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Dinner On The Fly — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
@Tokino @Lugh @Beren @Atlas @Inali @Ryka @Anstice @Aphrodite @Noble

I was thinking 4 rounds? 1. everyone arriving 2.hearing the plan/falling into place 3. the chase 4. take down/fade out. Also I thought Tokino could be the one to sit with the pups at the sidelines and explain things to them? Since he's injured/can't run.

This round ends, August 8th please pm me or Tabs if you will be unable to post by then

The Lagina pups had grown quickly, and it seemed like a blink of an eye but Minka knew within a week her children would be three months of age. Already they had developed strong character, they understood right from wrong and they mostly followed the rules. What was most surprising and pleasing to their mother though was their constant thirst for knowledge, they always wanted to know more, to learn more, to understand. So it had been earlier than usual this morning that she had left the den and moved towards the fields to check on the herds. They were there as usual, in the dawn they moved into the blackberry fields to gorge themselves on the tart fruit before moving on before the sun got too hot.

Pleased by the sight the alpha slipped back into the foliage and made her way through the territory, deep into the heart where there den lay. Early as it was many of their members would still be sleeping in the communal den or their individual dens around the downs. Minka raised her muzzle to the sky and let out a long, low howl, loud enough to reach the surrounding area where her subordinates should be, but not loud enough to alert the nearby herd. It beckoned for her family to join her, all of them, including the pups who had never yet been allowed to come on a hunt before. It was time now, they needed to learn, especially if they were to ever become functioning members of the pack.

(This post was last modified: Jul 29, 2014, 10:29 PM by Minka.)
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
Losing my sight, Losing my mind
Anstice Alexa
Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine

She had a strange process of grieving over her son which was a rotation of sobbing her eyes out and teasing men in a playful way to lead them on. She had no idea why she did it, she just did. That particular day it was sobbing, though every day she was getting better. She heard the call of her alpha and she rose. She would slowly head towards the leader as she tried to control her emotions better. She arrived with a saddened expression on her face. She had to move on. It had been over a month since it happened but the truth was that she couldn't forget about it. It wasn't just going to go away. She had to learn to deal wit it. That was the truth of her situation and it could not be ignored.

She would sigh slightly a her tail tucked in respect for the older woman and her leader. "Queen Minka." She greeted in a monotone voice as she stared at her paws. They were going to hunt, one of her favorite things to do, and she wasn't happy about it. Her inner mind was yelling at her to leave her worries behind and focus on the moment but her outer mind overpowered the voice of reason in her eyes. She had failed not one, but both of her children. What confused her the most was she had no idea how she was supposed to feel about it. She could hardly focus on anything that happened so she would just sit there until she was given an order by Minka or Tokino.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
PPing Tokino cause I can :P
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Kova was hanging around the den with his energetic sister and injured father. The adventurous boy couldn't shake the watchful eyes of his pack mates today, and was unable to sneak off alone to explore by himself. Instead he played with his sister around the den or listened to tales of long dead ancestors spoken from his greying father. Kova didn't have too much interest in family outside of the pack he had around him in the Blackberry fields. Though he did kind of half listen to the stories. Most of the information went in one ear and out the other while the child daydreamed of thick forests, ravens, and of trying to catch slippery fish.

The call rose from the east as Kova batted at Tokino's tail. His satellite-like ears swiveled to catch the sound while the gray cub began wagging his tail happily. What's going on? Why's mom calling all of us? Kova asked recognizing many of the names that were called. There were only three names he wasn't familiar with, but that didn't worry the young lad much since it was his mother calling them. If she or Tokino were calling those wolves then they were obviously family of some kind.

A few minutes later Kova was following his father to the call. Kova's excitement was dashed by worry as the older silver male limped to the place where the wolves were to gather. Kino lifted his back leg high to avoid knocking it on the ground despite the fact that just by lifting it the cracked bone caused him pain. They were a tad bit late because of his fathers slowness, but seeing Minka standing tall before them brought all of Kova's excitement back. His thoughts ran wild while the boy wondered what they were doing.

Momma what are we doing? Kova asked bounding to his mother after skirting around a white she wolf he was unfamiliar with.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

The stiff gray male had been basking in the presence of his children despite the injury impeding him from really playing with them. The older wolf had recognized his daughters drive for supremacy which reminded the male both of Minka and his own father. They were both ambitious wolves, and the graying wolf knew that his daughter was every bit as ready to take on anybody who stood in her way plus the world that lay at her paws.

He looked to Kova and saw a scholar. The elder wolf had been known for his memorization skills when it came to Mountain Rose packs stories, but Kova had a far better memory than he did. Tokino would sometimes forget things and remember them hours or even days later out of the blue. However every time he tried to quiz the pups with a question they should know the young boy Kova would speak up almost immediately with the correct answer. Kino tried to remember the last Lagina who was like Kova, but the only wolf he could think of was an older ancestor named Mary Lagina.

The lesson Tokino was teaches his pup was about the family they had beyond the pack. He had gotten up to telling them about his sisters and parents before Minka's call cut his words off. Tokino wasn't exactly able to help with the pack during the hunt, but he was willing to go and watch to make sure everyone came out of it okay.

Kova, your mother is calling the pack for a hunt. To "hunt" means to go outside of our home, find food, to chase it down and kill it, then eat your food. Food like deer, rabbits and fish like the one you brought me remember? Tokino smiled down at the ever curious child before hefting himself up to his paws and leaning into his three strong stable legs. The fourth left hind leg was raised to make travel easier and less painful.

While walking stiffly towards the call, Tokino kept an eye on both pups encouraging them to come alongside him and follow. He wasn't sure about how @Noble was doing with her weaning, but Kino had noticed how Kova was refusing the meat that was brought to him. The boy had only eaten a bite of the fish he and Atlas had caught before giving the rest of it to Tokino. The older wolf worried about the boy who didn't seem to like the taste of meat yet.

Eventually the three wolves approached the area where Minka and Anstice were already gathered. Kino watched his pup run ahead to greet Minka before throwing his gaze over to Anstice. Morning Annie... The gray wolf tipped his head up and dipped it in a short nod to the woman. The "off the cuff" nickname had entered his head only seconds prior to greeting the white she wolf. Tokino hoped she wouldn't be offended by the nickname, but at the same time if she was he wouldn't care too much.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Killi who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atlas Nytrox
Atlas Nytrox


Atlas was busy digging himself a den on the outskirts of the communal den. Being the introvert he was he didn’t take much to sleeping with others, so he’d decided that it would be best if he made a place for himself. It had taken him a few moments to find a good place near the roots of a tree, but once he’d found it he’d commenced digging his new bed area. He was busy flinging dirt, and was a good portion of the way toward his goal thanks to his large, shovel like paws, when a call rose into the air. He immediately stopped and lifted his head to the air, auds swiveling toward the sound. Minka was calling them to a hunt, and an excited shiver ran down his back at the prospect. This would be an excellent way to show that he had the power and brains to do what he really wanted to do, and he took any chance he got in those situations.

Climbing out of the hole he gave his wiry pelt a shake, spraying a cloud of dust in all directions around him. This made him emit a sneeze, blinking the dirt from his dark auburn gaze before moving forward. It took him a moment or two to reach the slowly gathering group, finding Minka, Tokino, Kova, a young pup whom he assumed was Kova’s sister, and a white wolf whom he knew nothing of. He gave a respectful dip of his head to Minka and Tokino, reserving a small wink for Kova before moving to the back of the group as usual to await further instruction.

(This post was last modified: Jul 30, 2014, 05:03 AM by AtlasNytrox.)
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

It was early, and Minka's summons had caught her while the fae was still soundly asleep. Blinking slowly, the scout opened her jaws wide as she yawned and her joints popped as she stood up and stretched. Her sleeping schedule was wonky at best. Most of the time she wouldn't enter the communal den until well after midnight, when mostly everyone was asleep already. Sometimes her body woke up at the crack of dawn the next day, completely refreshed. Other times, she didn't wake up until well after the sun was up and she still felt tired. Probably not the healthiest of sleeping habits, but what could she do? Giving herself time to fully wake up, the woman gave herself one last shake and quickly groomed herself before stepping out of the den and stretching her legs out by swiftly moving into a warm up jog. It didn't take her long at all before she reached the fields, where some had already gathered. Sidling up to Minka's side, she gave her alpha and best friend a whispered 'good morning' and a submissive lick to the chin. Glancing at Anstice, her smile dimmed. The young woman had lost much, and it was hurtful to see her so lost in grief. She wanted to give her comfort, but truthfully they weren't close and Inali didn't know how to go about it. At the end, she settled for sending a warm, compassionate smile her way before her attention was diverted by Tokino and the pups arrivals.

Kova immediately ran to his mother, curious as ever. She gave him a greeting smile that he probably didn't see before she chuckled and left to head to Tokino's side, giving the mother and son their time together. She watched as her alpha greeted Anstince and her muzzle crinkled slightly in thought. It didn't take long for her to decide that she kinda liked it and her muzzle smoothed out with a smile. Nudging her muzzle against his chin in a greeting, Inali looked down at the girl pup. Inali hadn't really got to know her yet, but she gave Tokino's daughter a warm smile before opening her maw. "Hello child," she greeted in a gentle, warm tone before looking up at Tokino once again. Sidling up to his uninjured side, Inali bumped his shoulder with hers. When she had his attention, she smiled and opened her maw. "Hey old man," she said. She had once used the term to tease him about his old age, but now it was more like a term of endearment. "How's the leg?," she questioned softly. She hadn't had a chance to check up on him the past couple of days because she always found herself doing something or the other, or just generally away. As she waited for his answer, Atlas appeared. She watched as he sat and offered him a big, warm smile. "Hello Atlas," she greeted softly, not wanting to startle the herd, but still making sure he heard her before turning her attention back to Kino.

Played by Trix who has 25 posts.
Inactive III. Healer
Ryka Tiaroth
Deep within the heart of Black Thorn Downs territory, Ryka was tucked away in a secluded den, sleeping in late. It wasn't intentional of course. Recently, the gray and brown she wolf hadn't been sleeping well. Late during the nights, her slumber was often frequented by disturbing, disruptive nightmares. Too frazzled to relax, she often spent the remainder of the night awake, restless. But of course at some point, the hard working healer would have to get her rest. And now that her priorities were taken care of for the rest of the day, she had slipped off in search of some relief.

When Minka's call for the pack to gather, she had been curled up, fast asleep. But her slumber was not a peaceful one. Once more, terrifying images flashed behind her eyes, old memories best forgotten rising to the surface. She whined slightly, pawing at the dirt, until Minka's low howl from outside jolted her awake. Snapping her head up, eyes wide and ears pricked, she sought to orient herself. Panting softly, she realized that she had been dreaming. "Just a bad dream...that's all it was..." She reminded herself as she rose to her paws, exiting the earthen den, shaking her pelt free of dust. Minka wasn't too far away, she guessed. As she set off to meet her Queen's call, there was no doubt in her mind why the pack was being summoned. She knew that tone well, having been raised in a tightly knit pack before.

She arrived in a timely fashion, yet there was no sign of her buddy Lugh at the moment. Tokino and the pups were already there, along with Inali and a male and female she hadn't spoken to before. Assuming the appropriate posture of a subordinate, she brushed by the Lead pair, offering them each a submissive flick of her tongue. Her azure eyes landed on Tokino's injured hind leg, and she smiled, noticing that the injury seemed better. "You look like you are healing well...it is good to finally see you up and about." She would comment no further, for today was not a day to dote on her patients. Moving on, she took a seat not far from Atlas, while awaiting for the others to arrive. With the scent of deer nearby, her mouth was already beginning to water, but she'd save her excitement until the hunt officially began.
Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan

An angry grumbling from his stomach had woken the herbalist much earlier than he would have liked. Slipping out of the communal den, he loped towards the blackberry fields, leaping and pawing for the few ripe berries along the way that he hadn't already picked off throughout the week prior. A few squirrels teased him, rustling off though the bushes before he could even think to chase after. It seemed like a chance at breakfast wasn't in the cards this morning. At least until Minka's howl weaving through the wood told him otherwise. Winding back, he jogged back to the densite, already able to smell the several of the pack assembled.

Noticing that he was a bit late already, Lugh quickly and quietly ducked into the gathering, placing a few reverent laps to his leader's chins. He was surpised to see Tokino here, showing the elder had healed enough to at least accompany them, if not join in on the chase. Lugh moved out towards the ring of gathered wolves, walking to Ryka's side and sitting down close to her. He playfully nudged her cheek with his snout, before directing his yellow eyes towards Minka and Tokino. He couldn't wait for the hunt to begin, with the excitement evident in the hasty pace of his tail swishing the ground behind him.

table by Grey / 2014
(This post was last modified: Aug 16, 2014, 12:04 AM by Lugh.)
Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
Sorry this took so long! This round ends August 25th

They were quick in arriving, the majority of her subordinates and her children who were shepherded by their father. Pleased and proud she greeted them all as they came to her, with a wag of her tail and a brief lick in the top of their muzzle's, though her golden eyes lingered a moment longer on Anstice than anyone else. It filled her with sadness to see how strongly grief still gripped the young mother, and in Minka's mind yes she would always be a mother. Though she tore the gaze away when Kova came bounding to her paws. Licking the top of his platinum head she could only chuckle at his enthusiasm, "It is time for you and your sister's first hunt Kova. Your father will sit with you so you can watch and he will explain to you what we're doing during the hunt, then you will get to taste your first fresh kill." She hoped that he would enjoy the fresh meat more than what he had been getting from the caches, though Noble had weaned fine Kova seemed reluctant to give up the milk.

Turning back to her subordinates she couldn't deny the saliva that gathered in her jaws, the bloodlust already seeping through her veins. It had been so long since she had led a proper hunt, much too long. "Many of the does have fawned already which leaves them weak and slow, with any luck we'll be able to take one down." This had been the point of all the survey's she had been taking, watching for the perfect moment when the hunt would be the smoothest. The time was now. Clearing her throat the alpha smoothly handed out orders, "Typical hunt formation, Anstice, Atlas and Ryka will be on takedown. Inali and Lugh will chase from either side of the field and myself from the top towards the ambush." Waiting a moment to make sure everyone was clear on their roles she nodded before gently nudging her son back towards his father and sister. Smiling towards Tokino there was a sparkle in her golden eyes, there was little she loved more than a good hunt.

It didn't take long, moving as a group they quickly broke apart once they reached the feild. Tokino off with the children to one side where they could watch safely, the ambush group to the designated hiding area. Minka herself watched Lugh begin to loop around to the far side before falling in step beside Inali before she left her behind as well to make her way to the top of the field. When the time came she would be the first to move, this way the side chaser's could easily see which deer was being targeted before they too began to run.

Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Sorry @Anstice but I may not get time to post this later!
Kova Lagina
memoria et lux

Firstly Kova listened to his fathers explanation. As he described what "hunt" was Kova couldn't help but wiggle in excitement. He liked the thought of something that sounded like hide and go seek, tag, and then dinner all rolled into one word and action. Though the thought of food being something that could run away from him had surprised and mystified the boy for some time. He couldn't wait to be a part of a hunt.

Excitement rippled down the young pups body as he twitched his eyes back and forth between all of the wolves who began to gather. First to join them was Inali, the sitter and one of the most fun and nicest wolves within the pack. Kova smiled up at her wagging his platinum tail before pawing at her trailing banner lowered respectfully in Minka and Tokino's presence. He then spotted Atlas and gave a happy bark of a greeting to the dark male. The next to arrive was Beren whom Kova actually ran up to greet. His tongue lapped at the larger males chin eagerly before the silver boy turned to amble back towards Atlas and Inali once more.

Kova liked all of his sitters, who had been composed occasionally of Inali, but mostly of Beren and Atlas. Even though Inali wasn't seen by him that often, Kova couldn't help but gravitate towards her always cheerful mood. He just wished she would come by to play more often like Beren and Atlas did.

The next wolves to appear were Ryka and Lugh, both of the packs healers. Although technically they held two separate roles of herbalist and healer; the Lagina pup thought that they were both nurses for he had not been injured badly enough to notice them do different tasks. Not as familiar with these two wolves but respectful of them nonetheless, Kova inched forward and licked at their chests and chins in a happy greeting.

Then his head jerked to the left as Minka began to speak. Her words shot down his excitement and drastically changed his happy mood.

Why can't we go with you! Kova complained loudly after his mother had finished speaking. His face was now contorted into a pout as the child sat roughly down upon the weed covered earth. He was not at all happy about watching the hunt go on.

(This post was last modified: Aug 22, 2014, 05:12 AM by Kova.)