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Bundles of Blackberries — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
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Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


Atlas, having grown tired of waiting around camp, decided to stretch his long limbs. He’d hauled his large frame to his paws and kicked his lazy butt into gear, deciding to explore the territory he could now claim as his own. Recently he’d been thinking of the role he wanted to play in his future, what he might do once he came of age. Despite his gentle demeanor the male was a very protective of those he cared for, and he had the bulk to back it up. Because of this he’d considered that a guardian would most likely be best for him. Besides, he liked to be active and patrolling often would do him good.

Upon coming to Black Thorn Downs he’d noticed that there were large bushes filled with sweet smelling fruits. He wasn’t sure what they were, but they looked delicious. His mother had always taught him not to eat anything he wasn’t sure of because it could hurt him, and most of his life he’d listened to that. However, why would a pack situate themselves around so many of the bushes if they were life threatening? Scooting closer to a bush he hesitantly pushed his muzzle forward, inhaling gently before going into a fit of coughs. The scent was powerful and oh-so-sweet to an almost sickly manor. He sneezed, shaking his head and wriggling his nose to try and rid it of some of the scent that lingered there. Cocking his cranium at an angle he curiously stuck out his tongue, lapping up a berry or two and pulling them into his jaws. Chewing thoughtfully his dark auburn gaze widened in surprise. They were delicious!

With his tail wagging he all but completely plunged into the bush, greedily munching on as many berries as he could. By the time he pulled out his snout was covered in the juices of the ripened fruit, making him look blue in the face. His tongue ran across his maw happily, a grin settling there. He’d just found a new favorite treat.

(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2014, 11:49 PM by AtlasNytrox.)
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
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Kova Lagina
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova had managed to sneak away again. Though this time he knew what a border was. His parents had educated him about what a border was, why it was there, and how he was never to cross the borders unless accompanied by either Minka or Tokino. So now as long as he didn't stray outside of the smelly border that held the scents of all the pack he wouldn't get into trouble.

Taking a path he knew well out away from camp and slinking past fresh scents of his parents, Kova didn't stop hiding until he was well away from the den. The boy knew that he might still get into trouble for going out without his parents or an escort. Even if he stayed in the packs border. For now he hoped to look around, see new things, and get back to the den before his parents noticed he was gone.

Trotting down a game trail through the prickly bushes, the silver pup eyed a pawful of ripe blackberries. He was beginning to be weaned off his mothers milk now, but only blackberries actually tasted good to him. The other red stuff the adults brought by wasn't exactly appetizing to the growing boy.

Picking his way to the berries while avoiding thorns, Kova nibbled off the whole bundle and ate all the ripe ones he could find. Once the particular stem was no longer cloaked in inky blue-black berries the pup moved on to find an even bigger stand of ripe berry bushes.

So he had a sweet tooth for berries, what child doesn't have a sweet tooth?

Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


Atlas had just scarfed down another small bundle of berries, greedily slurping them up. However, he decided it was best that he give up for that day. His nose was slightly sore from the thorns which, though he’d done his best to avoid them, sometimes had proven a hassle to do such a thing. The sweet berries were giving him a stomach ache as well, so he pulled himself away with a snort. The scent of the berries, he felt, would be forever permeated in his nose.

While his nose may have been out of commission, his ears were not. As he’d pulled away, he heard the very faint thud of paw steps and rustling from one of the nearby bushes. A blink hinted at curiosity from the over-grown yearling and headed in the direction of the sound. What he found was slightly startling, but not by much. A young pup was foraging in the bushes himself, munching on the pungent fruit with, it seemed, as much enthusiasm as he had. A small, barely noticeable smirk creased his maw but he hesitated making an interaction. His senses had slowly come back to him, and from the scent emanating from the younger male he knew he was of Black Thorn Downs as well. It would be the right thing to do, and he wondered why the boy was out on his own, but it still made him stall.

Shaking his head to himself, he ran his tongue over his maw to try and lick off as much of the juice as he could manage before moving in closer. “The berries are amazing, right?” He called. Though his tone was playful, his forever seemingly serious mask stayed plastered onto his expression.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova padded forward not minding where he was going too much. His interest was more towards stuffing his own gray muzzle with fruits. Even after only two pawfuls of berries Kova could feel a sugar high coming on. The white hot energy course like lightning through the Lagina child's limbs and head. Soon, instead of walking to each patch of berries, Kova was sprinting to every single bush that held the delicious fruits. Little did he know that eating too many would both knock him out and give him a nasty belly ache. For now the cub was blissfully unaware of the danger he was putting himself in.

Whilst stopped at a pretty tall thick blackberry bush, Kova was busily poking through the stems searching for the more over ripe berries which were the sweetest. He jumped backwards at the sound of a voice to his left. Losing his footing and lurching sideways, Kova sprawled onto the ground while growling as scary as he could. Though when the boy got a good look at the adult with purplish-black lipstick all over his muzzle Kova couldn't help but start to giggle and cry with laughter.

You like them a lot too! He yipped playfully before quickly rolling himself back over onto his paws and staring up at the adult. Tokino had told Kova to use his nose when confronted with someone he didn't know, and if they smelled like Minka or Tokino then they were okay to talk to.

Over-energetic Kova with a sugar high tripped over his paws while padding forward to sniff at the stranger. He could smell his mother Minka on the older boy, and his pack mates scent all over Atlas made Kova's tail wag a hundred miles a minute.

My name is Kova Lagina. I'm prince here! Kova wiggled back and forth unable to contain the energy flowing through him. While on a sugar high he couldn't even concentrate enough to posture to the stranger like his father had showed him. However the pup was able to manage another question. What's your name? The child asked while he glanced up at Atlas with bright blue curious eyes.

Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


The young prince was hoping around like a sparrow looking for a meal, his young body all but literally vibrating. It was obvious that he had eaten plenty of berries for his stature and it was showing. Kova, he thought. Repeating it in his mind he committed it to memory, deciding that would be best if he were to be in the same pack as him. Of course, it didn’t seem like the pup was going to be easy to forget. This was largely due to his revealing that he was the prince of Black Thorn Downs, which meant that he was Minka’s child. If he looked closely, he could see the resemblance in the two in features. He already seemed to have the happy nature of the female on his side.

“Hello, Kova. My name is Atlas Nytrox, it’s an honor to meet the prince. Shall I bow down?” He inquired, his tone teasing. Due to his large stature, Atlas was already much larger than those twice his age. With that being said, he was clearly extremely tall to Kova. However, despite this, the giant did what he joked of anyhow. Dropping his head down and bending his forelegs he bowed to Kova, attempting to do it appropriate to his height. Lifting himself back up to full height he noticed that the pup, too, had quite a bit of the messy juice attached to his maw. It occurred to Atlas that he didn’t know what the berries were called considering they hadn’t had them in his previous pack. “Can you tell me what these berries are called?” He inquired in earnest.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova tipped his head to the right and gave the male a happy grin. That's a cool name, Atlas Nytrox..Nytrox Nytrox Nytrox. Kova parroted the males last name a few times enjoying the strangeness of it. He watched giddily as the peppered black and gray wolf bowed low then tipped his chin up into a regal posture. Once Atlas finished his bow Kova then skipped over to a bush and starting picking berries. The pup wasn't eating them quite yet, instead he was piling the things up beside him into two neat piles. Just like when the raven had shared with him, Kova was going to share with this wolf named Atlas.

Pausing in his berry picking, the child listened for a moment to the Nytrox wolf's question. Kova laughed finding it unimaginable that a wolf so much bigger and older than himself didn't know what the berries that flourished around their home were called.

You don't know these? They are called blackberries and they grow on these big blackberry bushes all over the place. growling playfully the young wolf cub tugged at a branch and gnawed on it until it broke off sending him sprawling backwards. Then he picked up his prize and set it at Atlas's paws to show the male what the bushes looked like. Here, you can have these, but that bush over there is mine... Kova pushed the large stem that held at least several berries on it towards Atlas while gesturing to the giant bush. Then Kova pulled back and skipped towards his big bush to claim it.

Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


He’d never quite had anyone call his name ‘cool’ before. To him it was sort of just a simple thing, something he’d grown up with and sort of something that had grown into him over time. He supposed Nytrox was a unique last name in these foreign lands.

Atlas watched Kova with interest as he seemed to sort the berries, which he’d learned were called ‘Blackberries’. Maybe that was where Black Thorn Downs got its name, he supposed. After all, the branches were very thorny and the camp was surrounded by bushes filled to the brim with blackberries. It was with surprise to the brute that young Kova managed to snap off the branch, which was probably no easy task for one so young as him. He had to hold back a chuckle at the growls and wiggles that went into getting the prize off of the bush, but he couldn’t stop the amused glint in his darkened auburn gaze. With a rather prideful tilt to his chin, the young prince had carried the branch over like it was a well won trophy and placed it at Atlas’s too-large paws.

Kova’s apparent ownership of the bush peaked his interest and he felt a tease coming on. “Ah, but that bush looks so fine and tasty. I think I want it,” He said, trodding over and sitting down in between the boy and the bush. It would be interesting to see his reaction to the statement, and while the giant planned to give him his plant anyways for he had no use for it, he could have a little fun. Of course, he wouldn’t be mean about it. Once he thought enough was enough, he would stop.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
O.O Can you maybe please have Atlas distract Kova and teach him about fishing? It would be a good basic hunting lesson. -wants skill points- Only sixe posts are needed, 3 from each of us, adding to 15 altogether would allow both our wolves to claim +10 in skill section. <3<3<3:)
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova had started to paw at his bush when he turned to face Atlas. The tall dark male wolf stated quickly to young Kova of how he liked the silver pup's blackberry bush, and how Atlas wanted it for himself. Kova whined loudly. Adults always took the best things for themselves! Why can't I ever have something nice!? the angry thought swirled beneath the gray boys crown as he shot up and growled at the darker wolf.

You can have a few more berries from it, but that bush is MINE mr. tall guy! Kova growled as deeply as he could while watching the male with unhappy glittering blue eyes. He started forward to try and get between Atlas and his blackberry bush, but as he strode forward a meadow vole shot out into the clearing next to him. His attention was diverted quickly as Kova's eyes trailed on the small rodent darting out of the clearing under cover of a bush opposite of the two wolves. An urge to chase and sniff out the thing that just appeared out of no place had Kova padding towards the leaves under the plant that the vole hid itself under.

The little pup lost interest rather quickly since the vole was nowhere to be found. Almost as soon as he noticed no more movement under the bush the young wolf switched his eyes back to the large thick blackberry bush he had claimed a few minutes earlier. Standing expectantly before Atlas, Kova waited for the male to move so that he could get to the tall plant.

(This post was last modified: Jul 28, 2014, 03:00 AM by Kova.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


For a second it seemed as though Kova was ready to kick his tail, then suddenly a vole shot out and he was off. Atlas watched him with slightly raised brows, curious as to how he would handle the situation. It was slightly surprising how easily the boy had been side-tracked, and he wondered if he was as easily distracted when he had been at that age. As far as he could remember, he’d always been pretty focused. More focused than his siblings he supposed, who were very much like young Kova. Of course he had been abnormal for a pup anyways, with his large size. He had been the biggest out of his litter, but he had also been the quickest of mind. This was another reason he would likely make a good guardian. He had the muscle, but he also could make snap decisions easily and efficiently because of his quick thinking.

While he had been thinking, the Lagina pup had snapped out of his trance and made his way back to the bush. He was staring up at Atlas with as threatening a gaze he could muster, it seemed, and it was then that the yearling could tell that, when Kova grew up, he would definitely be a spitfire. Opening his maw to speak, he was interrupted by the sound of splashing. Auds swiveling, his head turned toward the direction of the sound in alertness. Doing a quick sweep of the area around them he deducted that there was no one besides the pair in that general vicinity. However, he knew that the splash had come from somewhere a bit further than what he could see from where he was and he wanted to go see what or who it might have been.

After making sure that Kova was safe he moved toward the sound with careful paw steps, not quite sure what he may end up finding. Moving around a bush or two, he found a small pond in a corner of the field. Already, he could tell that the sound had come from an abundance of fish that were trapped in the receded body of water. The bank around the pond was slightly cracked and dry from the beginnings of drying up. More fish jumped from the confines of the pool and he knew that it was an optimal setting for fishing. “Kova! Would you like to learn how to fish?” He yelled to his new found friend.