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Big Deer is Big — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
For anyone in the pack who has time - No posting order - ALL WELCOME
RE- Black Thorn Downs, an injured, angry moose is wandering about your territory.

Kova was enjoying the sunny break between the bad weather by venturing around the territory he was becoming quite familiar with. Although the child had stopped at a deep area of water caused by flooding form the recent storms. The flood had moved some fish into the giant puddles stretching across the flood plain that made up the lower area's of blackberry fields. Luckily for the pack their den was higher up in the hills of the fields so they rarely got wet during the frequent storms.

The wet area's meant good fishing for wolves who were interested enough to try and catch the slippery creatures caught in the evaporating pools. Kova was one such wolf, trying to catch fish out of a pretty large pool that stretched half into and half outside of the packs border. At first he had found the watery area and sat at its edge trying to count the different kinds of fish that floundered around in the shallower water.

He had seen a mid-sized catfish, two perch, and a big grayish brown fish that was long, thin, and about as wide as he was. However the only things Kova had attempted to catch were the perch until he scared them off into deeper water.

Suddenly the noise of water moving caught Kova's attention. He blinked back surprise as big wide ripples radiated outwards from the opposing hidden bank disturbing the surface of the water. Curious as to what was there, Kova began to walk around the edge of the water towards whatever seemed to be messing with the water.

At first Kova was thinking that a wolf or maybe a bird like the one he had seen floating on water before was disturbing the pool. After rounding the bend where large tall bushes grew the child stopped dead in his tracks. His wide blue eyes took in the tall dark shape of what appeared to be a giant deformed deer.

Real true fear appeared in his gaze as Kova began to hyperventilate. He had wanted to hunt during the day the pack had taken Noble and him with them, and Kova hadn't been too intimidated by the size of those deer. However this thing was way too big.

The moose didn't immediately see the young wolf. Instead it focused on the ripples of the fish splashing about in the shallow area of the water. Angry at the thrashing movements of the fish, the cow moose stomped its left front hoof at the mud and water splashing a large part of the bank with loose mud. She grunted as the pain in her hind leg ached. A bad infection had set into an injury given to her by a bear. Her leg was useless, hence the reason why she couldn't move too quickly. However she was still strong enough to beat off anything that came close to her.

The bear certainly had an earful of her. An earful of hoof that is.

Backing up slowly and keeping his head low Kova began to pray for one of his pack mates to find him and scare the big monster away.

(This post was last modified: Nov 03, 2014, 03:39 PM by Kova.)

Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Fly had been wandering around her new territory, trying to get a feel for her new home. It was beautiful and had plenty of prey and Fly was glad she had found it. She was passing by some shallow puddles and thought about stopping to try and catch a fish. She loved the water: swimming and fishing were her favorite way to pass the time. Decidedly, Fly trotted over to the puddles. As she reached them, however, she caught a familiar scent. She didn't know very many of her pack members yet, but she did know this scent. It was the little prince. Curious, Firefly sniffed the ground and the air and started searching for the energetic pup, hoping he hadn't gotten himself into trouble. Before her eyes caught sight of the pup, her nose caught a new scent: moose. Fly had hunted plenty of deer in her life. With only one brother and a mother to look after her when she was growing up, she had had to learn to hunt very early on and if she couldn't catch her prey, she went without dinner. However, Fly had only hunted a moose once and her mother had led the attack.

Luckily, Fly noticed the moose was injured and wouldn't pose much of a threat if left alone. But then, she saw Kova not too far from the awkward looking creature. Quietly, Fly snuck up behind Kova. She hoped he caught her scent because she didn't want to scare him, but she also didn't want to alert the moose to their presence just yet. She nosed the pup's back and whispered: "Hey." She could tell by his stiff posture that the pup was scared and this seemed unlike him. Then again, he had probably never seen a moose before. Fly wondered if she should take the little prince away to keep him safe; even an injured moose could cause damage to a small wolf. But perhaps, since it was injured she could take it down.

Fly shook her head. Not by herself she couldn't. She would need help.
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
Fudge it! Tokino to the rescue! And I had muse... Sorry for the length of this. It just kept coming.

The male had decided earlier that morning to test out his injured back leg with a little walk to the edges of his territory. Kino had been pleasantly surprised that there was no longer any pain in his weak leg now covered in scars. Instead it felt rigid and stiff from not using it enough. He could live with that though, and exercise would definitely help to both build and loosen up the muscles. He had paused in his exercise when the older male had reached his favorite place within Black Thorn Downs territory.

Tokino was at his sunny boulder. It was the only place, besides cuddled up next to @Minka, that the male could get nice and warm while laying in the sunlight. The weather throughout the land had become chilly and cold, though not as frigid as the winter to come, and the leaves had dispersed from most of the tree species in Lore. Fall had swept through Black Thorn Downs pack territory rather quickly and brought plenty of rain with it. Muddy spots soaked the field of drying blackberry bushes, and in the lower elevated areas there had been enough rain and flooding from the streams to create large pools.

Minutes clicked by, but for whatever reason Tokino felt the urge to get up and head out again. Normally he sat or lay upon his rock and stay there for hours (after his chores were done of course) but today the male just felt like he needed to go somewhere out there. So listening to his instincts, Tokino dropped off of his boulder and began padding forward.

Another ten minutes went by before Tokino scented a whiff of moose. Surprised at that smell, and the fact that a moose was in a field instead of a marsh, Tokino veered towards the direction of which the smell came from. Eventually the scent got stronger, but so too id the whiffs of Kova and some other Black Thorn Downs she wolf. Worry began to spread over his face as Tokino registered his sons smell which seemed to be growing at the same rate as the moose scent. As if he were where the moose was.

Not good... The elder male pushed his body forward though he was careful of not pushing his healing back leg too far. Concern for his son egged the leader forward until he crested a short hill and looked downwards to the lower flat field which was half covered by water. He noted the fish splashing around and making waves in the pool, but he also saw the moose, Kova, and another she wolf hiding near his son. By the womans body posture the gray male could see that the she wolf was trying to help Kova and get him to follow her away from the dangerously close moose. Eyeballing the moose from afar, Kino watched the giant creature trying to stomp on the ripples of water where fish were coming too close to her. He could smell infection coming from the moose as he stood and watched for a moment. He dare not move in from this direction and alert the moose that the other pair of wolves were there. Tokino hoped that Kova would quietly follow the she wolf away without alarming the moose.

What else can I do? Tokino thought quietly while watching the scene unfold. The moose was still stomping at the fish, but her movements were slowly bringing her closer to Kova and the stranger. If I come around from the other side and try to distract it... Then it might try to attack and follow me away from them. He debated for a moment on the idea knowing that he himself was healing an injury. Tokino wouldn't be as fast as he normally could be. But the moose has a serious infection too. She won't be able to move too fast either. So she won't try to run from me towards them, she'll fight me off knowing she can't flee. He let a growl slip through his throat before turning to the left and loping forwards through the brush. Again he kept most of his weight off that back leg, but Kino was glad he had more freedom of movement now than he had about a month prior. The elder made sure to keep to the shadows of the largest bushes while he looped all the way around Kova, the stranger, and the moose. Then the silver wolf positioned himself behind the moose and crept forward through the bushes.

Only about several feet away from the cow now, Tokino placed himself in open view of the moose and let out a long howl for his pack mates. The howl would serve to distract the moose, showing her his position, and to gather comrades to help take out the danger to themselves and the pups. "Minka, @Inali, Ryka, @Lugh, @Atlas, @Bane, @Anstice, and @Couth I need your help! Come now! Tokino's hollow howl filled the sky causing the moose to pivot on three legs to face him angrily.

How dare a wolf come up behind her! She would show him who was stronger!

The cow stamped its forelegs into the mud of the bank splattering the ground before the gray wolf. Her first tactic was intimidation. Tokino glanced to Kova and the stranger she wolf and gestured for them to "go" before snapping his jaws angrily at the moose. He was intimidated, but his offspring was right there behind her hiding in the bushes, and to keep Kova safe trumped any kind of fright Tokino could have in this situation. He held his ground showing the cow moose that he wasn't going anywhere. Though Kino's legs were tense as he readied himself to move quickly to dodge her flying hooves.

The moose felt a bit nervous seeing the wolf firmly standing his ground, however she started steeping forward bravely. Lifting her own injured leg high off the ground to keep it out of the way, the cow used one of her forelegs to keep herself steady while she lifted the other to swipe at Tokino. The gray wolf bounded to her right skipping under her attacks before backing up a few paces. Good! Back up more! No, Run you mangy canine! the moose stepped forward again and repeated her attacks hoping to catch the wolf if he stumbled or strayed too close to her.

The moose never realized that a wolf pup was directly behind her. At least Tokino's plan for getting her farther away from the other two wolves was working.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
No, I love it! Glad Fly gets to meet Tokino...sort of. haha

Fly had just got Kova's attention when she noticed a movement off to the side. She saw an older male wolf with dark grey fur hiding in the grass atop a small hill. At the moment he was eyeing the moose, and clearly thinking about attacking it. Fly couldn't tell for sure but she believed the older wolf was Tokino, her alpha. She hadn't had the chance to meet Tokino face-to-face yet, but she had seen him talking with Minka and Kova. Fly thought she remembered someone telling her that the alpha was injured, but she wasn't sure about that either. Then, Fly watched as the grey wolf started slinking through the grass all the way around her, Kova, and the moose. He was favoring the back leg and now Fly was pretty sure that it was Tokino and he was injured. What is he doing?, Fly thought desperately as she watched her alpha reveal himself to the angry moose. He let out a loud howl, calling to his pack. They won't get here in time!, Fly shook her russet head in anxiety. What was she supposed to do? Her alpha was facing off against a moose all alone. She might be young, but she was a good hunter and she knew she could help him if she ran to his side. Fly also knew that Kova was Tokino's son, and Tokino was probably only distracting the moose in order to protect Kova. Her alpha would want her to protect his son.

Fighting her instincts to help her alpha, Fly gave Kova a hard nudge, pushing him backwards. She would get Kova safe and then come back to help Tokino. She had to be fast though. "Kova, we need to go. Now!" She growled, brown eyes hardened with authority as she looked down at the territory young wolf. She only hoped the pup wouldn't argue with her.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

The distressed howl caught her mid border patrol and the woman imnediately broke into a flat out run. Something was obviously wrong and Inali being the natural fretter that she was, could only focus on that that was Tokino's call. What had happened? Better yet, what was happening that it needed the whole pack? The woman was panting slightly as she ran, but not because of exertion, but of worry. Her body had become used to this strain, and the petite female stretched her long, lean limbs to the limit to get to where the howl had come from. As she neared where she thought Tokino had called from, her muzzle confirmed it. She smelled his familiar scent, along with Kova's and one she couldn't quite place but held the scent of Black Thorn Downs on their fur. A new member, she concluded.

Slowing to a walk, the woman silently moved towards the she wolf and the prince of the Downs. Controlling her breathing to not alert the moose, for she had also scented the sick animal, the scout manuevered her paws until she brushed up right beside the strange new pack member. Whispering, she spoke in a commanding tone, "Take him and do not let him out of your sight." She gave the woman a fierce look with her clear blue orbs. She loved this child like her own, and she was entrusting his safety into her paws. Not giving the woman a second glance, she moved swiftly to Tokino's side and jumped at the moose to distract it from the hopefully fleeing young girl and pup. The moose swiveled, probably surprised that another wolf dared to challenge her. The sick female brought a leg up, intending to do maximum damage, but the petite woman escaped it just in time. Inali wondered, when would the others come? They needed more wolves to succesfully take down the moose, sick or not.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
TABs, hope you don't mind me power playing Kova just an itsyyy bit (if forcing him to leave counts as that?) you can make him put up a fight of course XD

Firefly jumped, startled, as a brownish she-wolf she had not seen before popped up beside her and Kova. The she-wolf seemed worried and Fly didn't blame her; she could scent the signature Black Thorn Downs scent on the wolf and knew she was here to help Tokino. The new arrival focused blue orbs directly on Fly's brown ones and in a commanding whisper said "Take him and do not let him out of your sight." Then, the older she-wolf sprinted off to help Tokino. Fly felt a littler better now that Tokino had help, but two wolves was not enough to take down a moose. Especially since Tokino was injured. Still, with one glance at the little prince beside her Fly knew that she had to make sure he was safe first. Deciding that she couldn't wait for Kova to argue about leaving (especially after her pack-mate's orders) Fly grabbed Kova by the scruff and tugged. The pup was at least twenty-thirty pounds and Fly knew she couldn't really carry him, but she hopped that dragging him a little would get the pup to follow her. Awkwardly, she half carried/half dragged the grey prince in the opposite direction of the moose. She hoped she could at least get him to the small hill that Tokino had come from. That way, she could keep an eye on both Kova and Tokino and if her alpha needed help, she would go to him no matter what the she-wolf had said. If Tokino's life was in danger, Fly would hope that she could trust Kova to listen when she told him to stay put. For right now, she just needed to get the pup to that hill.
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
Tis okay for now Firefly cause I can't get on during college days that often, but now that its the weekend I'll be able to post more. So please don't skip me again. Oh! and Kova's about 60 pounds not 20-30. XD

Things were happening so fast that Kova was shocked into a rigid unmoving state. All his instincts told him to lay low and hide in the presence of such a dangerous animal.He stood stock still as the animal neared him, but then another presence rocked the boy out of his shock. A female wolf had slunk up beside him, obviously trying to stay quiet and hidden herself. The fact that an adult she wolf was hiding from the creature told Kova that he had reacted correctly in this situation. That the giant deer in front of him was in fact scary and could hurt them. However even when his mind told him to go and follow her away his legs stayed rigid following age old instinct to simply hide from the predator. He wouldn't budge as the she wolf nudged him. It wasn't until he heard a long howl that Kova realized his father had come to the rescue.

But...isn't he still hurt? Kova thought quickly coming out of his daze and looking towards the sound of the howl. He had been so used to his father being nest ridden while healing that it never occurred to the child that Tokino would eventually get better and be able to run around again. The pup flinched as the moose whirled around to face his father.

The females rough nudges started up again causing Kova to turn his head and stare wide eyed at her. He didn't know this she wolf, but she was helping him and Kino. Plus she smelled like pack, so Kova started to stand up on shaking legs before another wolf answered Tokino's call. Inali appeared, and with three adults now distracting the moose Kova felt a little of his fright wear away. Once Inali dashed off the stranger woman began to tug hard on Kova's ruff. He felt himself slip sideways as the woman tried dragging him away.

"Hey stop it! I can walk on my own!!"

Kova wailed while trying to get his own paws underneath him. Anger flared in his chest before the child was able to right himself and begin taking his own shaky steps away from the giant moose. Every so often his head would whip around to see what was happening to Inali and Tokino. Then a small complaint growled past his lips.

"I wanna watch!"

The child was suddenly very scared for his family who were facing down the giant beast. Kova didn't know that if another member of the pack appeared they would be strong enough to take down the cow. He was under the assumption that nothing could take out the monster before them.
Played by Missy who has 124 posts.
Inactive VIII. Lowest
Firefly of Whitecoats
Oh, sorry!! I got carried away and didn't even realize we were posting in order:/ So no more skipsies, I swear! And woah seriously?! I just googled how much a pup would weigh at his age and got 30 lbs. My source was wary off. lol.
Oh, is it okay that Im posting now, or should I be letting Inali and Tokino post first? I figured this was okay since they are in a different area than Fly and Kova. If not let me know and Ill just delete this post:)

The little grey prince resisted Firefly's tugs, but thankfully he followed her once he had his own paws underneath him. He seemed angry and Fly knew he would be upset, but she also knew her whole pack would be upset if anything happened to the pup. The pup growled a complaint at Fly as they were running away from the moose: "I want to watch!". Thankfully, they were getting close to the hill. " We can watch when we get to the hill where its safe." Fly said. With adrenaline pumping through her blood, her voice came out harsher than she had wished. For a second, she worried that she may have hurt the pups feelings. Fly glanced down at the pup and saw him looking back at his father and the moose. Fly knew that the pup must be worried. She tried to make her voice sound more soothing as she said reassuringly, "Come on little prince. Once you're safe, Tokino will be safe. I won't let anything happen to either of you." She hoped that the pup trusted her. They were almost to the small hill now. Once there, Firefly would carefully watch the pup and his father. If her alpha needed her, she would go to his side. There was no way Fly would let her pack down and let the pup get hurt, but she also was not about to let the little prince grow up without a father.
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina

Tokino dodged, dipped, ducked, and dodged constantly avoiding the moose's flying hooves. He always made sure to keep himself a few steps out of reach, but his back leg had already buckled a few times as the gray wolf ran about. He himself was not tired, but his freshly healed leg was losing strength quickly. It did not have the muscle mass that Kino's other three legs still held. The older male hoped that someone would come soon, or he might make a mistake and get clipped by the cow's hoof.

That was when a small rust form sped out beside him. Tokino expelled a small sigh of relief as Inali joined the male in distracting the moose. He couldn't help but laugh as the speedy she wolf easily dodged all the attacks the cow aimed towards her.

You are just in time. My leg isn't going to hold out for much longer! Tokino growled as his back leg buckled for the fourth time and his body swerved to the left just behind Inali. Catching himself swiftly and putting more distance between he and the moose, Tokino let Inali do the rest of the closer work. Instead the male continued snarling and growling at the moose from his somewhat safer position.


.What is this? the cow moose jerked back for a moment as a second wolf joined the first. She bellowed at the red furred creature as it took the gray wolfs original position and began snapping at her. She knew that wolves traveled in packs that could be small or large. However she had hoped that this wolf had been a stupid loner. Loners were usually easy to scare away, and the cow had no idea why these two creatures were still dogging her. With a loud snort the moose stomped forwards trying to get at the gray wolf who was backing away. Her front legs flailed about as the cow swept at the smaller faster she wolf. I am not impressed by your stupidity! The cow groaned as she jerked forwards heading for Inali.

Like a mystery without a clue
Minka & Tokino
There is no me if I cannot have you