pack mates she was familiar with by sight and name alone -- barely any had she truly befriended. Her tail arced in a natural dominance, noting the way his body seemed to be lower. Lachesis, right? Her tone was gentle in the cold spring air, her eyes falling to rest upon the male's crown as she awaited to see his reasoning for seeking her out. It was likely he had been hoping to find Maksim here instead.

(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2014, 11:54 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
sorry this took so long! <3

As soon as he caught Kisla’s scent the aspiring healer realized he should have brought something for the pregnant leader. Food had been scarce, nearly completely gone, over the winter; with the River leader carrying pups she needed all the food she could get. Regret consumed him, nearly causing his legs to tremble as the tawny female appeared out of the den. He stepped back, immediately dipping his head in respect as she greeted him. While he had watched her overthrow Astra, the previous leader alongside Maksim, Nineteen knew little about the tawny female. He had been glad to see her succeed in taking the creamy female’s rank, but since then hadn’t gotten properly acquainted with his new leader.

“Yes,” he responded quickly, his shoulders hunched as he remained in a submissive position. “I’m sorry I come without food, would you like me to grab something from the cache for you?” He offered with a soft wag of his tail; he hoped the female wasn’t bothered by his lack of thinking, as he wanted to start off on a good note with his leader.

“I wanted to speak with you about obtaining a role within the pack,” he started in a confident voice as he did not want to appear weak before her. Had it been a few weeks prior, Lachesis wouldn’t have been able to speak without a stutter haunting his words and his body constantly trembling. While his grief was still present within his heart, he would no longer let it show. He was getting better – for both himself and the pack (especially Capella) – and was determined to continuously get better.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her eyes skimmed over him – youthful, and yet much like her, fully blossoming in to himself. Even more impressive was the offer he made, and with a small smile, the tawny female closed the distance between them, her nose tipping down to the lowered male to brush her nose to his cheek in silent gratitude and proper greeting of a pack mate she knew she could trust. He had been a part of this family before her, and remained so even now. His loyalty was certainly not to be questioned, unlike many of the wolves that she had seen come and go her entire life.

She did not expect her pack mates to gift her – Maksim certainly took care of her every need for the time being, and she briefly wondered what role Lachesis before her would play in the lives of their youth. No doubt he would be a wolf they looked up to – one they trusted as not only friend, but family.

Perhaps we can hunt after we speak of what is on your mind, she offered then, pulling back and settling to her haunches. She had an inkling to what role he would request, and given that Maksim had first given her Lachesis’ name as the packs healer, she doubted he would have any doubt in his mind that the pale wolf would be of great use with the official role. He was, after all, past his yearling stage. Despite the fact she had never sought the ivory male out did not mean she doubted him, and with a cant of her muzzle, she awaited him to speak – a silent invitation that he held her attention.

sparking up my heart

Played by Render who has 96 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Hati “Taras” Roukan
OOC: This is open to anyone, it's just to keep Hati from going inactive due to the AC.

Cut Rock River was flourishing. Hati scented new additions to the pack often. Though still quite the recluse the dark wolf had partially come out of his shell and mingled with those who could be called family, a stark contrast to the solitary man he had been at the beginning of his reintroduction to social life. However he still felt as though the pack wasn't entirely together; he knew the key members but few others and by the sparse smells scattered throughout the territory, it seemed likely that it was much the same for everyone else. Hati, though it went against his nature, hoped to remedy this, which was why he now moved calculating along the river that was so close to the den.

This was the den where Kisla would birth new life. The thought made Hati's heart speed up; he had never been a part of such an exciting event. The man wasn't quite sure what to make of the whole thing but curiosity drew him in, and he hoped to be close when it happened. His relationship with the alphess of Cut Rock River was not deep, but perhaps there was a chance she would allow him to be in the near vicinity. Hati smiled and lowered his head to the flowing water, taking a brief glance at his scarred reflection. The hollow socket where his left eye had once rested no longer bothered him...yet it still drew his gaze. He watched it as he lapped up cool water, wishing for the millionth time that he could redo that moment in the past and fix things.
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina


As the pack’s only Scout, busy little Naia did not often find herself here at the pack’s rendezvous site during the day. When she came to bed down it at night it was usually long after others had curled up to sleep, and in the morning she got up before the sun rose over the eastern horizon. This wasn’t the sleeping pattern she preferred, but for the past several weeks her mind had been restless, refusing to allow her a good night’s sleep. The woman knew she was anxious, but it was a premonition that she could not yet access and understand fully. It was spring now; their bellies were full, their pups were healthy, and she had found a brand new love to boot. What could she possibly be anxious about?

The realization had flooded her quite suddenly this morning, when she passed the spot within Cut Rock River where the Whisper Caverns refugees had taken asylum. Naia passed the spot often; she thought it still smelled faintly of the ex-Whisper Caverns wolves (though this may have simply been psychological for her) and if she tried especially hard she believed she could still gather a few precious tendrils of her beloved Inali’s scent.

This morning however, passing the spot had filled her with a sense of dread. She had immediately abandoned her border patrol—her newfound realization was much more important—and returned to her family’s den so fast that she barely had the breath to howl. Tilting her nose to the gray morning sky, Naia used her remaining air to call for her alphas- @Kisla and @Maksim, a note of desperation in her voice as she invited them to discuss a political issue with her. Ideally she would like to have both leaders present, but since there were cubs to look after one alpha would suffice. Finishing her howl, she panted hard to catch her breath and calm her nerves for the meeting.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

When his loyal scout called, the king came running without a second thought.

Naia was a valuable member of Cut Rock River, well trusted and respected. Maksim found her to be diligent and well deserving of her rank and roll, as she was always willing to lend a paw. He owed her a great deal for her continued work and loyalty. It was she, after all, who stood by his side and defended the borders from the scavenging Keep wolves. Her howl was urgent and spoke of a political discussion to be necessary—was this, perhaps, something more to do with the Willow Ridge leader that she had delivered the message of all those months ago? The agouti wolf shook the sleepiness from his head as he rose from his favourite haunt within the territory and thundered off in the direction of Naia.

As he approached, his tail lifted to stand tall. He eyed his scout with curiosity, stopping mere wolf lengths away from her. “Naia. What is it? Has something happened?” Concern was obvious in his voice. Maksim had not sent her on any particular mission, so perhaps her wanderings had taught her of danger from a neighbouring pack? One that could threaten the Cut Rock River wolves? If that were to be the case, the agouti leader would not stand for it. The wolves of Cedarwood Forest were not pushovers, and they would not turn with their tails tucked beneath them without a fight. Even then, Maksim would protect his family and home to the death.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
OOC|| Ugh, rambles. ||


Just as quickly as she could call, her king appeared, and Naia’s tail and shoulders lowered respectfully. Seeing the worry in Maksim’s face made her feel almost guilty, as if she was a child who had roused him from his sleep simply to tell him she’d had a bad dream. The serene presence of the Cut Rock River leader was enough to soothe her anxiety, and she had a fleeting thought that perhaps her premonition wasn’t really so important at all. ”No sir, not yet..” she began hesitantly. ”..But I’m worried we might be attacked.” Really, she was worried about more than just an attack. Well, he’s here. You might as well tell him everything. She took in a shaky breath, about to speak the one sentence that a pacifistic wolf like her feared most. ”Actually, I’m worried we’re on the brink of war.”

She let the sentence sink in for a moment, watching for Maksim’s reaction. Was he shocked, or had he realized this already? She knew she ought to wait for Kisla to arrive before she continued to save her or Maksim from having to relay everything again, but after the moment’s pause she felt compelled to explain her reasoning. ”It began with the split of Whisper Caverns… we sided with Minka essentially, when we harbored her followers. ” Cut Rock River and Black Thorn Downs were officially allies now, but Naia worried that it hadn’t been the smartest move for Cut Rock River. Not that she would have done anything differently—she supported Maksim’s loyalty to his friend—but the question was, how would Whisper Caverns view this move?

”I just wondered, how did the remaining wolves of Whisper Caverns react to our choice?” It seemed likely that someone would have tracked Minka’s rebels to the Cut Rock River border, and Naia imagined the wolves of Whisper Caverns would be outraged that Maksim, their supposed ally, had harbored their traitors. Was the transgression so bad that Whisper Caverns would resent them? Certainly. Was it so bad that Whisper Caverns would attack? Naia thought it probably was. Even if Whisper Caverns did not yet know of the River/Downs alliance, it was no secret—it was only a matter of time until someone spilled the beans. There were so many loose cannons running around: Athena, Aeolus, that young mated pair they had alienated.. any of them could mention the wrong thing to the wrong wolf at any moment.

As forbidding as making an enemy out of Whisper Caverns might be, Naia feared their danger was even worse. ”If Whisper Caverns declares war, how might the Ridge wolves play in?” Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge were neighbors as well as the oldest packs in the area, and it seemed likely to Naia that they would have some sort of agreement or alliance. Could Cut Rock River stand against both packs if Willow Ridge came to the aide of Whisper Caverns?

After all that, it got worse still. "When you factor in the Keep vultures as well, I’m worried that we have surrounded ourselves with enemies.” There it was. Naia had finally voiced the anxious thought that had been pressing on her for weeks—the claustrophobia of having enemies baring down from every direction, with only Minka’s fledgling pack to aide them. They desperately needed to send someone to do some damage control in Whisper Caverns, or at least decide if they are truly a threat. Maksim also needed have that meeting with Angier Lyall, if only just to take the temperature of Willow Ridge. And Naia.. she needed to solve this Hollowheart Keep problem, once and for all.

”I would like permission to attempt to make amends with Hollowheart Keep,” she said with a sigh. In her eyes, Cut Rock River could not afford to have another enemy right now, especially over such a petty transgression as a starved youth trespassing in the dead of winter. Ideally they would repair their relationship with Whisper Caverns too, but seeing as they had already aligned themselves with the Downs wolves Naia doubted that would be possible. There was simply too much bad blood there. Concessions with Hollowheart Keep would be far easier. ”I’m certainly not condoning their attack out our cache.. but I know we cannot sustain a war on both fronts.” Naia thought that with Inali’s help and represtentation of the Downs, she might be able to negotiate some sort of nonaggression pact between the three packs. It was worth a shot.

Her speech finally over, Naia raised her honey eyes to search Maksim’s face once more. She was hopeful that he would agree to let her repair their affairs with the Keep, but more than that, she just wanted him to tell her that everything would be okay. Perhaps he would bring to light some new information, some piece of the puzzle that she wasn’t aware of that meant that no one was mad at anyone, and they could all go on living in peace. Maybe, just maybe, he would start laughing, and then she would laugh too, and they would both howl in amusement over how worried silly Naia had been over a matter of politics that she hadn’t understood.

(This post was last modified: Jul 13, 2014, 05:19 AM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

Naia was worried about a war. Maksim closed his eyes momentarily, inhaling deeply. War … war was nothing to look forward to. War was to be feared. War killed and destroyed. War was ugly. The scout had every right to fear it—it was a grotesque reality that the River king had been thinking of for some while. He would not laugh, there would be no easing of Naia's nerves. For that, Maksim felt tremendously guilty. His eyes fluttered open, surprisingly softly, as the second began to list off her reason for believing that it was sat on their borders, waiting for a weakness. It seemed there would be a few things that he would need to clear up for his loyal follower.

“We have always been sided with Minka. I had never met this Narimé, and the man who currently stands by her side now is Ash Hervok, a callous fool who could only follow his damned cock.” He spat the man's name, if you could even call that rotten vermin a man. No, Ash Hervok was a pathetic excuse for a wolf and if he wanted a war then he'd damn well get one. “He abandoned us when we needed the numbers to cross the mountain. Instead, he chose to chase after his beloved after I personally exiled her for disrespect. He dropped the child I had trusted him to carry without a second thought.” Maksim scowled inwardly. Those two … they really were a match made in Hell—just as slimy and unloyal as the other. “Naia, the Cavern wolves are no allies of ours; if they had wanted to hold us on friendly terms, their leaders, or even a scout, would have come.”

The wolves of Willow Ridge, though … the scout had a point. “You're correct about that. I intend to leave for their borders soon, to meet the ruling pair. I would have done so sooner, but Kisla and the cubs. There wasn't time for it.” But now that his children were a little older? Yes, he could certainly head over to meet the Ridge leaders. Perhaps, for safety's sake, he would take an escort.

“As for your proposition of the Keep wolves? As much as they make my blood boil, I agree that it would be best to smooth the tensions. I am putting my utmost faith and trust in you, Naia. This mission could go horribly wrong horribly quickly.” He kept his eyes locked firmly on the Timber wolf. She had to understand that this was serious, not that she didn't already. That pack could be dangerous. “You must be careful. Trust your instincts; if you feel you need to run then, by the stars, run.” He paused for moment.

“And do not go alone.”

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
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